
Great reviews! I am glad most of the vendors you used you really liked! I completely agree with you about the cast members at Disney not being as friendly as they used to, we had some issues with this as well. Sorry about the videography, I completely understand where you are coming from with not liking the song. They should have gotten an answer from you before just completing it. Couldn't they have asked you ahead of time? I can't wait to see your Randy pic's!
Your reviews are really honest and well-written - they will definitely help future brides! It looks like other than videography you were super happy with everything, which is great!
Thanks! We really were - it was the best day. I am so sad it's all over, haha! For at least a month after we got home I would wake up in the morning and try to figure out how many days we had left until the wedding. Our home reception is this weekend and I'm scared that I'll get all depressed once that is over and there's nothing else wedding-related to plan.

Good luck with your home reception! I hope everything goes as wonderfully as your DFTW!

I know what you mean about being depressed with nothing left to plan. I felt a little down after it was all over, for reasons I don't quite understand lol But it didn't last too long and now I am so happy that I married the man of my dreams!
Great reviews and 'glad I dids' etc!!! I underline everything you said about Patricia and double underline everything you said about Randy!! You know, I think I am a teensy bit in love with that man lol!!!:goodvibes
Another great installment. I agree with you 100% about Randy. He is so amazing and his prices are less than half of most of the other popular Disney Wedding photographers, seems like a no brainer to me! I also agree with the MK photo shoot & coach. I thought the MK photo shoot was something I would really regret not doing (but I couldn't really afford it), and now afterwards, I feel the same way as you. I can't wait to see your pictures and hear all about how your whole trip went!!!! :surfweb:
I totally agree with you in regard to the MK shoot!! As a S/D bride, it was not something that I was permitted to do, though I could have had a shoot in another park). We decided against a park shoot (very expensive IMHO and we would have, of course, had to have used DPS and not our beloved Randy). I did think I may have a few pangs of regret. Not at all!!! We plumped for our amazing TTD session with Randy instead (which cost just $200.00) and I am thrilled at the results. Such a lovely relaxed look to the photos and a real contrast to the more formal VR day shots. I am so glad we plumped for that instead of an in-park shoot.


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