Adventure (and Food) is calling our names – 10/2010 PTR - Six More Hours!!! 10/1

Who hoo! A future TR!! :woohoo:

I think it's great that Charlotte and you get to girl bond a lot. It must be a nice change. I mean, guys are great and all...I'm a big fan but...well I'm just glad I have my little lady to do girlie things with once in a while.

So glad you have another function to wear your costume to!!
I love that you will get to recycle your costume! I hope the flying doesn't cause Brenden too much pain!
At this time in three weeks we will be on an airplane on our way to our Happy Place.


Of course that means that my panic has set in on if I will be ready in time. I've given the kids their lists and have started the process of modifying mine. I have all the first aid stuff and helpful living essentials on my list (laundry stuff, snacks, special surprises, etc) so my list is LONG and getting longer by the minute.

I almost forgot to pre-order out PhotoPass CD! Thanks to another PTR I'm following I finally remembered. I had to wait to get to work to do it since I had bookmarked the advance pre-purchase discount code on that computer. Got the CD for $99 instead of $149.

Last night after dinner Jim and I went out on a costume hunting expedition. He still needed a white shirt, vest and bow tie. Charlotte basically needs her entire costume and Brendan needs his hat, wig and socks.

We stopped at Ross, and found that we were visiting the store where every single child goes to scream, we were able to find Jim a white shirt. I decided to check around for options for Charlotte and I found a white shirt and some pants that convert to capri lenght. Bought them and she can try them out. We then went to Burlington and were able to find Jim his vest and bow tie. I even found a couple of options for Charlottes vest (we'll need to modify the shirts/sweater that I bought by taking off the sleeves, but they have either the right shape or material). If she doesn't like anything or has already found stuff we can return them.

I opened the mail today and I got "Mickey Mail"!!!:dance3: A PhotoPass Card saying that if I register this card I'll get special offers. Great I've already pre-ordered the CD, NOW I'll get a discount. Oh well, doesn't matter.. It was Mickey Mail!

Today's list of items include taking a long walk with a friend (getting in some mileage). Then its off to go through my toiletries bag and make sure I have all the meds and they havent expired.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Every day you get a little more done! Hooray for Mickey Mail! It's always fun to get.
Love Mickey mail!! I am at the stage I can not pack anymore until at least next weekend. We have had some chilly weather lately, I almost hope it continues so I can wash, iron and pack the shorts!
Had a great walk today with a great friend and then went out for a long relaxing lunch and chat. A perfect relaxing day and just what I needed. I haven't had a chance to go through my toiletries bag but maybe tonight.

I did get Jim to finally try on all the parts of his costume. So everyone tell me, does he look like Dr. Henry Jones, Sr? He's growing out his beard so it has a little more to come in and then he'll shape it a little better.


Hopefully I can add pictures of Brendan and Charlotte in their costumes soon.
After a nice relaxing day yesterday I decided I better get something done on the packing list. I pulled out my toiletries bag and started to run down my list. There were a lot of medications that I wanted to take that we didn’t have so I had to run to Wal-Mart this morning. I’d rather take a lot of medications that we might not need than to have to run out to the store in the middle of the night (cause that is when anyone is going to get hit with something right?). We were able to get almost everything on the list and even remembered some items that I had forgotten (sunscreen?). I had no idea that they even made 100SPF sunscreen. Well, this pale family can take all the help it can get so I bought the last tube of 100 and the last tube of 85. We finally made it out of there over $150 poorer and still a couple of items short.

I needed to find a replacement screen for Brendan’s electric shaver and ice cube trays (cubes that will fit into a bottle). I forgot to mention on Friday that I bought two Hydro Flask water bottles. They are supposed to keep ice frozen in the bottle for 24 hours and not sweat. I’m really hoping they work because I really want to make sure I keep hydrated this trip. I normally can drink tap water anywhere without noticing the taste of the water. Anywhere that is except for Florida. I just can’t stomach the stuff and either have to do filtered or bottled water. We’re planning on packing out small Brita water filter and having the water bottles will be so nice.

After a trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target with no luck on the razor screen (but did have luck on the ice cube trays) I was able to find the little buggers online. Of course I’m having to pay more than the items in shipping, but at least I don’t have to drive all over town.

The last item that was on my list today that we didn’t have any luck finding was a good pedometer. I have a WW one, but after it said that I walked 176 steps after we had done 2+ miles. I think I need a more accurate one (or at least one that I have instructions for and can figure out how to recalculate).

We had a ConGaloosh Board meeting today to start finalizing the details. It’s really coming together. I can hardly wait to see how everything comes together. I really wish that I could be in Florida on Tuesday when they do a walk through with the Disney staff.
Oh my gosh, Jim looks BRILLIANT!! That is priceless!!! If only we could get him together for a photo with Tony - he is going to MNSSHP as Indiana Jones!!!

Glad your packing is coming along - we got all our toiletries and medicines at the weekend - its unbelievable how the cost adds up!!!
Look how fast your trip is coming! I'd love to hear how those bottles work. Can't wait to see pics of ConGaloosh!
I got an email message saying that the hydro flasks shipped out on Tuesday so hopefully we'll have them by next week.

18 days left to go!!!:cool1::yay:

Today was really busy at work. We had a Board of Directors meeting and I'm responsible for ground transportation so I spent a lot of time waiting for vehicles. Lots of time to review my packing and To Do list. I was able to finalize our grocery order and after a couple of glitches with the internet was able to place our order with Garden Grocers. Of course since I'd had difficulty with the website the time that I was actually able to submit the order was the one time I had forgotten to include the gratuity. Called the 800 number and added it and was able to confirm all our special requests. I'm not quite sure why, but they don't have peach yogurt on their website and its Jim and Brendan's favorite so I had to request it special. Same with lots of pulp OJ. The gentleman on the phone was very helpful and reviewed all my special requests. I'll report back to let you know whether everything arrives when we check in.

We also had a ConGaloosh conference call tonight after a couple of folks in Florida were able to do a walk through at DHS at the Indiana Jones stage. We were able to talk through the logistics and heard a little bit about the show and I'm glad they didn't give us a lot of details. That way it will be a new experience for us as well. It will be so fantastic to see the cast portraying the characters once again. I just wish Disney would bring back the whole concept. If anyone that is reading this is interested in attending the event, tomorrow (September 15) is the last day to register at the regular price. Visit the ConGaloosh website to register. We would love to have you join us at the party. There is now the option to attend just one evening event if you can't make the entire weekend.

Well, tomorrow is an early morning so I've got to get ready. I'll try and check in daily with the item checked off the list of the day.

Oh my gosh!!

My kids are Indiana Jones FREAKS so I'm totally going to show them this pic of Jim and ask them who they think it is.

I'm willing to bet they'll nail it in a second!!

He looks FANTASTIC!!
Jim's Dr Jones costume looks great!

I also got the same Mickey mail. Love that Mickey mail.:smickey:

I'm frantically:scared: trying to finish up my costumes for Congaloosh. I'm wearing a different one each night. I'm more excited everyday as Congaloosh draws closer. It's been over two and a half years since I've seen my fellow adventurers. They have all been missed greatly and I'm thrilled that I'll get to spend time with them once again.

We decided not to attend MNSSHP this year so I don't have to worry about a costume for that. We are going to concentrate our time on the food & wine festival.

20 Days and counting!
Sorry was MIA yesterday. Just decided to have a no computer evening and watched Survivor and a couple of recordings. Not quite sure about Survivor yet. I didn't fall in love with either group, but I'll give it a couple of weeks to get into it.

Other than taking a day off the count down calendar and calling Verizon about Disney Mobile Magic not much pre-trip planning occured.

I called Verizon to see if my phone would be able to get the program and then asked about any additional costs. Apparently, since I don't have a data program I'd need to add that for another $10 a month (and then remember to take it off after we get home). I think I need to see if there are any reviews of the program on the boards. I'm just not sure I'd use it very much to get enough out of it.

I should go iron my name on my costume shirt for the MNSSHP but I've got to catch up on the threads that I'm subscribed to.

txdznydude - So you've seen Jim's costume, what are you thinking of wearing? I want to make sure we get a chance to meet during the weekend. Did you join a tribe? I'm really looking forward to seeing what they come up with for the new show.

I know that they are prepping an email to go out to the attendees requesting questions to ask the cast on Saturday night, so start thinking of what you'd like to ask. Also, an email should be coming soon on event specifics, but if you have any questions let me know.
My kids nailed his costume in an instant. DD was trying to convince DH that Jim was the real Henry Jones from the movie.

Too funny!
Thanks, its good to know that fans of the movie can spot who he's supposed to be. I was wondering if we should put a name tag on him.
I finished putting my name on my shirt for the Mouseketter costume! I need to see if I can take a picture and upload it.

Other than that the only pre-trip planning items that we've done is to do some deep cleaning on the house. I hate coming home to a dirty house and since we have a friend coming over to house/pet sit I want to make sure the place is clean. Can I do a plug for a vacuume? I LOVE our new Dyson Animal vacuume. With both the sheltie and a long haired cat we have our fair share of pet hair. This thing does an amazing job of getting up all the hair. We could make a couple of animals from all the hair that we picked up yesterday. Commercial over.

We finally hung up some more pictures yesterday. We moved into this house almost 4 years ago and except for some family pictures we didn't have a lot of things on the walls. Its almost looking like we plan on staying here for the long haul.

Today we have some more organizing to do and then I'll be ready to start the serious packing.

We still need to get the kids costumes finalized.

I got a sash in the mail yesterday for the ConGaloosh board. We are going to wear them so people know who they can go to if they have questions. Now I have to figure out how I'm going to decorate it. Hmmmm.
Hi Kathy - welcome back!!

My brother has fully recovered. It was all due to issues with his diabetes and the flu. Getting dehydrated did nasty things to his blood levels. They pumped him full of fluids, changed up his meds and he is back to his normal self.

He really was motivated to get better he had tickets to a concert and he was bound and determined to go.

I'll do my best to get a picture uploaded of me in my costume.


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