"Bon Voyage to The Page Family" Photos and Trip Report Links Added!!!

Where are the dang 'Puffs' when you need them?????
Jeanny, I love your post! That's so cool Andy. Who is your source!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nate's dad Eric just called me "Live from the Magic" actually he called to say he had just returned from Topsiders where he was eating some very tasty jumbo shrimp for lunch, and here I am at home eating a bag of chips, waiting for my DW to come home from food shopping. Thanks Eric for rubbing that in, LOL!!!

Eric said that they are indeed getting the V.I.P. Treatment, and he and Chris wanted to thank everybody that had a part in making their welcome on the ship so memorable. They could not believe the amount of gifts they found in their stateroom when they walked in the door. Chris is a little upset with all of us DIS'ers, as we made her make up run, because of the tears that were rolling down her face. She was deeply touched, as was Eric and the boys. Eric also said there was a giant basket with all kinds of goodies for the boys, and some Mickey Mouse stuffies, and even some matching t-shirts for the family.

A special thank you for Eye R.N. who made them their pin trading lanyards, Eric told me that Nate has somehow already exchanged some pins, and that Nate's pin lanyard was made special just for him.

Eric will be given a private tour of the bridge during the cruise, which he is very excited about.

In closing Eric said that they will be posting on the boards sometime during the week, so everyone will have to keep an eye out for that.

I wish I could relay to you, the excitement and joy, that I heard, not only in Eric's voice, but in Chris' voice as well, and I thought I might have heard Nate in the background.

My DW just walked in the door from shopping, and I am sharing all this news with her as I type, she is standing here beaming from ear to ear, with tears running down her face now.

Bon Voyage Page Family, Bon Voyage!!! Have a MAGICal week!!!
I have not posted on these boards much, but I have followed this family over the past few weeks. You guys have been great to them and I know that this will give them so many wonderful memories.
I wanted to add to this thread that when I spoke to Andy a little while ago concerning the Pages - he was very emotional - to all of those that did contribute in their own way - remember that there are paybacks for good also - we too must remember D.A.I.D for he made it extra special by not only the upgrade but seeing that this family has the opportunity to make extra special memories happen and most of all to whom that made it all happen for special children such as Nate. In other words - there are so many folks that deserve so much for their part in this - May God be with each and all always.
With heartful love to all
Shirley and Norm (my love of 62 yrs)
Originally posted by snelsonbrown
I wanted to add to this thread that when I spoke to Andy a little while ago concerning the Pages - he was very emotional - to all of those that did contribute in their own way - remember that there are paybacks for good also - we too must remember D.A.I.D for he made it extra special by not only the upgrade but seeing that this family has the opportunity to make extra special memories happen and most of all to whom that made it all happen for special children such as Nate. In other words - there are so many folks that deserve so much for their part in this - May God be with each and all always.
With heartful love to all
Shirley and Norm (my love of 62 yrs)

And also remember to keep Shirley and Norm in your prayers, Norm is still having a rough time of it, and Shirley is such a sweetheart, she wouldn't ask for any favors on her own, so I will do it for her!!! You both are in our prayers and thoughts Shirley and Norm!!!
that we all could be standing dockside with a huge banner shouting " Bon Voyage Page family " Andy you have definitely out done yourself and deserve a huge " Atta Boy ", for a job well done. Also a big THANKS for all of you who made this trip possible and very special.

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Originally posted by disny4ever
that we all could be standing dockside with a huge banner shouting " Bon Voyage Page family " Andy you have definitely out done yourself and deserve a huge " Atta Boy ", for a job well done. Also a big THANKS for all of you who made this trip possible and very special.

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

My DW and I tried to get a flight to Florida last night and surprise the Page Family at the airport, but alas, it was not to be, we thought of it too late.

We were going to stay with my cousin that lives about 15 minutes from Port Canaveral, and stand at Jetty Park and take photos of the Magic as she sailed by. Oh, it's getting near the five o'clock hour, got to check on the port cam, I already have some photos of the Magic in port, going to see if I can get some of the ship heading up the channel.
Just checked the web cam and it is so covered with rain drops you can't see anything :( Maybe it is angels all crying tears of joy that Nate and his family are finally on their cruise.
Now it's time to head to the Two Palms cam!!!
There they go! Have a MAGICal cruise everyone!
I managed to get some nice shots of the Magic as it went past two palms!!!
we also watched the magic go bye ...... just minutes ago
Nate and family are on their way!!! Have a MAGICal Journey!!!

I wasn't able to be online today to watch the Page Family set sail, but thanks Andy for the thread. It was lovely.

Godspeed, Nate and family.



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