Admit it, you've been that rude guest!

Being English and suffering from the "too polite to say anything!" syndrome, it was really satisfying when two older women pushed past me and my girlfriend to get on the monorail and an American lady jumped to our defence with an enormous "UH, EXCUSE ME!! THESE PEOPLE WERE NEXT!" and she ushered us on ahead. It was doubly satisfying when we got the last two seats and the ladies attempting to push had to stand with people glaring at them.
I remember giving that American lady my best thank you smile.
The point being try not to be that rude guest because you never know if our saviour will be about to call you out on it!
She was very wrong, but you were also. You could easily have gone to jail for "snapping". Had you been a man, you almost certainly would have gone to jail for that. Not judging - I wasn't there - but actions have consequences and once we act those consequences are totally out of our control.

I hope that your pregnancy went well thereafter.

Ya know ... I think it's clear that everyone posting in this thread about things that were really wrong knows that what they did was wrong. Very few people are excusing their own behavior, and certainly I didn't think @Fantabulously Cherry was. I think this is a great thread and part of the reason people have been quick to post is that there's been very little judging of other people's bad moments.

I understand why @IceSkatingPrincess wanted to clarify her initial statement, but beyond that initial clarifying post -- if I was Cherry I'd be starting to feel a bit picked on for be willing to own up to my bad behavior.

FWIW, I don't condone what she did either, but in several moments through three pregnancies I definitely thought or did things (fortunately of the innocuous variety) that I look at later and think ... "WHAT was I thinking?". We all like to think that we're civilized and have achieved a high level of control over instincts and drives, but IMO there's nothing like the hormones of pregnancy or a threat to one's children to make it clear just how thin that veneer of civilization can be at times. It doesn't make any bad behavior in those circumstances right or acceptable, and kudos to those who maintain their cool. But to those who don't ... it does make it more understandable.

Thank you so much!!! Anyone who never had fertility issues and are lucky enough to find out that they are pregnant will never understand the paranoia I felt not only in a situation like that, but throughout my entire pregnancy. I never said my actions were the right ones. Did it feel good at the time? yes. Did I feel justified at the time? Yes. Is it something I would normally do or emotion I would act on? Absolutely not! I owned up to what I did because I thought that is what this post was about. I will not make that mistake again. The point was that I didn't go to jail, neither of us nor my baby got hurt, we all went on our way and enjoyed our vacations despite lack of control and discipline on both parts.

@BuckeyeBama My pregnancy went very smooth from that point. Thank you.

@Jennytoon Thank you again for your understanding!!
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Yes, i admit it, I've been that rude guest.
When i have a stroller and standing at the door of the monorail ready to exit and you try to squeeze through the 1 inch of space between the stroller and the door, i will hurt you. If you don't have the patience to wait the 3 seconds it takes for me to get off the monorail, i will have no hard feelings in being rude.
This was probably more insensitive than downright rude but... we had a not-so-magical bus ride back from MNSSHP last year... it was raining, traffic was slow, and there was a little boy whining/crying the whole ride because he wanted to sit down. (If I'd had a seat, I would have given it to him just so he'd shut up!) Then to top it off, just as we pull into CBR a little girl sitting almost right in front of where my DD5 was standing starts vomiting. Thankfully none of it got on my DD, the driver pulls up to the first bus stop and the family hurries off the bus. Then he turns the light on and proceeds to get cleaning supplies and clean off the seat and floor. At that point I'd had it and just wanted off of that bus. The driver had left the doors open so I loudly said to DW, "Come on, we're getting off the bus." (We were stopped at Martinique. Our room was in Jamaica.) She looked at me confused, because our stop was halfway around the resort, but I was like, "I am NOT waiting here while he cleans that up, we are getting off this bus!" So off we went while everyone on the bus stared at us and I pushed my DD5 in the stroller in the rain from Martinique all the way around to Jamaica because I couldn't wait 5 minutes for the driver to clean one bus seat.

Let me tell you!!! My family would have been off that bus a heartbeat! I have a vomiting phobia BIG TIME. I don't consider this rude at all! lol
I thought the going phrase was "unwashed masses".

I was just quoting with correction from where someone had said "tiff raff". I'm generally partial to "commoners" - at least on the cruise forum when the discussions of Concierge and Cabanas on Castaway come up. :)
We put the little girls on our shoulders to see Celebrate the Magic. Apparently, this is rudeness on the same level as selfie sticks and pushing Grandma off her ECV. Yes, I did get there early and yes I thought we were in a spot where no one could push in front. I was wrong about the second part. Yes, I could have held little dd on my hip, but I'm 5'2" and I couldn't see either.

And worse still? I'd do it again.

A dad pulled this stunt on us during our Easter trip. My niece, nephew and I were standing behind them. We all would have had a perfect view if dad had not picked up his kid when the show started. Once the kid was on his shoulders, my niece and nephew couldn't see a thing.

They both gave me a look of hurt and disappointment. I grabbed both of them and pushed our way in front of the dad. The mom made a snide remark about what I did. I turned and told her that we would be happy to step back as soon as dad puts the kid down. He refused so I refused to move.
You were manslammed. I'm sorry you were hurt.
After reading this article, I made the same test as the author and learned it's too risky. Many men really do not move. I was walking at the Contemporary this June on the far right side of a covered walkway. A nicely dressed, multi generation family were walking toward me. The person closest to my side of the walkway was the older man. He did not move. Not an inch. He didn't slow down, lean towards his wife, nothing. It was pouring rain. I stopped dead in front of him and said, loudly, "would you please allow me to pass." His wife grabbed his arm and pulled him aside.

That article is so infuriating. What was even worse were the men in the comments trying to lay the blame on the women.
A dad pulled this stunt on us during our Easter trip. My niece, nephew and I were standing behind them. We all would have had a perfect view if dad had not picked up his kid when the show started. Once the kid was on his shoulders, my niece and nephew couldn't see a thing.

They both gave me a look of hurt and disappointment. I grabbed both of them and pushed our way in front of the dad. The mom made a snide remark about what I did. I turned and told her that we would be happy to step back as soon as dad puts the kid down. He refused so I refused to move.

I understand. I just don't have a good solution
One thing I honestly feel badly about and unfortunately end up doing too often is walking into other people's pics. I don't mean's crowded and I'm just focused on trying to get through the masses. My husband who's far more aware of his surroundings than me never does this and has actually reached out to stop me from photobombing yet another family quite a few times. I always sincerely apologize and try to be more aware for the next few hours. But a few people have given me really dirty looks after I apologize, which then makes me a bit less contrite. Lighten up people. You're on vacation and it's a smartphone. Touch the darn screen one more time. It's not like you're paying for actual film. :rolleyes:
I have actually had testy moments with cast members where I behaved badly & probably could have been nicer on.

Last trip I took to WDW with my son and his grandparents, I had two separate bad experiences with character "handlers" in photopass lines where I probably was a jerk. Let me preface by saying, yes I know these lines are on a schedule and have set times in are in the daily schedule. I honestly really don't follow these too closely, I like to just find what I can find in the parks- I prefer to ride the attractions more than anything, but if my kid sees a character he really wants a pic with, and the line isn't physically blocked off and doesn't lookhorrendous, I'll go for it.

So, all that said, The first incident was us literally just walking in the front door of Hollywood studios- and right away in the entranceway there is a reasonable looking line with Goofy taking photos straight away. Our family and another who entered right before us get in the line at the same (other family is immediately in front of us). Within 20 seconds here comes the handler who gets right in my face (and not the people in front of me)- "Excuuuuuse me! This line is closed!". I was just like of like "um, ok, didn't know, just got here", and the handler was like "well, you should look at the schedule next time, goofy's scheduled time was 9:30 to 10am, and I guess this was about 10:02 when I got in line. I was like "well what about them?" referring to those who got in front of me at the exact same time, and the handler just asked them if we were "with them" and they said no, and insisted I leave while they could stay. At this point I pretty much gave this dude my "death look staredown of doom" as I slowly walked away. Didn't say anything or yell, but I wanted to.

In hindsight, obviously this cast member was just doing his job, he has to cut off the line at some point, and he doesn't know one group from another. Probably should have just said "My bad" and moved on, but having this be the first experience walking into a park just kind of rubbed me the wrong way.

Later on in the same trip, we were at Magic Kingdom in the new Fantasyland, there was Gaston taking pictures out in front of his tavern- get in his line- the same thing happens, i'm told by this handler lady the line is closed after hopping in. This time I'm like "ok no problem" and leave the line. However, Gaston was being particularly funny in his unique Gaston way and I wanted to just observe his antics for a minute.

So I'm standing probably 20 feet away off to the side, far from the line, no where near the picture takers, Gaston or interfering with anyone, just watching, and not ten seconds pass where the same handler lady is at me saying "excuse me, you need to move on". I was honestly dumbfounded, I gave her a "really?" look and just decided in my head "whatever, I'm watching Gaston for a minute." She proceeded to just hover and insist I move on while I kind of just pretended to not hear her. I don't know, maybe I was out of line, but no one would mistake me for a line jumper or someone trying to mob the character, I kept my distance. I wasn't blocking any paths or anything like that. I think my paid ticket allowed me the right to observe Gaston for a minute. I know some of you will probably slam me as being entitled, but I honestly felt like that lady was just abusing her power and decided to herself that in no way was I going to get to see Gaston since I dared to enter her line after she closed and potentially delayed her smoke break or something.

So, yeah, there you have it. I griefed the photopass people a little bit, probably should have just moved on in both cases. But at least I didn't yell or scream at anybody :)
I have read most of these posts and I must admit I am a little nervous about our upcoming trip! :scared: I remember my first trip to WDW with my little brother. It was 20 years ago and I really had done no research and just didn't understand how WDW works. I sat him down by the rail at Epcot and then went to the restroom or something. I remember it getting really dark - because yes, they dim the lights! and I needed to find him. I was in a PANIC! I couldn't imagine calling my mother telling her I lost her son and I might have walked through and over people trying to get back to him. I am so sorry and can only say that I just didn't understand how quickly the crowd would build and how dark it would get. :sad2: I was really scared because I couldn't see him. Anyway, I try to remember that some people just don't know how it works and make bone head moves on accident. Now some are jerks and intentional but if I don't choose to believe that most are accidental I don't think I could ever go back to WDW.:flower1:

Oh my goodness! I would be in a complete panic too! How long did it take you to find him?
OK I ADMIT IT! I have resorted to physical violence before! Put the waterboarding away!

I had just found out I was pregnant while at Disney. We were at Animal Kingdom in the exploration trails around the tigers. We were all looking through the glass with this 20-something girl comes from behind us and forces her way to the front. She literally climbs up my back to see the tiger. This resulted in my face pressed up against the glass and my belly being mashed up against the barrier. I flipping lost it! We had tried so hard to become pregnant and this careless little witch tried to destroy that? (That was what was raging in my mind at the time). So when she moved on to the next glass pane, I went up behind her to see the tiger, she looked at me and smiled and I shoved her head against the glass...twice. And I flipped her off. She got irrate and her friend wanted to know why I did that (she witnessed her acting like a maniac over freaking tigers). When I explained to her about my pregnancy, she went into panic mode and apologized and said "she is crazy". I told the friend, "You have nothing to apologize for. You didn't do this. But maybe you should put a leash on her".

OK, I feel better...I admit it, I have been rude, even violent. But I felt I was in the right. And I really do try to not be that rude person.

So you didn't react when the problem occurred? You were fine. What the clueless kid was an accident. Your actions were deliberate and occurred after the fact.

I always joke with my family prior to each trip that we need to add bail money to our packing lists. Had you pulled that stunt with anyone in my family, fists would have been flying.

It kind of strange that you were concerned about your baby's safety, yet that didn't stop you from following and attacking someone.:scared: That girl should have called security and had you ejected from the park.
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One thing I honestly feel badly about and unfortunately end up doing too often is walking into other people's pics. I don't mean's crowded and I'm just focused on trying to get through the masses. My husband who's far more aware of his surroundings than me never does this and has actually reached out to stop me from photobombing yet another family quite a few times. I always sincerely apologize and try to be more aware for the next few hours. But a few people have given me really dirty looks after I apologize, which then makes me a bit less contrite. Lighten up people. You're on vacation and it's a smartphone. Touch the darn screen one more time. It's not like you're paying for actual film. :rolleyes:

I actually have little patience for the picture takers. Oh sure, I have no problem with those taking pictures and will generally try to stay out of the path, but you know, if your execting an entire walking path to hold off from walking through while you are lining up your pictures, you got another thing coming- you don't own the entire path. Place is too crowded for that nonsense.
So you didn't react when the problem occurred. You were fine. What the clues kid was an accident. Your actions were deliberate and occurred after the fact.

I always joke with my family prior to each trip that we need to add bail money to our packing lists. Had you pulled that stunt with anyone in my family, fists would have been flying.

It kind of strange that you were concerned about your baby's safety, yet that didn't stop you from following and attacking someone.:scared: That girl should have called security and had you ejected from the park.

Same here!
I have another one. We were in the Animation Building at DHS and DS was playing on the computer while DH and DD stood in line for Sorcerer Mickey. I was sitting on a bench watching DS and, didn't realize it at the time, but was getting sick. I was destined to wake up the next morning with 102 temp - hooray! Anyway, all of a sudden DS starts crying loudly and I see that there's a man leaning over him on the same computer with him coloring in the picture. I stomped over and assumed that the man had just pushed his way to the computer because DS was little, so I let him have it. I yelled at him for being rude and told him to leave my son alone. He tried to say something to me, but didn't speak English and I couldn't understand him, so he walked away. After DS calmed down I learned that the man had actually been trying to help DS because he was too short to reach everything. DS had flipped out because the man hadn't been picking the colors my son had been asking for, presumably because of the language barrier. I felt terrible, but couldn't find the guy to apologize to. I was totally the rude guest.

Aww you didn't know! I would have reacted the same way!

What a nice guy that was, though!
I was once rude on accident, but I still felt bad. My mom and I were at MNSSHP and it was parade time. Believe it or not, this was my first time actually standing and watching an entire parade. We were somewhere over by Liberty Square. We were about 2-3 people deep behind a section of rope, when all of a sudden a CM came over, opened the rope in front of us and directed all the people standing behind it to move to the left and right. In doing so, we kind of cut in front of people already standing there. I have no idea if this is something that always happens in this spot or not, being that it's the only parade I've ever stood and watched. There was a lady in a wheelchair and I ended up standing in front of her. I asked her several times to please come move in front of me, but she declined. But I felt horrible for cutting in front of people. Is that a normal thing? Some sections of rope open and I shouldn't stand there? I need to do some research before November because we're going to MVMCP and I want to find a "legal" spot. :) Any suggestions? I'm thinking Frontierland, but where?
I have actually had testy moments with cast members where I behaved badly & probably could have been nicer on.

I've had those, too, but I have to say, I've never been the one who started them.

Like, when I was on crutches and the speedramp leading out of Pirates of the Caribbean was broken. The CM at the exit told me he wasn't allowed to send guests with disabilities up in the elevator and I'd have to walk up the ramp on my crutches. I tried, but couldn't make it. After I struggled back down, he sighed, huffed, and repeated what he'd said earlier, which I knew wasn't true. I did get impatient with him then, but I would have had to have the patience of a saint NOT to.
I love this thread! You guys and gals are fantastic and I kind of just want to hang out with all of you. We can form a tiny Disney gang. I usually don't get rude at Disney (everywhere else is a completely separate matter!), but the times I have felt the rudeness coming up whether it was towards another guest or a CM or someone in my traveling party I just did what any proper southern woman would do. Look them dead in the eye, smile the sweetest smile you can, and in the most sticky sweet voice imaginable say, "Oh, bless your heart." Works great! Unless they understand the full meaning they generally feel like they've pacified me or aren't in the wrong, but I get the satifaction of knowing I told them to go screw themselves. It just works in so many situations, it's fantastic. Someone line jumps, bless their heart. Someone runs you over (intentionally or unapologetically), bless their heart. Someone jumps in front of you at the parade at the last minute, bless their heart. Your DW or DH gets cranky for whatever reason, bless their heart. It is just the best.
I love this thread! You guys and gals are fantastic and I kind of just want to hang out with all of you. We can form a tiny Disney gang. I usually don't get rude at Disney (everywhere else is a completely separate matter!), but the times I have felt the rudeness coming up whether it was towards another guest or a CM or someone in my traveling party I just did what any proper southern woman would do. Look them dead in the eye, smile the sweetest smile you can, and in the most sticky sweet voice imaginable say, "Oh, bless your heart." Works great! Unless they understand the full meaning they generally feel like they've pacified me or aren't in the wrong, but I get the satifaction of knowing I told them to go screw themselves. It just works in so many situations, it's fantastic. Someone line jumps, bless their heart. Someone runs you over (intentionally or unapologetically), bless their heart. Someone jumps in front of you at the parade at the last minute, bless their heart. Your DW or DH gets cranky for whatever reason, bless their heart. It is just the best.
Surprised that you don't consider this to be rude. Maybe I misunderstood you there.

Coming from a Southern home, I would. Because they cannot understand the comment doesn't change the intent - kinda like swearing in a foreign language and hoping not to be understood.


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