Bath time advise - DS & DD, when to separate their bath?

The twins (my nephews) used to jump into the shower with anyone, they liked the rain effect. They were both very verbal. I put the kibosh on them in the shower with me when they started asking questions around 2. I believe that's about the time my brother tried to explain about modesty although I think they would still jump in their parents/brothers shower for a few years. Gosh knows they ran around in undies or naked at will for at least another 3 or 4 years. We explained every thing they asked but yep for me, when they notice the difference and it becomes a main topic, it's time to explain about privacy.

If you decide to end the baths now or in a few years it's fine and won't damage them either way. Just do what feels right for your family and always treat and talk about everyone and their bodies with respect and honesty.

The boys did like to have me stay in the room while they bathed to talk to, and that continued until they were 7 or 8 and switched over to showers full time, so it didn't make them prudes at all.
How about 1-2 yrs old. Can't believe kids are bathing together at 6+ years. Wait until they have to tell a story about what they do in their house while in kindergarten. DSS will be knocking on the door at any moment. Are you that lazy that you have to combine kids coed baths? I agree with the coworker on this issue because it seems gross.

I bet you'll let your 7 year old sons go into the women's restroom also huh? Smh
^ haha - lazy, heck, too expensive to run two baths :p

Another with B/G twins. We stopped when the bathroom floor was getting soaked, probably around the age yours are now, maybe a little older. Lots of fun sliding down the back. We renovated the bathroom and they took individual baths after that (with care not to wet the floor!).
How about 1-2 yrs old. Can't believe kids are bathing together at 6+ years. Wait until they have to tell a story about what they do in their house while in kindergarten. DSS will be knocking on the door at any moment. Are you that lazy that you have to combine kids coed baths? I agree with the coworker on this issue because it seems gross.

I bet you'll let your 7 year old sons go into the women's restroom also huh? Smh

This is a little over the top. Not everyone has hangups about young children bathing together, and every family is different. People can learn from each other on these threads, but let's be careful about passing judgment on others.
I would stop it by the time they start going to grade school- by then they could be showering on their own anyway.
My son and daughter are 2-1/2 years apart in age, it never occurred to me to bathe them together. They each had their own bath, and I enjoyed the "one on one time" with each one.

If I would have bathed them together I probably would have stopped when our son started school at age 5.
I have almost 6 year old b/g twins and a 2 year old. They all bathe together. I don't think my daughter would want to be separated! We'll stop bathing them together when she no longer wants to be in the bath with her brothers.
Goodness- I must be repressing some traumatic feelings that I know nothing about based on some of these responses!! I only have 1 child, but as a kid I bathed with my younger brother (3 years apart) until I was 9 and he was 6. My brother never commented about private parts because my mom always filled up the tub with bubbles, put me in first, then got my brother. All he saw was the top half...and at that age we looked exactly the same!! I think so many people are prudes. My brother and I both turned out fine..neither of us is traumatized!!
I wouldn't, but it is for sanitary reasons. I do like a nice hot bath to relax, but if I was sweaty etc I always shower. I can't imagine 2 or three kids in the same bath water together or sharing it. Young kids 1 or 2 yr old probably pee in the water on top of it. Butts that haven't been properly wiped and then hopping into the tub ( I know my 6 year old can have issues wiping from time to time). So while I have no issues with nudity it would gross me out for the kids to be bathing in each others filth. Unless they are in the house all day and not running outside sweating and getting dirty, but that isn't the case most of the time. Both my 6 and 8 yr old sweat like crazy. Most of the time they shower, but my 6 yr old will play in the tub. I just would have him shower if he was at soccer or outside running around first and then fill the tub for him to play. The kids bathroom has a attachment that pops off so I can wash and shower him quickly. I may be the odd one out but cobathing skeeves me out.
I am a B/G twin and I never remember sharing a bath with my brother. I am sure we had some baths together but it wasn't something I can recall. I know we never shared a bath with our younger brother (5 year age difference).

I never understood the fascination with kids playing in the bathtub. I don't have time for that. My oldest started showering at age 3. He never really played in the tub. My youngest is 3.5 now. I usually let him play for a few minutes while I am getting things ready for the AM. Once it warms up a little this spring and he starts getting more dirty/sweaty we plan on switching him to showers as well.

Its not really a modesty thing, my DS10 is a competitive swimmer and has zero modesty. Its more of a bath/shower time is about hygiene, not play time in our house. I don't have time to sit and supervise baths in my limited time at home. I will be THRILLED once DS3 switches over.
You and your sibling are only 8.5 months apart? Was one of you a super preemie?
No, one was adopted at birth. For 3.5 months every year, we are the same age.

I can't stand baths personally, I also found sitting in the bathroom supervising to be boring so we too taught showers early on. We also always showered the kids off when done with their bath, I'm not skeeved out by a bath but I must rinse hair and body upon completion.
I would stop when they want to stop. It's really not a big deal for sibs to share a bath. Shoot the cousins and one very close family friend shared the bath when our kids were that age. My vote is not a big deal at all.
I can't remember when we stopped, but I know my kids were still sharing the double shower at 7 and 5 because we had a traumatic incident with a razor when they were that age. lol.
How about 1-2 yrs old. Can't believe kids are bathing together at 6+ years. Wait until they have to tell a story about what they do in their house while in kindergarten. DSS will be knocking on the door at any moment. Are you that lazy that you have to combine kids coed baths? I agree with the coworker on this issue because it seems gross.

I bet you'll let your 7 year old sons go into the women's restroom also huh? Smh

LOL. The traumatic razor story I mentioned above WAS shared at school. She wrote a story about the event, and it was posted on the wall during parent teacher nights.

Lazy? Yep, you got it. After working 12-14 hour days, and having the kids on my own all evening while DH worked, I was not going to spend two baths kneeling on the floor next to the tub. :sad2: :rotfl:
I think we will stop with my b/g twins around age. They already don't always bathe together. Sometimes the girls (me and DD) will shower together and the boys (DS-9 and DS-3) will take a shower together to get things going faster.
I have B/G twins. I stopped when they started asking questions about their bodies... They were around 5 I think.
If we stopped when the private parts started being the topic of discussion, we would have had to stop at age 2 with the b/g twins lol
I just saw this.
It wasn't much of a conversation topic at that age for us. They knew they were different I guess, but it wasn't really a curiosity I could say.
How about 1-2 yrs old. Can't believe kids are bathing together at 6+ years. Wait until they have to tell a story about what they do in their house while in kindergarten. DSS will be knocking on the door at any moment. Are you that lazy that you have to combine kids coed baths? I agree with the coworker on this issue because it seems gross.

I bet you'll let your 7 year old sons go into the women's restroom also huh? Smh
Um no... They won't. Bigger fish to fry.
I think as long as it works for you and it isn't an issue for them you can continue to let them take a bath together. I don't see it as a big deal at all at this age. And I wouldn't really put an age restriction on when it's no longer okay. Your kids will let you know when they no longer want to do it.
I did not ever have my kids bathe together. Like someone else said, baths skeeve me out. Just grody. The last thing I wanted was two people getting grody in a tub ;) And, one of my kids had the habit of dropping a deuce when bathing, so I would have to get him out, fish that out, let the water out, scrub the tub, get him back in, etc. I did not want to do that for both kids.

I made my husband do all the bathing duties at hotels and the like. Like I said, tubs skeeve me out.

Showers became mandatory very early on. I know, I have issues. I am ok with it ;)
My first thought would be at the time you stop bathing them and they start bathing themselves.


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