Alicia & Matt's -VR at the beach and celebration at WDW!!! PG 6

Generally I am a lurker as you can see but I've just finished reading through nearly 4 years of your life after seeing your siggy... My little guy, Zach is 19mo and he has an 8y/o sister, Erin.

Course I read this in a public place which was a HUGE mistake :sad2: I couldn't dry the tears fast enough! All I could think of were my 2 kids.

Your strength is amazing and your story has inspired me to pay more attention to the time I spend with my kids. :hug: Thank you for sharing, my sympathy for your loss:littleangel:, and congratulations on the baby:goodvibes and your VR:bride:.

Hold them close Diane. There isn't much I wish for in this world, but the chance to hold Levi again....Thanks for coming over.

Hey glad I finally found you. Morgan keeps asking if we will see her Disney friend again this trip.(remember we met in EPCOT) Looks like you are planning for NOV. We are going back again in AUG. I am so happy to hear your good news.

Hey Steph! Of all the times to find me LOL! See below!

Good morning everyone. It has been very intersting these past couple of weeks. A LOT has happened. Gabriel is doing well. He is really active when I am trying to sleep! LOL! I am hoping Matt will be able to feel him kick in a day or two. I am SO ready for Spring! I do not like snow! :mad:

Last year I was invited along to a scrapbooking fundraising event for Komen (breast Cancer), called Crop for the Cure (C4C). It was the beginning of Marcg, and the first, honestly, thing I did for ME after we lost Levi:lovestruc. It was 12 hours of me time. I started on Levi's scrapbook there. Two weeks ago I got the dates for this years event and can't wait!:banana: When I couldn't sleep the next morning (Sat, 4:30AM) I started to think about getting my things in order for this years' event. Eventually my brain wondered to other things that needed to be done. Among them, I want to order a paver stone from Give Kids the World in memory of Levi.

This is where my brain did a funny thing! :rotfl:At about 5AM, Saturday before last, ideas collided! I decided I wanted to host a scrapbooking benefit with proceeds going to Make-A-Wish (MAW), in honor of Levi. And Scrapping for Wishes (S4W) was born!

Here is a bit from the email I sent MAW: "I am very excited for this idea. You see, I have been waiting over 2 years trying to find a way to help. My son, Levi, who was 16 months, died in 2007. It was not terminal illness, however, it was a careless driver. Right before, we spent 10 magical days in Disney World. I know not all wishes are Disney- related, but many are. And it is my memories of Levi there that I treasure most, that time we had together. I want to help other children have that sparkle of something magical happening, be it a dream job for a day, a much loved animal, or a fabulous vacation. And I want other mommies to be able to look back and remember, either at a harder time made special, b/c their baby got well, or the magical memories that will have to last forever, as I do now."

YES! It is in the works! I have a Facebook page. You can join here Scrapping for Wishes. Come on over and see all the amazing things that have happened in just 2 weeks! It is AMAZING!:cloud9:

Now for my kinda sad news. 3 weks ago, Matts hours got cut at work. We seem to just now be getting hit by economy issues. It is a scary time for us and budgeting is more important than ever. We have decided to postpone our VR, indefinitely. I can't forsee it happening this year. Hopefully, it can happen next year. I am ok, it is sad, but neccessary for our family right now.

So, I will be asking for this thread to be closed. I appreciate all of you who have followed along on my journey these past several years and hope that you find me again when we start planning something new!!!! Right now, that looks like a cruise on Dream in 2011. Cross your fingers for me!:hug:


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