Anyone know anything about Army/Marines not recruiting anymore?

pat fan

Sad my tag won't fit :(
Oct 2, 1999
I just read an article that said those two branches have exceeded the amount of soldiers they can have and are letting people go. My DS is interested in the Army after he graduates next year and now I'm worried! Are they not going to be accepting new recruits? Or only those who are the cream of the crop? My kid is great, never been in trouble, smart...but he's not a rocket scientist (who is,other than rocket scientists?).

Is this true for Navy/Air Force as well? Although he doesn't seem interested in those branches, even if it's what I would prefer.
I haven't heard anything like that. DH is Army National Guard and the units here in Tennessee are way understaffed. When one gets mobilized for deployment they have to borrow people from the other units in order to have their positions filled. There were several postings for full time recruiters on the Tennessee ARNG website as well.

Maybe it's in the higher ranks. Our boss her is ARNG as well and he went up as far as he could.....I think Lueutenant Col or Col, but wouldn't say I'm sure......

From what I understand once you get so high up you can't go up until another higher rank spot above you opens up. Well ever so often they have to go up or get out (he's served over 20 yrs). He couldn't go up because there were no open spots but he could make a lateral move and became a Chief Warrant Officer.

I know that DH's unit sure has had a lot of those promotional/changing of the guard ceremonies over the course of the last couple months.
I dont know where you heard that-but rest assured it is completely untrue-both branches are still recruiting actively-and the army is still about 30K soldiers understrength-furthermore-strength is never managed by ceasing recruiting but rather by raising standards for enlistment or retention standards. Your son will have plenty of opportunities in any branch of service.
Despite what Christie says about the Tennessee Guard-the Army National Guard is 10 percent overstrength nationally-and they are managing that by-not allow soldiers who have over 20 years of service and who do not meet quality retention standards to stay in-and by lowering the maxiumum enlistment age from 42 to 35.-and officer promotions and enlisted promotions are managed differently and the scenario Christie describes with her boss applies to field grade officers only-so your son will be good to go for many years.
My DH is Air National Guard recruiter and they are still putting people in too.
Pat Fan, just a suggestion but has your son considered the delayed enlistment program? My Marine son started this in October of his senior year. Helps them get in shape physically and somewhat mentally...of course nothing prepares them fully for boot camp. I heard from another source here in Indy that their son's entrance into the Marines had been put off by the Marine Corp until sometime next year but perhaps they wanted a special "job". God bless your son for considering serving his country.
As others have said, I don't think this is true! HOWEVER, since it's the end of the fiscal year...recruiters may be good for this year.

My husband is a recruiter for medical officers in the Army and I know that they, at least, are still eagerly recruiting. :)
They still are but they are no longer accepting people without diplomas and not granting waivers currently is what I heard. Basically they can get a bit picky with recruits right now because of high retention due to the economy.
Pat Fan, just a suggestion but has your son considered the delayed enlistment program? My Marine son started this in October of his senior year. Helps them get in shape physically and somewhat mentally...of course nothing prepares them fully for boot camp. I heard from another source here in Indy that their son's entrance into the Marines had been put off by the Marine Corp until sometime next year but perhaps they wanted a special "job". God bless your son for considering serving his country.

I 2nd this. MY DH did the delayed enlistment for the Air Force and it was a good decision.
I also did the deferred enlistment program after college (I wanted the student loan repayment program as my incentive, so I didn't go in as an officer). It helped to ease my mind because it is a binding contract, so I knew that I would have a job 9 months later when I graduated. (Plus it added 9 months of IRR time). You can delay/defer enlistment for up to 11 months, 3 weeks, and 6 days from what I understood of the official guideline. But once again, the standards may have shifted because of the economy and the enlistment numbers. Has he (Pat Fan's DS) gone into a recruiting station?
Not being in the military and not having talked to a recruiter yet, what is delayed enlistment?

DS is still waiting for his guidance counselor to get thim set up for the ASVAB you can take at school, and wants to wait to talk to a recruiter until after he has done this. This was advice I got from the Disboards. Good advice or no?

BTW, pat fan is a girl :) I'm the mommy....
Waiting for the ASVAB is one way to go. Your son can still go and talk to a recruiter (and u can go too...either at the same time or on your own). After talking to the recruiter, the recruiter might be able to set up a time where your son can take the ASVAB on the Army's dime on a random Saturday. Just an idea. :) There are many options available to your son. The recruiter would be happy to answer any questions that you have, but until that ASVAB score is received, there is no way to tell what jobs your son would qualisy for.

I don't know what the one that they give at schools is like, but the one that the recruiter can set up will give him (your DS) the score instantaneously.

I can only speak from our experience regarding the DEP. My son spoke to a Marine recruiter and then they came to speak to his dad and I in our home. The next day he went to sign all the paperwork indicating his intent and he also took the "test". For the next several months he spent time at the recruiters office, doing PT (exercise-mostly running) with other DEP Marines. They also went to a couple of weekend events, spending time with the recruiters and Marines who were home on leave. This time all counts toward the end of their total commitment (in my son't case he had 4 years active duty and then 2 years where he could have been called back up-he has since reenlisted so this does not still apply, once he finishes his next four years he cannot be called back up to my understanding). After he graduated from high school he had about 2 months before he left for boot camp...he was not yet 18 but I believe they do not have to be 18 necessarily. I hope your son an make a good decision for what is best for him. Best of luck to your family.


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