Breastfeeding an older baby at WDW

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LuluLovesDisney said:
can a woman who has had a breast reduction/breast implants still breast feed in most cases?

It depends. Best to ask the surgeon that did the reduction/enlargement. In most cases, implants do not interfere with nursing since the existing breast tissue is not disturbed. Results really vary with breastfeeding after reduction. In some cases, many of the milk ducts are severed during surgery and attaining a full supply is not possible. OTOH, often moms who BFAR have no problems whatsoever. HOWEVER, even if a mom can't reach a full milk supply even after trying all the "tricks of the trade" she can always offer formula supplements AT the breast via a nursing supplementer. There are different kinds, but all feature a bag or bottle that can hold the supplement and a tube that can be taped to moms nipple. Baby may be getting formula along with the breastmilk, but at least he can feed AT the breast and enjoy all the benefits that come along with that.

has lots of good info on nursing after a reduction.
welovedis said:
So since I didn't do illegal drugs, wasn't on cancer meds (at that time) and don't have AIDS, then I guess I should have BF my son, huh? Wow, that is the same type of "blanket" comment that is being jumped on by both sides on this issue. You have no right to pass judgement on anyone for what they choose or what was imposed on them by their doctors

I think the problem here is that doctors WERE misinforming people - and still are, sadly enough (more so in the OB/GYN practice than in the Pediatric practice since they actually read the AAP guidelines for feeding babies). So, *should* your son have had breastmilk? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean you *could* have breastfed necessarily, based on what information and support you were given.
Goobergal99 said:
A woman who thinks that someone is being selfish for choosing not to breast feed is a bfing nazi and I am allowed to express my feelings.

I'm sure the jewish population appreciates it whenever someone uses the term Nazi.

You don't want to breastfeed--your perogative. However--people who use that term--mean more than just those who tell you your wrong for doing what you are doing.

It's an inappropriate and insensitive term.

You can't fight what the law says--and it won't get changed EVER. A woman has the right to feed her baby/child as she wishes to and the baby/child has a right to nourishment.

My child is almost 3 and still nursed. We are working on weaning. But comfort is part of it. While she is still getting some benefit from bm--she's getting most of her benefit via comfort. She would have been weaned when she was 2--except she sustained very serious 2nd degree burns on her feet. It was very traumatic--and nursing was the only the that allowed her to calm down "just a little". Her toes now are just fine and beautiful as ever--but the notion to wean her then was gone and I personally don't have a problem with that.

And until you become an "expert" in the area--your opinions are just that--opinions. You don't nurse, never will nurse, never want to nurse. So you don't have that expertise. And you don't work in the field that deals with nursing mommas. So you don't have that.

The only explanation you really need--the law is on the side of the woman....the one who breastfeeds.
welovedis said:
For those who have mentioned that they have no problem with children asking questions, I'd appreciate some advice for my DS, 8, who has a form of autism. While he understands the concept of BF and has seen it before in public and in our friends' homes, etc....I have been having trouble with him staring at women who are BFIP lately--mostly when there is most of their breast(s) exposed. Some of them have been really outspoken and made comments (why doesn't he just take a picture, can't you teach your son some manners, etc..) and I'm wondering if I should say something to them or try to have him apologize for his staring. We usually don't say much about his issues unless he is really out of hand, but now that he is older people think he is being rude and that is not the case. TIA for your suggestions. :)

I think that's totally your decision. My daughter is high-functioning and often has "inappropriate" staring issues or comments. I would say do what you're comfortable with. If you typically discuss his autism with others, and feel comfortable with it, you could certainly apologize - not FOR him, necessarily (not that you would) but something like "I'm sorry - he's fascinated with babies" or "I'm sorry - he's not trying to be rude, he's just interested" or even "my son is autistic and was just trying to see what was going on - I'm sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable"
AnaheimGirl said:
Take mine: There is no difference in the bonds I have with my two kids. In fact, my feeding time felt more special with my bottle-fed daughter, because she could look straight up at me, make eye contact and I could see in her eyes that she was responding to my words, strokes, etc. My breastfed daughter, with her head buried in my breast and her eyes closed, well, it hardly felt like she even noticed I was there.

Keep in mind that this isn't the norm - how many "bottle proppers" are out there? :rolleyes:

You formula fed your baby as if you were breastfeeding her - I see what the point is that you're trying to make about social interaction during feedings, but the fact is - it was mama, holding her, loving her, while she ate. It creates a bond in a very similar way to breastfeeding. :goodvibes
pjupton said:
Was she lactose intolerant? Or allergic to milk proteins?

Lactose intolerance in infants is extremely rare. Milk protein intolerance/allergy, however, is not. Lots of moms need to avoid all dairy products while nursing. Some children outgrow this and some don't. I'm sorry if you got poor advice when your baby was little.

ROFL! Um - breast milk is 100% absorbable. Sometimes moms have to alter their diet a bit, but what a hoot. Force feeding soy formula is more the case.
I've been following this post and decided to finally chime in. My kids were given formula only. I didn't bf b/c I couldn't, for reasons I don't want to get into, but even if I could have, I can't say I would have. For people saying how awful formula is, well, I disagree. There are many, many formula fed babies that are healthy as can be. My mother didn't bf me and I'm 41 and healthy. My DD who is 10 is very healthy and my DS who is 8 has never been sick a day in his life. His pediatrician is always commenting on what an awsome immune system DS has. To choose to bf is an individual's choice. But formula feeding is also a choice, and I take offense at some of the posts that imply that it is a bad choice. And as far as a post I read about there being no bond like a bf baby and his mother share, well, that, imo, is sooo bogus. I bonded very strongly with both of my formula fed babies.
Goobergal99 said:
A woman who thinks that someone is being selfish for choosing not to breast feed is a bfing nazi and I am allowed to express my feelings.

This is HORRIBLE! The Nazis were people who massacred thousands for ethnic cleansing. You cannot compare a proud mother with strong beliefs to insane maniacs who gassed their fellow countrymen in some evil attempt to rid their country of the Jewish people. They murdered women and children. To use the termwe "nazi" so loosely is to minimize what was done by Hitler and those who followed him. It is absolutely unbelievable that you would not realize the wrongness of using that term so loosely.

Honestly, I'm sorry if you are so defensive about this. I am. I'm sorry that this obviously hurts you. I'm sorry that you were fed so much misinformation. Truly, I am. But don't call me an evil name because I feel passionately about something that is very close to my heart. Maybe my life is pathetic. But my passions really are breastfeeding, parenting, mothering, teaching. These things I believe strongly in. I would defend them. It is up to those who have the knowledge to share the knowledge or we will remain a society that feeds our children foods that have been proven to injure digestive systems (intestinal bleeding), cause childhood diseases (diabetes), contribute to the country's problem of overweightness, etc.

For example, if a mother didn't know to buckle up her child, you would want to get her a carseat, right? You'd want to teach her correctly. You wouldn't dislike that mother. You wouldn't be angry with the mother if she truly didn't know anything about carseats. You'd want to help her. That is what this thread is all about... teaching other mamas about breastfeeding. I failed at nursing my oldest long term because there was so much I didn't know! If I had had someone take me aside and tell me the TRUTH instead of the lies that are spread throughout from the formula companies, maybe we wouldn't have failed.
allie&mattsmom said:
But formula feeding is also a choice, and I take offense at some of the posts that imply that it is a bad choice. And as far as a post I read about there being no bond like a bf baby and his mother share, well, that, imo, is sooo bogus. I bonded very strongly with both of my formula fed babies.

It's not a bad choice, it just isn't the best choice for most babies. Babies are esigned to eat breastmilk, formula just can't compete. The facts are that babies brains and eyes develop more rapidly with breastmilk, they have extra immunities, protection against SIDS, etc. etc. The fact is though that many moms don't have the support and information they need to breastfeed successfully, so they make the only choice they feel they have. It isn't moms that should be attacked. It's the medical community and the formula companies.
allie&mattsmom said:
I didn't bf b/c I couldn't, for reasons I don't want to get into, but even if I could have, I can't say I would have. For people saying how awful formula is, well, I disagree. There are many, many formula fed babies that are healthy as can be.

"As healthy as can be"... Yes, now with the lipids, etc. added in they are as healthy as *they* can be... but they are not breastmilk. As for the disagreeing part, that is pure speculation and opinion. Soy, with it's amazingly high estrogen values, is not healthy.

See Link:

Please, feel free to do a search on soy formula warnings on google. You will be shocked and horrified at what you read. We attempted to feed our daughter soy formula!!!! As a matter of fact, we attempted to give her anything that would stop the diahrrea she was having from breastmilk! I didn't know WHAT she was allergic to and, finally, switched her to a goat's milk formula to get relief. It was the only thing she could tolerate. Sadly, I didn't know any better. I didn't know how to adjust my diet or for how long.

There are plenty of people who drink Kool-Aid every day and they are the picture of health. I could say that I disagree that Kool-Aid is unhealthy. It doesn't make it so. It has a massive amount of white sugar (and you *don't* want to know the processes that sugar undergoes) along with food dye. But I could argue that it is mostly water and therefore has a redeeming value. A lot of people drink Sunny Delight because of the added vitamins. It's not healthy. It's a sugar drink pumped up with vitamins.

My mother didn't bf me and I'm 41 and healthy. My DD who is 10 is very healthy and my DS who is 8 has never been sick a day in his life. His pediatrician is always commenting on what an awsome immune system DS has. To choose to bf is an individual's choice. But formula feeding is also a choice, and I take offense at some of the posts that imply that it is a bad choice. And as far as a post I read about there being no bond like a bf baby and his mother share, well, that, imo, is sooo bogus. I bonded very strongly with both of my formula fed babies.

We don't know how much effect our diet has on our health. I am healthy. I was formula fed. But, I won't know if the diabetes I develop in 10 years or the cancerous tumor I have to have removed in 12 years is a result of formula. Also, no ONE would argue that you don't have a strong bond with your babies. I have a strong bond with my formula fed baby too. However, I'm not the only mother that has both nursed and formula fed that has said that the bond is different. Not weaker, just different. You can argue, but then again you don't KNOW. Haven't been there, haven't done that...
BlsdMama said:
"As healthy as can be"... Yes, now with the lipids, etc. added in they are as healthy as *they* can be... but they are not breastmilk. As for the disagreeing part, that is pure speculation and opinion. Soy, with it's amazingly high estrogen values, is not healthy.

We don't know how much effect our diet has on our health. I am healthy. I was formula fed. But, I won't know if the diabetes I develop in 10 years or the cancerous tumor I have to have removed in 12 years is a result of formula. Also, no ONE would argue that you don't have a strong bond with your babies. I have a strong bond with my formula fed baby too. However, I'm not the only mother that has both nursed and formula fed that has said that the bond is different. Not weaker, just different. You can argue, but then again you don't KNOW. Haven't been there, haven't done that...

First of all, i didn't mean "as healthy as they can be" like that, I meant they are very healthy. Again, you are entitled to your opinion and entitled to support your choice. I really could care less. My post was to state exactly what i said, that i feel my formula fed babies are no worse off for being formula fed. Again my opinion! And finally, with regard to your comment about me being able to argue, but I don't know, well whatever. I was not arguing and i refuse to argue on these boards. I have more important issues in my life. Lastly, DON'T tell me I don't KNOW! You have no idea what I know and what I don't know and exactly whether or not I haven't been there done that. You don't know. And just b/c you have bottle fed and bf doesn't mean you KNOW either.
BlsdMama said:
This is HORRIBLE! The Nazis were people who massacred thousands for ethnic cleansing. You cannot compare a proud mother with strong beliefs to insane maniacs who gassed their fellow countrymen in some evil attempt to rid their country of the Jewish people. They murdered women and children. To use the termwe "nazi" so loosely is to minimize what was done by Hitler and those who followed him. It is absolutely unbelievable that you would not realize the wrongness of using that term so loosely.

Honestly, I'm sorry if you are so defensive about this. I am. I'm sorry that this obviously hurts you. I'm sorry that you were fed so much misinformation. Truly, I am. But don't call me an evil name because I feel passionately about something that is very close to my heart. Maybe my life is pathetic. But my passions really are breastfeeding, parenting, mothering, teaching. These things I believe strongly in. I would defend them. It is up to those who have the knowledge to share the knowledge or we will remain a society that feeds our children foods that have been proven to injure digestive systems (intestinal bleeding), cause childhood diseases (diabetes), contribute to the country's problem of overweightness, etc.

For example, if a mother didn't know to buckle up her child, you would want to get her a carseat, right? You'd want to teach her correctly. You wouldn't dislike that mother. You wouldn't be angry with the mother if she truly didn't know anything about carseats. You'd want to help her. That is what this thread is all about... teaching other mamas about breastfeeding. I failed at nursing my oldest long term because there was so much I didn't know! If I had had someone take me aside and tell me the TRUTH instead of the lies that are spread throughout from the formula companies, maybe we wouldn't have failed.

i am not the only one here who has used the term, i did not mean it as a comparison to killing whole cultures of ppl. Just that they try and push their beliefs on ppl in the same fashion the nazis did with their faschist beliefs. I am sorry if I offended you so maliciously. I was not calling you Adolf
05ChristmasSurprise said:
lillygator said:
becca011906 said:
We're adopting this year and, yes, we're also breastfeeding!

WOOHOO!!!!!! Congratulations on BOTH counts!!!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

A friend of mine adopted her beautiful son as an infant. I am proud to be part of her "breastfeeding support team".

(...and she is still breastfeeding him at age 3. :) )
Okay folks, I'm closing this one down. There were too many personal attacks going on to allow it to continue.

Why can't we agree to disagree on the topic of breast feeding and how long folks should do it? To me it's your kid, your breasts, your decision.
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