Annoying weather question for those there now ..(yes I've checked the forecast)


Loving our DVC :)
Jan 3, 2010

We head down tomorrow :)

I know the temps, I've checked....but I am colder than most people (lol) , and I'm wondering if it's been chilly at night? Jeans weather or still good in skirts and flip flops? Ladies ? Thanks!
Looking forward to some halloween/food wine fun :)
You know your body best. Night time temps are going down to low 60s this weekend. I guess better safe than sorry
I know , I checked...I'm just trying to not overpack, as usual. Less clothes=more room! LOL
We are leaving tomorrow too. Looks cool overnight/early morning and I am packing accordingly
Are you sticking with flip flops?
I really don't know WHY I stress so much, but I always panic with packing.
FWIW, we were roasting in the parks this morning/early afternoon, shivering in the pool around 3, then comfortable this evening. However, it looks like it will be 57* when we head out tomorrow AM, so I'd suggest various types of clothes/layers.
I would plan that at night you'll probably want non-shorts and maybe a shirt that covers your arms if not a sweatshirt when the sun goes down. Keep in mind the absolute lowest temp your seeing in the forecast is not going ot happen while your in the park.. I personally find that after being in the sun, I do feel chillier at night when it is dropping like it is this weekend and depending on how overheated or sweaty you are, you may not even feel the chill until your already on the way back to the resort.
The low Sunday night will be in the mid-50s. While that doesn't sound all that cold, it can seem pretty chilly when there is a good breeze. I would bring a sweater just in case.


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