Adam Lambert "For Your Entertainment" MP3 Album downloads $1.00

Thank you for the guilty pleasure. I wasn't thrilled with his AMA performance (though I LOVED him on AI), so I am glad only have to risk $1 to hear the record.
I have to agree with the other posters, he was horrible on the AMA's. When he lost AI I was so disappointed, after seeing him on the AMA's I'm glad that he lost!
So I entered the promo code and downloaded one song. It transferred fine to my iTunes. Then I went and downloaded 2 more songs. They are stuck in limbo. It shows that I bought them and they are in my collection, but they aren't showing up in iTunes or in the Amazon MP3 folder. How do I transfer them?
I have to agree with the other posters, he was horrible on the AMA's. When he lost AI I was so disappointed, after seeing him on the AMA's I'm glad that he lost!


Not that I was sad that he lost AI.....
So I entered the promo code and downloaded one song. It transferred fine to my iTunes. Then I went and downloaded 2 more songs. They are stuck in limbo. It shows that I bought them and they are in my collection, but they aren't showing up in iTunes or in the Amazon MP3 folder. How do I transfer them?

There should be a try again button on the page you downloaded the song from. I've had to redo the download using that button and it doesn't charge you again. I think there is a way to find it after you've closed that page too, I can't remember right now though? Maybe look up previous purchases and it'll show it? Or wait on that email from them showing your digital download order and it'll have a redownload button?
So I entered the promo code and downloaded one song. It transferred fine to my iTunes. Then I went and downloaded 2 more songs. They are stuck in limbo. It shows that I bought them and they are in my collection, but they aren't showing up in iTunes or in the Amazon MP3 folder. How do I transfer them?

I had the same problem and just now fixed it. Did you have a firewall on when you tried to download the cd? Turn it off and then do a search on your computer for .mp3 files. Mine showed up near the bottom of the list and said "thank you for your order" When I opened that, it brought me to my amazon page, had to click on the task bar to and click to open the file for the download to start. Once I did that, it worked fine.
Thanks so much, I am STILL a HUGE Adam Lambert fan....I just looked to buy the whole album today, saving $3 helped!!!
But its ok to have Chris Brown on who beat Rhianna to a bloody pulp, please, so many double standards. They are giving Chris time to so he can "redeem" himself, well give Adam a chance too.
no its not ok... I cannot have for the life of me ever would want CB associated with any show I was in charge of or event..

Like when he went to a HS basketball event and all the girls were all gaga over him...what stupidity... There is a Youtube vid of a lady yelling at him and demeaning him like he deserves...


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