Advice on schedule, timing ADR's, first timer!


Jul 15, 2012
Hello! This is my first post after reading threads for a few days. I just booked our first trip to Disney 12/10-12/16!!! I'm so excited :) We are a family of five (my husband and I and our 3 kids; DS 9, DD 7, and DS 4) and we are staying at POR with free dining.

I have put together our schedule using the crowd calendar and starting planning our ADR's. So far I have:

12/10: arrive, check-in, enjoy resort, and eat CS there...early to bed!

12/11:.HS: arrive at 8:30am, mama melroses lunch at 12:30 with fantasmic (6:30pm) dining package
Question: would an afternoon break make sense here or just stay and have CS dinner before fantasmic?

12/12: MK: chef mickeys breakfast 7:20am, arrive for park opening, crystal palace dinner at 4:45, electrical parade 7:00, wishes, 8pm
Question: is this day too long with the 7:20am breakfast? Or should we break in the afternoon?

12/13: Epcot: breakfast in room, arrive early and do rides /fast passes, break in afternoon at resort, back to Epcot for 6pm Coral Reef (DD's favorite thing in all the world is sea animals..I can't wait to take her here!!!) and a brief sampling of world showcase (??)

12/14: MK: cinderellas royal table 8:40am breakfast, spend day and then back to resort for early night (I considered going to Whispering Canyon Cafe for dinner this night but not sure if it would be too much and we may need early night this day??) boat from MK to WL?

12/15: AK: Tusker House breakfast 8:20, spend day, early dinner? Where? Suggestions...rainforest cafe or boma? Is boma easy to get to from AK and do kids enjoy it? I would love to do a chef mickeys dinner this night and cancel my 7:20am on my first MK morning but it I can't get a reservation:mad:

12/16: headed home

Will my 9-year old son enjoy all the character meals? I'd love to take him to t-rex or sci-fi but I don't know if it fits anywhere :confused3: any advice on which restaurants not to miss, which can be saved for next trip?

Is it easiest to time the parks and adr's together so we aren't traveling all over? That was my goal anyway!

Thank you to anyone who can provide input, advice and suggestions!! It is VERY much appreciated!!:):):)
smileymomof3 said:
Hello! This is my first post after reading threads for a few days. I just booked our first trip to Disney 12/10-12/16!!! I'm so excited :) We are a family of five (my husband and I and our 3 kids; DS 9, DD 7, and DS 4) and we are staying at POR with free dining.

I have put together our schedule using the crowd calendar and starting planning our ADR's. So far I have:

12/10: arrive, check-in, enjoy resort, and eat CS there...early to bed!

12/11:.HS: arrive at 8:30am, mama melroses lunch at 12:30 with fantasmic (6:30pm) dining package
Question: would an afternoon break make sense here or just stay and have CS dinner before fantasmic?

12/12: MK: chef mickeys breakfast 7:20am, arrive for park opening, crystal palace dinner at 4:45, electrical parade 7:00, wishes, 8pm
Question: is this day too long with the 7:20am breakfast? Or should we break in the afternoon?

12/13: Epcot: breakfast in room, arrive early and do rides /fast passes, break in afternoon at resort, back to Epcot for 6pm Coral Reef (DD's favorite thing in all the world is sea animals..I can't wait to take her here!!!) and a brief sampling of world showcase (??)

12/14: MK: cinderellas royal table 8:40am breakfast, spend day and then back to resort for early night (I considered going to Whispering Canyon Cafe for dinner this night but not sure if it would be too much and we may need early night this day??) boat from MK to WL?

12/15: AK: Tusker House breakfast 8:20, spend day, early dinner? Where? Suggestions...rainforest cafe or boma? Is boma easy to get to from AK and do kids enjoy it? I would love to do a chef mickeys dinner this night and cancel my 7:20am on my first MK morning but it I can't get a reservation:mad:

12/16: headed home

Will my 9-year old son enjoy all the character meals? I'd love to take him to t-rex or sci-fi but I don't know if it fits anywhere :confused3: any advice on which restaurants not to miss, which can be saved for next trip?

Is it easiest to time the parks and adr's together so we aren't traveling all over? That was my goal anyway!

Thank you to anyone who can provide input, advice and suggestions!! It is VERY much appreciated!!:):):)

Let's start with congrats and have fun! Those are great ages for Disney.
12/10- sounds like a good plan.
12/11- we travel with our now 11 year old and have never taken mid-day breaks back at the resort. Our break would be a show, parade,... I think with such a late lunch, it would be way too much to go back to the resort and then back for the show. Even though fantasmic starts at 6:30, you still need to get there early to get a good seat. The reserved section has some seats that are not as good as others. The table service lunch should be a pretty good break.
12/12- chef Mickey for breakfast is the best! Kids love ice cream for breakfast. Again, with an early dinner it may be alot to go back to the resort for a rest. Plan to find a show, or grab a snack and just rest at the park.
12/13- sounds good. Coral Reef is excellent. Just be aware that many of the tables are far way from the tank. You can still see just not as well as if you are right next to the tank.
12/14- never been to WC but I wouldn't press it. Table service meals take a lot of time and planning. An open day is good. What if the kids all say, enough magic kingdom - we want to go back to Epcot? Or simply, we want the pool. If you really want tree, it might be a night for that. You can then walk around DTD.
12/15- same as 12/14. It may be best to leave this open. Also consider, it's a lot of food with two table services a day. We never do two table service meals in one day unless it was an early character breakfast and a late dinner, after 7:00.

I think your nine year old will be fine with the character breakfasts. It's simply the characters stopping at the table for quick pictures. Chef mickeys is the only place we've been that the characters really get into it.
Breaks during the day depend on your kids. Mine is the energizer bunny. She would nap in the stroller and that was enough. Some kids NEED a bed and a nap. You may need to go with the flow and decide that on the spot.
I would suggest a double stroller. Even at seven its a lot of walking and sometimes they just need a break. Our last trip, DD was 8 1/2 and we rented a stroller to be delivered to our resort SoG. We knew some nights we would be walking tour resort from the Poly and kids get tired and at 10 at night, I wasn't carrying her. Even in the parks when we could find a seat for a snack, she'd sit in the stroller and rest then be ready to go. Keep in mind that there is always the divide and conquer approach. One goes back to the resort with the nappers/resters and one stays with the others, especially DS9, who may not want to miss out on the parks. Just a thought.
Check out the thread Learn from my mistakes or something like that. Lots of good tips in there.
You've got a great starting point, just remember - be flexible. Even the best planned schedules may need to abandoned.
Thank you so much for your reply! I am going to drop down to one TS a day and leave fri and sat evenings open. I'm thinking we can take the boat from our resort to DTD one evening and get ice cream or something. It will leave a little more flexibility without so many reservations. Thanks for the tips on breaks too. I think we may end up being okay resting in the parks in shows etc. my DS 4 doesn't get tired until we stop esp if we're outside going. It's my older 2 who would likely get tired first! Lol. Will just be flexible and see how that goes. Without too many late nights, I think they will be able to manage the days in the parks. Thanks again! It is so helpful to get advice! :-)
Sounds like a great plan! In terms of afternoon breaks, I think you are smart to plan some in. We typically alternate days, one with a break, the next without, similar to what you have planned. Like you said, be flexible and see how it goes. On your first MK day I would think it likely that a break would help, especially since you have a second MK day.

My only concern would be your two breakfasts that are after 8am. That is early mornings two days in a row and you will likely cut into prime low-crowd time with one or both of them. Character meals are best when you can relax and not feel rushed to get to the parks. They typically take over an hour to see all of the characters (they go around the rooms in a certain order). If I were you, I would choose the one you really want to do and drop the other. I know it's not likely, but could you change CRT to lunch or dinner?

Our kids love both WCC and Boma. If you weren't going at free dining time, you could likely get a same day ADR for either one. But since it will be FD, I'd probably go ahead and schedule one of them. I'd probably shoot for a 5:00 Boma ADR on your AK day.

Our kids (DS 10 and DD8) love the character meals with Mickey & friends, but I will say that DS did NOT like CRT (he was only 7 when we went and he just had to deal with it because DD LOVED it) and my kids have never been willing to eat at CP (not sure what they have against Pooh). DS10 says Boma is his favorite Disney restaurant, and he is a picky eater. Now that he's 10 and we pay OOP (joined the DVC) we can't do Boma until he has a bigger appetite. So I think you would be smart to do it now! And smart to do CRT now because once my DD turned 8 she wanted nothing to do with princesses. I wouldn't stress about trying to fit in TRex or Sci Fi since both of those really are fine for older kids, too.

Have a great trip!
Thanks for all the GREAT advice! I got an 8:05 am at CP on our Wed MK day and I'm going to try to switch the CRT on Friday morning to a dinner that day (fingers crossed!) I think those 2 changes will help us take advantage of the low morning crowds. I wanted one early breakfast ADR because I want to go in before it's open and take a picture! Just something I've always wanted to do. Also trying for Boma on AK day. How do you get there from AK? Again, a big thank you for all of your replies :)
smileymomof3 said:
Did you rent a stroller privately or rent one in the park?

We rented ours from an outside place. Can't remember which one but I know I used a place passed on threads from this board. The park ones are just not comfortable. They're hard plastic - yuck. Ours was delivered to our resort, had a great big name sign on the back and it was easy to fold for the buses. We left it at the front desk when we checked out and they picked it up for us :) Also, I didn't have any desire to deal with renting one at the park each day and if I switched parks during the day, having to do it all over again.
Hello! This is my first post after reading threads for a few days. I just booked our first trip to Disney 12/10-12/16!!! I'm so excited :) We are a family of five (my husband and I and our 3 kids; DS 9, DD 7, and DS 4) and we are staying at POR with free dining.

I have put together our schedule using the crowd calendar and starting planning our ADR's. So far I have:

12/10: arrive, check-in, enjoy resort, and eat CS there...early to bed!

12/11:.HS: arrive at 8:30am, mama melroses lunch at 12:30 with fantasmic (6:30pm) dining package
Question: would an afternoon break make sense here or just stay and have CS dinner before fantasmic?

12/12: MK: chef mickeys breakfast 7:20am, arrive for park opening, crystal palace dinner at 4:45, electrical parade 7:00, wishes, 8pm
Question: is this day too long with the 7:20am breakfast? Or should we break in the afternoon?

12/13: Epcot: breakfast in room, arrive early and do rides /fast passes, break in afternoon at resort, back to Epcot for 6pm Coral Reef (DD's favorite thing in all the world is sea animals..I can't wait to take her here!!!) and a brief sampling of world showcase (??)

12/14: MK: cinderellas royal table 8:40am breakfast, spend day and then back to resort for early night (I considered going to Whispering Canyon Cafe for dinner this night but not sure if it would be too much and we may need early night this day??) boat from MK to WL?

12/15: AK: Tusker House breakfast 8:20, spend day, early dinner? Where? Suggestions...rainforest cafe or boma? Is boma easy to get to from AK and do kids enjoy it? I would love to do a chef mickeys dinner this night and cancel my 7:20am on my first MK morning but it I can't get a reservation:mad:

12/16: headed home

Will my 9-year old son enjoy all the character meals? I'd love to take him to t-rex or sci-fi but I don't know if it fits anywhere :confused3: any advice on which restaurants not to miss, which can be saved for next trip?

Is it easiest to time the parks and adr's together so we aren't traveling all over? That was my goal anyway!

Thank you to anyone who can provide input, advice and suggestions!! It is VERY much appreciated!!:):):)

Welcome and congrats!! We went to WDW last year the exact same week you are - it's such a perfect time of year to go! You will be absolutely amazed!

A few suggestions...

12/11 - do not miss the Osbourne Spectacle of Lights at DHS! It is very cool; you just walk through it at your leisure and you can do this after Fantasmic.

I would move one of your ADRs from 12/12 to 12/13. When we went, I tried to keep only one set appointment a day so we weren't too scheduled. Plus seated meals can take up a lot of time (and it is a lot of food!). Having two on one day may be too much.. I would suggest keeping this night open and seeing where the day takes you.

T-Rex restaurant is very cool; we ate there one evening and I highly recommend it. I would do that for your son on Friday since AK is a smaller park and you really don't need all day. Downtown Disney is definitely a great place to walk around (huge Lego store if your son is into that; biggest Disney store, lots of street-side entertainment, music, etc) We loved the night we spent walking around there.
Thanks so much for your suggestions! I can't wait to see the Osborne lights!!! Do they run at a certain time or just when it gets dark? I am going to switch my early morning chef Mickey and just do tusker house instead. Also panning on DTD one night now. Thanks :)
Glad to help! I am pretty sure Osbourne starts running every 10 minutes once it gets dark. They pump out snow too and all the lights move to the music. It's pretty spectacular :goodvibes
You've made some fantastic dining choices *maybe a few too many* about mid day breaks, they may not be needed *they were for us; early Oct. 2009 it was way too hot and humid, but Dec. should be mild.
My DS was also 9 for his 1st WDW visit *he'll be 13 for his 2nd :scared1: We had a lot of character & TS meals and he enjoyed them.

Here's where we ate ~

T-Rex Cafe - Dinner

50's Prime Time - Lunch

Tusker House - Breakfast

Crystal Palace - Brunch

Akershus -Brunch *DS really enjoyed the food

Tepen Edo - Dinner

Chef Mickey's - Dinner

1900 Park Fare - Brunch

Le Cellier - Lunch

Rose & Crown - Dinner

The Plaza - Lunch

Yay for Free Dining *we're hoping for it again 10/13! Enjoy your visit!
Another first timer the disboard :-) , I too have similar question:

we are going to WDW from 14 to 21
my plan is:
15 HS cs only
16 AK Tuskar H Lunch
17 EP Akershus early dinner at 3:15pm
18 late breakfast at 1900 park, exploring resorts,then DTD in noon
19 MK, debating whether should do only CS or breakfast at Crystal palace which is at 8:25am(if we do CP, will miss Rope drop )
20 MK CRT at 1:10pm
21 undecided, will leave in the evening, though scheduled at Chef Micky for brunch

we have 6 TS, and 7 ADR, so confused as which to cancel from 1900 or CP or CM? Help please!!
Another first timer the disboard :-) , I too have similar question:

we are going to WDW from 14 to 21
my plan is:
15 HS cs only
16 AK Tuskar H Lunch
17 EP Akershus early dinner at 3:15pm
18 late breakfast at 1900 park, exploring resorts,then DTD in noon
19 MK, debating whether should do only CS or breakfast at Crystal palace which is at 8:25am(if we do CP, will miss Rope drop )
20 MK CRT at 1:10pm
21 undecided, will leave in the evening, though scheduled at Chef Micky for brunch

we have 6 TS, and 7 ADR, so confused as which to cancel from 1900 or CP or CM? Help please!!

Instead of doing CP, you should do a QS for breakfast and make rope drop.


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