Best Walt Disney World Advice Requested

Jason Reedy

Earning My Ears
Mar 3, 2017
Hello All!!

Looking forward to our first family trip to WDW (Fort Wilderness Camping) in June...been watching DIS Unplugged, WHICH I LOVE. There is some GREAT stuff there. If you are going and have not experienced the DIS Unplugged crew...go check them out...lots of great videos.

I'd like to know your BEST WDW advice. Just share a couple points with us rookies please! Thank you!!

Hopewell, VA
Take some time to enjoy the Fort. It is not just a hotel....there is a lot to do. Enjoy the fireworks from the beach at the Fort. Stay for the Kiss Goodnight at Magic Kingdom.
Bring ponchos, bring bottled water, and take advantage of fP so you don't wait in long lines for most popular rides.
Don't expect to see everything, you won't see it all in one visit - and that's totally OK! Don't rush around trying to fit it all in, enjoy what you are doing when you are doing it rather than thinking about where you need to be next.

Give "rope drop" a shot at least once. Head back to the Fort and enjoy an afternoon relaxing and exploring (and then repeat the next day!)
Don't have your kids out late the first couple nights of the trip. Late nights at the end, early nights at the beginning. I know it's tempting to always want to be out late, but if your kids can't handle it, and even teenagers do poorly after a couple late nights, it can turn fun into torture. The best time of the day to be at the theme parks is when they open. You can do extra rides and take the best photos right at rope drop (even if there is almost no rope drop anymore!). So if staying out late means sleeping in, that's a big tradeoff. We always do late nights our last two nights, otherwise we are out of the parks with our kids, 5, 5, and 7 at our last trip in Dec., no later than just after dinner.

Work the Fastpass+ system. The MDE app and the FP system is a huge advantage if you are trying to maximize the rides and shows you see. Book them as early as possible, in a logical order so you aren't running from one side of AK to the other (it's a long darn way!). Use rope drop to get on 1 or 2 hard to get on rides early. Then do an FP in each of the next three hours, as early as possible. As soon as you scan in to the third, hop on MDE and start getting the next one. Repeat after next scan. We scored 9 MK FPs our first day in Dec and between that and rope drop rides we did almost everything that carries a line, in all 4 parks, without waiting more than 20 minutes.
How old are your children? I ask because if they are old enough you might want to sit down with them prior to leaving and talk about things they really want to do. When we took our granddaughters on their first trip years ago the oldest was very sad when we left because she didn't get many autographs. I explained to her that we had to choose between standing in line for autographs or riding rides.....her 8 year old response was "I guess I'll just have to live with it for the rest of my life." lol Talking about those things ahead of time can help with planning out your day.

Definitely work your fast passes and don't forget about parent swap if one of you needs to stay with a child who is too small to ride while the rest of the family rides.

Don't worry about taking a bunch of water bottles in the parks with you. You can get free ice water at food stands and most quick serve restaurants and food stands that serve soft drinks. Most automatically give you a small cup, but if you ask for larger ones they usually oblige.
I think our Delta pilot summed it up best as we pulled up to the gate. He said say hi to Mickey and Minnie
and dads hold on to your wallet. He got a good laugh and boy was he correct
Use rope drop to get on 1 or 2 hard to get on rides early. Then do an FP in each of the next three hours,
This is what we do when we are there for RD. We don't FP things "Early" rather we use the FP to get on those rides we want Later on. While you can rush to try and get a "Fourth" (or more) FP, We generally don't worry if we don't.

Also we like to avoid parks with Morning EMH. Instead we like to go to the park TODAY that had morning EMH YESTERDAY. Most people don't like to do the same park 2 days in a row, so the crowds tend to be a bit lower on the park that had Morning EMH Yesterday. (At least to start).

We do like the Evening EMH though but it can make for a Long night.

Don't Stay LATE at a park (EMH or not) and expect to get up for Rope Drop the next day at a park.... Unless that is truly your life style (late nights and early mornings) you will be burned out in NO TIME.

My last bit of advice is to try and treat others as Magically as you would like to be treated. It can certainly be a stressful time with little ones get anxious and standing in long lines. Parents get frazzled with it all.... Try and treat everyone with some magic, even if it's just a pleasant smile or an encouraging word. It may make the day for someone else, but it will almost always make you feel better too. I have found that the magic always ends up coming back to you in some way or another... Call it karma or just call it Disney Magic, it's wonderful either way.
This is what we do when we are there for RD. We don't FP things "Early" rather we use the FP to get on those rides we want Later on. While you can rush to try and get a "Fourth" (or more) FP, We generally don't worry if we don't.

Also we like to avoid parks with Morning EMH. Instead we like to go to the park TODAY that had morning EMH YESTERDAY. Most people don't like to do the same park 2 days in a row, so the crowds tend to be a bit lower on the park that had Morning EMH Yesterday. (At least to start).

We do like the Evening EMH though but it can make for a Long night.

Don't Stay LATE at a park (EMH or not) and expect to get up for Rope Drop the next day at a park.... Unless that is truly your life style (late nights and early mornings) you will be burned out in NO TIME.

My last bit of advice is to try and treat others as Magically as you would like to be treated. It can certainly be a stressful time with little ones get anxious and standing in long lines. Parents get frazzled with it all.... Try and treat everyone with some magic, even if it's just a pleasant smile or an encouraging word. It may make the day for someone else, but it will almost always make you feel better too. I have found that the magic always ends up coming back to you in some way or another... Call it karma or just call it Disney Magic, it's wonderful either way.

Yes to all of these - our methods exactly.

And a huge YES YES YES to the last paragraph!!! Spread the love and pixie dust!
I have had others share the "Love" and "Magic" with me (someone "Paid it forward") and I have had CM's just out of the blue come up and give us stuff to make it more magical. A notable one was a HUGE (and I mean GINORMOUS) sundae that was delivered with a story (One of the princesses was "Experimenting" in the kitchen and developed this sundae and they wanted "Our Opinion"). It was large enough that me, my DW and (at that time) DD7 and DD13 had a hard time Finishing it. It was truly a magical and memorable moment.

I love the stories of folks who bring knick-knacks or small toys, stickers, etc.... to have their kids hand out and share with OTHER kids in the lines. It just warms my heart to see that and hear about them.

Disney is expensive, and there are long lines and the weather isn't always what you want it to be, but there is no reason for it not to be magical and everyone that helps towards that is awesome.

If you get caught in a rainstorm in the Magic Kingdom, do NOT bolt. Stay calm, watch others leave in droves and thank your lucky stars because pretty soon the rain will clear up and you'll have the park to yourselves. You and anyone else not afraid of melting.
I have had others share the "Love" and "Magic" with me (someone "Paid it forward") and I have had CM's just out of the blue come up and give us stuff to make it more magical. A notable one was a HUGE (and I mean GINORMOUS) sundae that was delivered with a story (One of the princesses was "Experimenting" in the kitchen and developed this sundae and they wanted "Our Opinion"). It was large enough that me, my DW and (at that time) DD7 and DD13 had a hard time Finishing it. It was truly a magical and memorable moment.

I love the stories of folks who bring knick-knacks or small toys, stickers, etc.... to have their kids hand out and share with OTHER kids in the lines. It just warms my heart to see that and hear about them.

Disney is expensive, and there are long lines and the weather isn't always what you want it to be, but there is no reason for it not to be magical and everyone that helps towards that is awesome.


I love your advice, and your attitude!!!!! The world needs more of you.
Not sure how close the weather is in CA to our's here in central FL. It is hot and humid in June. Put sunscreen on before you head to the parks and bring more for later. Wear a hat and sunglasses. Drink plenty of water and take mid day breaks in the shade or in an AC building. Be prepared for afternoon rain storms, but don't fret about them, they usually only last 20-30 minutes.
1) If you need trinkets for little people shop at Disney store before you go. Especially kid dresses or craigslist.
2) If you booked for X number of nights, DO WHAT EVER YOU CAN TO EXTEND THE STAY 25% to 50 % longer . Then make sure you take off days from the parks. (we are 13 nights at FW but only 5-7 park days. Maybe some are water parks)
3) Precamp and have a plan. Some have never camped before. If this is the case learn before you get there.
4) The plan!!! this includes knowing extra magic hours, and a loose plan when you will be where. Use a spread sheet . This will help with dinning reservation. Keep in mind, it's just a plan. Subject to change w/o Mickey's notice.
5) Did I mention book a extra few days at FW?
6) after you create a plan, added a few extra days, rent a golf cart(outside vendor) if you can afford entire trip.
7) plan you meals. You can precook and freeze = more park time. Taco meat/ Biscuit and gravy, Spaghetti/ Slow cooker... (lot out there that is yummy.)
8)keep reading Disboards! and when in doubt - Ask.
Before we got our camper I used to Book just the room (cabin on a dining plan was our norm in those days) for our arrival and the night before departure days Unless we would be arriving days earlier and visiting other area attractions ahead of time and would then arrive at reception outpost by 8 am. We still don't plan on much for our arrival or departure days outside of Trails End for Dinner or Breakfast respectively. Depending on the ages and excitement level of your kids
Take that first day to explore The Fort and get a really good idea of what it has to offer It won't take much to get you hooked. (HINT I would Seriously consider doing an early morning drive by and dropping the kids off at Grandma and Grandpa's No advance warning to all those involved will add to your satisfaction level immensely A WDW trip is far too important and sophisticated To waste on the younger ones )
We gave up on Park hopping. Not just because of our Furballs but it just took too much out of us running from one thing to another. For our park touring days we choose just one park for the day We do book FP's it really helps with the more popular attractions but don't go bouncing all the place when you set them up. From one of my good friends put the Phone and MDE app away they were bouncing from one end of the park to another and it was ruining their trip
We do book one sit down meal each day based on where we are and what we are doing that day.
We try to set up at least one activity each day that will have a special appeal for each member of our party This can be an attraction, activity, or dining selection . Everyday if everyone gets something just for them it makes for happy campers
Get shoes that are comfortable and good to walk in. The average person walks @ 7 miles per day at WDW. As an old Boy Scout and Paratrooper I know how important my feet are I wear good socks and shoes and use a good foot powder as well to keep them dry and prevent blisters. Carry a small First aid kit. Include some band aids, Aspirin/Ibuprofen allergy meds and inhalers if required a chemical cold compress can come in handy too a small bottle of Pepto Bismol and Ammodium won't hurt either.
Get a good and well padded Back pack to carry assorted items and place those items in clear ziplock bags for ease at Security checks.
Most importantly have FUN and beware of the NSS
we take a couple different pairs of shoes, then switch everyday, it seems to help. you will be surprised how much you walk/stand at Disney, concrete is mean. But thats what the margaritas are for:drinking:
Make sure to take some time off every couple of days. Going through the parks while trying to take in everything is exhausting for kids and adults. The campground is a great place to relax and renew.
Make sure to take some time off every couple of days. Going through the parks while trying to take in everything is exhausting for kids and adults. The campground is a great place to relax and renew.
This is "EXCELLENT" advice. Do not try and do everything possible in one trip. Even the "half Day" parks are a lot to try and do in a single day to really take in the experience. Trying to "Get it all in" will only serve to aggravate everyone involved (and typically for different reasons). It's great to have a plan, but don't be so rigid with them. If you miss a scheduled Fast Pass.... So be it, there is always another time (usually).

Relax and enjoy the trip and most definitely enjoy the Fort! :D


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