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If he wears glasses, something to tie his glasses to his life vest (or around his neck). My DH lost a pair while rafting the Rouge River in Canada. He tied his crappy Red Sox hat off, but not his glasses...
oh my goodness! how did you ever keep your cool?
I have had numerous close run-ins with skunks but never that close.
I did, indeed, NOT keep my cool. I hyperventilated on the stairs after dramatically exclaiming "I almost DIED". :rotfl2:

But it's funny now!
Also, when I was in 5th or 6th grade, my cousins friend had a pet skunk that had been deskunked that he brought on a leash to the football games, and I LIVED for the times that I got to carry him around and get little skunk kisses. So that may have helped!
oh my goodness! how did you ever keep your cool?
I have had numerous close run-ins with skunks but never that close.

To add another topic to this thread, my nephew will be going on a kayak trip down a river this summer. Any ideas on a good gift for this birthday that he could use on this trip? Maybe something that you wouldn't think you needed but did? All the equipment will be provided, but I was thinking about personal items? I thought about a few of those dryfit type longsleeves for extra sun protection. And a cooling neck gaiter? Thoughts or ideas welcome if anyone has ever taken one of these trips.
Does he have a good dry bag already? Other thoughts are a life straw, a bucket hat that’s got a neck strap, waterproof phone carrier. Is it with a professional excursions group or is it on his own with friends? If it’s with the professional group he probably won’t need as much gear other than personal stuff.
Snackin on a breakfast burrito over here. 🌯
How you guyz doin’?/
PS: please let’s chat about Scandoval.
Snackin on a breakfast burrito over here. 🌯
How you guyz doin’?/
PS: please let’s chat about Scandoval.
I just looked up what Scandoval is and discovered he's a cheating scumbag. I can't believe that the girlfriend he cheated on and he are still living together, but don't talk. This is why you don't buy property together if you aren't married, too much entanglement with no skin in the game. I really don't get cheating on your partner, nothing good can come from it and they are just too much of a selfish, coward thinking they can have everything they want. I saw this happen with my friend and her husband who cheated with a married friend and both of their marriages imploded with 6 kids between them. It's heartbreaking to see the fallout with the kids.
I just looked up what Scandoval is and discovered he's a cheating scumbag. I can't believe that the girlfriend he cheated on and he are still living together, but don't talk. This is why you don't buy property together if you aren't married, too much entanglement with no skin in the game. I really don't get cheating on your partner, nothing good can come from it and they are just too much of a selfish, coward thinking they can have everything they want. I saw this happen with my friend and her husband who cheated with a married friend and both of their marriages imploded with 6 kids between them. It's heartbreaking to see the fallout with the kids.
I had to look this up too. Holy Hannah this thread teaches me something new everyday. hahaha. Proof truth is stranger then fiction.

the trip is run professionally. It must be a good company because his mum is very protective and I am surprised she is letting him go. The girl scouts did it in canoes when I was a teen and my mother was a firm "no" on the idea. Lots of good ideas, keep them coming, and thank you
Snackin on a breakfast burrito over here. 🌯
How you guyz doin’?/
PS: please let’s chat about Scandoval.

I have sort of "dipped out" (UGH SORRY) of this thread but as a HUGE VPR fan yes please.

Did anyone watch the finale and Ariana on WWHL last night?? The finale was actually really hard to watch sometimes, my heart just breaks for Ariana. She had a terrible summer with her dog and grandmother dying, and I guess what they say about things coming in threes is unfortunately true here because Scandoval happened AFTER all of that.

I was YELLING at Tom through the TV during the finale, he is just the most selfish, awful person. At least DJ James Kennedy is there to provide some levity. Never thought I'd see the day but looks like he might actually be the #1 guy in the group now???
I have sort of "dipped out" (UGH SORRY) of this thread but as a HUGE VPR fan yes please.

Did anyone watch the finale and Ariana on WWHL last night?? The finale was actually really hard to watch sometimes, my heart just breaks for Ariana. She had a terrible summer with her dog and grandmother dying, and I guess what they say about things coming in threes is unfortunately true here because Scandoval happened AFTER all of that.

I was YELLING at Tom through the TV during the finale, he is just the most selfish, awful person. At least DJ James Kennedy is there to provide some levity. Never thought I'd see the day but looks like he might actually be the #1 guy in the group now???
I’ve been Team DJJK for a while.
Also, I watched. For once, the stars aligned and I was able to watch live. 🥳
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o.k.-so NOT a VPR fan (tried to watch it when it first started and could not get into it) BUT has anyone else watched the new bravo show 'dancing queens' :eek: :rotfl2:? it is like the best/worst of dance moms, toddlers and tiaras and one of my favorite old aussie movies 'strictly ballroom'. INSANE but addicting, kind of makes up for no new season of 'kiddie kai':crazy2::crazy2::crazy2:
Catching up a bit, so as appropriate for this thread I’ll try to hit multiple topics at once.

I’ve only seen a coyote on my street once, around 9 PM while walking my dogs. It was just walking down the middle of my street. Luckily, it didn’t react to my dogs.

I did an outdoor club canoe and kayak trip to the Ozarks for a week in 8th grade. I can heartily recommend a dry bag, from experience.

I also had to look up what Scandoval was. Wow. I feel bad for Ariana. Tom seems like a complete narcissist to me.

On a Disney related note, I could not have been able to justify the cost of a stay at the Galactic Starcruiser but I am still sad somehow. I was so excited when I first heard there was going to be a Star Wars themed hotel as I’ve been a fan since the first film came out when I was in grade school.
Well, since we started talking about animals a few days ago, I've had deer run across the road in front of me 3 times this week...all in broad day light. Fortunately they were all far enough away that I barely had to slow down and did so mostly because it was always a single deer crossing and I knew there were more of them *somewhere*. Apparently each deer that I saw must have always been the straggler because no more deer appeared after them.

And yesterday our resident baby foxes appeared for playtime in the backyard again. Only now we realized that there are 5 babies (more like toddlers)! Mama sat in the corner of the yard and watched her babies playing around. DH, DD, & I sat and watched them for about 20 minutes. Two of the babies actually came fairly close to the house (about 30 ft. away....the rest stayed a good 80-100 ft. away) so we had a nice view of them for awhile. They don't stand still for a second, so it's challenging to get a picture of all of them when they're so far away from the house, but I did get a few (slightly blurry) shots of the 2 who felt the need to inspect our shed and it's surrounding landscaping last night. They even went under the shed. Wait until they find out that the groundhog has already claimed that space as his own! He must have been out hunting/visiting when they were there last night.
On a Disney related note, I could not have been able to justify the cost of a stay at the Galactic Starcruiser but I am still sad somehow. I was so excited when I first heard there was going to be a Star Wars themed hotel as I’ve been a fan since the first film came out when I was in grade school.

I have mixed feelings about the Starcruiser of it all ... I would have loved to do it at some point but it was so hard to justify that price for a two-night experience in Orlando when you could legitimately go abroad with that kind of money. I'm a little sad since it's pretty unlikely I'll get to do it before it closes, but I just can't wrap my head around the expense. (Even if they still do the AP discount or whatever!)
So let's see......

Many years ago in our previous house we had deep window wells around our basement and had a baby skunk that fell in and couldn't get out. Had to call (and pay) someone to remove the little guy and relocate him.

In our current house, it's like wild kingdom in our back yard. We get turkeys, deer, coyotes, fox, bunnies, chipmunks, red-tailed hawks, owls, bats, tons of bird species, raccoons, opossums, and once a wolf. No one believes me that it was a wolf but it was. Our cat was inside looking out the sliding door with me and freaking out. His fur was all fluffed out, he was standing on his hind legs and his whole body was shaking.

I don't watch those Bravo shows but I am watching the new season of RHOA. The ladies never disappoint. So much entertainment :rotfl2:

I am sad to see the Galactic Starcruiser close. We are not big Star Wars fans but I admire the detail and performing that I have heard it encompasses. Hopefully they can keep the physical building and find a way to monetize it so that it is profitable in some capacity and still gives Star Wars fans a thrill or reimagine it somehow into an attraction??
My son has made it home safely from London! He had a pretty good time. It was marred somewhat from the flights home--he got delayed out of Heathrow, and customs in Charlotte was a nightmare. Between the two, he missed his flight home (supposed to arrive at 7:11pm). Then the replacement flight was late, needed a plane change, and a gate change, etc. I picked him up at the airport after 1am this morning.

Don't even get me started on what I had to do all weekend as a single parent while DH was off camping with the Boy Scouts. Note: OUR Scout wasn't on the camping trip, he was being schlepped around to a strings recital, dance rehearsals, and an informational meeting on his upcoming trip to France. Meanwhile, DD20 was teaching dance, picking strawberries, and has been designated the king in Sleeping Beauty. She brought home a costume for me to alter--it was designed for a large man, and I have to make it look realistic on a 5'7", 120 pound woman.

DH is getting it with both barrels when he gets home.
My son has made it home safely from London! He had a pretty good time. It was marred somewhat from the flights home--he got delayed out of Heathrow, and customs in Charlotte was a nightmare. Between the two, he missed his flight home (supposed to arrive at 7:11pm). Then the replacement flight was late, needed a plane change, and a gate change, etc. I picked him up at the airport after 1am this morning.

Don't even get me started on what I had to do all weekend as a single parent while DH was off camping with the Boy Scouts. Note: OUR Scout wasn't on the camping trip, he was being schlepped around to a strings recital, dance rehearsals, and an informational meeting on his upcoming trip to France. Meanwhile, DD20 was teaching dance, picking strawberries, and has been designated the king in Sleeping Beauty. She brought home a costume for me to alter--it was designed for a large man, and I have to make it look realistic on a 5'7", 120 pound woman.

DH is getting it with both barrels when he gets home.
Glad your son made it ok.

But I misread your post. I thought you said he got MARRIED. No need for coffee to jump start my heart this morning.

As far as husband. I think Mother's day week should be a new thing in your house.
Yeah, he got friend-zoned by the young lady that was his travel buddy. On the good side, she had a full-blown panic attack in the customs line, and he was her calming force. I never saw that coming! (The friend-zone thing--yeah, I knew that would happen).
Hi All,
I’ve been busy with travel/ return of my college age kids, etc. we are now in Germany. Just left Munich and are staying overnight in a hotel with a view of Neuschwanstein Castle and Mary’s bridge. I feel like I’m on Soarin🤪
I don't know the castle you are speaking of, but if it's the one in in the world did that build that thing. It's in the middle of a mountain.


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