Any Chance Of Some Help With Counter Again ...please


Sep 19, 2001
i was very very grateful for all the help given on the uk dis with counter so please could someone help me again with one for the 6th nov 2002 leaving at 11.15. looking at it each day brings the holiday just that bit closer.. thanks:)
<APPLET CODEBASE=""CODE="BeanCounterDate.class" WIDTH=430 HEIGHT=73>
<param name="date" value="06 Nov 2002 11:15:00">
<param name="display" value="days, seconds">
<param name="imagefont" value="">

<param name="background" value=", 4, 30, 174, 25">
<APPLET CODEBASE=""CODE="BeanCounterDate.class" WIDTH=174 HEIGHT=58>
<param name="date" value="06 Nov 2002 11:15:00">
<param name="display" value="days, seconds">
<param name="imagefont" value="">
<param name="background" value=", 4, 4, 174, 25">
<APPLET CODEBASE=""CODE="BeanCounterDate.class" WIDTH=174 HEIGHT=58>
<param name="date" value="06 Nov 2002 11:15:00">
<param name="display" value="days, seconds">
<param name="imagefont" value="">
<param name="background" value=", 4, 4, 174, 25">

there's a couple for you to choose from - sorry I don't have any exciting pictures - but the countdown should work. My webspace is not the most reliable so if they disappear, then that's probably why.

to put it into your signature, then hit QUOTE and copy everything that appears between <APPLET and /APPLET> including the <'s and put that into your signature.

Originally posted by BevS97
<APPLET CODEBASE=""CODE="BeanCounterDate.class" WIDTH=229 HEIGHT=87>
<param name="date" value="06 Nov 2002 11:15:00">
<param name="display" value="days, seconds">
<param name="imagefont" value="">
<param name="background" value=", 4, 4, 174, 25">

there's a couple for you to choose from - sorry I don't have any exciting pictures - but the countdown should work. My webspace is not the most reliable so if they disappear, then that's probably why.

to put it into your signature, then hit QUOTE and copy everything that appears between <APPLET and /APPLET> including the <'s and put that into your signature.

thanks for the help have tried several unsuccesful attempts at moving it so will just come back and look at it on this page.... thanks for your help
Hi Alison,
Stu and I are flying out with Virgin on 6th Nov are you going Virgin Too?
I can't work out how to do a counter tried last year too and this so I'll just have to peak at yours when I feel excited only 242 days to go
........ I'll try to get you some techie help with your counters............
thanks for the pm claire and thanks wdw fan forhelp.

we fly with virgin from gatwick on the 11.15 flights to orlando international on the 6 th november is this the same as yours?
Hi Alison,
We fly out on the 12.30 flight so got a bit longer to have breakfast ;) Let's hope there showing some good movies
I will re-educate myself on this today so I can assist.

Don't forget that the background image still must meet the clipart requirements!

you need to copy the following code into your signature and change the date and time.

< APPLET CODEBASE=""CODE="BeanCounterDate.class" WIDTH=174 HEIGHT=58>
< param name="date" value="06 Nov 2002 11:15:00">
< param name="display" value="days, seconds">
< param name="imagefont" value="">
< param name="background" value=", 4, 4, 174, 25">
< /applet>

I have added an extra space after the < at the start of each line - you need to remove that space.

This is running from my webspace - if it's only the 2 people on here that are using it then that's fine, but if everyone starts using my webspace then it will probably stop working.

Stu has a file that you can download with all the components and some other pictures that you can use and most importantly instructions - but I seem to have misplaced the link.

thanks bev, but i have tried to copy and paste and then take out the spaces as you said but each time it just displays the text under my post. any idea as to what i could be doing wrong?:confused:
i think ive sussed it, it looks like i hadnt ticked the show signature box so here goes..whoa now im seeing double....


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