ABCs of Trip Reporting, Pt. 2-Life Can Be Crappy and Then You Move On (3/7)

I am dying over here!!!!!!! just totally rammed right on through the bathroom story and into your keyboard problem with "sprung a few leaks!"

I was totally not out of the bathroom story and you start with...

Is there anyone techie like who can answer a question for me?? I am like....

You are in the men's bathroom and the next question out of your mouth is "Is there anyone techie that can answer a question for me?" So...what techie question do you have about the Men's bathroom??? :lmao:

And then you sprung a leak!!!

And I am just over here :rotfl:....

I'm with Mary I got a little lost for a minute there :lmao:

But I can so feel your pain Liesa, I have walked into the Men's bathroom before at walmart, at my Walmart the womens entrance is on the left, well I visited another Walmart and entered on the left without reading the sign and then quickly jumped ship as I realized what I had done then quick ducked into the correct bathroom.:rotfl2: Lucky for me it was empty, I don't know what I would've done if I saw some big shoes in a stall :rotfl: This is turning into quite the DISmeet you ladies had
Liesa, if it makes you feel any better, I accidentally used the men's room at Downtown Disney once! I was just on such a mission...didn't notice until I was on my way out, thinking, "Why are there urinals in here?"
Liesa, a tech support person walked me through this on my Dell a few times, you can reset your computer to a date when those keys worked, and it should work. This article says your recent documents are fine, but I would suggest a back up just in case.

Maroo: very glad to hear you're ok. And awesome Splash Mountain pictures! I'm amazed you could hold the camera steady enough to get those shots. Nice work! :thumbsup2

Tammie and Camille: I'm amazed! This DISMeet report is turning into an episode of LOST--now it has flash-forwards and flashbacks in time. In any case, the view of the river looks beautiful and the men's room story was hilarious (sorry Liesa).

LOST - :rotfl2: Stay tuned for another FLASH!

I am dying over here!!!!!!! just totally rammed right on through the bathroom story and into your keyboard problem with "sprung a few leaks!"

I was totally not out of the bathroom story and you start with...

Is there anyone techie like who can answer a question for me?? I am like....

You are in the men's bathroom and the next question out of your mouth is "Is there anyone techie that can answer a question for me?" So...what techie question do you have about the Men's bathroom??? :lmao:

And then you sprung a leak!!!

And I am just over here :rotfl:....


Liesa, if it makes you feel any better, I accidentally used the men's room at Downtown Disney once! I was just on such a mission...didn't notice until I was on my way out, thinking, "Why are there urinals in here?"

:rotfl: Sounds like what I did in Cozumel!
Last episode on LOST in Salem, we were relaxing on the deck with a wonderful glass of wine and enjoying the peace and quiet. However, Liesa informed us that Jen would be waiting, and we should be getting to dinner. (So glad we did!) After a little “touch up” on the paint job, we were ready to head to DT Salem. (DTS) We were eating at the Macedonia Greek and Italian Restaurant at the Reed Opera House.
After a short scenic drive in Liesa’s Swagger Wagon, we were pulling up to the front with no parking spots in sight. I was elected to jump out and run in to find Jen so she would know she wasn’t stood up. I was very happy to do so, because it was raining, and you know, I am so sweet (like Marv) that I might melt if I got wet.
As I entered the repurposed antique brick building full of shops and restaurants, I realized that I had no idea who I was looking for!
I immediately accosted a woman walking toward me with a confused look on her face. She wasn’t Jen, but there were “a lot of people back there,” she pointed toward the back of the building. I climbed a set of stairs, heading “back there” to see a young lady looking over the rail of the mezzanine area, and kind of looking around, “Jen?” “Why yes, yes I am!” (or something like that!) We ran toward each other (cue the slow mo camera and Chariot’s of Fire music) and hugged! Well, we walked quickly anyway. :goodvibes Then she showed me her Mickey Dooney purse, and Mickey T-shirt and I showed her my Beach Club sweatshirt, so we knew we were legit!
Liesa and Camille quickly arrived after finding a parking spot and walking in the rain unscathed.

After more hugs all around, we headed in to the Macedonia and were quickly seated. It was so fun and eclectic, and there was Greek music playing. This is a family owned place, and the staff seemed so exotic and really cared about our experience there. (I somehow didn't take pics of the restaurant, although I was gauking around with my mouth open...:confused3 I hope Jen has some???)

We ordered our drinks – Liesa had Uzo, and I think the rest of us all had Italian sodas. Tate quickly got himself ready to entertain us. Liesa handed everyone a Happy Easter gift, and we were all feeling quite festive.


And one for Jordan -


Jen is from Eugene, home of the OREGON DUCKS so she brought us all personalized packets with a cute flashing little duck ring in them! So cute, Jen. Thanks again!


Tate approved.

Our orders were taken, and we just had fun chatting and taking pics.

There was a large table of about 20 near us, and our waiter came by and asked if we were okay with the noise from said group. Camille was like Donald Duck, jumping up and shadow boxing, “ Did he say we were too noisy? Is there a problem? Are we disturbing everyone? Let me at ‘em, let me at ‘em! “ What did I tell ya, SPUNKY! (Okay, that was the image in my mind, but she really didn’t do that – just misunderstood and was actually a little concerned that our giggles were disturbing others) Love ya Camille! :hug:

Next thing you know, the owner comes by and gives us a free appetizer because she had heard of the famous DISpeeps and didn't want to get a bad review on the TR for our long wait. ;) I don’t think we even noticed the time, but oh well, we’ll take it! It was pita bread triangles and delicious hummus dip! (Babaganoush – I remember hearing that name in some episodes of Seinfeld!)

Our dinners soon arrived:
Jen wasn’t feeling Greek, so she had delicious spaghetti:


Liesa had the
A traditional layered dish egg plant, seasoned ground beef, mediterranean sauce also potatoes and spices, and greek style bechamel. Served with potatoes and vegetables
Which I kept calling Mufasa, because I couldn’t remember the name.


Camille and I decided to get different combo plates and share the items that weren’t repeats
Camille had: Combination Plate
A delightful dish that comes with humus dip, eggplant dip, spinach
pie and a kabob of lamb or chicken, feta cheese, olives and pita


Tammie had:
Village Plate
A combination of many traditional dishes all in one dinner. Mousaka, stuffed grape leaf, spinach pie, a kabob of lamb or chicken and served with potatoes and


I admit I was a little leery because I haven’t liked Moroccan food when I tried it, and expected this to be similar. But the Greek food was delicious! Especially the Spinach pie or
Spanakopita, and the Mufasa!

We enjoyed our dinners, Camille and I were trading items and taste testing, so we tried it all! I would say it was all good except one of her dips, which seemed really salty.
Even though we were so full, we just had to have some dessert and coffee. Camille wanted to share the cheesecake, but I had to be selfish and try something Greek. I had to have Kaitaife. This was a heavy square of baked shredded phyllo dough with almond paste, nuts and honey. It was covered with a rose water wash. The first couple of bites were yummy, although you couldn’t cut it with a fork it was so solid. Anyway, after that, it tasted like “old lady.” I was kind of confused as to why it tasted like a little old lady smells. It was YUCK. Liesa explained that it was the rose water and she had had all the rose water she could ever care to have on her food again! I think that was enough for me!
Camille, how was the cheesecake? I think I remember having a delicious bite. Did anyone else have dessert? I can’t remember that either. Sorry.

All too soon, it was time to say good-bye to Jen and head home. We headed outside, where it had stopped raining. (I do remember hearing the rain quite loudly at one point during the night, and Camille was so excited! We were a little confused by this, until she reminded us they are usually in drought conditions in Texas, and get very happy when it rains!) Anyhoo, we stepped outside on the street, I think we barely had time to turn around, and were greeted by the strangest sight. A young man came running up the sidewalk on the left, and stopped right next to us. He said, “Hi!” He was wearing a ballet dress with a tutu skirt and the bodice was bunched up under the nipples on his bare chest. The color of the dress varied, but which of us you ask. I say it was pink; Camille says yellow; and Liesa says orange. Jen? It was dark so….

Anyway, we just stood there with our mouths open and tried to take in what we were seeing. With that, he took a couple of steps forward and then lifted up his skirt to show us his bicycle covered bottom side. He hopped and skipped down the street like Peter Pan in his bare feet. An attractive woman, appropriately dressed in a little black dress was walking next to him – not looking around, apparently embarrassed. We decided she lost a bet.

Just as they ran across the street in front of us, someone yelled, “where’s the camera? Wait! Come Back!” They didn’t hear us and didn’t stop. We said a quick good-bye to Jen and then ran after them, looking down the alley where the car was parked, but they weren’t there. For a moment we thought we were on Main Street in MK:


Not having any luck finding the sprite in question, or was it an illusion in PINK? We headed for the van and home. Mike had very nicely gotten the hot tub heated up, and then retired to bed so we could have our “girl time.” We got our suits on and spent the next couple of hours drinking wine, smelling the fresh Spring air, and solving all the problems of the world. We have them all solved now. Just ask. We’ll tell ya. I think it was about 1:30 or so when we headed to bed. I had to be up early in the morning to drive an hour away in Silverton and work an Arbonne party, so it was time to get to sleep.

I don’t think we could have had a nicer DISmeet! Jen was delightful and we enjoyed hearing about her family and getting to know her in person!

That's what I remember - Ladie's feel free to chime in! There are a few more pics of Sat evening which Liesa will share with you. I'm running crazy:crazy: this week before leaving for our DL and Wonder cruise. I'll be checking back some, but probably won't have time to post much! Can't wait to see the rest!
Tammie, great update. I love the picture of all you gals in your bunny ears. :)
I totally wish teachers could take a few days off like the rest of us! I know you get the summers and such...but it would be cool!

Belive me, we get plenty of time off and I'm very grateful for it. I just get jealous sometimes when I hear about the low crowd levels some folks can take advantage...not that I ever care. I'm at Disney, right? :goodvibes

Not having any luck finding the sprite in question, or was it an illusion in PINK? We headed for the van and home. Mike had very nicely gotten the hot tub heated up, and then retired to bed so we could have our “girl time.” We got our suits on and spent the next couple of hours drinking wine, smelling the fresh Spring air, and solving all the problems of the world. We have them all solved now. Just ask. We’ll tell ya.

This and Camille's combo plate sound delish! What a great night you all had. :thumbsup2
well, it happened. My netbook is deader than a doornail. Taking it back to Walmart tomorrow and hope they will simply exchange it, but if not, it's to the factory... UGH!!!
I loved reading about the DISmeet! Sounds like it was a great time!


Thanks - it was lots of fun!

Tammie, great update. I love the picture of all you gals in your bunny ears. :)

Thank you! We were feeling very "hoppy!"

Belive me, we get plenty of time off and I'm very grateful for it. I just get jealous sometimes when I hear about the low crowd levels some folks can take advantage...not that I ever care. I'm at Disney, right? :goodvibes

This and Camille's combo plate sound delish! What a great night you all had. :thumbsup2

It was wonderful!

well, it happened. My netbook is deader than a doornail. Taking it back to Walmart tomorrow and hope they will simply exchange it, but if not, it's to the factory... UGH!!!

Oh NO!:faint: I'll bet they exchange it no problem. Walmart is very good with returns. It should still be under warranty, right?

Next time, try the Simba rolls. Thank you, I'll be here all week!

And thank you so much for that mental image of the guy in the ballerina costume! :eek: :rotfl2:

well, it happened. My netbook is deader than a doornail. Taking it back to Walmart tomorrow and hope they will simply exchange it, but if not, it's to the factory... UGH!!!

:headache: Yuck. Sorry it crapped out on you.
You ladies sounded like you had such a wonderful time together. I just about sprayed coffee all over my computer screen when I got to "Ballerina Man" I'll call him. :rotfl2::rotfl2: I bet that was quite a sight to see :eek:.

Next time, try the Simba rolls. Thank you, I'll be here all week!

And thank you so much for that mental image of the guy in the ballerina costume! :eek: :rotfl2:

:headache: Yuck. Sorry it crapped out on you.

yuck, yuck, yuck. (As in hardee-har-har..)

And that image of the guy in a tutu was just for you, Mark. :lmao:

I swear, it was so freakish, it was like we are all sort of standing there just stunned and quiet for a while, thinking, "What the WORLD...?!" I think it was a good 2 minutes before we could look at each other and bust up.

Here's the story on the netboook...

INdia told me to re-install the OS after backing up everything. I cleaned off the desktop plopping everything into Flash Drive, but completely forgot that I had pictures and all my chapters (including the next chapter on Everest) in doc folders. BUT, when I re-installed, I chose the save to backup c:/ drive, so my stuff should be safe; problem was there was a massive error in the re-install. It is now stuck in an endless loop of "restart"/ "resetting something or rathers". No pushing of buttons does anything. So, here's my dilemma, I need a hacker to recover my pictures and documents before I send it off anywhere- if it's possible. Then I can get a new one, or, or, ??

And all for the simple use of 5, 7, 9, -, and [. :sad2:

You ladies sounded like you had such a wonderful time together. I just about sprayed coffee all over my computer screen when I got to "Ballerina Man" I'll call him. :rotfl2::rotfl2: I bet that was quite a sight to see :eek:.

It was freaky to be sure. And so odd to see him running down the street in the rain, in a tutu, with bike shorts on underneath.
Some notes on our dinner...

Tate was having a ball! Who wouldn't with THAT kind of company!?

I know we had talked about "flashing" everyone in a picture, but the evening got away from us, and we never did! Shoot.

Jen, you were a delight to hang with! Fabulous times, and I really want to get down to Eugene soon to see you again.

My food was awesome! Mousaka is for me. (Please do not let the tag fairy get a hold of that one!)

Uzo is yum! If you like the flavor is anise, and a STRONG liqueur, give a whirl. Think SIPPING drink. It's also fun to WOW a crowd with... when you pour it in water, it clouds. Cool, huh?

Tammie, have a wonderful cruise!! So excited for you!
Yummo on the food, I've never had Greek food, well I don't think I have, but your dishes look pretty good, and I love olives and cheese.

Geez as I was reading I was thinking you all were down in Las Vegas, a man in a tutu :rotfl2: sounds like something you'd see on the Vegas strip

glad you ladies had a fun DISmeet :thumbsup2 what great memories

Next time, try the Simba rolls. Thank you, I'll be here all week!

And thank you so much for that mental image of the guy in the ballerina costume! :eek: :rotfl2:

:headache: Yuck. Sorry it crapped out on you.

MMM Simba rolls! :rotfl2:
Ballerina guy - you're welcome!:thumbsup2

You ladies sounded like you had such a wonderful time together. I just about sprayed coffee all over my computer screen when I got to "Ballerina Man" I'll call him. :rotfl2::rotfl2: I bet that was quite a sight to see :eek:.

We did have a great time! Ballerina man was quite a shock!:eek:

Loved the Update !!Sure looks like you had as much fun as we did in DC!!!

It's great we can even have more fun when we get together than we do here on the DIS!:thumbsup2

Wow, this really sounds like it was the ultimate DIS-meet!
It was the EPICest! (Thanks Bekka!)

yuck, yuck, yuck. (As in hardee-har-har..)

And that image of the guy in a tutu was just for you, Mark. :lmao:

I swear, it was so freakish, it was like we are all sort of standing there just stunned and quiet for a while, thinking, "What the WORLD...?!" I think it was a good 2 minutes before we could look at each other and bust up.

Here's the story on the netboook...

INdia told me to re-install the OS after backing up everything. I cleaned off the desktop plopping everything into Flash Drive, but completely forgot that I had pictures and all my chapters (including the next chapter on Everest) in doc folders. BUT, when I re-installed, I chose the save to backup c:/ drive, so my stuff should be safe; problem was there was a massive error in the re-install. It is now stuck in an endless loop of "restart"/ "resetting something or rathers". No pushing of buttons does anything. So, here's my dilemma, I need a hacker to recover my pictures and documents before I send it off anywhere- if it's possible. Then I can get a new one, or, or, ??

And all for the simple use of 5, 7, 9, -, and [. :sad2:

It was freaky to be sure. And so odd to see him running down the street in the rain, in a tutu, with bike shorts on underneath.

Liesa, I'll bet the OS re-install was overkill. I had that happen with my Dell quite a few times, and I could just "go back in time" on the settings and fix it.
I hope you get it resolved quickly AND save all your pics and docs!

Some notes on our dinner...

Tate was having a ball! Who wouldn't with THAT kind of company!?

I know we had talked about "flashing" everyone in a picture, but the evening got away from us, and we never did! Shoot.

Jen, you were a delight to hang with! Fabulous times, and I really want to get down to Eugene soon to see you again.

My food was awesome! Mousaka is for me. (Please do not let the tag fairy get a hold of that one!)

Uzo is yum! If you like the flavor is anise, and a STRONG liqueur, give a whirl. Think SIPPING drink. It's also fun to WOW a crowd with... when you pour it in water, it clouds. Cool, huh?

Tammie, have a wonderful cruise!! So excited for you!

Thank you Liesa! I'll think of Rebecca when I see the GG Bridge!

Yummo on the food, I've never had Greek food, well I don't think I have, but your dishes look pretty good, and I love olives and cheese.

Geez as I was reading I was thinking you all were down in Las Vegas, a man in a tutu :rotfl2: sounds like something you'd see on the Vegas strip

glad you ladies had a fun DISmeet :thumbsup2 what great memories

It was the best!

I think Camille can regale us with lots of tales of crazy sites in Austin!:3dglasses
It was the EPICest! (Thanks Bekka!)

Liesa, I'll bet the OS re-install was overkill. I had that happen with my Dell quite a few times, and I could just "go back in time" on the settings and fix it.
I hope you get it resolved quickly AND save all your pics and docs!

Thank you Liesa! I'll think of Rebecca when I see the GG Bridge!

It probably was. ONe of those, "I wish I knew" occasions. sigh.

Trying as we speak (I"m sitting in a computer repair shop) to get those San Fran pix off.

:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: Marando's IN!!!

:welcome: our new friend!!! You are certainly welcome to hang out, pull up an EZ Chair, and I promise, in the next day or so, we'll wrap up this DISMeet stuff, and move on to our regularly scheduled updates from Disney! Woot!


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