A Jolly Holiday with Masseys: THE TRIP REPORT - WDW Dec2019


Aug 1, 2016

*quick… guess that movie reference*

But seriously, HELLO! And WELCOME to:

A Jolly Holiday with Masseys


Now, I’m admittedly a terrible Dis’er. But I do love to write and I do love to tell stories, and I really love to share what I’ve LEARNED. Oh, and I FREAKING LOVE DISNEY! So, if you were curious, yes… you’ve found your people here. Where we ALL have a Disney problem.


I’ll do my best to keep up with chapters and titles and comments, OH MY. But really, I’m just excited to share our latest trip with the Dis-world.
Who, Why, What, and WHEN?!

We’ll start with the WHO. (no, not the band. But we’re ALMOST as cool as them, I promise)



My name is Michelle.

I’m an auditor by day, and not-a-regular-mom-but-a-cool-mom by night. I’m STILL NOT 30 AS OF THIS POST. Although, I plan to celebrate my 30th birthday at the same place I celebrated our wedding… in Disney, duh. My husband and I actually got married in Disney in 2015. Disney WeddingMoon I have an *almost* 10 year old step-daughter. We’ve been in each others’ lives since shortly after she turned 3. More on that, later. I also have a 2 and a half year old boy. You’ll hear lots about him. My favorite character is probably Belle. But I love any spunky princess that is strong and independent, but loving and fun as well. My husband would best describe me as…


I love to do creative things, but I’m also very list-oriented and a total control-freak. I enjoy coffee in the morning and an occasional drink to end the evening. It’s a stereotypical mom thing.. But that’s real life! My favorite park is whichever one we have the most spontaneous fun at. Those seem to be the most amazing moments. BUT DON’T GET ME WRONG, I still totally over-plan and stretch myself thin. Ultimately, I just like to see people happy! And I get it from my Mama!

Mom: Vanessa a.k.a. Minnie


She is adorable, isn’t she? She’s super sweet, ever the mother to those around her. She’s creative and fun-loving. She doesn’t do well with change. She is literal and forgiving, almost to a fault. She’s the source of all of our Disney Magic.

Fav character: no real favorite. She says she identifies with Belle, but that I stole that.
Fav park: Magic Kingdom

Dad: Dennis a.k.a. Grumpy


His initials are actually NOT S.C. This is my Dad, Dennis, the patriarch to the Massey clan (thus the Jolly Holiday with MASSEYS), and our very own Grumpy. Seriously, that's his grandpa name. He earned this title fair and square. He’s much more fun than he cares to admit. He does enjoy the thrills, but as we all get older over time, I think he’s finally learning to slow down and enjoy the experience more. He’s also much more sentimental than he cares to admit. NOT EMOTIONAL, just sentimental.

Fav character: Wouldn't say... BECAUSE HE IS SO GRUMPY
Fav park: It's always been AK in the past, but possibly DHS? Again... grumpy wouldn't say.



My baby sister, Danielle. She’s also JP’s “Nanny” which is what we call Godmothers down here. Forgive me if I’m emotional on this one. She’s leaving the nest for the first time EVER in two weeks. But it’s to start her DCP internship. We are all so proud of her. She’s smart and funny, a bit of a perfectionist, but really growing into a young lady. She’s the baby of the family and fits that mold well, but I’ve gotten to watch her grow up, and she’s really grown up a lot over the last few years.

Fav character: Doesn't necessarily have one. (clearly no one was fun on this).
Fav park: Epcot

John Paul


What a heartthrob, right? This is my crazy little munchkin, light of my life, my 2.5 year old John Paul. Sometimes we call him JP when we talk about him, but he much prefers John Paul. He is FULL of life, all boy, kind of crazy, but very sweet and loving when he wants to be. This was NOT his first trip to Disney. We brought him at 9 months old when his sister was dancing in Disney. That was our first blended family trip. You can read about that here.

Fav character: Beast, Lightening McQueen, Buzz Lightyear, Woody, all the PJ Masks
Fav park: I think he probably liked Magic Kingdom the best.

(not attending, but important)



This is my husband. What a mess! He’s a complicated man. He’s a giant teddy bear with an inner Italian woman-side. Except he won’t cook. He’s a huge diva but the first person to poke fun at himself. He’s great to break me out of my type A side. He’s silly and adventurous and has the biggest heart of anyone I know. He dreams big and sees nothing but sunshine and rainbows. He’s an extremely hard worker and that has taken him to Delaware… all the way from little ole’ Louisiana. He’s doing great things, but we’ve been living apart since June, with him only travelling home once a month. It’s really hard on all of us, but the best thing we can do right now until we make permanent plans. That’s probably the biggest reason he wasn’t on this trip. He and I will celebrate our 5th anniversary and my (gulp) 30th birthday this summer with an adult only trip around July 4th. Also, he does not ride rides. I don’t get it, but he holds strong to it. Rule of thumb is if a baby can ride it, so can Jimmy. So our July trip is all about eating and drinking, celebrating!

Fav character: Gaston
Fav park: Magic Kingdom



Oh, Princess Gia. A diva, just like her Daddy. She’s almost 10 and has the attitude to show for it. She’s no stranger to Disney. She’s been with her mom, and she’s been with us. And of course the trip we all took together to support her as well. She’s going this February with her mom, and our trip was while she was in school. So that’s why she wasn’t on this trip. I will say, that no matter how old she gets, she still sees the magic in all the little Disney moments. And that’s why we keep going back. She and I have a very close relationship. We used to do a week on/off situation, but once Jimmy moved, it was really tough for me to keep that up by myself and bringing both kids to different places and trying to get to my own full time job on time. So we’ve reduced it to just every other weekend for now, but we still do a lot together and see her often outside of our time. That’s the beauty of coparenting and things you can accomplish when everyone just LOVES a kid. Not that it’s easy or has always been this good, but we make it work and she’s a very happy and well-adjusted kid.

Fav character: Stitch
Fav park: Epcot. She LOVES Test Track!

Brent and Hannah
… because they’re another part of our family, but Disney isn’t their thing. They just get forgotten about, so I felt the need to include them here.


My older brother and his wife of almost 15 years. They live in Austin, TX. We miss them a lot. Brent’s a teacher and tries to find time to surprise us around holidays. We have the best times all together. Definitely not the case when we were kids, but hey! It all worked out.

Next: WHY?! Not that you need a WHY to go to Disney. But, there's a lot of background here.
I'm here and I'm soooooo excited to read about your trip. Love the intro's (didn't know you had a big brother who's a teacher-my eldest is a special needs teacher and my next/middle child is in his final year of teacher training.
Love the photos -JP is getting more like his dad as he grows up though I see Grumpy (who looks very Happy in his SC jammies) in there too :goodvibes
I laughed when I saw Gia's spa day photo! She really is growing up fast :)
As you know we hope to visit WDW at Christmastime though it's looking like it will be 2022 as it's so expensive to get there from here but sure it's something to aim for and we might squeeze a summer trip in (just me and my hubby and sons) before then. All hints/tips/advice welcome as the Christmas trip will be with my daughter, her husband and our wee Grandson :goodvibes
So excited your trip report has begun! We overlapped you on this trip, even the same resort, and was hoping to get to meet you in person, but somehow I always forget how big Disney is and how many people there actually are :) . So we never crossed paths :(, but we had a fabulous vacation, and I can't wait to hear all about yours!

Now, I’m admittedly a terrible Dis’er.
No you're not. You love Disney. That makes you a perfect Dis'er.
So, if you were curious, yes… you’ve found your people here. Where we ALL have a Disney problem.
We’ll start with the WHO. (no, not the band. But we’re ALMOST as cool as them, I promise)
Almost... so close... just missed being cooler by a wee tick.
Too cool for school. ::yes::
and not-a-regular-mom-but-a-cool-mom by night.
Just a bit sensitive about that are we?
Love this shot of Vanessa!
She is adorable, isn’t she?
Just casually waiting to lop someone's hand off.
What a cool shot!
Forgive me if I’m emotional on this one. She’s leaving the nest for the first time EVER in two weeks. But it’s to start her DCP internship.
But happy she got in!
Oh, la la… sexy pose.
He’s a giant teddy bear with an inner Italian woman-side. Except he won’t cook.
Ummm, excuse me, but when did all these kids grow up?!?!?!?

Danielle is going to be in DCP? WHOOHOO! (I think I remember reading this, but my mind is a sieve these days, so it seems brand new info to me!)

JP...welllll....he just needs to stay where he is at...tooooo CUTE!

And GIA...wow she is becoming quite the young lady/princess!

Jimmy...yeah well the big kid has not changed much, lol

Can't wait to read about your family's adventures!


Popping over from your PTR. Can’t wait to read another Massey TR. So excited for Danielle at her DCP . And those kids are growing up way to fast. Mine are 25 and 22 so believe me I know it goes way too fast !
Michelle is out of touch today so I'm going to :welcome: everyone!

Subbing in Vanessa! :)

Yeah Liesa is here!

I am here!!!! I can't wait to hear all about the trip!

Ariella is here too! I'm looking forward to your Christmas trip too.

How do I follow a TR?

:welcome: and you're now a follower. Once you respond you're part of the club.

Following! I really enjoyed your previous trip report and your pre trip report!
Looking forward to reading about your December trip!

:welcome: we're so happy you followed us over. We have so much to share.

I remember reading your wedding trip report! Looking forward to reading this one as well.

:welcome: back you're a long time member.

Can't wait!!!

:welcome: so glad to have you here!

Look forward to reading about your trip. I remember enjoying reading your Blended Ohana report.

:welcome: That was a great trip. We can't wait to share this one.

Following along - hopefully I'll keep up!

:welcome: Lesley! I know how busy you're are but we're glad to have you.

OMG - he's sooooo big!

He really is! He keeps us in stitches.

She is soooo grown up now.

Can't wait to hear all about it!!

:welcome:Susan! I'm hoping we shared some of the same experiences since we were about the same time. I'll be looking for us in the backgrounds of your pictures.
I'm here and I'm soooooo excited to read about your trip.

:welcome: thrilled to have you here!

Love the intro's (didn't know you had a big brother who's a teacher-my eldest is a special needs teacher and my next/middle child is in his final year of teacher training.

Brent is a Music Education teacher. He really loves it and is so good with the kids. Looks like we have lots in common. Danielle is even considering teaching now.

Love the photos -JP is getting more like his dad as he grows up though I see Grumpy (who looks very Happy in his SC jammies) in there too :goodvibes

JP does look like his Dad. Dennis is pretty funny when he plays around with us and he's not being Grumpy.

I laughed when I saw Gia's spa day photo! She really is growing up fast :)

Classic Gia. She really has grown up.

As you know we hope to visit WDW at Christmastime though it's looking like it will be 2022 as it's so expensive to get there from here but sure it's something to aim for and we might squeeze a summer trip in (just me and my hubby and sons) before then. All hints/tips/advice welcome as the Christmas trip will be with my daughter, her husband and our wee Grandson :goodvibes

I'm pulling for y'all to get there for Christmas. Your wee Grandson will love it!

So excited your trip report has begun!

:welcome:Sorry it took us awhile to get moving on it.

We overlapped you on this trip, even the same resort, and was hoping to get to meet you in person, but somehow I always forget how big Disney is and how many people there actually are :) . So we never crossed paths :(, but we had a fabulous vacation, and I can't wait to hear all about yours!

It really is big. I kept hoping someone would spot us and say hello.

:welcome:wouldn't be the same without you.

Love this shot of Vanessa!

Thank you, I was really having fun here.

Thanks again.

Just casually waiting to lop someone's hand off.

He really did have fun with his new toy. :darth: We got some cool pictures with it.

What a cool shot!

See, lots of cool shots. This particular Photopass photographer was great.

But happy she got in!

Yes we are. We leave in 9 days to bring her down.
Ummm, excuse me, but when did all these kids grow up?!?!?!?

:welcome: Yes they are growing up too fast. But it does make every trip interesting and different.

Danielle is going to be in DCP? WHOOHOO! (I think I remember reading this, but my mind is a sieve these days, so it seems brand new info to me!)

We are so excited! We leave in 9 days to drive her down.

JP...welllll....he just needs to stay where he is at...tooooo CUTE!

I wish he could stay small, but he just keeps growing and learning something new everyday.

And GIA...wow she is becoming quite the young lady/princess!

She is a total DIVA!

Jimmy...yeah well the big kid has not changed much, lol

No he hasn't. Still full of fun.

Can't wait to read about your family's adventures!

We can't wait to share.


OMG! We are all still on cloud 9. :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Popping over from your PTR. Can’t wait to read another Massey TR. So excited for Danielle at her DCP . And those kids are growing up way to fast. Mine are 25 and 22 so believe me I know it goes way too fast !

:welcome:Thanks for sticking with us. I'm thinking I'll do a small update once I get back from dropping her off. I bet you remember still when your kids were little like Gia and JP.
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