BEST. DAY. EVER. May '17 w/Chunkymonkey and Chubbyhubby NEW 8/28 x2 THE END!!


This looks outstanding! I can't wait to go back in October!
Yes we are! That'll be so much fun. We're going from Oct 30-Nov 4 at the GF. I wasn't planning on doing the 5k but the dates were announced after we booked our trip and we happened to be there so why not? Although I may regret it later...hahaha. We should definitely meet up. I have some tentative plans. I'm going to get tickets for the MNSSHP on Nov 1st. Were you going to be there for that?

Yup. Got my ticket for the Nov 1st party! I am flying in late the evening of Oct 30th and staying until that Sunday. It will be my first MNSSP, first W&D, lots of ADR firsts, and first solo trip.
wow love the photos trip looks fun so far got caught up and can't wait to read more ok most of the time i look at really good photos people take
We will be doing 'Ohana dinner for the first time in November before the Halloween party. I just kept seeing it in your trip report, and I finally broke down and booked it:) Plus, we love the Poly. Even if we aren't staying there and don't have an ADR, we find an excuse to visit every trip.
Ack, I'm so behind! You are super quick with updating this one :rotfl2:

Let's and chest touching= yes please :eek::hyper:

Floating on butterflies? That is such a COOL photopass shot!!!

Polynesian is still on my WDW bucket list :thumbsup2

Ecpot looks so lush and gorgeous during the Flower show, their gardeners must be working around the clock to get it all done and to keep it looking so pristine:earseek:
'Ohana Means Family (and stuffing yourself)

This title made me laugh because it is SO TRUE!!
I'm staying at the Poly in October, and bringing my mom along for her first ever visit. 'Ohana is one of my favorite restaurants, so it is obviously a must do for that trip. I plan to stuff myself silly on potstickers and bread pudding.

Hello glorious banana foster bread pudding!

It's the best, the best, the best!!

I did thoroughly enjoy my French toast bread pudding from Boma though, and it was a good placeholder until I'm back at the Poly in a few months.

Last week was the first time I didn't spend any time at the monorail loop resorts and I really missed them. I loved having a glimpse of the Poly with this update!
We happened to be right on time for our 4:10pm reservation.

This makes me laugh because if I was there for a 4:10 reservation I think I would be hoping they would be behind schedule so dinner would be at a more "dinner like" time lol

We ate almost all the sides

Those look so good. I seriously want to go there for those potstickers and noodles. I wonder if they have anything like those anywhere else since I can't get an O'hana reservation lol

Seriously looks like a lot of fun. But so. much. food. lol.
This makes me laugh because if I was there for a 4:10 reservation I think I would be hoping they would be behind schedule so dinner would be at a more "dinner like" time lol

Those look so good. I seriously want to go there for those potstickers and noodles. I wonder if they have anything like those anywhere else since I can't get an O'hana reservation lol

Seriously looks like a lot of fun. But so. much. food. lol.

Skipper Canteen and Morimoto have shu mai, which are pretty much potstickers. Yak & Yeti TS also has potstickers. I have only had the ones at Skipper Canteen and thought they were good.
This is the only thing that makes me not want to do a May or summer was so hot (other than like 1 day) when I was there in December and summer is so much worse. I live in South Texas so it's not like I am not used to heat but the humidity is worse in Orlando! And spending all day sweating my butt off doesn't sound too fun. My boyfriend is a teacher though and can't take off during off season and it won't be as easy to take my son out of school with him getting older so I have a feeling a summer trip is on the horizon for me :faint:

Yeah it's the humidity that kills me. I mean, NYC gets bad in the summer too but Florida is just insane. I'm gonna have to tweak some of my plans for August I think. Lots and lots of pool breaks.

It looks really pretty!!!

Thank you! It's faded right now. It's some strange shade of orange red. I'll do it again before next weekend hopefully if I have time.

This is one of my favorite pictures to get in WS!

It's a really pretty spot, one of our faves!

That is super cool...I love that!

It seems to be new this year! It's really cool. They scan your magic band BEFORE you take the picture which is funny because every time they take a picture I want to go back and scan my band but then I remember I did so already.

Glad you had fun with Mulan! We had a good meet with her too..she talked to my son about fighting in the Chinese army and how he looked like a great warrior. And she told us Mushu was off annoying her ancestors somewhere :rotfl: She was really fun!

Aww, that's so cute. Mulan was so fun. I should make it a point to meet her more. I actually have to meet more princesses in Epcot. I'm too busy eating and forget there are characters inside the pavilions.

I love this! I love that they put the Three Caballeros with the pepper garden...seems appropriate!

I know! So cute!

Mexican Donald is my favorite Donald! Maybe I have an affinity for him because I am Mexican...but he looks so cute in his poncho and sombrero!

I love Donald. He's the best. It's actually rare to see him so I always try and make it a point to meet Mexican Donald!

That is such a cool picture! That's so neat how they did that!

It's neat when you see it in person, it looks like the image is stretched and they painted a shadow underneath. It's amazing how they did this.

Wow, I really hope they have this next time we go. That definitely sounds like it's worth the extra money!

Totally, I am willing to pay to make my Disney touring plans easier, and 30 bucks a week is a small sacrifice for so creature comforts like no bag check and no line, and always a seat on the bus, it seems!

I agree...People Mover is one of my most loved attractions at MK. Besides being a "classic" it's just so relaxing and hardly ever has a wait. I love taking pictures of Tomorrowland from up there :thumbsup2

I LOVE it too for all the reasons you stated above!

I love your trip reports! We're staying at the Boardwalk this October, wanted the Beach club but it was booked already.

The Boardwalk was just as convenient! Next Deluxe resort for us will hopefully be the Beach Club! We've never stayed there.

I can't wait for O'hana food porn!!

Just posted!

I am so excited for you about this. Also I can not imagine going back again so soon!! How weird that you are home for such a short time between trips. Really just enough to try to catch up on work and do some laundry and repack lol.'s kinda crazy. I'm so tired though, I think it's too close but the thought of going back again is so exciting. I have the Epcot loop music playing in my head still...

Wouldn't that be nice? Sometimes I wish someone would do that for me for a vacation, but then, who am I kidding, I'm such a control freak it would bug me to not be involved in the planning.

I know, me too!!

Hilarious. Though you really can't tell who belongs anywhere these days lol. I remember once I got a free upgrade with air miles when my son was a baby. You could see the rest of the first class patrons were NOT happy to see me sitting up there lol. Thankfully he was quiet for most of that flight lol.

Haha that's cool. I mean it's not like I've never flown first class! But actually I've never flown domestic first class before. I have flown international and it's a whole other ball game. But still I think I should just stick to coach... :rolleyes:

Those are really cool pictures!! They do look 3D!!!

It's really cool! The picture on the ground looks stretched out so it's neat when you take a picture and it looks different.

What a fun trip you had!! It's fun to re-live it all while writing your TR too lol

Thanks! It was so much fun. Can't wait for August!

Following along!

Thank you for reading!!

Right that's it - we're definitely buying the Express Bus pass - Disney should give you commission!

Haha, I know right? Now that we've experienced it, it will be so hard to not get it. Even if we only use it a few times, it saves you hours in the long run. On our Feb trip we waited 45 mins for a bus from AK to Epcot. It sucked. Also the boat from Epcot to DHS...took like 40 minutes with all the stops and bag check. I would eagerly pay to have that time back!

Really enjoying your report so far, we've been for F&W but not F&G - it looks beautiful.

Thank you!! F&G is awesome, you get food and wine plus pretty topiaries! Although the seminars during Food and Wine seem awesome.

I think it's cute!

Haha thanks! Although no one saw it because the cars didn't match the riders...

So enthusiastic!! I love it!!

Haha we try! I think it's cos we didn't get a single rider with us so we're like, woohoo we can do this pose!

I thought this photo was so fun...the pp photographer who took my picture with it kind of acted like I was wasting his time...Actually, several photopass photographers were kind of weird about me having a picture made alone :confused3

That's just not right. There are so many solo travelers! They should be used to it. I do solo pictures all the time. Sometimes if there is no line I'll go back for more, hahaha.

I love hearing this! I really wish I toured in a way that made using these buses make sense because it is SO CONVENIENT!!

It was so awesome! Did you get it too? I added park hops after deciding to get it just so we'd be able to use it to the fullest and test it out. It was a winner!

Boo! I'm sad I didn't get to meet Zac Efron Gaston, too, LOL!!

Yeah, the one we met later on wasn't quite as...Efron-like as I would have liked.

:lovestruc:lovestruc People Mover :lovestruc:lovestruc

It's the best.

It really is. :cloud9:

Yes, Betsy definitely knows the ins and outs of Disney! We did enjoy the party, I thought it was worth the price (although I wouldn't do it again anytime soon). It was great for the busy Easter Sunday - not having to stake out an early spot for the parade, being in the shade on the boat and all-you-can-eat Mickey bars! It wasn't the greatest view of the parade, but if you've seen the parade before, I thought it was unique seeing it from a different perspective. The interaction with Tiana and Naveen was also fun in that setting.
Oh, and we wore our "admission" stickers on our backs, thanks to your advice in your TR!

That's so funny taking sticker fashion advise from me, hahaha.
But I feel the same as you about the party, great to do once, but probably not again anytime soon unless I'm with a group who wanted to do it.

Hi Su-Lynn! So happy to see you enjoying your May trip. Can't wait to hear the rest...

My husband and I have flown first class a couple times and it's sooooo much better than cramped couch.8-)

Hi Jenny! Thanks for reading! It was an awesome trip. I hope I capture the gist of this trip well. It was really great, no hiccups at all.
Following along. I'm guessing your best day ever was May 4th. I didn't even know that was thing until this May 4'th. Ha ha. I automatically thought of you when I heard that and I knew you were going to be doing something SW to celebrate.

The view from your room :thumbsup2

That toddler with Gaston adorable.

Oh Yum Banana Bread Pudding.........someday I might get to try it.
I'm so happy to have found your TR, loving it so far! Isn't the beginning of May such a nice to visit?! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures :cutie:

The last time we took ME was during Princess Half Marathon weekend, and it was PACKED. No, that’s an understatement, it was a MADHOUSE. Here’s a picture from February. It was about 40 minutes before we got on a bus. Not even at a park yet and they make us wait! Are there FP for this? Haha.



It’s a beautiful lobby. Definitely seemed recently re-done, and had a lovely Victorian charm.


When we opened the doors to the balcony we were greeted with this view. Pretty cool to see Tower of Terror from your room!

Another amazing view!!

Back outside China, I went to the Lotus Kiosk and got myself a Dragon Pearl. I had this once before and thought it was weird as hell, but the more I drank it the more it grew on now I kinda like it!

My Mom and I felt the same way about this drink! Although my mother did not know what the ball things were in her drink so no we refer to the drink as 'the ca-ca ball drink'. lol!!
We love the Poly and 'Ohana we visited several times in March. It's such a beautiful resort. I treated DD to a mani/pedi at Senses Spa and afterwards we had dinner at 'Ohanas. We followed the path from the GF along the water to the Poly. It was so beautiful. We also enjoyed our Lapu Lapu in the Tambu lounge. Your family will have such a great time in August.
Here was our lovely view from our table:

Such a good table! I just love everything about the Poly though :)

I cannot wait to stay here in August!

Yay! So convenient - and you get to use the awesome pool! Plus, Dole Whip on site - yum :D

Next up was the combo platter with the appetizers and sides. Potstickers, noodles, vegetables, and wings.

Okay, so I recently wrote up our 'Ohana trip - and was kind of meh on the main course. But now I'm remembering how delicious the sides were, and I'm like - well, maybe we could go back sometime :P Because those sides were so good!

Our server was very nice, and she came around with pitchers of diet coke and ice tea to refill our cups, but she poured iced tea into DH’s diet coke and diet coke into my iced tea.

Ick! I don't even have an allergy, but I am not a sweet tea person, so tea flavored diet coke does not sound delicious. Glad she got you new drinks :) We've had that happen before with Will's Dr. Pepper at restaurants, which is also gross. Obviously I'm picky about my drinks :P

Since we’ll all be back in August at the Poly, they can have this any time at the Tambu Lounge. Yay!

I'm seriously thinking about this for October - that bread pudding was probably my favorite thing I ate in February!
That looks like a great meal at 'Ohana. Our last visit there was disappointing so we haven't been back for a few years, maybe we'll have to give it another go.

It was a good meal, Ohana is one of our favorites but I do agree their meats on skewers are inconsistent. The sides are always good, though.

Holy cow, Su-Lynn, you're an updating machine! :laughing:

I'm trying! It's gonna be a mess next week while getting ready to go on the pandora preview trip so I'm just getting as much done now as I can.

I LOVED visiting in early May! Between the Flower and Garden beauty and the lower crowds, I'd be thrilled to go during that time of year again!

It was most certainly one of my favorite times to go to date!

Yes! I tried both the shrimp and grits and the La Vie En Rose slush when I was there last May and loved both. :goodvibes I didn't get a chance to try the Frushi as unfortunately I was eating from the booths by myself and my stomach has limits. :laughing: I need to go back one day as there are more things I'd love to try!

I know, I was surprised at how full you get from eating at the booths. I get 3 things and I'm done, LOL.

Those are AWESOME! What great pictures!

(And what an odd comparison when compared to the picture with no people!)

Insane isn't it? Basically don't come race weekends if you're not running (or cheering someone on who is running) haha.

This sounds great! I will definitely have to look into this if the service is still running and I have direct park to park plans on a future trip!

It's fantastic. You will be spoiled forever.

I think Anika and I sat at that table (or darn close to it!) on our 2013 trip! It is a great view!

It is the best view. Imagine if we went when the fireworks were on! We wouldn't have to move to watch it!

This looks outstanding! I can't wait to go back in October!

Thank you!! It really is a treat to dine at Ohana!

Yup. Got my ticket for the Nov 1st party! I am flying in late the evening of Oct 30th and staying until that Sunday. It will be my first MNSSP, first W&D, lots of ADR firsts, and first solo trip.

We got our tix for Nov 1st too. @soniam will be going then too. It's gonna be a fun DISMEET party!
I hope you have a grand solo trip. It sounds like so much fun. We''re also arriving on the 30th but probably in the day time.

wow love the photos trip looks fun so far got caught up and can't wait to read more ok most of the time i look at really good photos people take

Thank you!!

We will be doing 'Ohana dinner for the first time in November before the Halloween party. I just kept seeing it in your trip report, and I finally broke down and booked it:) Plus, we love the Poly. Even if we aren't staying there and don't have an ADR, we find an excuse to visit every trip.

Haha, I hope you enjoy it. It is just lots of food and that fabulous dessert. But I just love being in the Poly. Hmm I wonder where we should go before the MNSSHP. I have GF Cafe for a late breakfast. Maybe we will go to the spa for a bit.

Ack, I'm so behind! You are super quick with updating this one :rotfl2:

I know...I am on a roll and trying to keep up with momentum before I get lazier and lazier. It helps that I have Disney withdrawals...until next week!

Let's and chest touching= yes please :eek::hyper:

It was so funny and cute.

Floating on butterflies? That is such a COOL photopass shot!!!

It was! I hope they do more of this.

Polynesian is still on my WDW bucket list :thumbsup2

Tropical vibes + Disney, you can't go wrong!

Ecpot looks so lush and gorgeous during the Flower show, their gardeners must be working around the clock to get it all done and to keep it looking so pristine:earseek:

It's gorgeous that time of year!

This title made me laugh because it is SO TRUE!!
I'm staying at the Poly in October, and bringing my mom along for her first ever visit. 'Ohana is one of my favorite restaurants, so it is obviously a must do for that trip. I plan to stuff myself silly on potstickers and bread pudding.

Yay! I know, Ohana is just the best! I also love how you can get the dessert at the Tambu lounge now!

It's the best, the best, the best!!

I did thoroughly enjoy my French toast bread pudding from Boma though, and it was a good placeholder until I'm back at the Poly in a few months.

Oooh is that bread pudding at breakfast only? We'll be eating at Boma for breakfast next weekend. Never been there at that time so I'm looking forward to all the offerings!

Last week was the first time I didn't spend any time at the monorail loop resorts and I really missed them. I loved having a glimpse of the Poly with this update!

Thanks! We too didn't spend time on the monorail loop at all aside from Ohana. I guess depending on where you're staying you kinda just stick to that side that you're on.

Yummy yum yum! We will be there in August as well and we have an ADR for Ohana, can't wait.


This makes me laugh because if I was there for a 4:10 reservation I think I would be hoping they would be behind schedule so dinner would be at a more "dinner like" time lol

I think you can still show up a little later and still be ok...maybe 15 mins later?

Those look so good. I seriously want to go there for those potstickers and noodles. I wonder if they have anything like those anywhere else since I can't get an O'hana reservation lol

Yak and Yeti, Skipper Canteen as @soniam mentioned. Also the quick service at Japan in Epcot also has them I believe. Maybe even China too.

Seriously looks like a lot of fun. But so. much. food. lol.

It was. So so filling...but in a good way!
They are! Highly recommended!
Cool! Although if they happen on the weekends...we are there only for one saturday, so we may miss them. However, I will be there to partake in all the kiosks!

Following along. I'm guessing your best day ever was May 4th. I didn't even know that was thing until this May 4'th. Ha ha. I automatically thought of you when I heard that and I knew you were going to be doing something SW to celebrate.

May the 4th was great. But was day ever? Hmmm :rolleyes1

The view from your room :thumbsup2

It was the nicest view!

That toddler with Gaston adorable.

Sooo cute!

Oh Yum Banana Bread Pudding.........someday I might get to try it.

It's delicious!!! It's the best part about the meal and I'm not even a big dessert person. I either love a dessert, or just don't want dessert. This is the former obviously. :)

I'm so happy to have found your TR, loving it so far! Isn't the beginning of May such a nice to visit?! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures :cutie:

Hi! Thanks for reading! It's such a gorgeous time to go, low crowds, nice weather, and F&G!!

OMG is right. It was crazy.​

My Mom and I felt the same way about this drink! Although my mother did not know what the ball things were in her drink so no we refer to the drink as 'the ca-ca ball drink'. lol!!

Haha the pearls are actual giant tapioca balls that you see in tapioca pudding but these are giant ones they use in Bubble Teas.
We love the Poly and 'Ohana we visited several times in March. It's such a beautiful resort. I treated DD to a mani/pedi at Senses Spa and afterwards we had dinner at 'Ohanas. We followed the path from the GF along the water to the Poly. It was so beautiful. We also enjoyed our Lapu Lapu in the Tambu lounge. Your family will have such a great time in August.

That sounds wonderful. I was thinking of going to the spa in Nov for our anniversary...But I have to decided...hmm, park time or spa? We just love the parks so much!
I didn't know there was a walking path back to Poly from GF? Last year on my birthday dinner at V and A we got a private golf cart ride from GF back to Poly. But we went though a lot of backstage and CM only areas that I didn't know where the regular walkway was.

Such a good table! I just love everything about the Poly though :)

I know...can't go wrong with that resort!! You picked the right choice for DVC!

Yay! So convenient - and you get to use the awesome pool! Plus, Dole Whip on site - yum :D

Yum, I can't wait until all of the above!

Okay, so I recently wrote up our 'Ohana trip - and was kind of meh on the main course. But now I'm remembering how delicious the sides were, and I'm like - well, maybe we could go back sometime :P Because those sides were so good!

I saw that! That's too bad you didn't the entrees were good. But I definitely am more of a sides person so I definitely ate most of the sides. :)
Yeah sometimes the entrees can be hit or miss for me but I'm happy with sides and dessert.

Ick! I don't even have an allergy, but I am not a sweet tea person, so tea flavored diet coke does not sound delicious. Glad she got you new drinks :) We've had that happen before with Will's Dr. Pepper at restaurants, which is also gross. Obviously I'm picky about my drinks :P

Haha me too. Especially because you're always thirsty in Disney, and I drink so much fluids!

I'm seriously thinking about this for October - that bread pudding was probably my favorite thing I ate in February!

Soooo good. Gonna have to try this in August.
All caught up! Man, this thread is growing FAST!!

Loved all the updates, so much fun tagging along with you. I especially enjoyed your visit to Ohana's as we have it booked for this summer after we have not been to it in AGES! Can't wait for the breadpudding. :rotfl2:
That sounds wonderful. I was thinking of going to the spa in Nov for our anniversary...But I have to decided...hmm, park time or spa? We just love the parks so much!
I didn't know there was a walking path back to Poly from GF? Last year on my birthday dinner at V and A we got a private golf cart ride from GF back to Poly. But we went though a lot of backstage and CM only areas that I didn't know where the regular walkway was.

We were offered a ride in the golf cart but decided to walk. While DD was being pampered I was relaxing in the GF listening to the piano player. I needed to stretch my legs and was surprised how quickly we got there. If you exit the spa turn right and follow the walkway there are signs posted.


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