An Invasion of a "STRANGER" Kind.... NEW THREAD IS UP!! Go Thee NOW!

As for Maroo, I think she would be fun for you to travel with at any time. I just know she's as down-to-earth and kind as anyone you'll ever meet. And she kind of likes Disney. :)


You are so sweet!

And kind of likes Disney - :laughing:

Liesa - I think your choice of trip companions sounds perfect. I am sure everyone will get along famously. And, having also met Mary in person, I will affirm that she is good people and will be an easy touring companion.

Thanks, Jen! :) I think we are going to have a great time!! :)

A close friend is a beautiful thing! I really am blessed to have one that I can call at any hour and share from my heart. maroo is becoming like that too! Except I woke her up the other morning- sorry, sweetie!! :flower3:

You can call me anytime! Day or night! But as you can tell, if you want to get me up, you gotta call me at least twice! :thumbsup2

I was telling Lisa (not to be confused with you...but I guess you don't get confused with yourself!) the other day that I think it is interesting that I talk to you more than I do some of my closest nearby friends. You seem to check on me more when I am sick, too. :rolleyes1

I told my friend Sarah the other day that she needs to move back to South Africa (she is back in Jackson) so that we can talk more often! I never see her or even hear from her now that she is right here! :confused3

MY DH thinks I"m nuts to be going on a trip and spending a week with someone I've only met once. Might be crazy, but I trust Mary than most people I've been friends with for years. :love:

I totally agree with this! I, too, trust Liesa like we have known each other forever! :hug:
What a great "getting to know each other story" :goodvibes It's amazing how complete strangers can meet on a large online community like the DIS. Then even go as far as planning a trip together? Amazing. With so much bad press about online stalkers, etc. this sort of thing is few and far between these days. :sad2: It's comforting to know that maybe one day when I have no one to go on a Disney trip with, I can always turn to the DIS :)

That pizza looks amazing. Oh my gosh. Please invite me next time! It'll only take me a half a day to get there :lmao:

Oh and thanks for dubbing me one of the Knightesses :laughing:
Umm, do you feed your children? ;):rotfl2: j/k - my DS will eat old cheerios from under the couch, but we haven't bought cheerios for 6 months! :eek:

That pizza looks delicious btw, I only wish I had opened this thread BEFORE DH got home from the grocery store. This was already the 2nd time I sent him in 3 days (he made homemade eggs benedict on Tuesday! :woohoo:), so I'm not sure I could convince him to make a 3rd trip. :sad2:

nah. Only when they're looking somewhat thin. :lmao::lmao: j/k Seriously, our kids are GREAT eaters! One daughter won't eat raw tomatoes or mushrooms, Bek won't eat sushi, and can't eat eggs very much. Other than that they will eat ANYTHING!! I would be confident taking them to ANY restaurant - Thai, French, whatever, and they would eat it. We were very careful to only offer what we were eating from as soon as they could sit at the table- there was never a second choice.

We always had two things for dinner: This or NOT.

You can call me anytime! Day or night! But as you can tell, if you want to get me up, you gotta call me at least twice! :thumbsup2

I totally agree with this! I, too, trust Liesa like we have known each other forever! :hug:

OK!! I will. And do. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Seems that way- sorta an instant click. :dance3:
It's comforting to know that maybe one day when I have no one to go on a Disney trip with, I can always turn to the DIS :)

That pizza looks amazing. Oh my gosh. Please invite me next time! It'll only take me a half a day to get there :lmao:

Oh and thanks for dubbing me one of the Knightesses :laughing:

Pick me! Pick me!!!! :idea:

Actually, it would take you minimum 36 hours to get here. I"m afraid the pizza would definitely be gone by then!

Your welcome! Wanna storm the castle with us??
How did I miss that pizza?? My gosh, it looks sooo good!!! The donuts sound yummy too!! It's a good thing you all live so far, or me thinks you'd have some DIS'ers showing up for dinner now and then!

I've gone to WDW a few times with friends I met on the DIS and another smaller board. It was one of those things with one friend where we met on the DIS and we were posting on the same threads, then we pm'd and then chatted on the phone - by that time we knew we were already friends and decided to attend MouseFest (happened every December for a few years, except last yr) together - she became one of my dearest friends ever now.

Others I met that same year on a Disney board, then in person a couple of us shared a room the following April and so it went.

There are such wonderful folks on the Disney boards and being here we already have something major in common - the rest seems to fall together perfectly. :)

You all are going to have such a fabulous trip!
How did I miss that pizza?? My gosh, it looks sooo good!!! The donuts sound yummy too!! It's a good thing you all live so far, or me thinks you'd have some DIS'ers showing up for dinner now and then!

I've gone to WDW a few times with friends I met on the DIS and another smaller board. It was one of those things with one friend where we met on the DIS and we were posting on the same threads, then we pm'd and then chatted on the phone - by that time we knew we were already friends and decided to attend MouseFest (happened every December for a few years, except last yr) together - she became one of my dearest friends ever now.

You are more than welcome to dinner anytime! Really!! We even have a sand dune nearby that's pretty fun to run down. :lmao:

That's exactly how it's been with maroo, and now several others of you ( you know who you are). I'm loving having so many friends who "get it". It's also nice having a couple of daughters who 'get it' too ;)

It's been another wonderful evening (for me), but I need to haul it to bed.

G'nite all!! :cool2:
pick me! Pick me!!!! :idea:

don't worry. You're definitely at the top of the list if i ever need a travel buddy :thumbsup2

actually, it would take you minimum 36 hours to get here. I"m afraid the pizza would definitely be gone by then!


Your welcome! Wanna storm the castle with us??

Hmm. I know you have had your current dates for a while but switching to October may be better for you in the end. Just wait until you're marching through AK and it's 95 degrees then we'll see who like the heat!:lmao:
We usually have a cold front the second week of October. I think October would be a little better because then you would have time to get situated and really have a few weeks to adjust to a completely different time zone! When you make ADRs I would just make them for both sets of dates and then just cancel one.
When I click on the new link in your sig. it leads me to the old thread still.
Dinner looks really good! I'm coming over!:rotfl2: I'm sick so we just had Boston Market for dinner.
Have a good night!.... Well day for you it's night for me.:goodvibes
:cheer2: Sending out a big "Congratulations!" to your son!! :cheer2:


Thanks, Kathy! I spent an hour on the phone with the ROTC Commander in Kentucky and he was so, so nice. He answered a lot of my questions about the hows and whens, and basically Andrew will be getting a free ride. PLUS a stipend of $350 a month!! Basically they are PAYING him to go to school! :woohoo: BUT he must maintain a 3.0 for the room and board. :guilty:


Images of my Disney visa card come to mind. :lmao:

That's the same thing I serve for dinner! Unfortunately, DS often chooses NOT eating. :sad2:

Don't worry, if he's hungry enough he will, and in the end, he be able to eat all kinds of food, and not have to stick with mac cheese and nuggets. My doctor told me once, that she's never heard of a kid yet, who's gotten sick or starved if nutrutious, tasty food is available. ;) (I used to worry a lot about if they were eating enough)

Hmm. I know you have had your current dates for a while but switching to October may be better for you in the end. Just wait until you're marching through AK and it's 95 degrees then we'll see who like the heat!:lmao:
We usually have a cold front the second week of October. I think October would be a little better because then you would have time to get situated and really have a few weeks to adjust to a completely different time zone! When you make ADRs I would just make them for both sets of dates and then just cancel one.
When I click on the new link in your sig. it leads me to the old thread still.
Dinner looks really good! I'm coming over!:rotfl2: I'm sick so we just had Boston Market for dinner.
Have a good night!.... Well day for you it's night for me.:goodvibes

Great idea. I think if there is a time that we really don't know, we can and will make the both set of ressies and then cancel one set.

Thanks for letting me know about the link!! I got it fixed now, and it should be ready to go! :cool1:
Camille, I know you are a couple of years younger than me but in the last few years I have lost my ability to stay asleep. I've never been a great sleeper, but I used to just have a hard time falling asleep. Now I can't fall asleep or stay asleep. :confused3 I'm like you, what are you going to do? It's terrible to feel so tired though but not be able to sleep. Luckily they say we need less sleep as we get older.

Liesa (I have no idea if I spelled that right), that pizza looks delicious! It must be almost lunch time...and thanks for the story about how the 3 of you hooked up, I can't wait to hear how much fun you have on your trip!

Elizabeth, you have a really good question here. I understand what your saying about not being able to fall asleep and not being able to stay asleep once there. I use to be a really good sleeper, but for some reason a couple of years ago I allowed my schedule to get really off kilter. I've always been a night owl, but for some reason lettting myself stay up waaay past a normal time of (at least normal for me) staying awake and then getting up to get my daughter ready for school, after only being asleep a few hours has really messed with my inner clock of when to be awake and when to be asleep. I think it's a matter of just getting my schedule back on track, I'm hoping to do it through exercise and an over the counter sleeping aid to start and if that doesn't work then I'll probably see a doctor. Maybe it's snoring or something I'm not realizing. :confused3
Are you doing anything for sleep issues?
So glad you gals can help each other here! It's good to have someone who understands and might be able to offer some good advice. gotta love DISFriends!;)
So glad you gals can help each other here! It's good to have someone who understands and might be able to offer some good advice. gotta love DISFriends!;)

Sorry for hi-jacking my steppe friend. :)

It's 5 a.m. and I'm up again. :guilty: Oh well. I know eventually I can turn it around, the key is to stay awake the rest of the day. So where are you this fine hour? ;) It's been a really quiet night without the four stooges to keep us entertained online. :laughing: They will be madly missed, but I'm also glad they're where they are, having a good time. Blue should be heading out the door as I type and Jordy should be fast asleep getting the much needed rest he deserves, he had a pretty late meeting lastnight and probably didn't get home until about the time I went to bed. I know he'll get into Orlando kinda late this evening. He won't get into the Pop until around 11:30 if I remember right.

Did I tell you John (my DH) bought our plane tickets for WDW the other day? And I got my luggage yesterday!!! Magicfor2-Tammie says she has the same luggage and loves it, so I'm thrilled I bought it and now know it will be a good product. :woohoo: They're a deep dark purple. :lovestruc
John wanted to know if I bought more than one piece, I of course said yes since I'm no fool.....don't tell him I almost didn't. ;) I thought I would only buy the '29, but I'm so glad I bought all three pieces('25, '21), there should have been two or three more pieces to make the set, but you can't find them any where. That's OK, I only needed the small duffel type as an extra to put all my cosmetic type stuff in it any way, hair products, lotions, shampoo, etc. and anything else the family needs, I found a really cute 17 inch that I love, it's black but it's OK, I know I can still pick it out when coming out at the airport.....I guess I won't have to this time, ME will do that for me, huh? :yay:

Last time we went to WDW we got in so late that ME wouldn't have been able to get our luggage to us until the next morning, so we picked up our own. That will not be the case this time. :goodvibes I'll just make sure I take a carry on so we'll have a few things we'll need during the first few hours of being there, or until ME brings our luggage to the resort.
We're staying at the Coronado Springs Resort this time, my son doesn't know this so it's going to be a big surprise, this is where he wanted to stay after seeing pictures of it. We were going to stay at the POP in two rooms this time, but I found CSR to be more to our price range and all the perks struck my intrest, so we're staying there this time!! :yay:
I know I'm rambling, you'll have to forgive me. :laughing: I'm not doing my own PTR, so I need to tell someone about my pending trip.
It feels so real now since we have the plane tickets, why is it when you get the plane tickets it all finally feels like the deal has bee sealed? :confused3 :laughing: I just heard some mail come in, I think someone is up, better go and check who it is. I'll keep checking to see if your up, who knows it might be you! :goodvibes TTFN!
Sorry for hi-jacking my steppe friend. :)

Absolutely no problem!! Hijack anytime :)

I know he'll get into Orlando kinda late this evening. He won't get into the Pop until around 11:30 if I remember right.

I'm so glad he posted his itinerary so we can all follow along! It will a fun trip for sure!!

Did I tell you John (my DH) bought our plane tickets for WDW the other day? And I got my luggage yesterday!!!

Yes!!! I saw that! Very cool that you and Tammie have the same good taste!! :goodvibes And VERY cool that you have that "done deal" feeling! We aren't quite there yet, but will be someday!

it's black but it's OK, I know I can still pick it out when coming out at the airport.....I guess I won't have to this time, ME will do that for me, huh? :yay:

Just tie a big bright ribbon on it, or better yet a huge LGMH!! Then you'll have no problem when it comes off the conveyer belt. ;)

I'll just make sure I take a carry on so we'll have a few things we'll need during the first few hours of being there, or until ME brings our luggage to the resort.

Yes! For sure your swimsuits, and your toothbrushes. Just in case. ;)

We're staying at the Coronado Springs Resort this time, my son doesn't know this so it's going to be a big surprise,

I almost chose that one, but maroo said no way. :lmao: I love the look of the pool area! So pretty!

I know I'm rambling, you'll have to forgive me. :laughing: I'm not doing my own PTR, so I need to tell someone about my pending trip.
It feels so real now since we have the plane tickets, why is it when you get the plane tickets it all finally feels like the deal has bee sealed?

No worries, you can post about your fun anytime you want- we all are eager to hear! :thumbsup2
Whoa Liesa, I missed the pizza update! That looks yummy. We love making our own homemade pizzas! I even had the little guy make is own one time. He loved it!
Whoa Liesa, I missed the pizza update! That looks yummy. We love making our own homemade pizzas! I even had the little guy make is own one time. He loved it!

I love to experiment with the different pizzas. Last night was BBQ chicken, but I want to try something like "lasagne" Pizza or bratwurst and kraut pizza- well, ok, that one doesn't sound too good, but, who knows maybe I'll start a new craze! :confused3 :lmao:
Hooray!!! Tomorrow may be the last morning I HAVE to get up when the pain in the .... puppies screech at the door to be fed. 5 are now gone and only 2 are left- and one of those was promised to my househelper!! WOOT!! :woohoo:

For those of you who followed on the old thread, you know that just before Christmas, our dog had her 4th litter. It is always a gigantic pain and mess. :headache: They are difficult to give away, and there are no vets here to make permanent solutions. So, here's to hoping that the last ones will make a swift exit out the gate tomorrow!! :wizard: And then, if all goes well, this will be the only dog I will have dreams about and worry about taking pictures of.

Great news on the puppies! :cool1::cheer2:

Ok, I think I am back to Bek moving in if she is the baker. :lmao:

I may have lots of time to DIS this weekend - depending on where the fronts stop we are expecting anywhere from 5" - 15" of snow today into tomorrow AM. Jordan is so excited - she already has plans to play outside after school.
At first I thought the title referred to your kids, but the math didn't quite work out. Good luck finding new homes for the remaining pups.


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