6057 pictures, 11 videos, and more - with videos and more DONE

After Beauty and the Beast, we browsed in some shops. Foxes are special to my family. My dad had a pet fox when he was a little boy, and on the day he passed (my dad, not the fox - Fred ran off and Dad always said he thinks he found a girl just like in Fox & the Hound) there was a fox outside the window. He was stretching and relaxing right outside the room where Dad was, and after Dad passed, he got up, stretched and walked away. :) So when I saw this cutie, I debated buying him.

from raw-8365 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Back to check for my lens cap.

from raw-8366 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr


We tried somewhere new for lunch, somewhere we'd never eaten. We usually book at 50s Prime Time but we booked the HDDR and we had decided not to do any other sit downs as we had free QSDP.

from raw-8367 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

But I saw this on my way in... I love this show.

from raw-8368 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8370 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We got the chicken sandwiches. They were decent. I got the carrot cake Olaf muffin and Blanche got the mousse. They were both ok.

from raw-8373 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8375 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8376 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8379 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8380 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I like this one.

from raw-8381 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We went to see Indy next. And I guess it doesn't matter now, but I needed to use the restroom while waiting, and I was going to remind everyone to go before you got in the theatre, because I was told by a CM to go under a rope and use some outside of the area and then go back under the rope to come back in!

I started off by playing with my camera, trying to decide which lenses to use, and what settings.

from raw-8382 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8383 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8387 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8392 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8394 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was having fun shooting...

from raw-8395 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8399 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8400 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8401 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8403 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8408 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8411 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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from raw-8420 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8429 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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from raw-8432 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8434 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8435 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8438 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8446 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8449 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8452 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8454 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Going along great and then this happened.

from raw-8455 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

My first reaction was annoyance. Then I realized that he's wearing headphones and I realized he likely has special needs. So I watched him a little as I was taking pictures. And he was totally into the show. So it didn't bother me at all. It was fun to see him get all into it. If I remember correctly, he would tell his father and point at things that he liked. Not sure though, it's been a while. The father did apologize after the show and hoped that he didn't bother us. We smiled and said that he didn't bother us at all. I kept the picture to remind myself to be less quick to get annoyed with people/things. :)

from raw-8456 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8459 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8465 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8468 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8469 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love this part:

from raw-8471 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8477 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8482 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8486 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8487 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8490 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8491 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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from raw-8506 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8507 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8508 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8511 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8514 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8515 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8520 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ummm... look behind you!

from raw-8523 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
Jeepers I wish Olaf was around for meet and greets!

from raw-8571 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We decided that we'd head out for a bit. We were lucky too, look at those clouds moving in!

from raw-8576 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Really? That cooler? You're going to try to take that into the park?

from raw-8580 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8581 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8582 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The clouds were still building up when we got to our room.

from raw-8583 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8585 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Soon it started to look even darker...

from raw-8585 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

20150826_160227 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And then it rained.

20150826_180452 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

After a few hours, it slowed down enough to head back down for supper.

20150826_192044 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It was ok. I got strawberries (or we did... don't know if we shared or not) for dessert. We hung out in the room that evening and I went outside to take some fireworks pictures on my cell.

20150826_211843 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

20150826_211847 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

20150826_211859 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It's not the same as being there! In DL, on our first trip, we could see the fireworks from our balcony AND hear the music! It was awesome. That I loved, because you could hear the music, it really helped. This was just, yeah, just kinda okay I guess.
Aug 27, 2015

This was my Universal Day. Blanche had decided before the trip that she didn't want to do Universal. She was going on a cruise with her brother and my/her/our nephew in the Fall and decided that was one way to save a little bit of $$ for the cruise. I had debated spending two days, but ended up just booking one day. I booked a package with a will call 2 park ticket and a bus Universal. I picked the earliest bus pick up (I think around 7:30 or earlier) and I was planning to spend a full day. I was looking forward to seeing the park in the evening.

I must have just snacked on something in the morning because I have no receipts for breakfast, and no pictures. I then headed down to wait near the pick up area. I had asked the day before at concierge about the bus and where it would pick up and the CM and I were making jokes and saying that this conversation is highly confidential, and didn't happen etc. It was fun to talk to the CM about Universal, but I guess they have to do it all the time.

I went down really early because I'd heard of people missing their bus etc. I was chatting with people, asking if they were going to Universal, and I didn't find anyone. I met a French family from New Brunswick (our neighbouring Province) who were heading to Busch for the day, I think it was, and a father daughter who were waiting for a car to take them to her University that she was looking into. No one else was heading to Universal for the day, I felt like a big, giant traitor!

Eventually a little bus/van showed up, and I sat up front with the driver. He was friendly and chatty and I enjoyed the ride to Universal.

Oh yeah, I did take my big camera, since I didn't have a little one! I wasn't about to survive the day with just my phone!

By 8:00 I was just past bag check.

[url=https://flic.kr/p/FMeGhB]from raw-8586 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr[/URL]

I was quite early as the park wasn't scheduled to open until 9am.

from raw-8588 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8589 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8591 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Sorry, but I think of the little archway at DHS when I see this. Hee hee

from raw-8593 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I got my ticket from the machines and then decided to grab a bite to eat since it was so quiet around there. Citywalk was busier.

from raw-8594 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8596 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Love the palm trees!

from raw-8597 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I went back to CityWalk and grabbed some Minibons at Cinnabon. They were SOOOO good! Yummy. Just enough for a little mini breakfast. Then I went back to the entrance to get in.

I wasn't too dissappointed in this:

from raw-8598 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Although I think I took the picture to document when I was entering the park. It was only 8:34 am and I was getting in! Definitely get to Universal Studios early! Yes, it was Universal Studios that I entered first. I think IoA had the early entry, so that's why I did it this way.

from raw-8600 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I decided to head to see some funny little yellow dudes first, they really make me laugh.

from raw-8601 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8602 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I really didn't wait long for this.

from raw-8603 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8604 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8605 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8607 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8608 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I am SOO glad I showered the night before! I wouldn't have wanted to be the one Gru was talking about.

from raw-8611 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Before long I was done riding Transformers and had my picture taken with one... Sorry, never saw the movies, so I don't know who is who. I just remember the cartoon a little bit from when I was a kid.

I did find it kind of creepy taking my picture with it though, he was HUGE!

from raw-8617 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8618 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8618
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

This is really not my favorite picture at all, but it shows how giant that thing is. And he TALKED!

62301_082715_000319557 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I then got in line because I'd bought the star connect card. (Sorry, horrible with Universal names. It's the equivalent to Memory Maker). I wanted my pass so I could get my Shutterbuttons video. I REALLY wanted that! I'm a big Disney fan and I'm a big Potterhead. It was about 9:15 when I was out of that line. Park opened at 9 am officially, and by 9:15, I'd done 2 major rides, and had a meet & greet and got my card! Pretty good timing so far.

So then I couldn't or wouldn't wait any longer and I was off to London!

from raw-8622 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8623 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
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Great Indiana Jones pictures! So great you got in Universal early. We went early our last time and they let us in so we were so happy. We had never done DMe because the line was always so long, so it was the first time we did it and loved it. HP is so awesome excited to see your pictures!
Great Indiana Jones pictures! So great you got in Universal early. We went early our last time and they let us in so we were so happy. We had never done DMe because the line was always so long, so it was the first time we did it and loved it. HP is so awesome excited to see your pictures!

Thanks, I always have a lot of fun shooting the shows. It's so amazing to see how much you can get in when you get in really early!
Sorry I'm so sporadic with my updates lately. :( Busy time. Changes are coming at school, plus we've been doing a big school wide assessment and I have until tomorrow to finish the photobook I've been making for my sister. Yes, there's a deadline because it's a pre-paid one.

So I was off to London!

And I could see a dragon. She looked kind of cranky!

from raw-8624 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8627 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I knew I'd be in here soon enough.

from raw-8628 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love these two. One day I'll get a picture with them.

from raw-8633 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr


from raw-8635 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8636 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Again, I'll get a picture there one day. At least it gives me a reason to go back! Haha.

from raw-8639 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8641 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Here we go! Off to ... Diagon Alley!

from raw-8648 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8650 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8651 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

These guys were having fun posing for me.

from raw-8653 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8655 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8656 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I went black and white and color. Still haven't decided which one I like better.

from raw-8658 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr from raw-8659 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

They should have just put Ollivanders again. This bugs me as it is not accurate. Gregorovich did not sell wands in the UK from what I understood.

from raw-8661 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8662 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying myself.

from raw-8663 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8664 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8665 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

[url=https://flic.kr/p/Ft3fcj]from raw-8666
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8667 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8668 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

At this point it was not even 9:30 yet! I was doing great! I decided to ask if I could do a walk through with my camera in Gringotts and I was allowed! The first time I went, they wouldn't let me in any further than the doorway. I was allowed to go all the way and take the chicken exit. I was just a tad exited as I had only done the single rider last time and I'd never seen the queue.


I love the look of Gringotts. It is fun to go in and see everything in perfect condition, but at the same time, the dragon is on the roof when you go in, I kind of think that they should have it look ruined too.

from raw-8670 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8672 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8674 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8676 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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from raw-8688 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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from raw-8721 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8722 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8726 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I took the elevator down and then I was basically at the chicken exit, put my bag in a locker and then got in line. I can't say for sure that I went in the single rider line because I seem to recall the elevator, but I didn't take the elevator last year. I do know that I was in and out in around 1/2 an hour though. It was only just after 10 and I'd already done Minions, Transformers AND Gringotts. Plus my photo tour. I was pleased with my progress, considering the park only opened at 9.
So after the ride, I was back outside under the blue, cloudy sky.

from raw-8728 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8729 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8730 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was wandering around, taking pictures and really enjoying myself, but the I noticed the dragon was not very active. :(

from raw-8731 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8732 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8734 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8735 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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from raw-8740 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8741 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8742 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I had somewhere to go, so I figured now was a good enough time!

from raw-8743 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8744 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I did my silly little Shutterbuttons video. I may try to share it later, but I feel like a little... well, I feel a little silly. It was fun, but I'd have enjoyed it more, especially if one of my two HP loving nephews were there, especially the younger (newer) HP lover. He was going to Florida last year with his family, and he was upset because they were not going to DHS, only to MK as he really loves Tower of Terror. (they are crazy - they stay in a house, they sometimes don't do ANY Disney parks etc. I think I need to have a DNA test done!) So a week before the trip, my sister asks me to show him a Harry Potter movie to try to get him to look forward to the trip. Yep, we watched all 8 Harry Potter movies between Sundays. We finished the last one the morning they were driving to Halifax to leave. He insisted that he would not go if he didn't finish the movies!

Here are the CMs that were helping me. I thought they looked so handsome.

from raw-8745 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I really wanted to buy a scarf, but not for those prices.

from raw-8746 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Back outside and the dragon was still being cranky, or maybe she wasn't feeling well and had a sore throat, so she couldn't breathe flames.

from raw-8747 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8748 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ok, I'll share, but I'm no actress! Hahaha Maybe it will help someone else decide if they want to spend the money/time to do it. I had to stop back later in the day to pick up the DVD, but they do give you a digital copy as well.

[url=https://flic.kr/p/Gaat7A]Harry Potter video by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr[/URL]

Or here is the link in case the video doesn't work. I don't share videos very often, so I'm not as adept as sharing pictures.


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I'm all caught up, beautiful pictures of HP and the dragon, even if no fire. I got back on Sunday from our Disney trip,we had a really nice time. The weather was so perfect, sunny and 80 everyday, no humidity. We didn't get to Universal this time so your pictures and report are so fun to see. We became annual pass holders this trip because we have two more trips this year so we are excited! I couldn't get your video to work about HP. We are big HP fans at our house as well.
I'm all caught up, beautiful pictures of HP and the dragon, even if no fire. I got back on Sunday from our Disney trip,we had a really nice time. The weather was so perfect, sunny and 80 everyday, no humidity. We didn't get to Universal this time so your pictures and report are so fun to see. We became annual pass holders this trip because we have two more trips this year so we are excited! I couldn't get your video to work about HP. We are big HP fans at our house as well.

Thanks for the kind words. Oh I'm so excited that you got an AP (and a little jealous). I wish I could go more often, these trips are so far apart! Hahaha.

Glad I could help appease your HP needs. I'm off to get another update going. Were you able to get the video to play?
So after snapping at the dragon, I was ready for a snack.

from raw-8749 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I loved watching the knitting needles too.

from raw-8750 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Turned to look at the dragon again. No fire.

from raw-8751 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was going to get ice cream!

from raw-8752 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

What flavour would I get?
from raw-8753 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Butterbeer of course!

I believe I just found a spot to sit (literally on the ground and leaned against a building) and enjoyed my delicious cone!

from raw-8755 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8756 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8758 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8761 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8764 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8767 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8768 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8769 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was really enjoying my morning! (Not that you can tell from the pictures of me! But you can tell by how many pictures I was taking.)

from raw-8770 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8771 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8773 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8774 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

They let me in to the Leaky Cauldron just to take some pictures. I think I may have gone in the exit or something. She seemed to know I was just taking pictures and she didn't make me go around. Or was it just obvious that I wasn't eating? Did I have ice cream all over my face? I went in the door that led to this room, so I'm guessing it was an exit. Can't tell you for sure that I noticed another door though!

from raw-8775 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8776 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8777 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8779 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8781 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8782 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8784 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8788 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
I tell you, I love the WWoHP, but I just feel the need to go there with another Potterhead! I can only imagine how much more fun it would be!!!

from raw-8789 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8791 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8792 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was off to King's Cross. I am only assuming that this guy is a TM? I can't imagine Universal allowing a random buster.

from raw-8793 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8798 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8801 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8802 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8803 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8804 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8805 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8806 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And soon, I was off to change parks! :) This was new to me, so I was just a little squeaky, I mean, excited!
Were you able to get the video to play?

It looks like it's set to private which is why it won't work for anyone else.

Looks like you're having a super great time! One day I'll get to Universal! I love all your photos of cast members all over, they're so fun.
It looks like it's set to private which is why it won't work for anyone else.

Looks like you're having a super great time! One day I'll get to Universal! I love all your photos of cast members all over, they're so fun.

Thanks, I'll see what I can do!
That was a fun ride, only I wish I'd kept my camera out to take some pictures! I was in Hogsmeade, and I was happily looking forward to seeing everything and riding everything!

from raw-8812 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8814 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Uh oh, those clouds...

from raw-8816 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8817 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8819 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8820 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8821 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I believe it was a short wait for the Dragon challenge, so I rode one and maybe the second. This is when my brain goes foggy and I can't remember everything!

from raw-8822 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

All these Elsas wandering around wearing shorts in the snow. Not me, nope. I think something happened and I have a non Canadian deformity. I can't stand being cold.

from raw-8823 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Oops... all my pictures were set to large. Sorry if they are too big. Fixing that and setting them to medium again.

from raw-8824 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The girl in the forefront looks topless!

from raw-8825 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8826 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I stopped to watch the frog choir a few minutes.

from raw-8829 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8830 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Off to see the castle! I put my camera bag in the locker and went off to ride, single rider style!

from raw-8834 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

See the wait time?

from raw-8838 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Yes, I believe that says 20 minutes!

Ok, I do have to go now! Sorry, I'll be back tomorrow to finish up this day hopefully!
Oh I am so, so, so sorry! I will try hard to update more often.

So back in Universal, I was enjoying myself. I'd been on a few rides, but tried not to browse the shops. I didn't think Universal would ship my purchases back to my Disney room. :)

I snapped a few pictures and put my camera in a locker, because you're not allowed to take bags with you. :( My big pet peeve with Universal. I can take my camera bag on every single Disney ride.

from raw-8843 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8844 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8847 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8848 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Not long after, I took this shot.

from raw-8848 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I told myself, Later! I was hungry.

I did not like the look of those clouds.

from raw-8851 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Well, I really did, for the picture side of things, but NOT for the rain on my day side of things!

from raw-8852 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8854 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8855 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8859 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I decided to go to the Three Broomsticks. I'd had a good leek soup there before, but I wasn't really in the mood for that or rather, it was no longer there. Maybe, who knows!

from raw-8862 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8863 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8865 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8867 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I got kid's meal nuggets! Hahahaha

from raw-8870 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And I tried a hot Butterbeer!

from raw-8871 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

My first reaction was that it was delicious. Yep, it was! For about a few minutes, then it was just too sweet. And I like sweet!

I snapped a few pictures while eating.

from raw-8873 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8874 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8877 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I always love seeing this sign.

from raw-8878 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8881 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8882 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The wait was up to 60 minutes now. Wow. That jumped.

from raw-8883 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

What to do, what to do? I had been telling myself all along that I would see some of the shows, so when I saw the frog choir, I stopped to take a few pictures and listen.

from raw-8890 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8891 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I decided I may as well go for it again, as I love the ride, and it was starting to sprinkle, and most of the queue was inside. I had to go through the line before I could get to the lockers for my bag, even though I was riding single rider.

from raw-8895 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8906 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8909 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8911 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8912 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

When I got my bag out of my locker, I realized my strap had been hanging out, and it somehow got locked into the locker below mine! So I had to wait for them to come get their things. And it was beyond packed in that tiny space. I was very uncomfortable waiting for him. But what could I do? NOTHING! So I waited. Thankfully it wasn't too long.

By then, it was raining like crazy and I made the wrong decision to make some purchases. That meant I'd have a bag to carry around. Even more than my camera bag. Grrr. Silly me! I should have shipped it to the front of the park, but I forgot about that service.

I took some pictures with my cell phone too, as I was worried that it would start to pour. I'd rather lose my cell than my camera!

20150827_124533_HDR by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

20150827_124541_HDR by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

After doing some shopping, I was headed back to Diagon Alley for a bit.

20150827_142836 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And I tried to take a sort of selfie with the Express! Hahaha

20150827_142959 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And still with my cell phone, as I didn't bother taking out my camera (now I wish I had!)... Hagrid

20150827_143318 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

20150827_143335 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I browsed the shops a little more, and that was basically it. I wish I'd stayed longer, but I was tired, and my hands were full. I spent some time looking for the witch/muggle/wizard/muggle mugs that I'd seen in 2014, but I couldn't find them. I still say I need to stay in the Dark side for a few nights so I can really enjoy the park. I was lonely, it was my first time at a park all day by myself in ages. One of my nephews is a new Potterhead, so he says he wants to come with me, and we can ditch his family, except maybe his mom, so she can hold our stuff while we ride! HAHAHAHA. They can do whatever, and we can spend as much time in the Wizarding World as we want to.

from raw-8913 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Still no flames. She must have been sick. (as the TM told me when I asked. Hahaha).

from raw-8916 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8917 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-8918 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I waited a while for my pick up (I'd had to call a few hours earlier to say what time I wanted to be picked up) and then went back to Pop. Spent the evening just relaxing there if I remember correctly.

Slice of pizza, powerade and cheesecake for supper. Forgot to take my picture before I ate some, so I improvised!

20150827_185152 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Oops. Figured I'd share my ride shots.

62101_082715_000144569 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

62102_082715_000197325 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I guess I made an impression on the TM, when he scanned my card he commented that I went on the ride again.


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