Any music therapists out there?



Does anyone know anything about music therapy? I'm a music education major, and thought I might look into also getting a degree in music therapy. It seems like a great occupation, but not many people around here know much about it....can anyone help me out??? Thanks a ton!!!
Don't know anything about music therapy, Steph, but sounds interesting. I am sure you will get some answers here.

So nice to see you post again. :wave: Hope the summer has been good for you before getting ready to head back to school in a few weeks, UGH!!!! :)
I know a little, DS looked in to it, but decided to chase his dream as a music performer instead. It seems to be geared mostly to helping the elderly or mentally ill.
One thing I do remember is that not too many colleges have a very complete program in music therapy as a major.
I don't know a whole lot about the field, but I do know that in the extremely large urban school district that I work there is ONE full-time music therapist. I have been impressed with her work. I bet there is a music therapy association that you could contact for information. Who knows though, there may even be a music therapist on The DIS!
I'm thinking I have a cousin or something that does this. I remember talking to someone about it and it sounded like a great field. I just wish I could remember who it was :( They had finished school and were just starting work in a hospital. I think they were working with young children and doing some studies on how music effected them.

If you are interested in music and therapy it sounds like a great combination.
DH has a degree in music composition but I will have to ask him if he has any knowledge in music therapy (he's and old goat so I do not know if they studied that when he went to school):teeth:
You should post this question on the disAbilities board. You should get plenty of replies there. Laurie :D
Wanted to put this back on pg 1. Surely somebody out there is a Music Therapist. :)
BTW **Steph** is my oldest dd. :)
I need some therapy......oh music therapy......still sounds interesting
I don't know any music therapists, sounds like a great field of study, though :)
Bumping in the hopes that a music therapist will see this. My bet is that music therapy is a young profession, with relatively few members. The suggestion to post this on the disAbilites board was a good one - there may well be a parent whose child has utilized the services of a music therapist.

Good luck in your search for information!


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