Bibbidi-Bobbidi-DEUX our own kind of marathon ~ A Nov '14 TR ~ Updated 11/2 ~ THE END

November 6, 2014

We were flying out of Philadelphia International airport this time around and had decided that we would drive to and park at the airport the morning of our flight. Our track record with being late to umm, yeah pretty much everything, had me a little worried. I had vowed to myself to have all of my ironing, packing and cleaning done well ahead of time. Well when sickness had hit our house the weeks leading up to the trip, that plan went out the window. Joe and I had finally gone to bed around 10 PM and our alarm was set for a dreaded 1:30 am. Ouch!

I'm not even sure if I did sleep, I was too darn excited. So there's no surprise that I happily jumped out of bed when that alarm went off, the day was finally here, we were going back HOME! Here we go-o-o!

We were all up, showered, dressed and piling into the packed-full Yukon by 3am -only a half hour after the planned departure time of 2:30, so not too bad except for the fact that it was pouring down rain. I was on edge the whole ride and kicking myself that we hadn't rented a hotel room at the airport. But we ended up making great time and were pulling into Smart Park by 4 and arriving at the Southwest gate by 4:15. We did curbside check-in and were through Security in no time. The whole travel portion of the trip is what I dread the most. But so far so good. The kids were all in good spirits, even Isla who we all know is NOT a morning person. Lol

We decided to get some breakfast at Guava & Java.

And before we knew it, they were announcing Family boarding (thank you Bronwyn for being under 5) and we were picking our seats on the plane!

Our 6:00 flight took off right on time and the kids kept themselves occupied with sticker books, their Kindles, and of course snacks during the 2 ½ hour plane ride.

We landed, stopped for a quick (or not so quick being a family of 6) bathroom break, donned our Magic Bands, and headed for the Fake-o-rail.

Walt Disney World…. here we come!

Well after walking in what felt like circles, and asking a janitor for directions, we finally found the Magical Express desk. Isla had the honors of scanning her Magic Band first and she got the Green Mickey! Yay!

Then we hopped in line for our resort. No line!

Bronwyn was dancing with delight! We were getting SO close!

We boarded a very full Magical Express Bus and we were on our way!

The kids were excited to watch DME TV and I was excited to see THIS! Yay!

After stops at AOA,

and POP,

We finally made it to Animal Kingdom Lodge!

First stop was Jambo House and by the time we were being dropped off at Kidani Village, it was only us and one other family left on the bus.

When we arrived in the lobby, we were greeted by name! They must have been expecting us! I snapped a quick pic, that turned out really dark, but the lobby in just beautiful! The large window facing the Savanna is breathtaking.

Our villa wasn't ready yet so we were told that we'd get a text when it was and then we headed to the restrooms to freshen up and change. Then girls and I found Joe and Donovan in the Community Hall talking with a sweet CM from South Africa about ostriches. She started telling the kids about some activities that they could do in the resort that day. She had seen our carry-on luggage and thought we were checking out. But nope we had just arrived and had our WHOLE trip ahead of us!! Whoo hoo! I mentioned that we were heading to a park and we had a FP+ to get to. So we thanked her, then headed to Bell Services to drop off our luggage, and made our way to the bus stop.

We didn't wait long for a bus and before we knew it we were seeing this magical sight....

EPCOT!!! Oh how I've missed you!

We had plenty of time before our first FP+, so we made a quick pit stop into Guest Relations for some important business.

Oh just a little matter of .....


Joe and I celebrated our 10 year wedding Anniversary back in Oct and had been throwing around the idea of a getaway with just the two of us. Well as you can see from my ticker, we have a trip planned for May. Yay! We'll be running the Expedition Everest Challenge and checking out the Flower & Garden Festival- more on that trip later, but knowing that we'll be back within the year, it only made sense to upgrade our 8-day park tickets to an Annual pass. Oh yeah, oh yeah!!!! (doing a little happy dance!)

And with our newly acquired APs, we were able to buy this:

FYI: After our trip we calculated our savings by using our TIW card. It was over $200, so after the $100 price tag, that's still $100+ savings. Definitely worth it for our family AND Joe & I will use it again in May for even more savings. Not bad for a little piece of cardstock. ;)

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It hadn't taken long in Guest Relations so we still had time before our 12:10-1:10 FP+. The plan for the day was to taste our way around the World at the Food & Wine Festival. The kids were a little bummed that we wouldn't be staying in Future World but we tried to explain that our next planned Epcot day would be after the festival was over, so this was our only day to enjoy it. When they heard that food was involved, they were all on board!

Our first stop was the Festival Welcome Center to pick up our Passport.

I'm looking forward to checking out all of the special events and seminars that they offer... someday.

We headed to the right and spotted the Hawaii booth.

The Kalua Pork Slider was something we had to try! We ordered two to share and everyone gave it two thumbs up.

Next up was the Desserts & Champagne. The Dessert Trio was my favorite thing from F&W last year, so I couldn't wait to try this year's version.

And we couldn't pass up the Frozen S'mores, which my Mom had ordered last year.

Both were an A+ in my book. My sweet tooth was very happy!

The next booth was Puerto Rico.

The Plaintains were my favorite of the three. Yum!

The crowds were pretty low and we were easily able to grab a high-top table to eat at. Bronwyn had fallen asleep on the bus ride over to the park and was just waking up at this point. Thank goodness since I didn't want her to sleep through our first FP. The very first thing we had done on our last trip was to meet the Main Mouse himself in MK ::MickeyMo(and Bronwyn had slept right through it). I thought that would be such a neat tradition to keep so I knew that I wanted to try and get a Character Spot FP for when we would be arriving in the park. Well at 60 days when I was making my FP+s, I couldn't get a time until late afternoon! I was so bummed. I kept checking availability and was finally able to move it up to an earlier time. Yay! It was getting close to 1:00, so we finished up our food and headed to see Mickey!

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The kids had been asking about trading their Vinylmations (to make life easier, they each only brought one along to trade) so we stopped in Mouse Gears next. I also needed to buy some sunscreen since it was getting quite sunny and we had left all of ours in our checked luggage.

While the three older kids were taking their turns, a boy in line behind us asked Bronwyn if she wanted to trade hers with him. He had a super cute Piglet to trade that Bronwyn ended up loving and not wanting to trade away for the entire trip. Jorie scored a fun Sorcerer Mickey Topiary from the Flower & Garden Festival... but she traded that one out later in the trip.

Outside of Mouse Gears I spotted a photopass photographer and I thought "How have we been in the park this long already without getting some PP pics?!?" I had to remedy that right away! Haha

Oh no! We realized that Bronwyn was missing her Mickey ears. Joe ran back into Mouse Gears and found them right near the register that we had been standing at.

A PP stopped us to compliment the kids on their outfits, so we asked her if she could take some Magic shots.

She's like "Why am I holding my hand up like this?" lol

Then it was time to continue on with our culinary adventure. Next up:

This indoor area was also the perfect spot for a restroom break and to put on sunscreen and an outfit change too..... just in case we ran into some Princesses along the way.

Joe picked the Flight #2 which he seemed to enjoy. The kids claimed that the nut mix was "so spicy" but they kept chowing down on it.

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Our next stop was the New Zealand booth.

I remember receiving a text from DisneyRoomsAlerts that our villa was ready while Joe was in line waiting to order the food. The timestamp on my phone says it was sent @ 2:25. "Your resort room is ready. Your room number is 7535 5th Floor Zazu." We had requested a villa on a high floor that was close to the pool. So I knew at least one our requests was met. Yay!

And then on to Australia.

This was so yummy & refreshing that we went back for a second one.

You may remember my disappointment from last trip over missing out on School Bread, so when we came upon Norway, we could not pass by this gem.

I couldn't wait to try it but I was feeling so full and I really wanted to be able to enjoy it. We decided to go back inside and grab a to-go container so that we could save it for later. Then we found the Kidcot station so that Donovan could get a stamp in his Passport.

The CM was not very talkative, so we moved on.

I checked Character Locator to see if any princesses were meeting but we were out of luck. So we spent some time exploring the China pavilion.

Then we came to the South Korea booth.

Joe had been wanting to try the Kimchi Dog ever since our last trip, so when he finally got one, yup I forgot to take a pic of it.

Even though we were getting close to our dinner ADR time, there was something at Hops & Barley that I just had to try.

The Baked Lobster Alredo.

OMG, look at those pieces of lobster! SO good!

And while in line, Bronwyn knocked over the railing. She was embarrassed and started crying. :sad: The CM at the counter gave her a Carrot Cake, well that sure turned her frown upside down! It sure made us all happy. Yum! Thanks for being a menace Bronwyn.

Early on in the day, lines were non-existent, but as it got later in the afternoon, the crowds were picking up and lines at all of the booths were getting longer. I was bummed that we only made it to 8 of the 36 Marketplace kiosks but we definitely enjoyed everything that we got to try. We had a great time and would have loved to stay longer but it was time to high tail it over to our ADR! Would we even be hungry for dinner?

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What a great start! That early wakeup time is ROUGH, but unless you glossed over it, it seems like the kids did GREAT with the early morning and jumping straight into a park! That's really awesome. Because the best part of having such an early wakeup is the early arrival and park time! I guess the lure of Disney World kept them going. :thumbsup2

I'm going to start sounding like a broken record right now, but OMG those outfits! I just love the ones matching the Character Spot characters. Minnie, Mickey & Goofy had to just go nuts for that! The princess outfits are super cute too.

And while in line, Bronwyn knocked over the railing. She was embarrassed and started crying. :sad: The CM at the counter gave her a Carrot Cake, well that sure turned her frown upside down! It sure made us all happy. Yum! Thanks for being a menace Bronwyn.

That made me :lmao: I can imagine being grateful for your kids being a menace if it leads to delicious desserts!!!
I'm impressed with the three outfits all in one day!! They are all amazing, but the Mickey/Minnie/Goofy outfits are my favorite. Where do you get the ideas for all these dresses? And how long does it take you to make all of them?
WOW! Three outfits changes in one day and four kids? Hats off to you. All the food looks SO yummy! I am almost 3 months pregnant and wanting to eat everything in sight. LOL!! Curious to see if you are hungry enough to eat at your ADR!
It sounds like a great first day! I love the idea of meeting Mickey as a first activity tradition.

Your autograph book looks amazing! Did you make or buy them?
Wow- tons of updates! Love reading them!

Unsurprisingly, the girls look adorable in their 'fab five' inspired dresses! Donovan's donald ears are very cute too!

Glad you guys were able to rescue the minnie ears before you got too far away!

Hahahaha! Bronwyn looks like "pixie dust-ewww! :rotfl:" hahaha!

That baked lobster alfredo looks so good! :yay: Yum!
Great start! Love the kids outfits, so cute as always!! And all the food looked delicious too!

So nice that you'll be back in May, I'm running the Expedition Everest 5k also!!
What a great start! That early wakeup time is ROUGH, but unless you glossed over it, it seems like the kids did GREAT with the early morning and jumping straight into a park! That's really awesome. Because the best part of having such an early wakeup is the early arrival and park time! I guess the lure of Disney World kept them going. :thumbsup2

I'm going to start sounding like a broken record right now, but OMG those outfits! I just love the ones matching the Character Spot characters. Minnie, Mickey & Goofy had to just go nuts for that! The princess outfits are super cute too.

That made me :lmao: I can imagine being grateful for your kids being a menace if it leads to delicious desserts!!!

I had been really worried about how the kids would do getting up that early. The night before they were all in bed by 6ish and by some miracle actually fell asleep not too long after. And they really actually did do great getting up! :eek: I’m not sure they realized how early it really was! They had been waiting for this trip for moooonths and I think the excitement of the “it's finally the Day we’re going to Disney World!” really helped. And yes, getting up early really stinks but it is SO worth it to be able to get to the park early enough to make a whole day out of it. :cool1:

The Character Spot was fun! The characters went crazy over their outfits but the kids didn't really show off the amount of excitement that I was expecting them too. Maybe they just needed to warm up (or they were all half asleep haha) because it definitely came out later that night and for the rest of the trip.

It is pretty embarrassing when your kids do something like that in public, but you're right, if it leads to a yummy Disney dessert, then it's definitely okay! :thumbsup2

I'm impressed with the three outfits all in one day!! They are all amazing, but the Mickey/Minnie/Goofy outfits are my favorite. Where do you get the ideas for all these dresses? And how long does it take you to make all of them?

Oh just wait, there's another outfit in this next update! :goodvibes Thank goodness my kids are good sports about changing, right?!

I usually base our outfits around something we'll be doing in the park or where we'll be eating. I "research" by reading TRs and searching google images. It doesn't take me long at all to make them because I have them all made....:rotfl2: Well I lie, I did sew the appliques onto a few of Joe's shirts and I actually made a pair of ruffle shorts to match Bronwyn's Ariel dress that you'll see later in the trip... and they turned out really cute! I may have to start sewing some more. :woohoo: I've borrowed outfits from some of my Disney-customs-loving friends too. :goodvibes

WOW! Three outfits changes in one day and four kids? Hats off to you. All the food looks SO yummy! I am almost 3 months pregnant and wanting to eat everything in sight. LOL!! Curious to see if you are hungry enough to eat at your ADR!

I know, call me crazy! :laundy: You should have seen my laundry pile when we got home from the trip.

Congrats on the pregnancy! That's so exciting. I am most definitely not pregnant but I still want to eat everything in sight, especially when I'm in Disney. :rotfl:

It sounds like a great first day! I love the idea of meeting Mickey as a first activity tradition.

Your autograph book looks amazing! Did you make or buy them?

Thanks! Hopefully we can keep up the tradition, especially since you can find Mickey in every park- so it's definitely do-able!

I made our autograph book using images from the DIS autograph book thread and ordered it from Shutterfly. It was really easy and turned out super cute!

Wow- tons of updates! Love reading them!

Unsurprisingly, the girls look adorable in their 'fab five' inspired dresses! Donovan's donald ears are very cute too!

Glad you guys were able to rescue the minnie ears before you got too far away!

Hahahaha! Bronwyn looks like "pixie dust-ewww! :rotfl:" hahaha!

That baked lobster alfredo looks so good! :yay: Yum!

Aww, thanks!! The fab five sets were fun! I'm bummed that Donald doesn't meet anywhere in his traditional sailor outfit anymore though.

"Pixie dust-ewww!" I love that! hahaha! :tink:

Love the update so far. Congrats on your upcoming anniversary!!

Thanks! Joe and I are really looking forward to our trip, even if our actual anniversary was back in October- we can still celebrate it 7 months later, right? Or I guess it could be an early 11-year anniversary trip too. haha ;)

Great start! Love the kids outfits, so cute as always!! And all the food looked delicious too!

So nice that you'll be back in May, I'm running the Expedition Everest 5k also!!

Thank you, thank you!

You're running it too? Yay!! Have you done a RunDisney race before? I had our whole trip planned around the race, so I'm glad that I was able to register for it right when it opened, I couldn't believe how fast it sold out! Eeek, I can't wait, it sounds like so much fun!! I'm trying to talk Joe into wearing a costume with me. :cheer2:
We left off last time with our Food & Wine tasting adventure around Epcot’s World Showcase and we were making our way to our 4:15 dinner reservation. Where exactly were we heading?

The Land!

For our first time trying Garden Grill Restaurant. It was time for Chip 'N' Dale's Harvest Feast!

Before we checked in for our ADR, the kids changed into their final outfits of the day (yes it was #4 if you'’re keeping track) Crazy, I know! But when a friend of mine was reselling the cute shirt that you’ll see Jorie wearing, I just had to have it. It was just perfect for Garden Grill- now originally we hadn’t planned on eating here this trip, but change of plans – now we HAD to fit it in (it’s even crazier that I make ADRs based off of a shirt!) And of course I had to have matching sets made for the rest of the girls. I found a super cute garden-print fabric that was perfect for them to wear again on Thanksgiving too. See what I do with my free-time? It’s insane! But I just LOVE it!

Anyway… back to dinner. We put our name in, were given a pager and only waited about 5 minutes before it started going off.

We followed the hostess along the lower level which was great - front row seats!

I thought that we’d be at a table like this:

But I guess our family is too big to fit there. We were seated at a table like this: (obviously not my family, I found this pic on google images)

We had plenty of room and it was great for our big family, but I felt bad for the older couple who was at the small table on the end. My kids aren’t exactly quiet, especially once the characters started coming around.

Garden Grill serves their food family-style ….which means that I didn’t have to go back and forth to a buffet a bunch of times with the kids, whoo hoo!

We received both the adult AND the child offerings, so it was a TON of food. I really should have asked the waiter to serve us about half of the amount of food that they normally give, since we were no where near starving…. uh we had been eating ALL day!

Entree/Main Course
Basket of Warm Bread with Orange Blossom Honey Butter,
"Living with the Land" Harvest-inspired Farmer's Salad,
Char-grilled Filet of Beef with Demi- Glace Steak Butter,
Roasted All-Natural Turkey Breast with Stuffing and a House-made Gravy, Sustainable Fish of the Day with roasted Tomato & Pepper Compote,
Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes


Baked Macaroni & Cheese
Oven-roasted Chicken Drumstick
Turkey Breast - Roasted All-Natural Turkey Breast served with Whole- Grain Rice Pilaf,
Steamed Broccoli
Crispy Sweet Potato Sticks

I can't believe I didn't take a single pic of our food! Sorry!

We all tried a little bit of everything. I really enjoyed the stuffing and fish, which I think was Talapia, and Joe liked the Filet (which was served a bit too undercooked for my liking) The mashed potatoes and Mac & Cheese were a hit with the kids. In the end though, it looked like we barely put a dent in the amount of food that we were given. The food was definitely better than I had expected it to be but of course the best part of the meal was the characters!

Farmer Mickey!



I love all of the mouth-full-of-food pics. haha


Take 4 deliriously tired kiddos, add in a few silly characters and you get a pretty fun meal! There were LOTS of tickles and giggles. And the kids thought that a rotating restaurant with a view of the Living with the Land ride was just the coolest thing!

For dessert there was a really yummy Berry cobbler with vanilla-bean ice cream. The kids were given cupcakes in a cute cone-shaped wrapper that looked like this:

Actually I think we were given 6 of these! Told ya there was a lot of food!

And during dessert, all of the characters came around a second time!!!

We had some really awesome character interactions. The kids LOVED this meal!

If I remember right, the cost was about $40/adult and $18/child, so it was one of our pricier meals, but we used our TIW card to get 20% off so that helped quite a bit. Garden Grill is definitely a restaurant that I’'d recommend trying if you haven't been there yet.

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Joining in.. I absolutely adore the girls' Mickey/Minnie/Goofy dresses. So adorable!

We only had one Food and Wine day too. Tried as much as we could and then had an ADR at Teppan Edo. Yeah, I barely ate anything. Haha! Can't wait to read how yours went.
After all of us getting up in the wee hours of the morning, I wasn'’t sure if we'’d even be functioning after dinner .....but I had made our 2nd & 3rd FP+s just in case….... turns out that the kids were still going strong and they wanted to ride TEST TRACK!!

So we headed across Future World and grabbed a rider switch pass since Bronwyn was not yet tall enough to ride.

Joe, Donovan & Jorie used their FP+s (good from 5:00-6:00) first. Jorie was super excited to try TT since she hadn’t rode it last trip.


Check out that smile, I think she likes it!

Then it was time for me and Isla to ride. Jorie had loved it and wanted to ride again, so it was convenient that I could take a third person along with my Rider Switch pass. Donovan wanted to ride again too, more so that he could design another car rather than ride the ride itself :drive: -so I think we ended up flipping a coin to see who got to go on with us.

Our ride:

Eeek! I LOVE Test Track!

6:49 pm

You can't see her in the pic but Jorie had won and is on the other side of me. We promised Donovan that he'd get to ride it again later in the trip. Isla looks scared to death! She exclaimed after the ride that "It went SO fast that I thought I was going to pee my pants... but I didn't!" ... well I'm sure the next rider in your seat appreciates you controlling your bladder Isla. :rotfl2:

You can see that it still took a bit of time (about a half hour) even when using the FP+/Rider Switch line. We waited in line to get into the car-designing room and then we stood in another line to ride. But it was definitely much faster than the 55 minute wait time that was posted in the standby line.

I left my camera with Joe while we rode and found this pic on it after we got off. It pretty much stinks not being 40" tall!

We had one more FP (6:00-7:00) that we were going to use so that Bronwyn could ride something before we left the park. On the walk over I noticed a pungent smell and realized that we needed to make a very quick pit-stop for a Pull-up change. After that business, we arrived at the Imagination Pavillion and were told by a CM that the ride had closed at 7PM. I looked at my phone and the time was 7:01. Grrrr.

So it was time to head out of the park.

I just love Epcot at night (well I love it during the day too! ;) )

On the way we stopped for some PP pics.

7:14 pm.

We were so tired! It was definitely the Disney excitement that was keeping us all awake and on our feet! We boarded an AKL bus and headed to our resort. I’'m pretty sure that all 4 kiddos fell asleep on that bus ride within minutes.

We arrived at Kidani Village- yay! Our home for the next 4 nights. I love that the Kidani drop-off is always before Jambo house. We walked through the lobby and down a random hallway, even though none of us had any idea where we were going. I looked at Joe and he looked at me, both expecting the other one to go ask for directions. I gave in and stomped over to the desk to figure out where our room was. I was starting to get grumpy. I needed to sleep.

I knew that the pool was to the left of the lobby and the directions that I were given were to head toward the right so that was a bit of a bummer since that had been one of our requests. I had heard that some rooms at Kidani were a VERY far walk from the lobby. Ours seemed like quite a hike and it was actually only halfway down the length of the hallway. I feel really bad for anyone that has had rooms any farther away. After a full day in the parks, all you want to is get to your room to rest and walking that long hallway in not fun.

We finally came up to our room.

And were WOW’'d when we opened the door!

The villa was huge!! We absolutely LOVED all of the extra space. We never once felt cramped. And there was a laundry room and second FULL bathroom (that apparently I didn’t take any pics of – whoops) that were so convenient. The color scheme & decor of the rooms matched the theme of the resort perfectly! And of course the Disney details were there too- my favorite was the Lion King sunset tile in the Mater Bathroom. My only complaint would be that the villa was dark. Even with every single light turned on, I felt like it was not quite bright enough.

Thankfully our checked luggage had all made it to our room safely. We had called Bell Services and asked them to bring up our carry-ons and our Garden Grocer order right when we got into the room- we made sure to tell them that we had refrigerated items. I had placed a pretty large order about a month before our trip of: cases of bottled water, pull-ups & wipes, milk, yogurt, uncrustables, granola bars, OJ, muffins, trail mix, juice boxes and fruit. I had received a text from Garden Grocer earlier in the day that our order was delivered and left with bell services.

We changed the kids into their PJs and made up their beds in the living area- the sofa pulled out to a full-sized bed and the chair pulled out to a twin sized bed. There was a pack n play in the closet that we could have used for Bronwyn but neither Joe nor I had the energy to set it up and all three girls fit fine on the pull-out.

We watched some Must-Do Disney while we waited for our bags to arrive. Stacey helped pass the time but after about 45 minutes since we had first called and still no bags, we called back to make sure someone was bringing them up. About 10 minutes later there was a knock on our door. Our carry-ons and our whole GG order arrived but not our cooler bag with Isla’'s antibiotic (for her ear infection) in it. Of course, right? Probably the item that we needed the most. Thankfully the bellman was able to quickly find the missing bag and delivered it to us. Ahh, we could finally go to sleep! It felt like it had been the longest day ever! Not that I'’m complaining. It was a pretty FANTASTIC first day, wasn’t it?!

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Joining in.. I absolutely adore the girls' Mickey/Minnie/Goofy dresses. So adorable!

We only had one Food and Wine day too. Tried as much as we could and then had an ADR at Teppan Edo. Yeah, I barely ate anything. Haha! Can't wait to read how yours went.

Thanks so much! :welcome: Thanks for joining in!

That's exactly what happened to us, haha!... the food in Epcot is so good and I just want to try it all but my eyes are bigger than my stomach!!
Garden Grill is one of my favorites! The food is basic, but so so yummy and I love that the characters some around twice. Glad you enjoyed it!

Your villa looks beautiful! Sounds like a great amount of room for all you guys to settle into. It does look a little dark but I suppose that's a small price to pay. Can't wait to hear about your next day!
Oh just wait, there's another outfit in this next update! :goodvibes Thank goodness my kids are good sports about changing, right?!

I usually base our outfits around something we'll be doing in the park or where we'll be eating. I "research" by reading TRs and searching google images. It doesn't take me long at all to make them because I have them all made....:rotfl2: Well I lie, I did sew the appliques onto a few of Joe's shirts and I actually made a pair of ruffle shorts to match Bronwyn's Ariel dress that you'll see later in the trip... and they turned out really cute! I may have to start sewing some more. :woohoo: I've borrowed outfits from some of my Disney-customs-loving friends too. :goodvibes

It's awesome that your kids are so good about all the changes! It's great you can have pictures of the kids with outfits that are so well coordinated to your activities. I would love to know where you order these outfits from! I have awhile before I'll be taking my daughter to Disney but I absolutely love all these outfits :)


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