A Tipsy Tenth Dining Adventure - Completed 9/28

Enjoying your review! Looks like you all had a really nice vacation!!
Thanks for reading along again! We had a BLAST

Nomad's looks delicious. Good to know you can get the Tiffins appetizers there too!
I've heard they occasionally let you order entrees from Tiffins too but we've never tried that

I haven't met a single dog beer yogurt I haven't thoroughly enjoyed :snooty:
You Either??? Nothing beats some runny yogurt with a bit of hops and dog hair :-)

What is with the questionable guest behavior lately?! I mean, my own notwithstanding... but at least I have the decency to use a proper bathroom!
I know, right? And if we of all people can behave then certainly the rest of the world can comply

Ooo, I like the name Irana! Very Pandora-ish! No AP discount? Why? This is ridiculous! I guess they equate banshees on the level of Alex & Ani, and Dooney & Bourke. Of course, that's Disney sucking every penny out of us. Shanghia Disney effect, yep, makes sense!
I was shocked they didn't offer the discount. I thought it came with everything (says the person who has never bought a Dooney and doesn't know what an Alex and Ani is :P)

I married a wop who can make pasta...:tongue::tongue::tongue:
I'm a wop who married a hillbilly who eventually owned an Italian restaurant :D

Same wait as when it's full :confused3
Yes apparently its 30 minutes no matter the time of day or crowd level. Unless you are a party of 20 and then its 2 hours :P

I love HDDR! I think we'll go again next year when we go with the whole family. Mike and Kaleb have never seen it, but I think they'll like it, especially since Mike can have all the pitchers of beer he wants all to himself :rotfl:
Unless I tag along and make Mike share the beer with me :drinking1

Ha! I'm sure he'll end up in a drawer similar to where our Pal Mickey has been for 14 years. Remember him??
Or more likely in our house in 6 months I'll donate it to goodwill and the next day Casey will suddenly decided to look for it.

I do not remember Pal Mickey. What was that?

Humph! I totally would have gotten that instead of my sliders…though they were also good.
You would have loved the cauliflower. If only I was there to hook a girl up :-)

Happy Mother's Day! Looks like a perfect day! I did eventually get home around 8pm and had a glass of wine...with my leftover pizza.
Glad you got to enjoy some semblance of the day

I really need to try one of those Annapurna Zings. They sound amazing! Does Nomad have takeout cocktails by any chance? :D
I'm not sure if they do or not. I would think they would or you could at least ask for a to go cup. We did that at Ale and Compass last weekend and it worked great.

Casey looks like such a teenager in your Mother's Day photo. She CAN'T be growing up!
I know, right? Of course what you couldn't see is she had inch and a half wedges on. Time is going way to quickly

Happy Mother’s day to you too... I’m like whatever, every day should be Mother’s Day, just saying!
I like what you're saying!

I really loved Tiffins on my last visit and was thinking of checking out nomads lounge soon, and this update has me second guessing myself only in why is it not secured in my plans!
Good news is you don't even have to plan for Nomads. Just wander by, stop in, relax and drink!

Your drink sounds fabulous but I’m not into gin.... but I may give it a try, and the food all looks really good too.
I do like gin, but I don't think it is overly ginny. The flavors all go really well together that the pineyness of gin (I think it tastes like Christmas) doesn't stand out too much

I mean are the bushes not we’re kids are supposed to pee? Ugh where are his parents? Not judging nope not me.
This is the DIS no judgment zone of course. We would never judge another parent and their amazing life choices :P
Unless I tag along and make Mike share the beer with me :drinking1

Ohhhh, I LIKE this plan MUCH better!

I do not remember Pal Mickey. What was that?

The "Must Have" merch of 2006. it was a stuffed Mickey that supposedly talked to you as you carried him around the park. He was like $60 bucks at the time and never worked very well. I'll scrounge him up later and post a pic :-)

You would have loved the cauliflower. If only I was there to hook a girl up :-)

Curse you for having to work that day :sad:
OK finally I'm all caught up!!


Amazing costumes! How did you get Casey's hair red?

This looks like a bacon cheeseburger without the patty and bun!

Haha this is hilarious!! I like how you look like you don't know him.

So cute! I remember you telling me that you bought this! It is huge!!

Cause the best part of the show is unlimited beer!!!!:drinking1

Haha I can see why you guys like it!! I had 2 glasses of sangria and wow that was a lot.

After a misguided summer 20+ years ago when my mother made corn every single day for dinner, I no longer eat this stuff. But I’m gonna vote it tasted like corn.

You're right. It tasted like corn!

Cause you needed a picture to know what they looked like :P Mashed potatoes are my favorite comfort (aka day after tipsy) food and these were creamy yet had nice chunks of potatoes. I had quite a few

I did like the potatoes!

I gather this is for kiddos that don’t have the refined palate of Casey :P She was unimpressed and stuck to the ribs.

Our group of 10 had quite the unsophisticated palate and we ordered 2 rounds of mac n cheese. :laughing:

Unfortunately it was crazy busy and they were still stalking tables when I got there. But we eventually got one and we even got the elusive wizard view.

Haha that is so funny!

The char on this was perfect and the octopus paired well with the briny olives and earthy aioli. It wasn’t very hot temperature wise, but still hit the tentacle spot.

Mmm my favorite! Just had this last Friday!!

All of the breads and sauces were great but the slightly spicey chutney was by far my favorite. Per my notes I also “like dog beer yogurt.” I mean who doesn’t?

dog beer yogurt sounds great!! :laughing:

Unfortunately these were our only disappointing item. They were good and all, but had way too much gravy and the “truffle” cheese tasted more like goat cheese. Now I like me some cheese of the goat, but when promised truffle, truffle I want!!!

I'm glad I didn't order this! We were tempted to but looked pretty heavy. Looks like it is a miss for me.

Last up we have my absolutely favorite item of the afternoon (besides the multiple zings of course) and one of the best items of the trip – Gobi Manchurian - which is Crispy-fried Cauliflower, Manchurian Sauce, and Green Onion.

Now this looks amazing! I will have to try this next time!

And the highly coveted Kari Selfie

I got me one of those selfies!!! Woohoo!


Picture quality is crap but everything was delicious.

This looks heavenly. Great job Chunkystinkbutt and Chunkychef!
So this made me think of you, which I am not sure is a good thing. In France at a playground and this boy comes running to his mom yells something in French and then she takes him to pee in the bushes! Plus there are public toilets like 30 feet away!
The "Must Have" merch of 2006. it was a stuffed Mickey that supposedly talked to you as you carried him around the park. He was like $60 bucks at the time and never worked very well. I'll scrounge him up later and post a pic :-)
Given how "good" disney technology is today I can only fathom how a circa 2006 Mickey would "work"

Amazing costumes! How did you get Casey's hair red?
It was just that cheap hair spray they sell at the party store. She was angling for something more authentic but I couldn't find anything that only lasted through one shampoo.

Haha this is hilarious!! I like how you look like you don't know him.
I'm pretty sure that is how I always look at him :P

Haha I can see why you guys like it!! I had 2 glasses of sangria and wow that was a lot.
If that's the case then I will not tell you how many pitchers I mean glasses of beer we had :drinking1

This looks heavenly. Great job Chunkystinkbutt and Chunkychef!
My chunky bunch sure does me proud!

So this made me think of you, which I am not sure is a good thing. In France at a playground and this boy comes running to his mom yells something in French and then she takes him to pee in the bushes! Plus there are public toilets like 30 feet away!
I'm not sure if I should be flattered or appalled. But if the fancy French are doing it maybe we should all join in :P
I’d been able to avoid buying this thing for several trips now, but the birthday banshee finally bit us. You’ll be shocked to know she’s touched it exactly twice since we’ve been home.
Haha! It's always the way!

While an afternoon of day drinking sounded great to me, we thought it responsible to also order some food. Note at Nomads you can also order from the Tiffins appetizer menu so some of the items are from there.
I did not know that! I'll be sure to request both menus in July. Thanks! :)

First up we have Casey’s choice, the Charred Octopus with Romesco Sauce, Olive Tapenade, Chorizo, and Squid Ink Aïoli.
Love her palate!

Up next we got the Tiffins Signature Bread Service with Indian-spiced Tomato Chutney, Spicy Coriander Yogurt, and Fig Tapenade.
I had that too and LOVED it!

Last up we have my absolutely favorite item of the afternoon (besides the multiple zings of course) and one of the best items of the trip – Gobi Manchurian - which is Crispy-fried Cauliflower, Manchurian Sauce, and Green Onion.
I need this in my life....sounds amazing!

We even got two illusive Kelfies...
Best ever!
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY CASEY and congratulations on the race

Cute costume ideas

Gotta give the girl a hand she's got great taste in souvenirs

We started with some delicious corn bread and butter (which was too cold to spread #PetPeeve)
I know right. I HATE that.

Note at Nomads you can also order from the Tiffins appetizer menu so some of the items are from there.
:tongue::tongue::tongue:What the what? I would have loved to of ordered that Octopus had I known.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY CASEY and congratulations on the race
She says thank you as we both spend a lazy Sunday morning on the couch while insane Jason is out running yet another half marathon.

Gotta give the girl a hand she's got great taste in souvenirs
Great...Expensive. Tomayto....Tomahto

:tongue::tongue::tongue:What the what? I would have loved to of ordered that Octopus had I known.
Yep, usually its just appetizers and sides you can order from Tiffins but I've read of others who've ordered full on entrees
Lost in Translation

After a great day at Animal Kingdom we decided to keep the theme going and headed over to Sanaa for dinner. A bus was pulling out as we walked up and while the driver wouldn’t let us on he said there was “literally a bus right behind me.” We should have known better than to trust someone who said literally because he apparently meant the Old Key West bus that was literally behind him, not the Animal Kingdom Lodge bus that didn’t show up for another 30 minutes. Oye!

We eventually made it and took some grainy artistic savanna pictures before we were seated.

We had a wonderful server named Brenda, who did not rush us at all, and paced our meal perfectly. One of my biggest pet peeves is a rushed meal, unless of course I’m in a hurry, in which case they clearly should know better.

And here is where my notes become muddied and the several bottles of wine we went through may have taken over. For those unfamiliar I generally jot down my thoughts on our meals in my phone and depending on how much we’ve had to drink they reach varying levels of comprehension. So please do enjoy what my liver is pleased to say will not be the only installment of tipsy notes for this trip. I’ll do my best to translate.

Jason olsnelwphanf foot bear

Clearly Jason had an old elephant foot beer, because who doesn’t want their IPA with a little old elephant foot or olsnelwphanf bear on the side.

Girls share AC back nice and acidic and crisp too bottlrs

Thanks only to the photographic evidence we had two bottles of Southern Right Sauvignon Blanc.

C smooth fruit n stuff

And Casey got a smoothie.

Bread service good as always got 3 extra red naaan like paneer have g had in long tome sauces fav tomato and ate and corrianser also like TJ Eric rants and samball

This is getting tougher. I know we got the bread service apparently with three extra red naan (who knew they came in colors). I liked the paneer bread along with the tomato, coriander, and sambal sauces. But look out for TJ Eric because he’s on a rant.

C and I biryanis wit shrimp too many veggies but lots of shrimp and good flavor abd Raina paddy pan squash

I so got this one. Casey and I shared the African-inspired Biryani with Shrimp. While it had too many vegetables in it I did like the addition of paddy pan squash and it had an overall good flavor.

Jason lamb with spinach pap and arugula malm cold be cooked less but great lfs I’d go good with Aldo it’s like spinach and nuts pap like rice very crumbly.

So apparently Jason got the Traditional Sosatie which is Braai Lamb with apricots, pap, spinach, cashews, and goat cheese. The malm (clearly lamb) was on the cold side and slightly overcooked and the rice was crumbly. Also I go with Aldo like spinach goes with nuts? Don’t tell Jason though. He is highly jealous of Aldo.

D and d chick peas shrimp butter shock potshots slop did kr like aloo but like everything else

Potshots? 'Nuf said. Moving along...

Randy no respond case shotgun beer?

So D2’s partners name is Randy. That’s all I got.

Save $38 with tables.

Even in my tipsy state I did at least note that we saved $38 with our tables in wonderland card and hopefully we left some extra tip for Brenda because clearly after all of this she deserved it.

C dinner really good

Casey said dinner was really good.

Uber back to room canary sleep onthey get ready for race and I drink drink I do

We ubered back to the room on a canary. No that’s not right. We uber’d back to the room and Casey slept. Getting better. And while they got ready for the half marathon the next morning I drink drink I do. I think there is a hit song in there somewhere.

Speaking of song...

Watch 50/ Bobby Darren likencrap but sing good song

I’m was pretty sure there was a crappy infomercial with Bobby Darin selling some sort of 50’s music box set on tv. But after googling that, Bobby Darin apparently died before I was born so that can’t be right. Oh well, dead or alive I do know I treated everyone to my amazing musical stylings because I “sing good song.”

Casey macaroon from D like good the Iran’s taste like orange and. Hi late like

So D2 had picked Casey up some macarrons in Epcot on their first day and she liked the Iranian one?
Goodbye its like late

Up next, bloody bloody Sunday
I love your tipsy notes! Two bottles of wine sounds like a great dinner!

I really want to know what Tj’s rant was about. It’s bread service and yum! That sambel sauce <3

Some of those people might have a rough start to the half the next morning!

Your notes are hysterical. Sounds like a great night. I can’t believe I still haven’t tried Sanaa. I think Chef TJ is a big deal at Disney - know for his creative vegetarian/vegan accommodations. Maybe that’s your TJ? But I’m not sure he’s at Sanaa. :confused3
Those notes are just gems :rotfl2: You always eat somewhere with complex dishes and names when the tipsy notes are at the very best! So enjoyable to read! That bread service at Sanaa is delicious tipsy or not!! I am looking forward to this dinner in August!

Clearly Jason had an old elephant foot beer, because who doesn’t want their IPA with a little old elephant foot or olsnelwphanf bear on the side.
Doesn't everone order the adult beverages based on there shirts?

three extra red naan (who knew they came in colors).
Red Naan is my favorite... Just never eat the green Naan...

Randy no respond case shotgun beer?

So D2’s partners name is Randy. That’s all I got.
Oh boy! I hope Randy isn't upset that they have been outted for doing shotguns...

Casey said dinner was really good.
Casey looks like she needs to go to bed.

I drink drink I do
This is the best notes yet!

So D2 had picked Casey up some macarrons in Epcot on their first day and she liked the Iranian one?
French Iranian macarrons.. intersting!

Goodbye its like late
I also like that you say goodby to basially yourself
Another great installment!

That 2006 must have toy you guys are talking about was called “My Pal Mickey”, it was never really supported. It had various triggers throughout the park where it would come alive and randomly interact and scare the heck out of you because you would go hours with it doing absolutely nothing, then have a doll suddenly come alive to tell you Chip and Dale are in the area. It was pretty jarring actually.
Oh Kari, how I LOVE your food and drink descriptions...The bread service at Sanaa is AMAZING!

Ditto :goodvibes:thumbsup2
Your tipsy notes are simply the best!:rotfl:
I’m now singing U2’s “Sunday, Bloody Sunday” in anticipation of your next update which has nothing to do with Disney but everything from where I’m from lol
That installment of tipsy notes was just delightful. I'm thrilled to hear it's not the only one for this report.
A bus was pulling out as we walked up and while the driver wouldn’t let us on he said there was “literally a bus right behind me.” We should have known better than to trust someone who said literally because he apparently meant the Old Key West bus that was literally behind him, not the Animal Kingdom Lodge bus that didn’t show up for another 30 minutes. Oye!

Oooooh dear. :headache: That guy was literally dumb.

Jason olsnelwphanf foot bear

:rotfl: And so it begins!!

Girls share AC back nice and acidic and crisp too bottlrs

Perhaps nice and acidic and crisp too [many] bottlrs? ....NAH!

This is getting tougher. I know we got the bread service apparently with three extra red naan (who knew they came in colors).

:rotfl: Oh yeah the red naan are my favourite!

Uber back to room canary sleep


get ready for race and I drink drink I do

Indeed! I certainly believe you drink drink you do! These tipsy notes are really top notch!


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