A Return to the Happiest Place on Earth

7/9 - Our Last Park Day - Part 2

We then walked to fantasyland where the kids wanted a strawberry lemonade.


They drank some of it before we made our way to critter country. There, they left me to babysit their drinks while they rode splash mountain.

They managed to ride it twice.

When the finally got back to me, they were surprised and disappointed to find I didnt do such a good job making sure their drinks were ok. I mean, after all... it was hot and I had such a nice spot along the lake to sit. They were just a bit too tempting while sitting here in such a quiet location.

Then we decided to go to the character spot so Zoe could see Pooh and Friends I really like this meet and greet. The characters are very friendly.



It was now time for a snack. I knew I had to try something. Something that I had read about. Something that ranks now in the top of my sweet treat snacks favorites in ALL the Disney parks. What could this be? Well, it is a Trio of New Orleans Fritters with fruit dipping sauce. This could not be more yummy. The fritter reminds me of a cruller donut. Kinda light and airy. The fruit dipping sauce had pieces of fruit in it. Believe me, do NOT pass this by.


I had an ap on my phone. This is where I saw the menu item. I had to turn the gps on to find this little place since it is kinda tucked away in New Orleans Square. There are other items there, like soups in bowls and such. So one could get lunch at the Royal Street Veranda. I also had a special coffee drink.

All around this was a very yummy snack.

We never rode the Mark Twain Riverboat, but I thought it was neat to take a picture of it since New Orleans square is just right along the lake.


As Zoe, Alex and I were enjoying our snack Steve and Zach showed up. We wandered around a bit. I think we attempted to ride Indiana Jones but found it was down. Instead I got some pictures inside Adventureland



We settled on getting in line for the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage. This was a must do since there is not anything like it in WDW. We waited for EVER. I want to say it must have been over an hour. The queue wound around and around and you never quite knew just how much further you had. (the tsm line in DCA is much the same way) It was HOT. I think we all were feeling a bit like why did we get in this line. I would say it was soon enough that we were on the ride, but like I mentioned I think it was over an hour.

Pictures taken while in line...
Part of the monorail track that runs over the water that the sub is in.


a bad view of the long windy line.

Everyone hating me for making them wait in this line.


getting closer, but you can see how bored Zoe is.

How small it is...How do we all get in??

When we did get on the sub, it was an interesting experience. Steve said it evoked a panic response in him. It made him feel claustrophobic. I must admit it was very tight in there and one has to be careful not to bump their head while descending or ascending the stairs. All in all I am glad we did it. It was actually kinda neat.

Pictures on the ride...

see how cramped it is?

even better, see how the guys knees touch to wall where the windows are?


Pretending to be fish


Now we are actually under water.




Next Chapter: 7/9 - Our Last Park DAy Part 3

Running Tally
The strawberry lemonade looks very yummy as does the snack!

I think that Nemo ride would make me claustrophobic as well. YIKES!! :crazy2:
7/9 - Our Last Park Day - Part 3

The sub ride was much more brief than the wait for it so there was not really respite from the heat. Luckily, I knew were we could quickly go to get this. We went to Innoventions. Inside there was the model home of the future with very nice furniture and of course a family room with a large screen to play video games on. This is were we took refuge.

Alex playing a video game

Noticing though that soon, Asimo would be presenting Steve put his foot down and said we HAD to go to it. Had to go? Had to go to something Disney? Hmm, remember he is the one who suggested this trip and now he suggests something, er.. demands something? Ok, so in fairness he has always wanted to see ASIMO. Each time we have missed it due to having a young one with us. This time everyone was able to wait and sit quietly. ASIMO is neat, but honestly kinda not what I want in my house. I have a hard enough time with the motion sensor lighting in my house.


Next we got to build our new tomorrow. It was odd that it was just a little kiosk. Felt like I should be tipped backward, reclining choosing how I want to live out my life. ;)



After this we decided to go to DCA. We had special lunch arrangements. As we went in I made sure to take a picture of the entry way. Looks a bit familiar, ay?

I believe this is part of the refurbishment. I know that I for one miss the C A L I F O R N I A. Those giant letters were once a ritual for my kids to have their pictures taken in and on.

We picked up our prepaid - World of Color - picnic lunches. I can not even use words to describe how impressed I was with this. The process was easy. There is what looks to be a quick service location near the Wine Country Trattoria. (the sit down restaurant) When we walked up, there were only cms standing around talking. It almost looked as though it was not open. I walked up and asked if this was where I was to pick up our WOC lunches. I was told it was and they asked my name/confirmation number and then one of the cms went into the building to retrieve 2 WOC bags that were full of our food.

this is the empty bags. I believe they are insulated.


We had ordered a kids chicken, 2 chicken meals and 2 salmon meals.



The meals even came with a prize for Zoe!

Ok, this food was AMAZING! It was hot and while we had thought to take our food more into the park to watch a parade as we ate, there was covered tables near by. The area was also super vacant so super quiet. This is where we chose to sit and eat. I would definitely do this again if for only the food. However, it wasnt just for the food that we pre purchased these. We also were given special tickets to WOC. All in all I would highly recommend these...especially the salmon!

After lunch, we meandered down the pier where Zoe met up with Jessie.

Since Steve had not been on much the day before we needed to again stand in the horrible TSM line. It is neat to see the subtle differences. Like when exiting the ride there is this quaint little room (that I have no idea the significance of).






We then lost Alex (not sure where)and went to Carsland. Here we got some pp pics of us.


Next from that was RSR. Despite the fact it was a 120 minute wait, we had to wait it out. Steve had to be able to ride it, after all and this was the last chance to since our day was quickly coming to an end.


Once RSR was done for the last time, we checked to see if Luigis Tires had a doable wait. It didnt. Since the ride itself looks like you sit and toss big beach balls around. I figured we could skip it. Zoe was a bit sad by this so we at least did the photo op.

As we were headed out of Carsland we were able to get Zach and Zoes picture taken with??? Not sure who he is, but he came driving out with a handler and since we were right there, we were able to very quickly get the picture taken.

Next Chapter: 7/9 - Our Last Park Day Part 4

Running Tally
7/9 - Our Last Park Day - Part 4

Zoe then had to show her dad and Zach Beasts Library so they too could find out what character they were. Zach was Buzz (like he was on our last DLR trip). Steve was Jafar.


We then decided to go to Muppets Vision 3d. I dont think we had done this since the last time we were in DLR. It was fun and nostalgic.



We did a little shopping, more window than actual buying... but Zach had to get some Tparty merchandise.

Next we had to have some dinner. I had heard from someone here on dis that Paradise Garden Grill was really good. It did not at all disappoint! You chose your meat (I picked steak while some of the others chose kefta) Then you pick your sauce. I had a hard time, so the very very nice cm suggested I get a sample of each kind on the side. AWESOME idea. Moroccan chili was very good, the chimmichuri was great, the tandoori spiced yogurt so good, and the tzatziki familiar and pleasant. I was very impressed! We had to have some baklava for dessert as well! As we were finishing up dinner it was getting dark and entertainment started to come out. It was a great quick service meal!






We then walked back with Zach to the Tparty. He had to go again and decided he would rather go there than to WOC. So we dropped him off and then went to get our place. We picked Alex back up along the way.





It was not a bad location. We were told to return to the area near the jumping jelly fish. Steve asked a cm where in the area would be the best place to stand. He was told to stand in x spot since in x spot there would be no chance to get wet. The show itself was amazing.(although I have little to no pictures because my camera would focus on the water spray rather than the show. I thought that maybe it was just a matter of opinion on the wont get wet" since there was in fact so much spray hitting us. Then the finale happened and I soon realized that the cm was setting us up. During the finale, large amounts of water (not just spray) jet up from hidden (well, hidden to us) tubes. I am not sure, they go up maybe 50 ft? LOT of WATER!!! UP and then DOWN. Well, we had been told to stand RIGHT where it came down. We moved quickly enough so as not to get dumped on, but ha ha crazy cm!

After the show we split up. Zoe, Alex and I went to hit Redwood Creek Challenge Trail. We had a lot of fun climbing around. I love how they have themed it now to the UP movie. All the cms where uniforms like...is it Kevin? Hmm... I can't remember the boy's name.


The park soon closed though, so we were not able to do everything. They actually kicked us out!

Even though we were not able to ride Grizzly River Run that night, I got a picture of Alex and Zoe in front of the big ole bear.


I know the plan was to head to DL since it was open for a tad bit later than DCA. I think that is where Steve and Zach went in one last attempt at riding Indiana Jones. The three of us then met them over there. We were able to get our picture taken in front of the train station, but I think that was all we were able to do.


And as for Steve and Zach, Indiana had been closed for hours, off and on all day.

This was the end of our park days. It was sad, but we still had a partial day to enjoy DTD.

Next Chapter: 7/10 - Departure Day

Running Tally
7/10 - Departure Day

Tuesday, 7/10 was our last day. We woke and got ready to check out. It was then that I noticed I did not have my car keys. After checking with lost and found in various locations (I would not have brought them to the park, but only to Goofy’s kitchen that first day) It was decided that my only option was to have a new set cut at the dealership back home and then have Josh drive them to us at the hotel. (the one we stayed at the night before our trip and had left our car at) Once this was set in motion we went about our day.

I took some last pictures of the space between the two parks.


We had a wonderful lunch at Le Brea Bakery. The food was quite good. I know I keep saying the food was good. The first few meals were less than good and then everything just ended up being wonderful. At Le Brea Bakery, I had a burger. Someone else had a chicken sandwich on pretzel bread.





We strolled through the shops.






We got some snacks at Ralph Brennans Jazz Kitchen Express, a churro stand and the Haagendaz shop. The shaved ice was a bit too sweet. The beignets were ok, but hey they were beignets so I won’t complain. The icecream mocha was to die for!!!





Then we went back to the resort for our Disneyland Express time. (and yes, pick up was along side the road like that. )

I took pictures of the side walk because I wanted to show how different this is. You see cms strolling about in costume in the “real” world. Strange to me, but that is how DLR is. It isn’t secluded, but right smack in the middle of a bustling city.



The bus finally came and we realized the only one coming to our pick up area was also only going to LAX and not SNA. So that bus took us to the DLH where we got off and waited for one that would then go to SNA.

We got to SNA fine and while it was sad to be going home, as usual we were all ready.

The flight was uneventful. We arrived at seatac and called for the hotel shuttle to pick us up. We arrived and double checked with that hotel that the keys had not been left there. Then we waited for Josh to arrive.

Newly cut keys in hand, we drove home.

About a month later or so, the school district here in town let us know that Alex had left his wallet on the bus to the airport. The nice company had shipped it back to the school since it was the only id in the wallet.

It was an amazing trip. We had a lot of fun and had much better food than I anticipated. It was hot and it was crowded, but it was time we spent together. I am very blessed to have been able to fit in this trip and accomplished so much while there. :goodvibes
Love the update!

ToonTown looks so cute at DLR! I would really like to see it.

And the picture of you and Zoe on the Gadget Coaster is really good! :thumbsup2

Toon town in DLR is (IMHO) better than it was in WDW. But it is really for young ones. Neat to see, but not much to do if you are not with a kid who wants to climb in and around the houses.

Love your report with beautiful pictures!:)

Thank you.

The strawberry lemonade looks very yummy as does the snack!

I think that Nemo ride would make me claustrophobic as well. YIKES!! :crazy2:

The fritters were quite yummy. Not sure if they are or are not authentic... but yummy they were!! The drink was refreshing... but very sweet. I think it is much like most of Disney's frozen drinks.

And the ride... oh VERY VERY claustrophobic feeling!!! I am not sure how they get away with cramming so many people into such a small space. Also... I am not sure how anyone who is in a chair gets in. And a larger person? I am a smallish person and had a hard time getting down those stairs into the chamber.
It's always a said day when you are leaving any Disney resort.

By the way the name of the firetruck in Cars land is Red I think e can be seen mainly as a background charter watering the flowers in the movies.
It looks like the trip really ended on a terrific note! Y"all got a lot done and those last few meals really do look yummy! World of Color seems so fun. That's one of the things I'd really like to get to DLR to experience.
It's always a said day when you are leaving any Disney resort.

By the way the name of the firetruck in Cars land is Red I think e can be seen mainly as a background charter watering the flowers in the movies.

It is, but luckily I had a trip coming up that I was able to look forward to.

Red? :rotfl: I guess that makes sense.

It looks like the trip really ended on a terrific note! Y"all got a lot done and those last few meals really do look yummy! World of Color seems so fun. That's one of the things I'd really like to get to DLR to experience.

It did end well. I liked having the arrival and departure days be non park days. Seems like we had more than 3 days in the parks... but that is all we had. And the last few meals were yes indeed very yummy!!

WOC is a must see!!!
You were just an updating machine today, weren't you?

Your last day sounds wonderful, and glad Steve got to redo some attractions with you that he missed earlier.

I love all the various family photopass pictures; and all of that food looks so yummy. How did you like World of Color?

As always, loved hearing about your trip.
You were just an updating machine today, weren't you?

Your last day sounds wonderful, and glad Steve got to redo some attractions with you that he missed earlier.

I love all the various family photopass pictures; and all of that food looks so yummy. How did you like World of Color?

As always, loved hearing about your trip.

I figured I best finish up this report. I had written the text portion a while back so it was just a matter of fitting in the pictures. This means I can start a new TR or PTR without feeling like I have something I am neglecting. I think having 2 or three going at a time is a challenge for me. I know some are able to handle it though ;)

I am glad I got the photo pass. Even though the plus was a bit of a pain (but no where near as much as it was in WDW this fall) I am glad I got it.

The food was pretty yummy. Some was not quite as good as in WDW..but it was better than I remember it. (except for the Tigger tail... nothing compares to the original)

WoC was very cool!! VERY cool. I just wish that in DCA or DL they would have stadiums or theaters for these shows rather than standing up and around things. Even fantasmic there is done like this... just gathering around...not getting seats.

I am glad you enjoyed this TR.... maybe I might do one for fall. Who knows. I have been back now for almost 2 months.... aside from my memory fading... maybe it wouldn't be the best of TRs to do. :sad2:
Wow! What a lot of updates!!! :woohoo:

I am so stunned with all the pics. DL looks way different than we remember. I am one who REALLY misses the California letters by the way - they were so cool.
I guess I will have to pick your brain A LOT once we start planning our 2014 vacation.
The Nemo ride looks like they really squeeze in people. We did the original submarine ride and I don't remember it being so small.
Sorry Indy was down. I quite like that ride too!

PLUS .... I am very pleased to hear that you are planning to do a PTR. Hope it is for February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dizneeat said:
Wow! What a lot of updates!!! :woohoo:

I am so stunned with all the pics. DL looks way different than we remember. I am one who REALLY misses the California letters by the way - they were so cool.
I guess I will have to pick your brain A LOT once we start planning our 2014 vacation.
The Nemo ride looks like they really squeeze in people. We did the original submarine ride and I don't remember it being so small.
Sorry Indy was down. I quite like that ride too!

PLUS .... I am very pleased to hear that you are planning to do a PTR. Hope it is for February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup, lots of updates. I really figured I had to get this done :)

DL looked different to me too... But also very much the same. I just figured it was my perception - remembering more wdw and so it looks different due to that. Maybe not if you too think it looks different.

I think the letters were donated. I think that is pretty cool.

The sub was a tight fit.... But more for my 6 + foot tall guys. For me once I was down the stairs it was fine.

And yes, I am thinking of doing a ptr for feb. I have the resort booked- just not airfare...
And the ride... oh VERY VERY claustrophobic feeling!!! I am not sure how they get away with cramming so many people into such a small space. Also... I am not sure how anyone who is in a chair gets in. And a larger person? I am a smallish person and had a hard time getting down those stairs into the chamber.

I was a little nervous about being claustophobic on that right also, but I lucked out. Don't know if it was the luck of the draw or a insightful cast member, but I was placed in line so that I was the last to board. I'm 6'4" and a tad heavy around the middle. Even with a camera bag, I had plenty of room.
tweeter said:
I was a little nervous about being claustophobic on that right also, but I lucked out. Don't know if it was the luck of the draw or a insightful cast member, but I was placed in line so that I was the last to board. I'm 6'4" and a tad heavy around the middle. Even with a camera bag, I had plenty of room.

Maybe That was it. We borded very close to the front if not the front. I can't remember. We had to wait while everyone else loaded. It wasn't too - we survived :)
Holy Mega Update which I will have to finish tomorrow.

It think its cool how a lot of the queue are outside.

I definitely don't think I could go in that submarine. It looks WAY too claustrophic, although the underwater views are wonderful. Is that man who is holding his face having the start of a panic attack? :rotfl:

Strawberry lemonade - yum.

Splash Mountain single file - I like that.

Oh - I so want to go to DL. I still have to read the second update but have to go to bed. I was trying to get once last quick read in, but yours isn't quick.
Holy Mega Update which I will have to finish tomorrow.

It think its cool how a lot of the queue are outside.

I definitely don't think I could go in that submarine. It looks WAY too claustrophic, although the underwater views are wonderful. Is that man who is holding his face having the start of a panic attack? :rotfl:

Strawberry lemonade - yum.

Splash Mountain single file - I like that.

Oh - I so want to go to DL. I still have to read the second update but have to go to bed. I was trying to get once last quick read in, but yours isn't quick.

I actually am not sure I like the outside queues. I think it makes it hard to get out of the elements....

The sub ride is pretty short... so it is doable. The underwater view is kinda fun. I just wish there was a bit more "Nemo" to it.

Single file on SM and on the Matterhorn use to bug me a bit when there was not the divider. Who wants to get real personal with their neighbor? :confused: I also think SM has a longer drop in DL... but I could be wrong.

Glad you were able to read a bit... take your time getting back to the rest if you want... I am sure this isn't going anywhere too soon. ;)
OK - decided to finish up this morning.

Love all the PP pics of Zoe and the entire family. Also love the one where she is posing with the hat . Too cute.

Carsland - have to see it!

WOC - have to see it.

Darn - I have to see both places. It really looks so cool.

Oh - and the food - yum, especially lunch on your last day.

Can't wait for your next TR.


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