Best Resale Website? I need help.


Earning My Ears
Sep 2, 2014
hi! I am looking to add points to my DVC membership and I have only purchased directly from Disney in the past and am trying to find the best website to purchase from. Also I am only 28 so making these kinds of purchases is also very new to me. Any advice anyone could give me would mean the world to me. I just purchased at the Grand Floridian in December.


hi! I am looking to add points to my DVC membership and I have only purchased directly from Disney in the past and am trying to find the best website to purchase from. Also I am only 28 so making these kinds of purchases is also very new to me. Any advice anyone could give me would mean the world to me. I just purchased at the Grand Floridian in December.



May I suggest that you use your existing points to feel out the DVC and other resorts before you add additional contracts to your account. I wish that we had taken more time between purchases which would have kept us from buying at some resorts that have turned out not to be our favorites.

:earsboy: Bill
We also used TimeShare Store, twice for 3 separate contracts and had great experiences both times. While hunting we also looked at Fidelity, but TimeShare Store ended up having the better prices and contracts at the time, so we went with them.
The vast majority of the process will be handled by the title agency, not the broker. So, the best broker for you is the broker who has the contract you want.
Also using the Timeshare store, we are at the beginning of ROFR now. So far the experience has been great.
We useed the Timeshare Store twice and another once, all went fine.
I used this: http://***************.com/

I made a lot of offers, one of which completed in Feb and another is waiting for ROFR. Some of the companies were quick to response and some were not as good. It's about finding a contract that's right for you, not them or the seller. I evened asked two or three companies to keep a lookout for what I wanted and to call or email when they found it. They said they would but just stuck me an email distro. The daily emails beat the website mentioned above a few times but it was little annoying to get junk everyday. Good luck!
We used the timeshare store for our first contract this winter, and loved them so much we are now on our second contract with them. You can sign up for email alerts, or watch them on Twitter and Facebook to see their new listings right away
hi! I am looking to add points to my DVC membership and I have only purchased directly from Disney in the past and am trying to find the best website to purchase from. Also I am only 28 so making these kinds of purchases is also very new to me. Any advice anyone could give me would mean the world to me. I just purchased at the Grand Floridian in December.


I used the DVC resale market and Jodi was my agent. She was so helpful, even helping me find another contract after my first one fell through due to a title issue (new contract within 48 hours!!) just closed on the new one and can't wait to use it!! Great experience and I can't imagine using anyone else!
(link added by CarolMN)
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I used the DVC resale market and Jodi was my agent. She was so helpful, even helping me find another contract after my first one fell through due to a title issue (new contract within 48 hours!!) just closed on the new one and can't wait to use it!! Great experience and I can't imagine using anyone else!

I’ve used them twice and they are the best. Great experience and efficient!
We are using for our current/first purchase. Sharon is our agent, and she has been a delight to work with!

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