Are people not fans of the Tim Tracker?

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What is it about human nature that thrills us so much when we see people get "caught" being "naughty"?? I'm not judging....I'm guilty of it too! Is it because we just can't believe that people are truly as nice as they appear? Or is it because we're happy WE haven't be caught being "naughty" yet?
This wasn't being "caught" though, just called out on it. They put it on for the whole world to see and made a ton of money off of it. Even after caught, they didn't take it all down!!!
I don’t think anyone has made that argument towards everyone that says something negative.

There is a small group of people who have taken things very far regarding their dislike of the Trackers. We are talking about finding real names, posting home address, criticizing every aspect of their lives (including things that didn't actually happen), etc. while watching every move the Trackers make for more ammo. Those are the type of people that are being criticized as having something wrong with them.
I am critiquing them as someone who was a long time viewer and once enjoyed their videos. I am allowed to do that as their youtube channel and vlogs are public. I agree that the weirdos who post their names and addresses and stalk them (even some who think they are well meaning fans are more like stalkers to me when I see them chasing them down when they are out in public) are not mentally all there. I stand by my statement that with all their flexing with Gucci sweaters, Teslas and extremely high priced staycations lately, they are not the same relatable channel they used to be. And when youtubers are hosted by companies for publicity you can no longer trust their reviews.
Oh you must not pay close enough attention to their vlogs. Yes, they recently got a nanny/sitter to mind and feed Jackson in the parks while they are there with him. I don't know of any other abled body parents that do that while in the theme parks with their child. They say they are a travel channel so I want to see what the parks, food offerings and what navigating the parks is like to an average person like me who doesn't have a sitter with to watch my kids. They can eat all they want as can I but I don't have a sitter cutting my child's food while I'm eating. Just saying they aren't relatable to the average parents nor are they presenting the realistic Disney experience.

did they mention hiring a nanny in a recent video? I watch their videos every day but admit I’m not always paying close attention, especially their longer livestreams. I know they had a friend watch their son while they both went to Horror Nights, and had a friend with them in their Remy video, but I don’t recall an official nanny.
did they mention hiring a nanny in a recent video? I watch their videos every day but admit I’m not always paying close attention, especially their longer livestreams. I know they had a friend watch their son while they both went to Horror Nights, and had a friend with them in their Remy video, but I don’t recall an official nanny.

For fear of being called a "troll" again (I'm only reporting facts here that they, themselves, showed), in the Remy video, while they're sitting and eating inside the new crepe place, you can see a female hand cutting up Jackson's food for him and trying to feed him.

Jenn sits, eating and talking, to the other side of Jackson as this is happening. Tim is filming across from the three of them. I am not sure if it's a true nanny or just a family friend. It did look odd to see that, however.
For fear of being called a "troll" again (I'm only reporting facts here that they, themselves, showed), in the Remy video, while they're sitting and eating inside the new crepe place, you can see a female hand cutting up Jackson's food for him and trying to feed him.

Jenn sits, eating and talking, to the other side of Jackson as this is happening. Tim is filming across from the three of them. I am not sure if it's a true nanny or just a family friend. It did look odd to see that, however.
Cousin and their videos really don't need dissecting to the degree of who is cutting up the toddler's food. Vlogging is their JOB and if and when they hire a nanny is none of our business.
Cousin and their videos really don't need dissecting to the degree of who is cutting up the toddler's food. Vlogging is their JOB and if and when they hire a nanny is none of our business.

I don't know who the person was, as I stated. Only that I confirmed I saw it in the vlog as the other poster did as well. That's all.

Sorry, I don't know what "Cousin and their videos" means.
Oh you must not pay close enough attention to their vlogs. Yes, they recently got a nanny/sitter to mind and feed Jackson in the parks while they are there with him. I don't know of any other abled body parents that do that while in the theme parks with their child. They say they are a travel channel so I want to see what the parks, food offerings and what navigating the parks is like to an average person like me who doesn't have a sitter with to watch my kids. They can eat all they want as can I but I don't have a sitter cutting my child's food while I'm eating. Just saying they aren't relatable to the average parents nor are they presenting the realistic Disney experience.
Do you not know anyone that has grandparents, family members, or friends that vacation with them? That is common in my family (much to my annoyance as I have had to push back on it).

Completely understand the comments regarding not being relatable to your experiences in the park. As their channel has become more Jackson focused I have found myself skipping more of their videos as I don't relate to their current stage of life. There are plenty of other vloggers out there to watch though so hopefully you find one that is a better fit. One of my favorites lately has been Adults in Disney:
For fear of being called a "troll" again (I'm only reporting facts here that they, themselves, showed), in the Remy video, while they're sitting and eating inside the new crepe place, you can see a female hand cutting up Jackson's food for him and trying to feed him.

Jenn sits, eating and talking, to the other side of Jackson as this is happening. Tim is filming across from the three of them. I am not sure if it's a true nanny or just a family friend. It did look odd to see that, however.

I watched that video this morning, I assumed it was a one-time thing and just a friend with them helping with Jackson while they filmed something. And if they DO have someone with them all the time when Jackson goes, I honestly don’t blame them one bit. 🤣
Well the got banned from media events at both Disney and universal. Past comments by her came back to haunt them.

I wonder how many people went and complained about those comments too. Judging by some of the posts on here, moving on from the past is a very difficult thing to do.
That's the sticking point for me and what makes their apology video harder to believe.

I believe they did remove the video, and since youtube allows you to see how much you've made off of any particular video, they donated the $ made from that video to a charity. I forget which one. It was something like a whole $3.00.
I believe they did remove the video, and since youtube allows you to see how much you've made off of any particular video, they donated the $ made from that video to a charity. I forget which one. It was something like a whole $3.00.

But people had complained about the videos before and they refused to take them down at that time. That's the issue for me.
But people had complained about the videos before and they refused to take them down at that time. That's the issue for me.
If they had taken them down beforehand, and let us acknowledge that nothing ever totally disappears from the www, surely they would now stand accused of attempting to hide their past mistakes? Would that have been better than acting as they did and publicly acknowledging their wrongdoings?
On a more general note, how can it be right for a convicted criminal to serve prison time, be released and in time have his/her record expunged, but for a person to be punished (without committing a crime and/or conviction) by society for life, for a careless, stupid, racist, homophobic ( insert whatever description you wish) vlog, filmed years ago? It’s a bit medieval, like throwing ‘witches’ in a river to see if they drown or stoning people.
If, as I do, people find some old vlogs (of any vloggers) abhorrent, then unsubscribe, but don’t viciously attack and troll people indirectly through a forum such as this, or indeed directly. It’s rather bad form in my humble opinion and damages the reputation of this forum and everyone associated with it. And that includes me.
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Agreed. They make plenty off of their videos. They can buy a ticket.

To be honest, with all the nickel and diming Disney is doing as of late I think they should really cut back on the media stuff. They sell out ridiculously overpriced after hours parties already… is there really a need for more coverage?
I would be furious if prices were raised to accommodate them, or any other youtuber.
I would be furious if prices were raised to accommodate them, or any other youtuber.

Personally, I doubt that's the case. Vloggers would simply be part of a marketing budget. Given the previews can't possibly cost them all that much compared to other forms of advertising, they're getting quite a deal. In exchange, they don't get to control what the vlogger says about their products. But we know most of the vloggers have good things to say. And frankly, I love seeing the previews for the chance to see all the merchandise and some of the food offerings at festivals. It's exciting. :P
If they had taken them down beforehand, and let us acknowledge that nothing ever totally disappears from the www, surely they would now stand accused of attempting to hide their past mistakes? Would that have been better than acting as they did and publicly acknowledging their wrongdoings?

They could have publicly acknowledged it at the time that it was first brought up as an issue was my point and is what makes me doubt the sincerity of their apology. That was my point.

If, as I do, people find some old vlogs (of any vloggers) abhorrent, then unsubscribe, but don’t viciously attack and troll people indirectly through a forum such as this, or indeed directly. It’s rather bad form in my humble opinion and damages the reputation of this forum and everyone associated with it. And that includes me.

Okay... I think you're aiming this at the wrong person here. I've stayed out of this mostly and was just explaining my thoughts. No vicious attacks from me or trolling. Just my thoughts on a topic that was brought up by someone else.

Have a nice day!
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