Blue Lives Matter - The 101st Law enforcement Officer was Killed Yesterday

I just word checked the DOJ report titled Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department Dated March4, 2015. The word Corruption never appeared in the report.

Again, it appears you are finding ways to excuse and defend the dirty cops you say you do not suppport. That's a big part of the disconnect. Instead of looking at something like the DOJ report on what was going on in Ferguson and trying to learn from it and understand how things could go so wrong, you want to make excuses and play word games in an effort to dismiss it.
Again, it appears you are finding ways to excuse and defend the dirty cops you say you do not suppport. That's a big part of the disconnect. Instead of looking at something like the DOJ report on what was going on in Ferguson and trying to learn from it and understand how things could go so wrong, you want to make excuses and play word games in an effort to dismiss it.

What, You said the report called out widespread corruption, Yet there is no mention of Wide Spread Corruption in the report. The report does mention that the Town of Ferguson was aggressive in municipal revenue generation and forced the Police to do that. There are many examples of bad Police behavior in the report. It doesn't say out of how many arrests did this happen but states that first and fourth amendment rights are violated. I believe the abuse of power is performed by the municipal government, the courts and the police. So please don't say something exists when it doesn't. Your whole argument is destroyed when one falsehood is exposed.
Wow. You will pull out anything you can possibly find to keep your racism alive and well.

There it is the triple dog racist. Took a while but out it came.

Here is a news report of Officer Holder Sister and Al Sharpton's response this was after the Thursday Arraignment of the Low Life Scum, Tyrone Howard. Al Sharpton had the Prayer Vigil Yesterday.

Sherry Holder, the sister of Office Randolph Holder who was shot in the head in East Harlem while pursuing suspect Tyrone Howard, loudly asked where Sharpton was in light of the murder of a black police officer.
Sharpton responded Thursday and issued the following statement: “The murder of NYPD Officer Randolph Holder is an outrage to all of us, which is why I tweeted prayers and condolences to the family of Mr. Holder at 5:00 a.m. the morning after the shooting and why my staff attended the prayer vigil for him last night conducted by the Mayor’s Clergy Advisory Council. I also made calls yesterday attempting to visit the family. I am glad Mr. Holder’s sister asked where I am today and maybe she will facilitate my visiting the family and be a part of our vigil this weekend to memorialize a celebrated police officer who was killed by a menace to society. By all accounts, Officer Holder was a good man and a good police officer and we mourn his loss.”

Hey he tweeted, that's something right.
What, You said the report called out widespread corruption, Yet there is no mention of Wide Spread Corruption in the report. The report does mention that the Town of Ferguson was aggressive in municipal revenue generation and forced the Police to do that. There are many examples of bad Police behavior in the report. It doesn't say out of how many arrests did this happen but states that first and fourth amendment rights are violated. I believe the abuse of power is performed by the municipal government, the courts and the police. So please don't say something exists when it doesn't. Your whole argument is destroyed when one falsehood is exposed.
I always feel the need to put the disclaimer that I am from a large LE family when I say things like this...

The Furguson Police force has been corrupt for a while. Many reports support this as is the Baltimore PD.

Does that necessary mean all of the cops are bad? NO. But some are and so is the system.

The very PD that my family belongs to(Schenectady County PD) has had corruption found within. Do I think all of the cops are bad? NO. Do I think there are some bad cops? Yes.
What, You said the report called out widespread corruption, Yet there is no mention of Wide Spread Corruption in the report. The report does mention that the Town of Ferguson was aggressive in municipal revenue generation and forced the Police to do that. There are many examples of bad Police behavior in the report. It doesn't say out of how many arrests did this happen but states that first and fourth amendment rights are violated. I believe the abuse of power is performed by the municipal government, the courts and the police. So please don't say something exists when it doesn't. Your whole argument is destroyed when one falsehood is exposed.

There's no falsehood. The report describes many instances of abuse of power and corruption. Abusing their power to generate revenue is corrupt.
Violating the rights of people in the community for personal and professional gain is corrupt.
I always feel the need to put the disclaimer that I am from a large LE family when I say things like this...

The Furguson Police force has been corrupt for a while. Many reports support this as is the Baltimore PD.

Does that necessary mean all of the cops are bad? NO. But some are and so is the system.

The very PD that my family belongs to(Schenectady County PD) has had corruption found within. Do I think all of the cops are bad? NO. Do I think there are some bad cops? Yes.

I think that no one disagrees with you. However again the Poster said the report called out Wide Spread Corruption. That is probably the only thing the report doesn't say. Overzealous Policing, Unfair treatment of the African American community, and a very heavy push by the local government to increase revenues by traffic Violations, Summons, and any other method.
There's no falsehood. The report describes many instances of abuse of power and corruption. Abusing their power to generate revenue is corrupt.
Violating the rights of people in the community for personal and professional gain is corrupt.

Who gained professionally or personally? Was money taken from the town treasury and used to line the pockets of the Mayor, City Council or the Police. Or was the town trying to make up for lost revenue due to the tax base eroding. Hey I don't know, but there was mention of any form of corruption in the report.
I think that no one disagrees with you. However again the Poster said the report called out Wide Spread Corruption. That is probably the only thing the report doesn't say. Overzealous Policing, Unfair treatment of the African American community, and a very heavy push by the local government to increase revenues by traffic Violations, Summons, and any other method.

That is corruption. The report might not use that term but that is what it describes.
Wait.... are you saying... if someone does not like Al Sharpton, they are a racist?

I didn't know people liked Al Sharpton.

Al Sharpton is the biggest racist of all. He still never apologized for the whole tawana brawley fiasco and he helped ruin Steven Pagones life. Why isn't Sharpton in jail for all the millions he's owes in unpaid taxes? Can anyone answer me that?
Who gained professionally or personally? Was money taken from the town treasury and used to line the pockets of the Mayor, City Council or the Police. Or was the town trying to make up for lost revenue due to the tax base eroding. Hey I don't know, but there was mention of any form of corruption in the report.

You are thinking of just a narrow example of corruption.
Police corruption doesn't have to mean they were lining anyone's pockets with the money. They were lining the City's pockets which in turn benefited their department and themselves.
Unless you are saying they got no benefits from abusing their power and just did it because they enjoyed it.
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Wait.... are you saying... if someone does not like Al Sharpton, they are a racist?

I didn't know people liked Al Sharpton.

Oh come on. It's a huge leap to say that's what was meant.
These threads always end up the same: Al Sharpton.
It's dumb.
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There it is the triple dog racist. Took a while but out it came.

Here is a news report of Officer Holder Sister and Al Sharpton's response this was after the Thursday Arraignment of the Low Life Scum, Tyrone Howard. Al Sharpton had the Prayer Vigil Yesterday.

Sherry Holder, the sister of Office Randolph Holder who was shot in the head in East Harlem while pursuing suspect Tyrone Howard, loudly asked where Sharpton was in light of the murder of a black police officer.
Sharpton responded Thursday and issued the following statement: “The murder of NYPD Officer Randolph Holder is an outrage to all of us, which is why I tweeted prayers and condolences to the family of Mr. Holder at 5:00 a.m. the morning after the shooting and why my staff attended the prayer vigil for him last night conducted by the Mayor’s Clergy Advisory Council. I also made calls yesterday attempting to visit the family. I am glad Mr. Holder’s sister asked where I am today and maybe she will facilitate my visiting the family and be a part of our vigil this weekend to memorialize a celebrated police officer who was killed by a menace to society. By all accounts, Officer Holder was a good man and a good police officer and we mourn his loss.”

Hey he tweeted, that's something right.

He's speaking at Officer Holder's funeral. I'll sit back and see how you spin that.
Al Sharpton is the biggest racist of all. He still never apologized for the whole tawana brawley fiasco and he helped ruin Steven Pagones life. Why isn't Sharpton in jail for all the millions he's owes in unpaid taxes? Can anyone answer me that?

He was dead wrong the Brawley case. but what about Yusuf Hawkins, Michael Griffin, Abner Louima, Amadou Diallo....


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