A Big part of the Big Problem... Staffing

The horrible service is the app not working the way it is supposed to, lack of staff at the parks is leading to large lines (I know staffing is an issue a lot of places but Disney could definitely limit the amount of people at each park to make for a better park experience), not investing in the parks before COVID to ensure there was sufficient capacity for the amount of guests they get... There are many things that Disney is guilty of providing "horrible service." The Disney I went to in the 80s is very much gone...
Absolutely, they should have been building a 5th gate before the pandemic and maybe a 6th gate with all that down time during the pandemic, triple the staff, and kept a 75% restriction using the park reservation system to ensure everyone could just walk on to every ride - that's how I remember the 80s!
Why would a company overpay for labor? Who wants to overpay for anything?

Companies should pay market wages. They aren't charities. They aren't employee's mommies and daddies who love them and try to make their life as easy as possible.

But I understand why you think they should overpay. Disney did virtue signal with their $15 minimum wage for positive press. Everybody knows most of those jobs aren't really worth $15 an hour. They thought they would be held up as saviors while other companies lagged behind. What they didn't count on was covid and stupid decisions hosing up the labor market and putting them behind again so quickly. Now they are in a bind. Disney was already expensive. Now, with rising labor costs and inflation, they know that they could soon be hitting the limits of what customers are willing to pay. And if a recession comes, expect carnage at TWDC.
You're Disney vacation probably isn't worth what you spend either, but yet you spend it.
Whether its Disney, McDonalds or your local restaurant, forced minimum wage increases force price increases. Making $15 an hour for your income is also heavily effected by region. New York verses Kansas. Disney could cut profits and pay employees more for sure! I get your corporate greed point, but all businesses will raise prices or cut staff when forced to increase minimum wages. That's all I am stating. 😊

offered without opinion, just for knowledge.
Well, I am not talking about a cranky CM having a bad day. I am talking about what is now allowed with regards to changes in strict dress codes, being part of it. I base this on what I saw and also a conversation with a CM that we did an excursion type event. The CM was expIaining changes. I don't want to give details that would identify the person, because on a personal level they were awesome. So much so that I will request the person again. Another CM, probably the best example was our bartender at our pool. Nice enough service, but not someone Disney would have hired years ago to be there "face of the company".I will leave it at that.
It’s funny how you explained yourself and made your takeaway magnitudes worse than the original statement
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Speaking of disney worker shortage and the earning my ears- they are cycling in a lot of Fall advantage CPs right now (my dd happens to be one). In fact pretty much every Monday they have a new crop of kids coming in. So I wouldn’t read too much into those. There is only so much housing space in Flamingo Crossing though it’s clearly increased with the opening of flamingo crossings West.

While my daughter is there for the DCP, I am looking at the cost of her rent at flamingo and what she’s getting paid and honestly worried if she’s going to be OK. This is a kid who has planned to pack lunches and eat frugally but they’re not bringing home a lot of money. Also they can be charged for overages on things like electricity and the Wi-Fi is not the best meaning she’s using our data cap a lot on her cell phone so we just switched to unlimited at a higher cost.
With the cost of everything going up so high I’m really worried. Clearly other kids are making it work so I’m hoping it’s going to be OK.

A living wage is a complicated thing- depending on where you live and with inflation what sounds like a living wage in one location could be anything but in another.
My daughter who recently left DCP had no trouble covering the expenses and she also had a volunteer position online which required her to always be online when home and their unit never went over. Her peers that couldn’t cover rent were those that would trade out their minimum required hours and work hardly at all. 50-60 hour work weeks were easily found and 40 hour weeks would have covered her expenses. She was able to save $8000 while in the DCP from January - May.l (left early due to getting a career job). There is no reason your daughter shouldn’t be able to cover her expenses on her own.
Not every job is supposed to be a living wage. Some jobs are for kids to put gas in their car so they can go on a date. The problem is, we have way to many unskilled or unmotivated adults trying to work jobs intended for teens, and trying to use these jobs to pay a mortgage.

Our country needs to stop sending middle class jobs to Mexico and china, or paying offshore firms to develop our software for 1/3 the cost as on shore.
The wage should still be livable - if someone chooses to only work 10 or 20 hours a week - so be it.

Your "Country" isn't sending middle class jobs anywhere, corporations, businesses are - that's just capitalism doing capitalism.
I wouldn’t be bothered to meet WDW’s standards of behavior on the job in the Florida heat for 30k a year either.

Disney is burning the candle at both ends so to speak - offering less for more money, and not paying their employees enough, which impacts the customer’s experience.

Pride in one’s work starts from the top, but our economy has lost the thread in that regard and people keep simping for inferior products and service because they hold the right of corporations to make as much profit as possible at the cost of a quality product/service as sacrosanct.
I wouldn’t be bothered to meet WDW’s standards of behavior on the job in the Florida heat for 30k a year either.

Disney is burning the candle at both ends so to speak - offering less for more money, and not paying their employees enough, which impacts the customer’s experience.

Pride in one’s work starts from the top, but our economy has lost the thread in that regard and people keep simping for inferior products and service because they hold the right of corporations to make as much profit as possible at the cost of a quality product/service as sacrosanct.
I agree. I think Disney has used their brand and nostalgia for that brand to underpay their employees for decades and employees have decided that they've had enough. Like I've said in previous posts, I 100% do not blame CMs for leaving. Working for Disney is hard work for awful pay. People on here can talk all they want about which jobs are meant to be providing a livable wage, but for many folks working for Disney isn't one of those jobs. That's why Disney relies on the College Program so much.
I agree. I think Disney has used their brand and nostalgia for that brand to underpay their employees for decades and employees have decided that they've had enough. Like I've said in previous posts, I 100% do not blame CMs for leaving. Working for Disney is hard work for awful pay. People on here can talk all they want about which jobs are meant to be providing a livable wage, but for many folks working for Disney isn't one of those jobs. That's why Disney relies on the College Program so much.
It’s a bummer how many people here don’t care about the working class. Even acknowledging that people who aren’t as fortunate as them exist is considered by many to be rude. They shouldn’t have to read words typed by people who are beneath them. It’s gross honestly, but they generate AD revenue for the site and might do business with Dreams unlimited or DVC Resale so it’s all good.
It’s a bummer how many people here don’t care about the working class. Even acknowledging that people who aren’t as fortunate as them exist is considered by many to be rude. They shouldn’t have to read words typed by people who are beneath them. It’s gross honestly, but they generate AD revenue for the site and might do business with Dreams unlimited or DVC Resale so it’s all good.
I said this in a previous post, but I do find it funny that a lot of people (not on here, in general) always say "If you don't like your job, then leave. No one is making you stay." whenever employees discuss unfair/bad treatment at their jobs or even at the mention of unionizing and then when those employees do leave, those same people turn around and wonder why those jobs are understaffed. I worked at a minimum wage job for a while and I heard that sentiment all the time. Eventually I did leave and now when I go back to my old job, whenever my old manager sees me she jokes about how I should come back because they're short staffed.

I just can't stand how some people on here and on other social media sites talk about minimum wage workers. It's like they're not even human and don't deserve to make a livable wage for themselves and their families. Yes it sucks that the Disney parks (not just WDW but DL as well) are understaffed and aren't being run like they were pre pandemic but I do not feel bad for Disney, the corporation at all when they refuse to pay their employees well. Why would you want to work for minimum wage in the middle of the Florida heat getting yelled at by guests all day for things completely out of your control?
My daughter who recently left DCP had no trouble covering the expenses and she also had a volunteer position online which required her to always be online when home and their unit never went over. Her peers that couldn’t cover rent were those that would trade out their minimum required hours and work hardly at all. 50-60 hour work weeks were easily found and 40 hour weeks would have covered her expenses. She was able to save $8000 while in the DCP from January - May.l (left early due to getting a career job). There is no reason your daughter shouldn’t be able to cover her expenses on her own.
Saving $8000 while in the program is impressive! Can I ask what role your daughter was in? I am hearing a lot about being able to pick up shifts and this seems a lot more common in the areas like merchandise, custodial, QSFB and not as common for some more specialized roles like attractions, deep water guard, etc. I’m finding out many things about the program depend on role.
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I said this in a previous post, but I do find it funny that a lot of people (not on here, in general) always say "If you don't like your job, then leave. No one is making you stay." whenever employees discuss unfair/bad treatment at their jobs or even at the mention of unionizing and then when those employees do leave, those same people turn around and wonder why those jobs are understaffed. I worked at a minimum wage job for a while and I heard that sentiment all the time. Eventually I did leave and now when I go back to my old job, whenever my old manager sees me she jokes about how I should come back because they're short staffed.

I just can't stand how some people on here and on other social media sites talk about minimum wage workers. It's like they're not even human and don't deserve to make a livable wage for themselves and their families. Yes it sucks that the Disney parks (not just WDW but DL as well) are understaffed and aren't being run like they were pre pandemic but I do not feel bad for Disney, the corporation at all when they refuse to pay their employees well. Why would you want to work for minimum wage in the middle of the Florida heat getting yelled at by guests all day for things completely out of your control?
People believe they are well off because they are special. They need to believe it. There’s something in their psyche that makes it imperative that their good fortune is a result of them actually being better, and others’ station in life is a result of them being worse. Their good fortune isn’t enough for them, they need to believe that good fortune is a result of them being inherently better people.
Saving $8000 while in the program is impressive! Can I ask what role your daughter was in? I am hearing a lot about being able to pick up shifts and this seems a lot more common in the areas like merchandise, custodial, QSFB and not as common for some more specialized roles like attractions, deep water guard, etc. I’m finding out many things about the program depend on role.
Outdoor concessions. Her friend that started at the same time as her worked attractions and had to give up his remote online job due to the number of hours he was picking up. The online job paid much more but the satisfaction to him was less. I say this to point out as per of the discussion, not directly to you, that people that enjoy what they are doing, will be more satisfied and work for less.
Outdoor concessions. Her friend that started at the same time as her worked attractions and had to give up his remote online job due to the number of hours he was picking up. The online job paid much more but the satisfaction to him was less. I say this to point out as per of the discussion, not directly to you, that people that enjoy what they are doing, will be more satisfied and work for less.
is why Disney will always pay less. People will always be willing to work for a little less to be working at Disney.
Outdoor concessions. Her friend that started at the same time as her worked attractions and had to give up his remote online job due to the number of hours he was picking up. The online job paid much more but the satisfaction to him was less. I say this to point out as per of the discussion, not directly to you, that people that enjoy what they are doing, will be more satisfied and work for less.
Which is why Disney will always pay a little less than others.
Outdoor concessions. Her friend that started at the same time as her worked attractions and had to give up his remote online job due to the number of hours he was picking up. The online job paid much more but the satisfaction to him was less. I say this to point out as per of the discussion, not directly to you, that people that enjoy what they are doing, will be more satisfied and work for less.
So your daughter had to work two jobs to save up that money? I, for some reason, thought the first online job was a volunteer position?

I think, like with attractions, any specialized position is going to depend on how many they have staffed for. If they have filled the position appropriately they aren’t going to have enough hours for you to pick up because you can’t just pick up at any position. You were trained for a certain location. However if they don’t have enough staff you can pick up quite a few it sounds like. (All location and role dependent.)
People believe they are well off because they are special. They need to believe it. There’s something in their psyche that makes it imperative that their good fortune is a result of them actually being better, and others’ station in life is a result of them being worse. Their good fortune isn’t enough for them, they need to believe that good fortune is a result of them being inherently better people.
I don’t believe that at all.
We are just solid middle class people and got here because of hard work and good decisions about school, jobs, saving and spending.
I don’t think I’m better than my parents who were solidly lower middle class but worked as hard as we did.
I don’t think my hard working 25 year old son (works probably 10-12 hour days 5 days a week) thinks he’s inherently better than me because he makes more money now than I did after 33 years of being a nurse.
What a sad way to think!
I don’t believe that at all.
We are just solid middle class people and got here because of hard work and good decisions about school, jobs, saving and spending.
I don’t think I’m better than my parents who were solidly lower middle class but worked as hard as we did.
I don’t think my hard working 25 year old son (works probably 10-12 hour days 5 days a week) thinks he’s inherently better than me because he makes more money now than I did after 33 years of being a nurse.
What a sad way to think!
But see, there you have it right there..”hard work”…”good decisions”. There are plenty of people that work hard and make the best decisions available to them that aren’t as fortunate for a host of factors. It’s the illusion of meritocracy.
It’s funny how you explained yourself and made your takeaway magnitudes worse than the original statement
Whats funny is all the posters that think I am not being nice for judging employees dress codes, are being so judgemental themselves. Calling out a company lowering its standards was the point I was trying to make when pointing out a few employees I encountered. Hope you live up to the same standards you are applying to others. 😊
But that’s not what I was saying.
I was saying I don’t think I’m inherently better than my parents and my son doesn’t think he’s inherently better than me.


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