A Dwarf For Every Emotion: A 2017 Dopey (Grumpy?!) Challenge Trip Report! COMPLETE

Oh wow I bet Mr. Guatemala was hurting later on that day. The hubby had to be introduced to body glide while he was training for the half and it was a very hilarious conversation! I didn't mind WWoS but I didn't need care for the road getting in there and leaving. The constant change of scenery there was nice because I am not a huge fan of the long stretches of highway where it's nothing but a sea of people. Did you happen to see anyone cross the highway before we made into WWoS? I saw at least three or four people who basically determined they weren't going to deal with miles 17-21!

Sometimes even Body Glide won't get the job done, as I've found out from painful post-race shower experience. Now any time I run a half or longer band-aids go on. Fortunately I've never had the full "Guatemala" experience!
Anyone else remembering what happened to Andy from the Office on the day he ran the Michael Scott Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure?? Sadly it only took him a 5k to look even worse than Mr. Guatemala!
OMG. Karma can definitely be a you-know-what sometimes. I think I'm making "you cut, you chafe" my new life motto. There are consequences for cutting in front of someone for a picture! (I'm working with the assumption that the chafing/bleeding was a direct result of his cutting in front of you ... that's how life works, right?)

I love the outfit! It really is so beautiful. Probably one of my favorite INKnBURN things that I've seen you wearing.
I'm assuming that, like the awesome ambassador that you are, whenever someone asked about you, you spend 10 minutes sharing the joy of InB running clothing.

Those WWOS character stops are amazing! You look great in all of them ... even the awkward Joy and Sadness one.

I've only ever seen the balloon ladies after the race. I'd imagine seeing them (and the sweepers) during the race is probably nerve-wracking - even if you have a few miles cushion.
Woah I'm way behind

Well done on finishing the 10k sory the half marathon got cancelled

Glad your Dis meet went well.

I love Via Napoli. There's great food and great sights ;)

The marathon pic with the big bad wolf made me lol with the warm hat and sun glasses :)
Oh. My. Gosh. I am dying over that guy! I mean, I'm not laughing at his suffering, I swear! :lmao: Since my husband doesn't run, I really know very little about their running needs.
My personal thoughts are that if your clothes are cotton and/or too big, you get chafing since the fabric moves around a lot more. In looking at the picture I think his shirt is at least one size too big, so that may explain it! Or, you know...KARMA! :eek:
And you look amazing in the butterfly outfit! Honestly the leggings make it (I wish I bought those now too!). I can totally see little kids responding to it. It's so whimsical yet beautiful at the same time.

I LOVE your sports characters pictures too! Those are so fun!

Fun that you ran into a few Dis-ers during the race too!
Thanks! You looked pretty awesome yourself in that pullover! :)
I stayed up late to catch up and it's s cliffhanger!!!!!

Excited to see how the last miles go. You make this seem easy, I forgot that you are running 20+ miles.
Keeping a super relaxed pace and stopping for character pics helps with that! :) But I think I also just sort of zen'd out during the stretch between AK and ESPN, which was weird but kind of good because I didn't panic much!
Butterfly outfit is on point. Checks all the boxes...my fave colors, cool leggings and wings :)

I'd have stopped for sports Fab Four too, good choices!
That will probably go down as my best race outfit! :thumbsup2
You do make this look easy!! You're always smiling, great photo-ops and the outfits, BAM! I seriously just every one of your trip reports! You crack me up! You deserve to be so proud!!!
Thanks so much! :)
They said the cars were fragile & would not hold up well to hundreds of people climbing in and out of them. :(
One of the web sites that calls out people for cheating on marathons & BQ times found a lot of people who cut the out-and-back and/or WWoS. Sad, really.
Yeah, I'm sure it's easy to bust people just by looking at their splits! I know sometimes people negative split marathons, but not by an hour+. I just don't understand the mindset of people who do that and think it's okay...
Sometimes even Body Glide won't get the job done, as I've found out from painful post-race shower experience. Now any time I run a half or longer band-aids go on. Fortunately I've never had the full "Guatemala" experience!
True. Body Glide can only do so much! Guatemala had to have been hurting BADLY by the end!
Anyone else remembering what happened to Andy from the Office on the day he ran the Michael Scott Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure?? Sadly it only took him a 5k to look even worse than Mr. Guatemala!
OMG yes!! Ouch!!
OMG. Karma can definitely be a you-know-what sometimes. I think I'm making "you cut, you chafe" my new life motto. There are consequences for cutting in front of someone for a picture! (I'm working with the assumption that the chafing/bleeding was a direct result of his cutting in front of you ... that's how life works, right?)
"You cut, you chafe" probably needs to be printed on a t-shirt!
I love the outfit! It really is so beautiful. Probably one of my favorite INKnBURN things that I've seen you wearing.
I'm assuming that, like the awesome ambassador that you are, whenever someone asked about you, you spend 10 minutes sharing the joy of InB running clothing.
Thanks! That was one of the reasons I was a little glad that it was colder that day - besides the fact that I prefer cooler temperatures, I got to wear this outfit! I did chat a lot with people about it!
Those WWOS character stops are amazing! You look great in all of them ... even the awkward Joy and Sadness one.

I've only ever seen the balloon ladies after the race. I'd imagine seeing them (and the sweepers) during the race is probably nerve-wracking - even if you have a few miles cushion.
Yeah, I have never seen them before a race! Eek! It was good to get a visual on them and know I was fine, but still...eek!!!
Woah I'm way behind

Well done on finishing the 10k sory the half marathon got cancelled

Glad your Dis meet went well.

I love Via Napoli. There's great food and great sights ;)

The marathon pic with the big bad wolf made me lol with the warm hat and sun glasses :)
Via Napoli is just the best! Always a solid meal for me.

That's exactly how the weather was that day! It was sunny and LOOKS like a beautiful day in pictures, but it was cold!!
Hooray for Hollywood!

Mile Marker 22...

This mile is where my back REALLY started to hurt. :( I'd had had some dull soreness since just before the Magic Kingdom...but the dull soreness had now turned into constant burning pain. It did not feel good, and was frustrating because my legs felt really good...probably because to keep the back pain at bay I had slowed my pace down 1:00-2:00/mile compared to what I think I actually am capable of...you know, without a gimpy back. So it was a little disappointing to feel this pain now, but at the same time, I’d made it pretty far before it got REALLY bad, so that’s a plus! All throughout the race I’d thought about making a med tent stop to get Biofreeze (similar to Bengay) or Tylenol but never actually did that. Looking back on it, I feel like maybe it would have helped, but who knows.

Anyway - Hollywood Studios! For like, a minute. Thanks, construction!


Another significant point - just over a 5K left!


Oswald! With a super short line! The CM that took my phone to take my picture looked at me and said, "you're Heimlich, right?" :rotfl2: I guess he was right, I did want to shed those layers and become a beautiful butterfly! :butterfly


I think this was right around the time that I realized that I hadn’t put any sunscreen on my face/neck/ears! :eek: I looked at this picture on my phone and hoped that the redness in my cheeks was from, you know - effort or something, but later on I realized that it was a combination of sunburn and windburn, which was also on my lips! :headache: Fun!! Hooray for having sensitive skin!

Still smiling, though.


I left the park...now I needed to make it to Epcot. The course went past the DHS bus area where some kid (teenager) was shouting about “I’m sorry for anyone running behind the butterfly [me], that would give me a migraine this late in the race!” :headache: Someone needs to educate this child on what awesome looks like - because I looked awesome. ::yes::


Now I was on the waterside path that is right next to the Boardwalk Inn, the one you take to walk from DHS to Epcot. I was surprised to find that I really wanted to pass people here...the burning back pain wasn’t as bad now (it seemed to worsen whenever I took walk breaks) and, like I said, my legs still felt really good from my slow keep-my-back-happy pace. But this is a part of the course where it’s always hard/near impossible to pass people because it's pretty narrow. Oh well! I saw @CheapRunnerMike again somewhere in here!

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My personal thoughts are that if your clothes are cotton and/or too big, you get chafing since the fabric moves around a lot more. In looking at the picture I think his shirt is at least one size too big, so that may explain it! Or, you know...KARMA! :eek:

Cold contributes to the chafing problem too. ;)
The Home Stretch

And now...Epcot. The home stretch.


We entered the park through a CM-only entrance and spilled out into the UK pavilion. As soon as I saw the red phone booths and realized that we were in the park and that I was approaching the last mile, I started to cry Happy tears :sad: (4 marathons completed, and I have cried at some point during all of them. :confused3 Running is so emotional, you guys). This was when it hit me how sure I had been that I wouldn’t be able to finish this race...but knowing that all I had left was a lap around the World Showcase...I finally knew, after weeks of doubting myself, that I was going to do it. And I really couldn’t friggin' believe it.

I got to Mile Marker 25 and texted Mr. Ariel484 (whom I had been texting with since about the halfway point): “25!!! Oh my god I’m going to do it.” :sad:


I stopped crying long enough to stop for a quick picture with Snow.


I continued around World Showcase and waited for something to go wrong - for my back to totally give out, for my calf to knot up like it had during the Wine & Dine half, for IT Band pain to creep up...but none of those things happened. Nothing went wrong. I just kept running.

Except for during the occasional photo-op. Please check out my little friend with the cone hat in the background!


And out of the park. OMG. :sad:


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I turned the corner and saw this...and I just LOST IT. :sad:


I just couldn’t believe it. I’m still getting teary just typing this. 2016 was a hard year for me...for a few reasons, but mostly due to this back injury (WAY more on that here), which dealt a huge blow to my confidence and self-worth.

But I was about to finish a marathon. Something that I did in 2015 quite easily (and 45 minutes faster than I would do so today - actually, this was my slowest of the 4 marathons I have done) and something that I wasn’t sure was possible for me anymore...I did it. I freaking did it. And it was a battle the entire way - the physical part went way better than I expected (I’d gone into it thinking I would be in excruciating pain for a good chunk of the race - while the soreness was there, miles 22-24 were really the only bad parts). But the mental part - the self-doubt I had had for pretty much the entire morning, wondering over and over if I should just give it up and get on a sweeper bus, and the lack of confidence I had in the weeks leading up to this day (example: a few weeks before arriving in WDW, I’d seriously considered trying to transfer to the half to skip the marathon entirely - which, glad I didn’t do that considering that the half was canceled!) - was way harder to overcome.

This is going to sound incredibly self-congratulatory, but I don’t think I have been as proud of myself for anything I have ever done (granted, I don’t have kids yet, so I’m sure that will change!). It’s hard to put into words what this meant to me - I’m not sure I ever will be able to do it justice. It was such a huge turning point for me and something that I think I needed more than I realized. Not saying everyone HAS to do a marathon, obviously, but for me, I think I needed to know that I COULD finish one again, since I had 3 times before this stupid injury!

And of course Pluto was there, because we have a thing now. It’s fine. :lovestruc




And boom. Done. Ugly cry in full effect. :sad: This picture probably conveys what I was feeling more than words ever could.


I made my way through the finisher chute and collected my amazing Marathon medal! Ahhhh I love it. And then I realized that in addition to forgetting sunscreen, I’d also forgotten a bag to carry the snacks, water, Powerade, etc. we get at the end of the race (I wish Disney would give us bags for this!). :headache: Normally I remember to bring a plastic grocery bag in my pocket...oh well.

I headed to the challenge tent where I was presented with 3 additional medals: the half marathon, Goofy and Dopey Challenge medals. Like I said a few pages back, I’ve had people tell me what I should do with these medals, and in the end, to be frank, the only opinion that matters is my own - I can’t quite explain why, but I’m keeping them. They have a story to tell, and they are hanging with my other medals on my medal rack at home.

:teeth: Dopey again...sort of!


Don’t get me wrong, though...the marathon one is by far my favorite! To be honest, a huge part of my motivation during training and getting myself out of bed that morning was the thought of getting this Mickey medal...I’m just a bit obsessed with it. :)


Up next: post-marathon hobbling and EATING! :hyper:
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Congratulations on finishing & smiling! I think your monarch outfit looks great, that kid was just jealous! Cone head kid is a hoot!

I had to walk a ton during the 2016 marathon being sick and my back killed, burned like you mentioned, I finished clutching it looking terrible, so your finisher picture is way way better & the happy tears are awesome! I did put tiger balm as best I could on my back, not sure if it helped at all though, it was more my upper back I guess too. So, to me walking so much more than I was used to definitely is what hurt my back, it was stiff for days after too, so not sure if slowing down more than you were used to is what hurt yours more too or not but glad it held up for you to finish smiling!

Love that Oswald picture too! Heard it was his first time at WDW too!

Again, great recaps & that Mickey medal is a beauty!
I left the park...now I needed to make it to Epcot. The course went past the DHS bus area where some kid (teenager) was shouting about “I’m sorry for anyone running behind the butterfly [me], that would give me a migraine this late in the race!” :headache: Someone needs to educate this child on what awesome looks like - because I looked awesome. ::yes::

I bet it's the same kid that told me to stop walking and run (friend and I were on our 30 second walk break). His mom bent down and told him "It's okay. They can walk if they want to." I just gave him a high five and continued walking, lol.

Don’t get me wrong, though...the marathon one is by far my favorite! To be honest, a huge part of my motivation during training and getting myself out of bed that morning was the thought of getting this Mickey medal...I’m just a bit obsessed with it. :)

Probably my favorite rD medal EVER! Also completely obsessed!
I've been reading along though I've not commented til now.
I loved reading so far! I'm proud of your accomplishments!

Can't wait for your next post!
swald! With a super short line! The CM that took my phone to take my picture looked at me and said, "you're Heimlich, right?" :rotfl2: I guess he was right, I did want to shed those layers and become a beautiful butterfly! :butterfly

OH MAN LOVE THIS! Seriously, my sister always says the beautiful butterfly quote in Heimlich's voice...so that's all I can think of now. What a clever CM :)
Woohoo congrats!

You do look awesome but the butterfly/heimlich comments are kind of funny.

I skipped Oswald because I was at the point that I just wanted to keep moving. Stopping to stand line line didn't seem like a great idea to me.

You weren't the only one to get emotion turning that corner. I may or may not have shed a tear as well.

Congrats again!
Clearly I wasn't getting notifications of new posts, so I am like 4 pages behing, but I want to add my two cents before I continue to read about your marathon.
FIRST: I love that you put on your bib and went to the park for photos! That is just genius, what a way to turn a negative into something super fun!!

I have to admit that in each conversation a piece of me felt the need to justify
I hate that we runners have to justify (especially to other runners) our own personal journey.

it was more about the journey and everything that led up to this weekend
THIS. THIS! Unless they have run "in your shoes", experienced your training and the year leading up to it, no one has the right to question whether or not you "earned" a medal. To me this is a solo sport, becasue it is personal, and emotional and dramatic, and a lot more goes into it than can ever be reflected on race day alone.

Okay I'll come back to say more once I read the rest of the recap.
This mile is where my back REALLY started to hurt. :( I'd had had some dull soreness since just before the Magic Kingdom...but the dull soreness had now turned into constant burning pain. It did not feel good, and was frustrating because my legs felt really good...probably because to keep the back pain at bay I had slowed my pace down 1:00-2:00/mile compared to what I think I actually am capable of...you know, without a gimpy back. So it was a little disappointing to feel this pain now, but at the same time, I’d made it pretty far before it got REALLY bad, so that’s a plus! All throughout the race I’d thought about making a med tent stop to get Biofreeze (similar to Bengay) or Tylenol but never actually did that. Looking back on it, I feel like maybe it would have helped, but who knows.

Back pains ... oh no! It's nice that they waited until the 22 mile mark to show up, but still ... I'm sure you would have been happier without them.
I've heard people mention Biofreeze before, but I've never used it ... does it smell as bad as Bengay? (seriously, I can't use bengay because of the smell)

Anyway - Hollywood Studios! For like, a minute. Thanks, construction!

When Beth and I went to the NYC marathon expo in November, we were talking to the runDisney booth guy, and I was saying that I'm excited to see what the race courses look like once they finish the DHS construction. This "barely going into DHS due to construction" thing is just not cool.

Oswald! With a super short line! The CM that took my phone to take my picture looked at me and said, "you're Heimlich, right?" :rotfl2: I guess he was right, I did want to shed those layers and become a beautiful butterfly! :butterfly

I'm super jealous of the Oswald picture. That's a character you don't get to see very often - so cool!
Although ... it's been a while since I last saw A Bug's Life ... does Heimlich ever actually become a butterfly?

I left the park...now I needed to make it to Epcot. The course went past the DHS bus area where some kid (teenager) was shouting about “I’m sorry for anyone running behind the butterfly [me], that would give me a migraine this late in the race!” :headache: Someone needs to educate this child on what awesome looks like - because I looked awesome. ::yes::

You did look awesome. And this kid clearly needs an attitude adjustment. There is nothing migrane-inducing about an awesome butterfly outfit.

Another mile marker with a non-functional clock. What's going on here, runDisney???

I continued around World Showcase and waited for something to go wrong - for my back to totally give out, for my calf to knot up like it had during the Wine & Dine half, for IT Band pain to creep up...but none of those things happened. Nothing went wrong. I just kept running.

I totally know this feeling. Sometimes you get close to success and you just know the other shoe is going to drop. I'm glad your fears of gloom, doom, and injury did not come true!

Except for during the occasional photo-op. Please check out my little friend with the cone hat in the background!

You look great in this picture ... but the kid kinda steals your spotlight. Cone hat!

I just couldn’t believe it. I’m still getting teary just typing this. 2016 was a hard year for me...for a few reasons, but mostly due to this back injury (WAY more on that here), which dealt a huge blow to my confidence and self-worth.

But I was about to finish a marathon. Something that I did in 2015 quite easily (and 45 minutes faster than I would do so today - actually, this was my slowest of the 4 marathons I have done) and something that I wasn’t sure was possible for me anymore...I did it. I freaking did it. And it was a battle the entire way - the physical part went way better than I expected (I’d gone into it thinking I would be in excruciating pain for a good chunk of the race - while the soreness was there, miles 22-24 were really the only bad parts). But the mental part - the self-doubt I had had for pretty much the entire morning, wondering over and over if I should just give it up and get on a sweeper bus, and the lack of confidence I had in the weeks leading up to this day (example: a few weeks before arriving in WDW, I’d seriously considered trying to transfer to the half to skip the marathon entirely - which, glad I didn’t do that considering that the half was canceled!) - was way harder to overcome.

This is going to sound incredibly self-congratulatory, but I don’t think I have been as proud of myself for anything I have ever done (granted, I don’t have kids yet, so I’m sure that will change!). It’s hard to put into words what this meant to me - I’m not sure I ever will be able to do it justice. It was such a huge turning point for me and something that I think I needed more than I realized. Not saying everyone HAS to do a marathon, obviously, but for me, I think I needed to know that I COULD finish one again, since I had 3 times before this stupid injury!

As someone who followed along with this journey ... seeing all of your struggles this year, from the original back pain to the official diagnosis to the rest and PT exercises to the recovery to the struggles in the weeks before the race ... I have to say, I'm really proud of you too.
None of this was easy, but even as you struggled, you tried to maintain a positive attitude (even if you didn't always feel happy and positive), you worked hard at coming back (even though the coming back process was slower than you hoped), you went out there and challenged yourself (registering for the Tink 10K after having to defer the PDC was definitely a big step), you overcame bad races (I think we'd all like to forget that 10-mile race), you accepted the fact that you had to shorten a few of your long runs (those last few runs were definitely a killer, but you knew that you couldn't push yourself too hard), and at the end of the day, despite everything that had happened, you showed up on that very cold Sunday morning and ran 26.2 miles. Shannon, you are awesome.
Maybe the marathon was "just" a race, but it was also a sign that all of your hard work over the past year has been worth it. You did it. You are officially a four-time marathoner! Congrats!!

And of course Pluto was there, because we have a thing now. It’s fine. :lovestruc

Pluto couldn't miss your triumphant finish!!

I headed to the challenge tent where I was presented with 3 additional medals: the half marathon, Goofy and Dopey Challenge medals. Like I said a few pages back, I’ve had people tell me what I should do with these medals, and in the end, to be frank, the only opinion that matters is my own - I can’t quite explain why, but I’m keeping them. They have a story to tell, and they are hanging with my other medals on my medal rack at home.

Every medal has a story ... and the people who matter only care about the story you tell, not the distance you ran or whether anyone else feels the medals are earned!
Great finish! I may have teared up reading it! No such thing as ugly cry..you looked great and that was an amazing victory! Awesome!


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