Alohaaaaa!!! Let's do the hula!!!!!! TR LINK ADDED

Hi there, hope you don't mind another joining in on all your fun. :) I followed you over from MeMom's TR. Your plans sounds great! The Poly looks gorgeous!
Hey Heather! Wow....the Poly? Very cool! Joining in and can't wait to hear more! :goodvibes By the way, I saw the pic of you and Dawn on FB.....SO CUTE!!!
I don't think so. Not in South Florida! 102 here. I don't know how people can stand to be outside. Emily nearly fainted at band camp yesterday! Everything went black for her and someone carried her inside just in time!! Scary, I tell ya. She was o.k, though.

I'm glad she is okay. We had a soccer player on the girls' team who fell out in the heat one time and had to be taken to the hospital. I don't see how the guys doing summer football camps take it. Trent used to pour concrete in the heat, and when he got home he was completely drained. He took a shower, ate, and fell dead asleep.

I am hoping we'll soon get a break in the heat, at least a few degrees, all through the south.

We need to move Disney World to the perfect location weatherwise - not too hot and not too cold and not enough snow to be a factor in the winter. Maybe between Atlanta and Nashville somewhere. :)
Excuse me miss, this PTR has been going on for 11 days and I didn't even know :sad2:

I'm here now though! :thumbsup2
I see your posts on other PTRs and TRs that I'm subscribed to, so I thought I would come over and get to know you.

The Poly is my favorite resort, and since I currently don't have a trip planned (We've had four this past year), I will have to live through other people's trips! :)

I live in Alabama, so we are having the same heat wave that you are. It's miserable outside---actual temp readings are 97 or 98 degrees---and of course then there's that wonderful humidity! I can't imagine being 35 weeks pg during this heat. (Mine were born in Dec and April, so I missed most of the hot season.) At least you don't have much longer to go. Soon you will have a new baby to love. :goodvibes
I promise I will post baby shower pics soon and come back and comment on everyone's sweet comments! :)
Hollie has been in Vacation Bible School this week and they are having parents night tomorrow so I will have some pictures from it as well!!

Right now....I am laid up on my bed while Chad is painting my toenails!! lol!!! I can't see anything past this belly! ;)
Heather, I found you!:laughing: After you got booted off the community boards I was like, where did she go? Duh, the pretrip board! I swear I'm losing brain cells as I type! I can't believe they locked your thread.:sad2: I guess it's ok to post threads on divorce, cheating husbands, female problems but not a pregnancy update thread. Go figure.:confused3

Anyhow, I'm so glad to hear that Hannah is behaving! I hope you're feeling well and your baby shower was fun. What kind of stuff did you get? When I was pregant, I used to love the smell of diapers. New, clean ones of course!:laughing: Pampers had the best smelling ones, like a cross between baby powder and lotion.:cloud9: DH used to think I was crazy because just walking into Babies R Us, I'd take a huge whiff of the diaper aisle!:laughing:

I hope Hollie is enjoying VBS too.:goodvibes We were planning to go this year at our church but we are going to a wedding/family reunion instead.
You bad girl you not having someone take pictures for you w/ your camera !! :laughing:

Sounds like Hollie had a blast !! Popsicles are the best :thumbsup2

Yeah it's just a little bit hott up here !!

No , baby shower pictures yet :confused3

LOL! I know, I even had it there with me! I felt like I was running in circles!!

Oh she did, and she loves the popsicles!! haha

I am not liking hot weather one bit right now!! :rotfl:

I know, my friend is supposed to send me hers this week. I might go ahead and just post my moms!

hmmm you know I'm not even sure what the temps are but I just know that it gets really really humid here. It'll probably hit late july early august/ bleh, not looking forward to it. but totally looking forward to your pics!! LOL! :goodvibes

Ugh, my hair hates humid weather!! haha

LOL!! I think I will post some tonight! :)

Hi there, hope you don't mind another joining in on all your fun. :) I followed you over from MeMom's TR. Your plans sounds great! The Poly looks gorgeous!

Of course I don't mind!! :welcome: I am really glad your here!!

Hey Heather! Wow....the Poly? Very cool! Joining in and can't wait to hear more! :goodvibes By the way, I saw the pic of you and Dawn on FB.....SO CUTE!!!

Hey girl!!!

Aww, thanks!!! I will have some more to post tonight! :)

We need to move Disney World to the perfect location weatherwise - not too hot and not too cold and not enough snow to be a factor in the winter. Maybe between Atlanta and Nashville somewhere.

Oh, I agree with that!! Right between Atlanta and Nashville! :)

Excuse me miss, this PTR has been going on for 11 days and I didn't even know

I'm here now though! :thumbsup2

LOL!! Hey Kristen!!! :)

I see your posts on other PTRs and TRs that I'm subscribed to, so I thought I would come over and get to know you.

The Poly is my favorite resort, and since I currently don't have a trip planned (We've had four this past year), I will have to live through other people's trips! :)

I live in Alabama, so we are having the same heat wave that you are. It's miserable outside---actual temp readings are 97 or 98 degrees---and of course then there's that wonderful humidity! I can't imagine being 35 weeks pg during this heat. (Mine were born in Dec and April, so I missed most of the hot season.) At least you don't have much longer to go. Soon you will have a new baby to love. :goodvibes

Awww, :welcome: Thanks for coming over!!!

Oh mine too!!!! I am so excited to be staying there!!

Oh wow!! I know I am dreading the heat 4th of July weekend. We are going to our lake place on Lake Weiss and I just know its gonna be hot! But, nothing a little pool can't take care! haha We have a blow up pool that will fit a couple adults and kids in it. So, Hollie and I will be laying and relaxing in that pool!

Heather, I found you!:laughing: After you got booted off the community boards I was like, where did she go? Duh, the pretrip board! I swear I'm losing brain cells as I type! I can't believe they locked your thread.:sad2: I guess it's ok to post threads on divorce, cheating husbands, female problems but not a pregnancy update thread. Go figure.:confused3
Ugh, I know!!! I guess I was talking about the wrong thing to be on the CB!! lol!

Anyhow, I'm so glad to hear that Hannah is behaving! I hope you're feeling well and your baby shower was fun. What kind of stuff did you get? When I was pregant, I used to love the smell of diapers. New, clean ones of course!:laughing: Pampers had the best smelling ones, like a cross between baby powder and lotion.:cloud9: DH used to think I was crazy because just walking into Babies R Us, I'd take a huge whiff of the diaper aisle!:laughing:

I got some outfits, diapers, a few things off of my registry and gift cards and money. So, I need to go and get the major things like my monitor since we still use that on Hollie. Gotta love video monitors!! haha We hear her singing and see her dancing. Last night she was watching Karate Kid and she kept chanting, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel!! haha
Oh I agree with you, pampers smell so good!! haha

I hope Hollie is enjoying VBS too.:goodvibes We were planning to go this year at our church but we are going to a wedding/family reunion instead.
She is loving it! They had some baby chicks, rabbits, and other animals there on Monday. Boy were we in trouble! She came home saying she wanted another rabbit and a baby chick because she held them!!! Uh oh!! :rotfl:

Aw..Chad is painting your nails. What a nice guy. :love:

LOL!! He is pretty good at it! Hollie gets him to paint hers all the time!! haha
Joining in also! I am another that has follwed over from Memoms TR. A fellow Georgia girl also! How exciting to stay at the Poly! Can't wait to hear all your plans. It will help while I wait for my next trip at the end of Feb! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
Joining in also! I am another that has follwed over from Memoms TR. A fellow Georgia girl also! How exciting to stay at the Poly! Can't wait to hear all your plans. It will help while I wait for my next trip at the end of Feb! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

Aw yay!! :welcome:

Yay for Georgia girls!! lol!!!!
Aww, we will be kind of close in our trips! We are doing the 2nd week in February.

Thank you so much! :goodvibes
Okay, I finally have some trip news for the trip with my mom. While we were at the baby shower right before it started, she and I started talking about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! We love, love, love the movies and books. We are just so excited to see that part of Universal Islands. Well, my sister happened to walk up and asked what were we talking about. We told her and she rolled her eyes! Well, my mom looks at her and says, "I'm going, Heather's going, Hollie's going, if you want to go you can go....if not you can keep your butt at home!!" lol! Now, my sister always has to have the last word in and most of the reason for 99% or our arguments is when she says something smart or making fun of me or whatnot, I can't sit there and not say nothing. So, I have to keep telling myself to just ignore it and move on. I have gotten pretty good about it. She stands there and looks at my mom and says, well to make a long story short, "I am ticked off about it and if it were Heather who couldn't take off we would end up waiting to go. She would be just as mad as I am." I ever so graciously looked at her and said in my sweetest voice ever..."No I wouldn't sissy. I would be glad you and Shelby are going." Then I gave her the most beautiful smile ever....OKAY....well, it was sort of a nana nana ****oo smile but still! She walked up to us and my mom was telling her to dry it up and not be mad that they would go in the Spring. She points in my face and looks at my mom and said it again, I would be mad and the trip would be changed. Then she walks off! Oh the drama!!!! At my baby shower of course! So, she goes to the kitchen and proceeds to tell my 2 BFF's what is going on. I looked at my mom and said, "Why does she have to do this at my baby shower? Seriously!" Of course, my mom knew if it were reversed I would NOT be mad at all. So she gets up and takes my sister to the bathroom and told her to dry it up! She did and all was well.

But, then my mom said we would just wait and go next December. :( Thanks a lot sis!!!! ;) So, we have now cancelled that trip unless she does get off later this year. At least the good thing about next year is we will have 2 rooms! Then also maybe the crowds will have died dow at Universal Islands for WWoHP! Whoa those lines are crazy long!!!!
Now, I am gonna post what baby shower pics I have!
Now, I am gonna warn you! I don't have many pictures. These are the pictures my mom took, but once the shower really started and she was talking to everyone the camera got laid down. My friends took a few so once I get those I will post them.

Me and my 2 BFF's! They are the ones who threw me the shower. We have been friends since we were 6 years old so its been 27 yikes! lol


Here is me, my mom, and my sis


This is an old carousel horse my mom and dad had made about 20 years ago and we thought it would be cute behind the gift table!




Here is the pic I got of me and Dawn! She looks so cute!!


Now, these aren't from the shower of course, but here are pics of Gracie and Rusty playing. They are so funny!



Ugh boo for the drama! But it happens in all families!!!

Your pictures are soo cute! You look soo pretty. That carousel is beautiful!! DOnt ever give that away cause its gorgous!

What does dry it up mean? Is that a Southern term? I mean I think I get the drift, but if you could explain it....

Are your BFFs twins?
Ugh boo for the drama! But it happens in all families!!!

Your pictures are soo cute! You look soo pretty. That carousel is beautiful!! DOnt ever give that away cause its gorgous!


Awww, thank you so much!!
I know, she gave it to me I just have to find somewhere to put it where little ones won't climb up on it! ;)

Great pics! Love the Dachsies!! :lovestruc

Awww, thanks!!!!! We love our little furbabies! :0


What does dry it up mean? Is that a Southern term? I mean I think I get the drift, but if you could explain it....

Are your BFFs twins?

LOL!! Yes, she started crying and that was when my mom told her to dry it up! lol!! When my mom says it, it means quit your crying before I give you something to cry about!! :rotfl:

They sure are! At one time people used to think we looked like triplets but I never could see it! :confused3
LOL!! Yes, she started crying and that was when my mom told her to dry it up! lol!! When my mom says it, it means quit your crying before I give you something to cry about!! :rotfl:

They sure are! At one time people used to think we looked like triplets but I never could see it! :confused3

I like the phrase dry it up...gonna have to use that one for sure....

I think you do look like sisters.


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