ADR or hotel concierge booking?


Keep the Dr. Pepper flowing or the fluffy bunny bi
Jan 21, 2010
I am curious what kind of success rate a hotel concierge desk (on-property) has in getting dining ressies for more popular places (heck, for any TS place for that matter). Do the restaurants have an arrangement with the resort concierges to set aside some seating for those who haven't booked ADRs before arrival?
Apparently they have no better access than the general public (they don't get to start earlier or anything), but I have never had a problem getting any reservation - restaurant, tour, cruise - using the IPO staff. But we also book our trips early, so it's not like I'm trying for anything a month or two ahead of time. A few people have reported that the IPO booked their reservations before the 180 days, but that never happened to me with the Poly IPO.

I tend to think they have some kind of advantage, but I don't know what it is - maybe they just check more often or something, I really don't know.


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