3 teens in Tokyo! - we survived!! - Trip Report!!! Now with Photos!!!

Why is photobucket being so unkind to me tonight???

You will have to wait for photos of Day 3!
I have a day at home tomorrow (alone!!) I should be able to update then. I have been using an ipad, I think I need to use the laptop for photobucket,
I have a day at home tomorrow (alone!!) I should be able to update then. I have been using an ipad, I think I need to use the laptop for photobucket,

I'll join the waiting ones. I mentioned Japan and holiday in the same sentence to DH last night. Mmmmmm. Will plan some more before making such silly statements.
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Oh, city rail, why can't you be so clean and pleasant as this!
Sunday April 14.

My DH is a keen collector and restorer of old BMX bicycles - so before we left he was thrilled to learn through his contacts of an "old school BMX swap meet" that was being held in Tokyo on this day.
Me I am not so keen and thought that this may lead to a wild goose chase as the directions he was given were not clear. As sticking together as a group of five can be difficult we agreed to separate today and the boys went off to Naka-Meguro in search of an elusive *********** helium or ET Kuwahara, while the girls headed too Harajuko.

A side note, I had ordered a simcard for my phone through e connect and also a portable wifi thing for the rest of the family so that we could contact each other should we need to. DD was in charge of the wifi and found that the battery life was not adequate for all day out and about, so we just managed the old fashioned way and said "meet back at the room at 4:30!"

We agreed that we would try and eat dinner tonight at the Rainforest cafe, but would try and be there by five!

So DD and I headed to Harajuko, we were following a self guided walking tour I had downloaded. Trouble was we headed the wrong way and started down Take****a street before the Meiji shrine, so we had to do a bit of backtracking. Anyway we saw lots of colourful character, but no cosplayers,and plenty of funky shops and treated ourselves to a cheesecake rolled up in a crepe as per Aussiewendys suggestion - decadent but delish!!

Meanwhile, the menfolk had found the BMX swap meet without any trouble, but thankfully did not make any swaps, (I was fearing having to make room in our luggage for bike parts!!)

We met back at the room, and made our way to Ikspieri and the Rainforest cafe as planned. No problems being seated tonight, the place was virtually empty. I know there may have been better places to eat, but we didnt eat here when we were in the USA and we loved the atmosphere.

We all enjoyed our meal.

The Cute Disney Bus that takes you literally 100metres to the Bayside Monorail station

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I made DD catch it, purely for the photo ops

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Oh so cute

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Onboard the Disney monorail

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First Stop

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Not my style!

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This boutique was all for dogs!

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This is for Aussie Wendy

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Harajuko Station

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On the path to the Meiji Shrine

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Wedding at the Meiji Shrine

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Apparently our prayers will be answered

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Of course we had to go here. DD learned all about the Birds and the Bees

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Oh, city rail, why can't you be so clean and pleasant as this!

Trying Flickr, let me know what you think or should I load each photo individually?


So the photos are driving me mad, I will continue with the TR.

If I'm telling you how to suck eggs, my apologies.

When in flickr, and you're going to Share, when you go to the Grab the HTML/BB code section, there is a radio button at the bottom of that window. Click on the one that says BB Code. When you copy and paste the BB code, it will work.

Untitled by batty2750, on Flickr
I jumped into Flickr to view so whatever is easiest for you - love the fashionista and food shots! and Shibuya crossing looks a bit quieter than our night-time shots! DD loves green tea ice-cream but not me. Also loved your earlier Tokyo at night pic from the Skytree.
Monday 15th April

Hooray, today was a Disney day!!!

We were starting our four day Disney passes today, as this coincided with the 30th anniversary of Tokyo Disneyland, we decided to avoid any crowd and head to Disneysea.

For some reason, I thought the park opened at ten, so was in no hurry to get the family moving. Apparently people line up for over an hour before the gates even open, that was never going to fly with my family.
DH having been up early and down in the lobby on the Internet for fear of waking us up, and the wrath that that entails, came back to the room about 8 and said park opens at 9.

So, this gets us moving, but DH had been downstairs following the US masters golf, and a young Australian was looking very good, so he wanted to watch the end. Anyway, we watch the golf, the australian wins, we head to Disneysea and get there around 10.

As soon as we walked through the entry plaza, we were just overwhelmed with the beauty of this place, now I know it's unique but I can't help comparing it to World showcase at Epcot. While I loved Epcot, this place blows it out of the water.

I took a billion photos and we sort of got swept along, not really sure where we were headed. All my research and knowledge seemed to have evaporated. Until we came across the woody head and I remembered that this is what we should have been running for. I forget what the standby was, but we were still able to get a Fastpass, with return time of 7:15pm.

So, in hindsight, would I have lined up at the gate an hour before opening, only to be caught up in the crowd headed to toy story or tower of terror and gloss over the awe of being in a new park?
Answer is, No, but we were lucky to be there on a low crowd day.

Next up, Tower of Terror, standby was 35minutes, - I had tried to convince myself to go on this, but couldn't bring myself to do it, so DD and i waited around for the others.

As we had only ever been to Disney in florida, our time there we spent battling jetlag and florida heat, this was our Disney do-over and we were going to have no regrets, so our attitude was, we were going to do everything!!!

So next up, Turtle talk with Nemo - I didn't really know what this was, and we waited for it for about 20minutes. Little did we know it was an audience interactive animation. With a collective Japanese vocabulary of three words, and despite my eager hand waving trying to be the chosen one, we were sort of lost on this one, but it's very clever!!

It was now getting towards or after 11, and as we had decided to eat out of peak hours, we chose to eat at a place along the American waterfront - pretty sure we all had burgers, this trip was not going to be the culinary experience I had hoped for, but I was pleasantly surprised at the reasonable cost of food within the park.
We all enjoyed our lunch and it certainly was better for us to eat before we were actually overly hungry and desperate.

Welcome to Disneysea

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Sounds like your first Disney day was great. DH is starting to talk about Japan again and I'm starting to lay the foundations of 4 or 5 days at TDL. :thumbsup2
Looking forward to more! I loved Mysterious Island, Mermaid Lagoon, Moroccan area, the Fortress, Med. Harbour, the shows, OK..I loved every bit!
After lunch, we continued through the park, aquatopia was a walk on. Headed to mysterious island, rode 20,000 leagues under the sea, thenwe headed for Journey to the centre of earth, another of the headliners, we waited 20 minutes. I was a little apprehensive about this one, as I am not a fan of drops, but I braved it, and in fact found it pretty mild.

Next up, was mermaid lagoon, this is an indoor area with rides aimed at little kids, but is extremely beautiful, it really took my breath away. Dd and I got separated in here from the boys and couldn't find them for a bit. Was funny to find two teenage boys and a grown man in the queue for the dropping jellyfish ride, which, while beautiful is extremely slow ride for small children, but hey, in the spirit of the Disney do-over, we had to ride everything.

We found goofy in here and I convinced the family to barge our way in for a family character photo, something that was definitely missing from our Florida trip. I handed my camera over to the handler, the result I will post over the weekend I promise, it's a great photo, but unfortunately the low light requires a super steady camera, so it's very blurry.

This was to be as good as it gets as far as character photos go, even though I begged them, told them it would save shopping for a mothers day present, they would not queue for another. A favourite saying of theirs, when anything is a bit over the top or cringeworthy - "so much cringe"

I just have to admit that my babies are past it! :(

Moving on, and I may be out of order, but we headed to Arabian coast and then raging spirits coaster, not a fan of coasters, I waited this out, but then braved up and rode Indiana Jones - have to say, I love, love, love this ride! The theming is amazing, would love to actually walk through at a slower pace and really see it all.

So we had done all the headliners and it was only mid afternoon, we slowly made our way back to the Mediterranean harbour and was actually a bit lost as to what to do, it was about 4 o clock - so we decided to have dinner, we found an Italian place and sat down to a massive plate of pasta.

After our early dinner we headed to the Venetian gondolas, and found them to be closed until 5:30 because of a wedding - we didn't see the bride, but how lovely to have a Venetian gondola ride on your wedding day at Tokyo Disneysea,!

We waited until 5:30 and then joined the queue, this seemed to be the longest we had waited all day, but once we were on, oh, how beautiful to be floating on the canals of faux Venice with a Japanese gondolier singing in Italian as the sun dipped low into the sky, casting beautiful light across everything.

We were still killing time until our fast pass return so we crossed into Fortress explorations and explored there. Then we found ourselves waiting the the Disneysea electric railway. The boys decided they wanted to buy something and they would meet us at Toy story - now they are 15, so I have no problem separating.

DH, DD and I got on the railway and then headed to Toy story - we were still a bit early for the fast pass and as we were walking past "the big band beat" was just about to start, it was getting cold and we didnt have to meet until 7:15, I didn't know what this show was or how long it went for, but I did know you normally have to enter a lottery to get in to see it.

We are bad, bad parents and we went in.

What is funny about this show is that it's all in English, a live big band, with trumpet and trombone etc doing all the swing hits, Chattanooga choo choo, is the only one I can think of right now. But there is a point where the host introduces the band, "and now let's give it up for our sax player,......" Etc, ..all in English - we were the only three people in the room of about 1000, that understood, try as we might, we couldn't get a round of applause going!!!

the show went for 30minutes and I was getting anxious that the boys would be worried, so hurried out as soon as it finished, we found them, and yes, they were understandably angry at us. I blamed Dad, Dad blamed DD, but really Mickey made us do it.

So, we utilised our fast pass and felt like royalty as we bypassed the queue. Toy story was fun, but there is no way I would queue longer than 40minutes for it, actually that goes for all of the rides. It was amazing to see the space that was allocated to queuing areas, I wouldn't like to be there when that was needed.
That said, I would happily spend a day and not ride anything!

By now, people were starting to gather for the night time spectacular of fantasmic, so we found a spot and waited too.
We hadn't seen this in Florida, so I was eager to see it. We found a spot and enjoyed the show. We watched what we thought was the finale, Mickey had slain the dragon, and then we hotfooted it out of the park - hoping to avoid a rush for the monorail.

We all slept like logs!!

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Tuesday 16th April

After our big day at Disneysea we were not even attempting to make rope drop at Disneyland today. We thought we would use this day to get a firstl look and feel for the park and then if we felt the need to go for rope drop we would do that on our second day at the park.

We, love, love, love the fact that the resort was only a monorail ride away.

We headed over about 9:30 and after the obligatory photos in the plaza, made our way up through Main Street. I know there are plenty of discussions comparing TDL to the other parks, but for me and my hazy memory of the Magic Kingdom it was pretty much a replica, except that Main Street has a roof!! I think that this actually gives it a nice feel, and it frames the castle nicely as you walk through. I don't get this feeling in photos however.

We made our way through and then headed to Tomorrowland, Space Mountain had a wait of 35 minutes, so the boys got in line for that. DD and I rode Buzz Lightyear, there was a twenty minute wait. This was also the first ride we rode in the Magic Kingdom and I remember being awed by the sets. While I think that it was exactly the same as Magic Kingdom, the actual ride vehicles may have been slower, actually it was really slow, but still amazing to look at.

By this time it was eleven, our designated lunchtime and the one place that I had read we had to eat at was Queen of Hearts Banquet hall - so we headed up to Fantasyland. I don't know what we did on the way but by the time we got to the Queen of Hearts it was around 11:30 and a queue was forming out the door. Figuring it would only get worse, we jumped in line. This line was very slow moving, and then you get to the inner circle where you actually pick up your food and it was really hot, the family was losing it.

We eventually got our food and found a table. yes the room was beautiful, but so is every building here. There is not much selection, DH and I had roast chicken, which was just OK, DS who is the fussiest of eaters, had the steak and said it was good, DD had the heart shaped beef patty, and found it inedible, DH, who finishes everyone's dinner couldnt eat it either. DS had mixed fried seafood and said it was like camp food, and it certainly got the blame for his midnight bout of vomiting later that day.

I won't use the words that they did, but my family insist that I leave a review for this place, that was not particularly positive!

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