America's Next Top Model - the dis [Auditions]


<font color=magenta>I think I can pretty much draw
Jun 6, 2006


Bored? Looking for something to do? Well, I have the thing for you! I am currently looking for thirteen models to compete in the next “America’s Next Top Model – the dis.” Thirteen models will be chosen for a chance of a lifetime. These aspiring models will compete in challenges, and go head to head in weekly photo shoots – all hoping to become America’s Next Top Model*. Each week a model will be eliminated based on their participation in the challenges and quality shown in their professional portfolio. At the end, only one will become America’s Next Top Model – the dis.​

Before I begin to explain, let me first just say this is just for pure fun and enjoyment. I am a college student; therefore, I really don’t have any prizes to give. In addition, this will not take much of your time. Everything will take place in one thread – from conversations, challenges, photo shoots, to eliminations. Everything will be organized and will only require you to be online to check the thread at least three times a week – to complete the brief challenge, complete and submit the photo shoot, and check your status in the game. However, you are more than welcome to talk with other models and role play in the thread if you so desire. Previously, I created a game on another board based on the same concept and it did rather well. I went on to have five cycles, which is really impressive. Once again, this is for pure enjoyment.

Information said:
Each week the models will compete in a very short, brief challenge based on the concept of becoming a model. Every challenge will test your ability at modeling. It can range from simply doing a commercial to walking to runway. Now, the judges will NOT take into account if you win or not, but your participation. Therefore, it is almost necessary to try in order to do well in this competition. The winner of the challenges will usually enjoy an award – immunity from elimination. The challenges will not require much thought and should not take longer than fifteen minutes to compete. In addition, you will have a two to three day span to complete it.

Also, each week, models will compete in a photo shoot. How would you do such online? Well, it is something called Yahoo Avatars. Each week, I will present the models with a different ‘theme.’ Models will then proceed to Yahoo Avatars and participate in photo shoot. Models can choose to take up to THREE frames (three different pictures) and submit them all to me. I will then present the best ONE of the THREE to the judges. Also, you will present ONE distance shot and ONE close up for each photo. Meaning, if you choose to do the maximum amount of frames – I would get a total of 6 individual photos from you. Yahoo Avatars is a program a part of Yahoo; therefore, I believe you must have an account. Yahoo is free of charge and is very easy to use. Please upload your finished pictures to either PHOTO BUCKET or IMAGE SHACK; therefore, they will always be available for future use. If you have problems or need assistance, I am here to assist and I have no problem with going into detail.

Finally, models will go before the panel of judges. The judges are all randomly selected throughout the DIS and the contestants will never know who the judges are. However, I am also a judge; therefore, you will know my comments are coming from me. The judges will go through each photo and tell you – your strengths and weaknesses. Models will also receive constructive criticism at which they can improve. After we have went through panel, I will proceed to hand out photos. If you receive a photo, you move on the next round. One player will be eliminated a round.

If you want to sign up, the process is very simple. You will simply respond with your name and a headshot. Your headshot is basically a practice shot for you to get familiar with the program. However, be aware if more than thirteen people sign up, these will be judged to select the final thirteen. You are not to select a background for this photo shoot; therefore, it should remain white. Above are several samples of an appropriate headshot. If you look at the judges photos, that is what were looking for. Get as close to the camera as possible, as below. This allows us to focus on your facial features. A distance photo is not needed in this round. Use this website:


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