Bibbidi-Bobbidi-DEUX our own kind of marathon ~ A Nov '14 TR ~ Updated 11/2 ~ THE END

Now since Jorie was still talking about riding EE, we headed back there to see if it was up and running yet. It was!! But the FP line was insanely long! – thankfully it moved pretty quickly.

Yeti or not, here we go!

Umm, there doesn’t seem to be any track!

I sure hope the lady in front of Jorie knows the man sitting in front of her, haha!

So did Expedition Everest live up to Jorie’s expectations?

It sure did!!!! Two thumbs way up!

Her trip was now complete, ha!

By now it was about 2:20, and time to head out of the park. On our way we stopped at Island Mercantile to do some Vinylmation and pin trading. (I’ve since read that the last day to trade vinylmations in WDW was Feb. 5th. Anyone know if this is true? If it is, I haven’t broken the news to my kids yet. They will be so upset. They are still trying to get over the fact that the Hat won't be there when they go back.:sad1:)

The kids pin traded from a really cute Tree of Life, which sadly I didn’t take any pics of it. There were some serious pin traders there eying the pins that my kids were giving up and I noticed that they scooped them up as we walked away.

Before we left the park, I checked the Character Locator app to see if we could fit in a DiVine sighting, but it looked like she was only out earlier in the day. So we headed out the gates and to the bus stop. As our bus pulled away, we said farewell to AK. It always makes me sad saying goodbye to a park knowing that we wouldn’t be back again until next trip.

AK Firsts

Back at Kidani, It would have been a crime not to pose with the Timon elevator.

I had thought about trying to fit some pool time in here, but there wasn’t quite enough time. I didn’t want to feel rushed getting to dinner plus we’d be checking out of the room very early the next morning, so Joe and I started packing up our things ahead of time while the kids relaxed and watched some television.

We freshened up and changed for dinner. We were heading to Downtown Disney for the night, so I had made a comment that we didn’t need our Magic Bands. So we left them all lay on the island in the kitchen and out the door we went. Well as soon as the door clicked shut, Joe and I looked at each other and we immediately realized the mistake that we had made. How would we get back into our room without our Magic Bands? So instead of going to the bus stop, we headed for the lobby to tell them what had happened.

The kids stopped to check out the animals out in the Savanna on the way.

When we got to the lobby, we told the CMs at the front desk that we had left all of our magic bands in our room and they were able to make us a Key to the World card to use to get back in. Crisis averted. Phew!

Then we headed to the bus stop and off to Downtown Disney we went!

We stopped in Pin Traders... that the kids could do some more Vinylmation trading.

When we left Pin Traders I did a double take when I saw a familiar face… it was Sam (xoSamma) As we walked past her, I told her that I loved her trip reports, she said thanks and I kept walking (since I'm socially awkward like that). Joe asked me who she was and I told him that I had followed along with her trip reports, but since I’m a lurker I knew that she would have no idea who I was. He asked why I didn’t get a photo for my trip report. He was right, why didn’t I get a pic together?! I wasn’t that far away, but when I turned around, she was gone. I looked around and spotted her but she was pretty far away in the opposite direction and since I didn’t want to bother her while she was working, I kept going. So that was my first ever dismeet (kind of, sort of) Yeah nevermind, it was a complete fail. Whomp, whomp

Then we did some shopping in World of Disney.

It was almost time for our 5:45 ADR so we made our way to the restaurant. It was a further walk than I was expecting and with all of the construction we had a hard time finding it.
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But then we spotted a sign so we knew that we must be close.

And then we saw it! Whoo hoo! We made it

We checked in with the hostess and were given a buzzer. We headed back outside while we waited.

From the looks of it, I’m guessing that Donovan was not in the mood for photos.

We only waited a few minutes before our buzzer went off. We were led a couple steps inside to a booth right at the front of the restaurant. It was nice and roomy for the 6 of us, trouble was we couldn’t see the stage at all. So that was a big disappointment. Jorie takes Irish Dance lessons so I had booked the ADR specifically so that we could watch the dancers. Oh well, can’t win them all.

Our waitress took our drink order and said that we were welcome to walk up closer so that we could see the stage. The girls were excited to watch the dancers, so Joe took them up. I knew that I’d feel awkward standing next to tables of people that I didn’t know while they were eating their dinners, so I stayed back with Donovan & Bronwyn. One of the dancers noticed Jorie’s ghillies (irish dance soft shoes) and asked her if she wanted to perform. Of course she did! Joe quickly came back to the booth and told us that Jorie was getting up on stage. She did her reel in front of the whole restaurant!

It was pretty amazing to hear the whole restaurant clapping to the Irish music while Jorie did her steps.

She was so proud of herself

We placed our dinner orders and while we were waiting for our food, more dancers came by and asked the kids if they wanted to dance. So we followed them to a little side room where the dancers giving a lesson.

The restaurant was pretty dark so my photos didn’t turn out that great but you get the idea.

The girls had a lot of fun!
Once we were back at our booth, we didn't wait much longer for our food to arrive.

We started off with Mighty Mussels

- 1/2lb of fresh Blue Hill Bay mussels in a coconut infused curry broth

Along with a side of garlic parmesan & truffle oil skinny chips.

They were perfect for dipping in the Mussel broth. Yum!

For my entrée, I ordered the It's not bleedin' Chowder!

- That's what Master Chef said! It's the freshest cuts of seafood & potatoes in a white wine infused cream broth. But it’s not chowder. Ok?

I really didn’t know what to expect based on the menu description. But I’m sure glad I ordered it. It was out of this world good!

And Joe ordered the Fish & Chips

- Our famous beer battered fish & chips served with our fresh tartar sauce

Donovan ordered the Macaroni N Cheese

Macaroni pasta with Dubliner cheese

Jorie got the Young Shepherd’s Pie

Traditional Shepherd’s Pie with our contemporary twist to this favorite dish

Isla ordered the Crispy Shrimp
Succulent deep fried shrimp

And Bronwyn sampled off of everyone’s plates.

We were all stuffed to our gills but you can’t go to Raglan Road without ordering the Ger’s Bread & Butter Pudding, right?

Like no other pudding you have ever tried.
Believe us.

Oh my word, it was heaven on a plate!!!

And during one of our conversations with our waitress, it had come up that we were celebrating Bronwyn’s birthday. So she brought out a huge bowl of ice cream for the occasion.

The food at Raglan Road definitely lived up to all of the hype. Everything was fabulous. My only complaint would be our seating location because we couldn't see the entertainment. But we'll definitely be back and hopefully next time we'll get a seat in the main area.

Outside the restaurant, I had Isla and Bronwyn hop in the stroller while we waited for Joe and Donovan in the restroom. A CM came up to me and very rudely told me that I did not have my stroller in a designated "stroller parking" area and that I was very lucky that he didn't move it because his manager was in the area. Yikes! That definitely could have put a damper on the nice meal I had just had. But I wasn't going to let him ruin the awesome day we were having

I had been joking with Joe for the past year that nothing was going to stop me from getting my Wolfgang Puck Express Macaroni & Cheese. I had been dreaming of it the way that Jorie had dreamt of EE. I swore that I'd be able to eat my dinner and still be able to eat my Mac & Cheese too. Well now when the time came, I couldn't even imaging eating another bite of anything... even my beloved Mac & Cheese. I never thought that I'd be leaving DD without it, but it was going to have to wait until next trip. So we made our way back to the bus stop and back to Kidani.

It had become a game for the kids to use their Magic Bands to open the hotel door. As we got closer to our room, Donovan took off running so that he could be the first one there. Joe made a comment under his breath "Go ahead Donovan, you go open the door." We just giggled knowing that when he got there, he wouldn't be able to open the door. Well.....when he got to the door, he pushed up his sleeve and wouldn't ya know.... he was wearing his Magic Band!!! He held it up to the door, got the green light and in he went. Joe and I started laughing SO hard. OMG, Donovan was wearing his band the whole time and we didn't even realize it!

Donovan's reaction to the whole thing was "WHAT?" as he shrugged his shoulders. Hahahahahaha It was hilarious. We could not stop laughing... and Donovan really had no idea why we thought it was so funny.

Our magical Day #4 had come to an end. We got the kids ready for bed and then we finished packing up the rest of our stuff. We had (another) early morning ahead of us.

Coming up next time.... We say Goodbye to our villa and Good Morning to a Welcome Show!
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Rachel, how do your kiddos do at Bug's Life? Since you never mentioned it I'm assuming fine, but I know so many littles are terrified in there.

Honestly, I don't see that as playing the system at all. Totally within the rules.

HAHAHAHA, you totally should have done a photo with the stranger. That would have been a hoot. :rotfl2:

Awwww GOOD ON YOU Jorie riding Everest. My goodness look at that smile. :cutie:

I bet you are not the first and certainly not the last to leave the bands in the room. A totally honest mistake. Or is it a mistake by all (yeah I read ahead)?

Oh bummer on the missed DISmeet kinda sorta. BUT, I have a pretty good feeling you'll have another with proof. Call it a gut feeling.

WOW!!! You are having an EPIC day. First a meet with the Lion King crew, and now Jorie performing on stage at Raglan Road. Even a rude CM at the end could not possibly ruin this day. I need to tour with you.

:lmao: OMG that is so funny about the Magic Band. Seems like it's pretty clear who the head of the family is.
Your AK day looks like so much fun! So much awesome pixie dust!! pixiedust:The dinner at RR looks AMAZING!!
Sounds like a fun rest of the day at AK! Jorie's face on EE is so full of joy!! I'm glad she loved it.

Such a cute pic of the kids looking at the animals back at the hotel. Glad you were able to solve the key problem quickly (But so funny that Donovan had on his MB the whole time!).

Love the girls' dresses! That is SO cool that they invited Jorie on stage to dance! Sounds like it was a really amazing dinner.
I have to say I'm obsessed with your trip reports! Not to sound like a stalker. ;)

Do you mind sharing some of your favorite places to get your outfits? Specifically resell? I'm planning on making my daughter some for our upcoming trip but would love other options! Thanks!
I had about a dozen updates to catch up on, so I can't be totally specific, but I'm so glad I got to see the story behind that cast photo. So awesome!!! I still wonder how that CM knew your name?!

And pretty cool you ran into Sam. I am so bummed I missed going to WDW during her DCP!

Jorie getting to dance on stage at Raglan Road is total pixie dust moment too! How awesome for her!

Really enjoyed all of the updates!
Your food looks so good at Raglan.. Yum! We ate there on our most recent trip. Last week, actually. I was in between the fish and chips, chowder, and schnitzel. I definitely should have gone with the chowder. The schnitzel was so disappointing. Your meal looks like it was delicious! The bread and butter pudding was out of this world. Amazing.

I love that Jorie got to perform on the stage in front of everyone. That's so great! I can't believe she went up there with no fear, how awesome!!
Following along. Your family is adorable and those outfits are absolutely incredible. So awesome that you had so many great performer/character interactions. It looks like you put a ton of work and thought into planning and it's definitely payed off!
Finally caught up! Wow, what a day! The stuff Trip Report dreams are made of!

I LOLed at your "Dismeet" because that's totally what I would've done. We are planning on going in May and I'm dragging my feet on starting a PTR but I'd love some fans. LOL

How fun to be able to dance at Raglan! Another awesome experience!
And that is so funny how he had his magic band on. That's great.
Wohoo found your TR! Off to read, maybe I'll spot myself in the background of one of your pics. A shame we never did meet up this trip, If only I'd been thinking and gone over to investigate when i thought I saw the girls at Rope drop.
(It's Erin from FB/customs)
All caught up!
So confession, when I got my dog, (a rhodesian Ridgeback, and the breed comes from Africa) Traditionally for the kennel name it has some sort of african in it. Well I wanted to incorporate Disney in there too. In the end his name was RogueBoma On Fire. Boma being african and Disney. So last trip with V, we ate at Boma for dinner. Both of us hated it LOL. The food was not for me. Poor Puppy. And now I find that Boma doesn't mean what I thought it meant! my translation was kitchen LOL
Love the outfits and everything of course. I remember seeing the Lion King pics on your FB! I somehow thing that maybe we were at HS Studios on the same day. We were on the MK day later, but I could be wrong.
Girls changed so much from your last trip.
Joining in! Loving the report, but truthfully, looking most forward to seeing the next set of OUTFITS!!! Omg! They are simply delightful!! I assume you sew them all, apologies if this has been addressed before and I missed it.
Joining in too! I absolutely LOVE the girls outfits! I would also like to know where you get the dresses at. Can't wait to hear more on your trip and see more dresses

Just in case anyone was going to send out a search party.... I'm here, I'm here! I can't believe it's almost been a month since I've posted. With my last TR, I had made my weekly updates such a priority that by the end I had felt so burnt out. This time, I swore that I wouldn't be so hard on myself....but I've definitely gotten too lenient. I need to find a happy medium! I promise that an update will be coming soon.

Rachel, how do your kiddos do at Bug's Life? Since you never mentioned it I'm assuming fine, but I know so many littles are terrified in there.

Honestly, I don't see that as playing the system at all. Totally within the rules.

HAHAHAHA, you totally should have done a photo with the stranger. That would have been a hoot. :rotfl2:

Awwww GOOD ON YOU Jorie riding Everest. My goodness look at that smile. :cutie:

I bet you are not the first and certainly not the last to leave the bands in the room. A totally honest mistake. Or is it a mistake by all (yeah I read ahead)?

Oh bummer on the missed DISmeet kinda sorta. BUT, I have a pretty good feeling you'll have another with proof. Call it a gut feeling.

WOW!!! You are having an EPIC day. First a meet with the Lion King crew, and now Jorie performing on stage at Raglan Road. Even a rude CM at the end could not possibly ruin this day. I need to tour with you.

:lmao: OMG that is so funny about the Magic Band. Seems like it's pretty clear who the head of the family is.

My kids did great with It's Tough to be a Bug, Rob. The older three had remembered it from our last trip, and were excited to see it again but I was a little worried about how Bronwyn was going to react since she was a little older now. I had her sit on my lap and she did absolutely fine! I did notice that she didn't keep her 3-D glasses on though, haha.

Thank goodness we got to ride EE! If we hadn't, I probably would of had to make a special trip to AK to ride it, just so that I didn't hear Jorie complaining for another year.

You're gut feeling (wink, wink) about a DISmeet coming up, with photo proof, is spot on! hahaha

I KNOW!!!! It was such an EPIC day!!!! SO much magic! And you're welcome to tour with us anytime! (as long as you don't mind wearing coordinating clothes though) One of our future trips are bound to overlap.
Your AK day looks like so much fun! So much awesome pixie dust!! pixiedust:The dinner at RR looks AMAZING!!

It was such a fantastic day! I'm still in shock over the pixie dust that we received!

Sounds like a fun rest of the day at AK! Jorie's face on EE is so full of joy!! I'm glad she loved it.

Such a cute pic of the kids looking at the animals back at the hotel. Glad you were able to solve the key problem quickly (But so funny that Donovan had on his MB the whole time!).

Love the girls' dresses! That is SO cool that they invited Jorie on stage to dance! Sounds like it was a really amazing dinner.

I love that Jorie loved EE so much since it's one of my favorite rides of all time! I know that I'll always have a riding buddy on roller coasters and thrill rides.

Those dresses were fun to design. I picked the fabrics based on the girls' favorite characters.

Ragland Road was great! The food was so good and it was so awesome that Jorie got to dance on stage... I'm sure it will be something that she always remembers getting to do.

I have to say I'm obsessed with your trip reports! Not to sound like a stalker. ;)

Do you mind sharing some of your favorite places to get your outfits? Specifically resell? I'm planning on making my daughter some for our upcoming trip but would love other options! Thanks!

Stalker, haha! I totally know what you mean.... there are just some trip reports that you "click" with and can't get enough of! Sadly two of my favorites TR writers don't seem to be writing anymore. :( Such a bummer.

I buy most of my Disney outfits through Facebook. Most of the groups that I'm in are secret groups where you have to be added by a friend, but if you search for Disney custom resell, some groups should pop up that you can get started with.

I had about a dozen updates to catch up on, so I can't be totally specific, but I'm so glad I got to see the story behind that cast photo. So awesome!!! I still wonder how that CM knew your name?!

And pretty cool you ran into Sam. I am so bummed I missed going to WDW during her DCP!

Jorie getting to dance on stage at Raglan Road is total pixie dust moment too! How awesome for her!

Really enjoyed all of the updates!

Speaking of catching up.... I have about a dozen TRs that I need to catch up on! Life has felt so busy lately.

It was neat seeing a familiar face! I only wish that I hadn't let my shyness get the best of me and would have stayed and chatted with her. I love reading her TRs and watching her trip videos- they're so much fun.

Jorie dancing on stage was an absolutely perfect ending to such a magical day!

Your food looks so good at Raglan.. Yum! We ate there on our most recent trip. Last week, actually. I was in between the fish and chips, chowder, and schnitzel. I definitely should have gone with the chowder. The schnitzel was so disappointing. Your meal looks like it was delicious! The bread and butter pudding was out of this world. Amazing.

I love that Jorie got to perform on the stage in front of everyone. That's so great! I can't believe she went up there with no fear, how awesome!!

Aww, so sorry that your schnitzel wasn't great! We really enjoyed everything that we had there. Next time you'll have to try the chowder, it was fantastic! My hubby has been reading your TR latest dining report - he's so excited to try the Schofferhoffer at F&G.

Jorie definitely loves the attention! (we're not quite sure where she came from, haha, since both Joe and I are both really shy and reserved people)

Following along. Your family is adorable and those outfits are absolutely incredible. So awesome that you had so many great performer/character interactions. It looks like you put a ton of work and thought into planning and it's definitely payed off!

:welcome: Thanks for following along! Aww and thank you for noticing- all of those great character interactions definitely made the hours and hours of trip planning, ALL worth it!

Finally caught up! Wow, what a day! The stuff Trip Report dreams are made of!

I LOLed at your "Dismeet" because that's totally what I would've done. We are planning on going in May and I'm dragging my feet on starting a PTR but I'd love some fans. LOL


Yup total DISmeet fail :rolleyes2 hahaha

You should definitely write a PTR! I've been meaning to to add a mini-PTR for our April/May trip to this TR, but now with only 21 days to go, I'm not sure that's going to happen!

How fun to be able to dance at Raglan! Another awesome experience!
And that is so funny how he had his magic band on. That's great.

Jorie had the time of her life dancing on stage! It was such an awesome experience for her and for us to see her up there. :dance3:

Wohoo found your TR! Off to read, maybe I'll spot myself in the background of one of your pics. A shame we never did meet up this trip, If only I'd been thinking and gone over to investigate when i thought I saw the girls at Rope drop.
(It's Erin from FB/customs)
All caught up!
So confession, when I got my dog, (a rhodesian Ridgeback, and the breed comes from Africa) Traditionally for the kennel name it has some sort of african in it. Well I wanted to incorporate Disney in there too. In the end his name was RogueBoma On Fire. Boma being african and Disney. So last trip with V, we ate at Boma for dinner. Both of us hated it LOL. The food was not for me. Poor Puppy. And now I find that Boma doesn't mean what I thought it meant! my translation was kitchen LOL
Love the outfits and everything of course. I remember seeing the Lion King pics on your FB! I somehow thing that maybe we were at HS Studios on the same day. We were on the MK day later, but I could be wrong.
Girls changed so much from your last trip.

Hi Erin! Glad you found my TR! I'm so bummed that we never had a chance to meet up.

Aww, that's too bad that you didn't like Boma and your dog is named after it. Oh well, it's still a great name even if you hated the restaurant.

The girls definitely have grown since last trip! It's amazing how much they can change in a year.

Joining in! Loving the report, but truthfully, looking most forward to seeing the next set of OUTFITS!!! Omg! They are simply delightful!! I assume you sew them all, apologies if this has been addressed before and I missed it.

:welcome: Thanks for joining in. You'll be happy to hear that there are many more outfits to show off! And boy do I wish that I had the talent to sew them. I mostly buy resells (from other customs moms after their princesses have outgrown them) and then I collaborate with designers to have matching/coordinating sets made.

Joining in too! I absolutely LOVE the girls outfits! I would also like to know where you get the dresses at. Can't wait to hear more on your trip and see more dresses

:welcome:Happy that you're following along. Thank you! Check out Facebook and Etsy for the custom Disney clothes. There are so many talented designers that love Disney and they make some awesome things.
Day 5
Monday, November 10th

4 days in Disney done and we had yet to see the castle…. well that was about to change!

It was time to say goodbye to our villa at Kidani and “Good Morning!” to the Magic Kingdom! The MK Welcome show was high on my priority list for this trip so making it to the park before rope drop was my goal for this morning. I had no idea how long the check-out process was going to take so I made sure that we were all up bright and early… like 6 am early! When we were all showered, dressed and had our room packed up, we made a call down to Bell Services to have our bags picked up. Since we were switching resorts this day, they would have our luggage transferred to our new resort for us which was really nice. We kept our park bag with us along with all of our outfits for the rest of the day. The rest was sent with Bell services and wouldn’t ya know?... they showed up to our door within minutes! We headed down to the lobby and breezed through checkout and were at the bus stop and on a bus to MK shortly after 7am. Whoo hoo for making great time but darn that we could have slept in a little longer! Haha

It was pretty neat seeing the front of the park so empty!


We chatted with some nice CMs and the kids had a fun time seeing what different colors they could make the Mickey turn at the Magic Band touch points. Green is good, most of the other colors may earn you a trip to Guest Services!

Bronwyn passed the time with some twirling, as usual.




We all ate some breakfast of yogurt, muffins and granola bars that we had brought along with us. And Donovan found some CMs to pin trade with.


After a little while of waiting, the magic band sensors were turned on and we were allowed to scan our bands and move inside the gates.



Jorie found a PP photographer and asked her if she could do a magic shot. How cute?!


We grabbed some front row seats and anxiously waited for the show to start!


And soon enough we heard...
"Hello everyone and welcome to the most magical place on earth….the Magic Kingdom!"


Hi there! Good to see you! Hello! Welcome!


Good Morning! Good Morning!
To you!
And you! And you! And you!

Ahhhh! It was just perfect! I’ve always loved this song…. My mom used to sing it to me when I was a little girl.

And then the best part…. hearing the steam train’s whistle and seeing it coming down the track and arriving at the station. From reading TRs, I knew what was coming next!


Mickey and the gang!


Eeek! Look at all of those waiving characters!


And look what princesses were RIGHT in front of the girls! That was pure luck because I had no idea when we picked that spot.


Count nice and loud…

Here. We. GO!

10….. 9…..8….7….6….5….4….3….2….1!!!!!

Welcome to the Magic Kingdom!



The absolute perfect way to start our morning!

We were let inside and we finally got a look at that glorious castle.

Joe lifted up Bronwyn so that she could see….

That little moment was one of my favorite memories of the whole trip. Seeing that pure joy in Bronwyn's eye when she spotted "Rella's castle"

And of course we can’t walk down Main Street without stopping for some PP pics.

Obligatory Castle Photo!

Now while most people were headed to meet the Frozen sisters or ride the Mine Train…we made The Main Street Bakery our first stop for some caffeine of course!

Our first FP+ wasn’t good until 9:20-10:20, so we headed to Peter Pan’s Flight in the meantime. It was our first ride on our last trip and now it was our first MK ride on this trip. And ironically, I didn’t take any pics last time and I didn’t take any this time either, ha! We had about a 25-30 minute wait even though it was right after rope drop. There was a super sweet lady in line in front of us who kept the kids entertained by talking about all sorts of things Disney. I’m not sure if she was a CM or not but if she wasn’t, she sure would make a great one!

Our first FP+ was one that I was super excited to get back 180 days before when I had booked it (at midnight!) We headed to New Fantasyland for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train!

With a height requirement of 38 inches, Bronwyn was too short to ride, so we made sure to grab our rider switch pass. Joe stayed back with Bronwyn while I took the older three kids on first.

Donovan was not happy that I was “strongly encouraging” him to ride!

We made Jorie 7 again so that she could ride with Donovan and I rode with Isla. I was bummed that we didn’t get put in the same car.

Here we go!

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