Anyone buy DVC without spouses knowledge?

Hmmm ... didn't he have to sign something due to the Marital Property law in WI? Or is that only when you take a loan?
You are correct about WI law but still did it with out him knowing. :rolleyes1
I have to say I can't imagine ever making a purchase like this unless DW was completely in agreement. But then again I can't imagine taking separate vacations from her either. Maybe that is why our marriage has lasted 35 years.
I recently bought a small DVC resale. I'm lucky my husband is Disney Nuts too! I let him know about the purchase when he had to sign the paperwork. I wanted to surprise him with it for our anniversary.....but I wanted him on the deed so.....surprise spoiled! I used money from my own little stash and paid it wasn't a big deal. We have already discussed add-ons.....just haven't decided on where.
I have to say I can't imagine ever making a purchase like this unless DW was completely in agreement. But then again I can't imagine taking separate vacations from her either. Maybe that is why our marriage has lasted 35 years.

We definitely have seperate interests. He is a big hunter and spends money on hunting clubs and paid out of state trips. I have no interest in hunting like he has little interest in Disney. When he goes it is for me and the kids. However, our marriage has lasted 17 years and still going strong. Different strokes I guess.
We definitely have seperate interests. He is a big hunter and spends money on hunting clubs and paid out of state trips. I have no interest in hunting like he has little interest in Disney. When he goes it is for me and the kids. However, our marriage has lasted 17 years and still going strong. Different strokes I guess.

This is the same with us and ours has lasted 40 years.
No, I wouldn't buy DVC without my DH knowing I was buying. We pretty much agree on everything though and Disney is no different, we both love it. When I discovered DVC he was onboard with the idea immediately.
Are you kidding?!

He refers to himself as my Fairy GodFather..making my Disney Dreams Come
My DW took our son in the fall of 2003 and was not happy with the accomadations. She came back with a signed contract to SSR for 240 pts. After she broke the "news" I thought it was a good idea and decided we would use more points. We changed the contract to 300 pts and to make a long story short, we now have 480 pts, exactly twice what she came home with. So, to answer your question, yes, my spouse bought without my knowledge.
Go figure. :rolleyes1
I would love it if my DH bought and add on without my knowledge. The more points the better..... But we both love our DVC vacations. I am a stay at home mom so I would never make that kind of purchase with out discussion. Now if I had a big paying job and no big debt, I'd have no problem with it. Good luck with your decision.:)
I couldn't bring myself to do it. We tease each other about needing more, but even as a gift to him/for us, I would talk it over before I bought.

If my spouse made a large financial decision like that without even consulting me, it would do long term damge to our relationship--I would really lose a lot of trust.

But then we talk about almost all of our purchases of anything over $200 or so--although I'm getting tired of hearing about how he has to put tires on his car--just do it already! :rotfl:
My husband travels alot for business. I purchased a car once - out of necessity while he was gone. Never would I make a luxury purchase of this nature without his knowledge, support and approval.
My wife is pretty darn anti-Disney. And we keep our finances completely separate, so it would have been easy to buy without telling her. But I decided to include her in the conversation - if for no other reason that it made sense to put her on the deed - and you can't do that in secret.

She gave me her best "whatever" look, asked a few key questions about how DVC works, then told me to go for it if I wanted. When the paperwork came, she carefully read over it and signed. That's probably the last she'll ever have to do with DVC.

Your post (and others) make me wonder...does your spouse go with you on your DVC trips to Disney or do you mostly visit VB and HH or cruises? You say she's pretty darn anti-Disney so I can't imagine you visit multiple times per year. While we're not fanatics (although some may think we are) I'm glad my DH and I are more or less on the same page. We go once every 1-2 years so we don't get Disneyed-out and become anti-Disney (gasp!)
I would not do this without my spouses knowledge. We have a similar rule as another had mentioned except our amount is $50. Kinda kow, I probably need to update it for inflation :) .

Fortunately we all love disney in this family. Bought our first contract ( 250 points OKW ) back in 2000, and added 150 AKV points this year. It wasn't even a discussion of "if" to buy, but "how much". Will be back on-site in another 48 days, 19 hours.

Yes, I am counting !
I would not do this without my spouses knowledge. We have a similar rule as another had mentioned except our amount is $50. Kinda kow, I probably need to update it for inflation :) .

Fortunately we all love disney in this family. Bought our first contract ( 250 points OKW ) back in 2000, and added 150 AKV points this year. It wasn't even a discussion of "if" to buy, but "how much". Will be back on-site in another 48 days, 19 hours.

Yes, I am counting !

We are counting too!
We probably need to re-adjust our amount for inflation:lmao: too, but it is nice to keep in check. I can't think too many occasions we had to say "no, we need to re-think this purchase." Never (ever) has there been repercussions if someone spent over the amount, we are just "checking in" to make sure we don't double spend the money.
We just bought and are trying to figure out where to add on because we love to go to WDW and now we like to take more family members.:cool1:
Our "discussion amount" isn't hard and fast - and doesn't include necessities like car tires - there is plenty of cushion in savings for that sort of thing (DVC is not a necessity). But new decks, new furniture, cases of wine that cost $800, vacations and clothes shopping that will quickly get into four figures once my husband starts, those we talk about. I'm married to a wonderful man who can spend faster than congress - so I need to provide oversight.

(He has less care about what I spend because, as my daughter says, I'm a little birdy - cheap cheap cheap.)
The only way I would buy a DVC contract without my spouse's knowledge would be if:

1. I knew he loved Disney vacations and was interested in DVC.

2. We were financially comfortable enough to afford such a purchase.

3. I was doing it as a surprise gift for HIM and needed to keep it a secret.

Other than that, I wouldn't buy DVC without consulting him first. If I did.....OH BOY, would he make me pay him back.....all year long!;) :rolleyes1
I would not purchase points without discussing it with DH. We don't discuss necessity purchases like car repairs, etc b/c we have those things covered in savings through our budget. However, luxury items that will have an impact on our budget, savings or investment account are always discussed.
I'm one of those who is saving (for a small resale, probably like 55-100 points or so) without DH's knowledge, sort of.

Meaning, I keep telling him that this is what I really want. He keeps telling me that I'm nuts, and that he thinks "disney fever" will wear off in a couple of years, and I'll wish that I didn't buy.

He also says, "we'll talk about this when the kids are out of school" - last one out in a couple more years!! :banana:

This way, when I am ready to buy - he'll have heard about it for a couple of years and should be used to the idea. Also - took him on a DVC tour when we went in September to see the AKL villa and SSR villa! :rolleyes1
-mary (dvc-wannabe)
Please, please, DH, if you are reading this from Anaheim where you are staying at DL without me :-)eek: ), feel free to go ahead and buy some more points without consulting me...:rotfl2:

Seriously, DH has occasionally bought me a big-ticket item as a gift without talking with me about it, but always with the provision that I could return/cancel it if I didn't feel good about it. He'd be upset if I spent a substantial sum without talking to him first. Nurturing our relationship is more important than any purchase either of us could make!


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