Are you considering not renewing your Annual Pass?

I'm probably on the wrong thread, but we've been holding on to a set of Platinum passes since prior to the pandemic and can't wait to activate them later this month (and have a year of trips from this summer through next summer) while we take full advantage of our passes. In the past, we would probably take a year off of being annual passholders and buy new passes to activate in Summer 2024, but we are actually thinking about renewing at the Sorcerer Pass level (since we are blue card DVC owners) next summer and changing the pacing of our Disney trips. Since APs are no longer on-sale to the general public, we don't want to roll the dice and take our chances on whether we will be able to buy passes in Summer 2024, and with the blue-card AP discounts, we can probably just take more regular trips instead of doing a "year of Disney" and then taking a year off, as we have in the past.

I know that it's not 100% the same Disney we experienced in the mid-2010's when we became mega-fans... but we still feel the magic and it's amazing seeing the magic through the eyes of our children. I think that the majority of the people saying that they plan to stop visiting are more than offset by others who plan to visit now more than ever before. Disney has made some public-facing mistakes and missteps, to be sure - but I think that more than enough crowds will be back in the short term to prevent current leadership from paying for any of these mistakes.
My trip last week was really frustrating. The stupid hopping restriction at 2PM, and Genie+ being just a complete flop.

The only saving grace was the deluxe after hours (MAGIC) and the late night GOTG virtual queue.

Top that off with getting woken up by jackhammers on the building next door, and well, the magic needs some work.

I am planning on selling one of my DVC contracts, and honestly, I might not need an AP for what I want to do next year. Maybe I can get a couple days for the late hours and a Halloween ticket and call it a year.

I wouldn't have even considered DVC without APs, and now I am thinking maybe I don't need either anymore.
Our passes expire in 10 days and we are not renewing. We made three trips in the past year, and each trip was a little more disappointing than the previous trip. The number of hoops we had to jump through just to plan a long weekend was not worth it. We are definitely ready for a break from Disney.
We are saddened by all the missteps Disney has made under Chapek. Yes, he guided the company through Covid so far, but so have thousands of other CEOs.

That said, we just renewed. We have so many memories we can’t walk away from. We have hope things will get better.
I was on the fence but I’ve discovered the deluxe extra hours and find that to be a real draw. I also discovered the joys of solo travels so not sure if I’ll renew DH’s as it expires months after mine.
That said, we just renewed. We have so many memories we can’t walk away from. We have hope things will get better.

From a purely emotional standpoint, I keep returning to Disney World because it is where my family found so much joy when our kids were young. I relive a lot of that joy on my long weekend trips even when it's just me and a local friend. The kids are grown, graduated, married, on to other things. But I can't let go.

Not to get too morbid, but if you've watched the Netflix series AfterLife -- all those places he's going as a widower, but still seeing his wife in times' past, smiling and laughing, in these bittersweet moments? That's me at Disney World seeing my kids as they grew.

And now, this Thanksgiving (because it was literally the only time everyone could go) both my kids, their spouses, and my 1 year old grandbaby on her first trip, will make more memories that will make me even more invested/renewing.

Weaponized nostalgia is a powerful strategy. Sometimes I envy those who are able to walk away.
My pass expired 3 days ago and I will not be renewing for the first time in 8 years. I live one hour away and go for the weekend at least once a month if not twice
Between the rising cost of gas, the inability to book a value resort for just a Saturday night (2 night minimum on the weekend), the loss of benefits going from Gold to Pirate/pay for photos/etc, insane merchandise costs for regurgitated products, and the nickel and diming of everything has made me decide to leave for now. I know that I don't know when or if I will be able to come back (could always get the lowest tier I suppose) but it just isn't the best financial decision for all of the woe it gives me. I want to "vote with my dollar" and let Disney know that I am unhappy with the changes.
I have to make the decision in September. Right now, it’s not renew because of other travel plans in the next year (Tokyo Disney being one if travel to Japan opens up). …but the fact that they are still not selling AP’s kinda makes me want to renew 😬

I have done 9 trips in the last 3 years over the course of 2 AP’s (there was a gap, but I was able to get a new on at 2019 pricing for AP holders that had let renewal lapse)
Going in August 2020 was the perfect farewell for a while. I had seen what Disney was turning into and had to deal with barely any crowds. I don't think I will ever justify an AP ever again. It's just not worth the price, I'm not that local and to spend $1300+ and basically have to do 3+ trips is just impractical to me. In 2019 I got AP for like $800ish so I could do less trips and make it worth it, but now it's an impossibility. Park reservations also makes it a pain to visit, I have to basically plan what I want to do when I go. Not to mention the current state of just everything, cost going up, no magical express, Genie+... so many obstacles in the way. Even though this is a rumor, I heard about park hopping being restricted to park reservation in the future, I just hope it's not true. I think it's about time to make Tokyo Disney my home resort, since they are doing decent in these times.
I didn’t want to do it, but I held my nose at the offensive decisions corporate has made lately and I handed them my money to renew our APs. We just got back from a longer than usual trip to Orlando. We only spent two days in the parks, but 4 days on property, and 4 more very nearby. We finally ventured beyond the bubble, went to SeaWorld, Aquatica, and other resorts with water parks. Orlando non-Disney businesses made out like bandits. So, we got the APs, but WDW only got 1/2 of our discretionary $$ when they should have had it all. We had a great time and were well treated everywhere.

ETA: So I don’t regret renewing, and I’m still angry with WDW for <reasons>, but I’m not full on boycotting, yet. I’m weak.
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We go about 3 times a year and will be renewing our passes when they expire in the fall. We are still enjoying our trips.
Ours expires in November. I would prefer not to renew this time around. We are going back in March 2023. We could easily buy 2-3 days of base tickets/would definitely miss my Epcot evenings. Normally we go twice a year. I originally wanted to take a break from Disney for Fall 2023 - but since we don't know if APs will start selling again permanently, I will most likely renew.
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I did not plan on renewing at all because my grandson (who I travel with the most turned 3 and I could not buy him an AP) but my eldest daughter renewed mine and hers. We are locals and for the past 17+ years we go at least once a month and before Covid we took 2 two week long trips every year. 2 weeks over 4th of July and the 2 weeks from Xmas to NYE. We haven't been able to justify either of those 2 week long trips since re-opening.

Anyway, over the past couple of months every time we go into the pack we end up talking about how we shouldn't have renewed because the quality is going down. Bathrooms are dirtier than I've ever seen them (unflushed toilets and tissue all over the floors) paint and decorative trimming falling and chipping off. Trash around the park on the ground and in bushes/flower beds. We we're in Magic Kingdom on Monday for the 4th and I think that day is the straw that broke the camels back for us (combined with Chapek's extension) . We decided after this year we wont be renewing. Between reservation system, hopping restrictions, price increase, lack luster discounts for APs, and overall park visit quality there is just no value in having an AP anymore. Once we started comparing our Disney day's to days we go to Busch Gardens, Seaworld, Legoland I knew that we weren't long for Disney anymore.

So, we wont be renewing. Our plan is to renew our Legoland APs and add Universal APs again (grandson will be tall enough for everything and Uni gives us the feel Dis use to give us) once our Disney APs expire this time.
No way. I'm afraid if I don't renew, I'll never get it back.
Pretty much this. However, I started going through the renewal process online now that my Pixie Pass is in the renewal window. The only option it gave me was to renew into the Incredipass. I checked in Chrome and Edge. Hopefully, that's just a glitch that will be eventually resolved because there's no way I'm upgrading that much. I'd consider switching to the level above Pixie (was that Pirate?), but no higher. Maybe I'll have to make a stop and talk to someone in person while I'm at Disney Springs later today.


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