April 2024 WISH Thread - Bring on the Sunshine! ☀️

I am woohooing that I have ben doing pretty good with walking. It hasn't been 5 days a week like I want but it is at least 3-4 days

Woohooing that I was finally able to clean my car. Either it has been crummy out or when it is nice one of the kids have it. DD takes it to work and riding and has gotten out of the habit of changing out of her boots before getting into the car so I had layers for dirt. It was pretty bad. Thankfully DH got me weather tech liners for mothers day last year so most of it was just vacuuming those and then spraying them off.
I'm woohooing today that I had a great call with my dietitian. We did a monthly check-in on my goals and progress so far and she's been amazing, she's always in my corner and hyping me up. We went over some of the places where I feel like I've seen a lot of success and some of the places where I feel like I'm falling short and she kept me positive the entire call. I really needed to hear some positive reinforcement today -- actually got emotional at one point :blush:
What a fun list of things to be thankful for!

I will say that being a lawn guy, DH would probably disown me if I said I was thankful for Dandelions! Although, if the weren't considered weeds, there's pretty like many other flowers!

I also had to look up vellichor - DD1 would have that - a strange wistfulness of used bookstores. We go into used bookstores anytime we see them if DD1 is there. I think she half picked her first apartment due to the fact that she could walk to a quaint little used bookstore in the neighborhood!

Today, I'm thankful for organization - I keep a list of our flights that we currently have booked and check them most mornings to look for price drops. Today, I saved $112 in points from price drops!
I am thankful that’s it’s Thursday and my work week is over! It’s been hectic that is for sure!!!!

Thankful DS1 and daughter in law have their 20 week ultrasound tomorrow! I am excited for them and I know it will calm their nerves to see their baby girl and get the in-depth scan done!

Thankful that we are once again-somehow-being spared from the rain, at least for this morning!!!
I am thankful for having a good contact at in the financial aid office at the school DS wants to go to. There are some perks to my job. She is my contact at work as well and I she was quick to get back to me about a question I had.

I am not so woohooing/thankful that the Department of Ed doesn't have their act together when it comes to the FAFSA. I still cannot fix the glitch that happened with DS's FAFSA. It is getting tiring because I am dealing with it at work and at home. I am ready for this to be done. It is going to be a long summer.
I have something else I am thankful for today. A few weeks ago DH bought some swordfish steaks to try. This was also the day we went shopping with DD to get gluten free stuff. DH has been looking for the swordfish ever since. I keep telling him we never bought them and he is adamant that we did. Well he just sent me a picture of our pantry and I could figure out why. Well he found the swordfish. I have been thinking, since we got it, that it was DD's gluten free pancake mix. He said the bag was pretty swollen and ready to burst. I am very thankful he found it and before it made a yucky smelly mess.
I am thankful for a bit more sunshine this morning, and that yesterday stayed nice enough that I was able to get out and mow the lawn in the evening.

I am thankful for my massage appointment today, it is going to feel really good.

I am thankful for all the birdies I can see playing around outside my office window. Something has changed in the past few days and there are many more types of birds in the area, including the tiny little bushtits who are so stinking cute.
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Big plans for the weekend... tomorrow my Niece is coming over and we're going to have an ice dyeing extravaganza, really looking forward to it. I've got six yards of white cotton fabric to dye that I'm planning to make Christmas gift bags out of.

Sunday I have a new shelf/grow light system coming, so I'll get it set up. With everything I've changed about sprouting seeds, I'm still getting leggy plants because the lighting isn't right, so I sucked it up and have gone big time. I think the plants I have going are going to be good enough to go outside, but I've also ordered more Zinnias and Sunflower seeds to start over from scratch.

Other than that I'm going to do a reset on the house moving the sofa back into the dining room, because it faces west, so I'll get the afternoon/evening sun which is so important this time of year.
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We don't have much going on this weekend - I do have a cousin visiting from Alabama, so I'll probably go out to eat with her and some others if her schedule allows.

Otherwise, we'll probably go see a movie (saw the Long Game last night - highly recommend) and watch some baseball games. Nice, slow-pace weekend!
I was pretty sure it was going to tell me my job should be to be Meg Ryan, since I [picked all of her movies, but instead I got:


The clouds burned off late yesterday and I spent a lovely evening in the yard cutting back blackberries. It is gorgeous this morning as well, perfect for our arts-and-crafts which are messy and need to be done outside. Better yet I was able to get a last minute appointment for a haircut this morning, and I'm going to get a bit of color as well.

Happy Saturday everyone!
Hello Happy Saturday!!! I got:

Our dryer died suddenly last week and luckily DH had a coupon on his lowes card for special financing and some other perks so that got delivered yesterday and went well!

I babysat my niece yesterday and overnight and after she went home today DH and I walked at the SPCA. I got 4 miles in and it was sunny so hooray!!!!!

Tomorrow will be church then it’s my day to volunteer at the coffee bar so you will find me brewing coffee and sneaking a treat I am sure LOL!!

Enjoy your day everyone!!


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