20,000 Leagues of Running (comments welcome)

My luggage doesn't increase too much. I can stuff all my stuff into one small duffel that I also used to take to work.

This trip I tried another trick to save space. Instead of packing my electrolyte squirts, I bought two Gatorade when I got to SC. Even watered down, these did not taste good on my run! Next time, I'm just going to stick with the squirts and pop them in my shoes or something.

I keep meaning to do a full post on my hydration strategy tests lately. Maybe this weekend 😀
The first part of this week started out on vacay still. I managed a second run in Charleston on Tuesday morning, this time on Sullivan's Island. This is the location of Fort Moultrie, where the US Civil War began, and was a very interesting neighborhood to run around. Since this was the end of a rest week, I stopped when I reached 3.75 miles.

I didn't get in a second maintenance run, just no time, but I got in a great run on Saturday morning. The very was perfect, just a light crisp in the air and when the sun came out there was a cool breeze to go with it. It was also my first time trying lock laces, which worked great! I think I need to get a second pair for my old shoes.

My goal for this run was 8.5 miles. Starting this run was really hard just because it felt like so much, SO much running. I actually started to get a little panicky and had to talk to myself to get through it.

I managed to get in the first 2 or 3 miles with just a few walking breaks, but then I got stuck at a red light. It was one of those intersections that only has two crosswalks instead of four, so I had to wait basically the whole light cycle. I figured this was sort of a simulated character stop for the MW HM. I ran another 1 or 2 miles and then took a second stop at the local library to use the bathroom and fill up my water bottles. By this time I was nearing 5 miles and knew I only had about a 5k to go, so it was actually easy running.

I had two Gu packets with me for this one. I had the first one about mile 4 and the second one about miile 6 or so. This seemed to work out well. I think for the actual 10 miler (more below) that I might need a third, just in case.

When I got to 8 miles I wasn't quite home, so I ran an extra mile and got to 9. I felt really good, like I could have run for another mile, but I stopped. Overall:

Running time - 1 hour 32 minutes
Walking time - 4.45 minutes
Stopped time - 7.16 minutes

This was a good run! I'm really confident about my 10 miler after this run. I was glad to have taken a Claritin beforehand, because the pollen was pretty gross, but the flowers were beautiful!


March Recap:
March was my most running miles ever. 60.6 miles! It just barely beat January before I got hurt (57.9), but it also included a week of vacation and a few tough weeks of work, so.

Coming Up:
I have four weeks until my 10 miler and I'd like some advice. My original plan got a little screwed up because of the PT and so I had planned to keep increasing distance. BUT, after this weekend's 9 mile run, I don't think that's needed anymore, so I was thinking about this plan:

April 7 - 6.5ish miles (give my body a bit of a break)
April 14 - 9.5 miles (get that last increase in before a mini taper)
April 21 - 6 miles (actually 6.2 because I have a 10k which I'm just aiming to have fun)
April 28 - 10 miler


Also, my strength training program has been none existent. I need to do better at that 😔
My goal for this run was 8.5 miles. Starting this run was really hard just because it felt like so much, SO much running. I actually started to get a little panicky and had to talk to myself to get through it.
I have had that feeling before long runs. I try to not think about the "big picture", as in "this is going to take a long time" but just focus on the actual steps I need to take to get the run started (get my water bottle filled, etc.). Once it's started, I'm usually ok. Sounds like yours turned out great!
I have four weeks until my 10 miler and I'd like some advice. My original plan got a little screwed up because of the PT and so I had planned to keep increasing distance. BUT, after this weekend's 9 mile run, I don't think that's needed anymore, so I was thinking about this plan:

April 7 - 6.5ish miles (give my body a bit of a break)
April 14 - 9.5 miles (get that last increase in before a mini taper)
April 21 - 6 miles (actually 6.2 because I have a 10k which I'm just aiming to have fun)
April 28 - 10 miler

This looks fine to me as far as long runs go. You definitely don't need to run the full distance before your race, and a two-week taper seems reasonable for a 10-miler.
Ugh! That was some kind of week - and it's not getting any better before my races 😭

Work was super busy with a lot of things I couldn't move plus travel and a few 12 hours shifts. I am so tired!

On Tuesday, I had to go into work and it took longer than expected. This always happens when I get a new badge. After the kids were in bed I managed to get a 2 mile run on the treadmill. I think I just ran, no TV or music. The 2 miles went by really slowly, but it was better than nothing.

I didn't know if or when I was going to get another run in. After work on Thursday I had some time between dishes and bed and just grabbed it. I turned on the next episode of Shogun and just ran. Somehow after an hour of running I had only gone 4 miles. Very strange. This run just felt meh. I thought I could count as my long run, but no.

Friday and Saturday were 12 hours shifts followed by much needed sleep. Sunday was a full day drive. Monday, Monday in upper NY I finally had time for a proper run. Total Eclipse 10k! Not the best time, but it was good.


I'm a little worried about next week and the week after. It's more repeats at work and home, but we'll see! My 10k is in about 10 days. And my 10 miles is in just over 2 weeks. And on Tuesday I finally get to find out if I can register for MW HM. Yay!!!
I'm feeling you on the hard work week and lack of sleep!

Total eclipse 10k is an awesome idea! Did you see the eclipse, too?
It was the toughest week yet for work and travel. Extra tired after getting back at 3am Tuesday morning after the eclipse. I managed to one run in all week 😮

I went back and forth whether I should do a shorter or longer run long and ended up just going for it. I ran 9.5 miles on Sunday and felt really good. There were some tiring spots where I walked more than usual, but I finished strong.

I used three Gu packs alternating between S'mores, Cake Batter, and S'mores. Seemed to work well. I also tried a new hydration pack. It was easy to pull water from and didn't slosh around too much after I got the straps adjusted, but the water really wanted up quickly sitting against my back. I think next time I might try adding some ice cubes.

This week is a cutback week. Two short 3ish miles and then Saturday I've got my 10k. Whoop whoop! Not going for a PR, just going out for a fun run among friends.
I also tried a new hydration pack. It was easy to pull water from and didn't slosh around too much after I got the straps adjusted, but the water really wanted up quickly sitting against my back. I think next time I might try adding some ice cubes.
Checking to see if you know about "burping" your hydration bladder (assuming it's like the "bag" you fill up, and not a hydraquiver/bottle style) to reduce sloshing.....

I've tried freezing some water in my nathan vest bladder, but it always causes issues with the hose hookup. I would maybe try freezing a bigger, flat, block of ice to put in the bladder and not cubes, because IME those can be pokey on your back. Also, you can "insulate" the bladder from your body heat with a thin towel or something as a barrier between the 2.
Checking to see if you know about "burping" your hydration bladder (assuming it's like the "bag" you fill up, and not a hydraquiver/bottle style) to reduce sloshing.....
I haven't heard the term burping before, but I do squeeze all of the air out so that it's just the water. I also sort of try to make it so that it's kind of equally distributed, but I don't think that does anything ... because it's water .... and there's gravity. But it makes me feel better 🤣
I also sort of try to make it so that it's kind of equally distributed, but I don't think that does anything ... because it's water .... and there's gravity
Ok, so the scientist in me had a good laugh at the visual of you trying to equally distribute the water while laying the reservoir out flat, then getting upset when you stood it up and it didn't stay that way! :rotfl2:

I don't find ice cubes to be that pointy (as someone else said), so I usually fill with ice cubes, then fill the gaps with water. But the ice cubs are pretty noisy as they melt and have more room to jiggle.
the visual of you trying to equally distribute the water while laying the reservoir out flat, then getting upset when you stood it up and it didn't stay that way!
I am a natural class clown. So I'm glad I brought you a laugh 😂
But the ice cubs are pretty noisy as they melt and have more room to jiggle.
This is a point against. I don't like random noises like this. Maybe I can use chilled Brita water or something. Hmmm
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Another 10k race medal on the hook!

It was a wonderful day for running. 45F with almost no humidity. Perfect! Except for the end, with no mylara, sweat, and a breeze.

I was dressed mostly okay for the during part. Long sleeve T-shirt under my Storm Trooper T-shirt. I could have used my ears wraps, but I made it without getting frostbite, so ...

This was probably the busiest race I've been to - announced attendance was 2100+. This made the start pretty crowded, but things spread out eventually.

I was sort of thinking about a new PR in the back of my mind, but I was mostly just trying to finish since I have my 10 miler next week. I seeded myself just behind the 10:15 pacer and figured I'd at least try to keep him in sight.

There was a giant overpass to start the race, but I just took it slow and watched the pacer. After this it was mostly a gentle slope downward, with a few more little ups.

I started out with about a 10 minute mile, but after a bit I was able to speed up to a 9:30 mile, which felt really nice. I passed the pacer before the second mile and never saw him again.

I had a couple short walk breaks, but maintained this pace through most of the race. At one point a big freight train rumbled past and blew its horn. I had a big smile thinking about how this would be even cooler at the MW HM with the Monorail 😁

At mile 5 I had a lot of energy left, so I picked up the pace a bit. This worked really well until mile 6 when I thought the race should have been over. Stupid 0.2. Luckily there were a few helpful signs here. "Run like a Dalek is behind you." and "Pain is temporary, a race time is forever." I really pushed myself to finish strong with this encouragement and sprinted to the finish.

Clock time - 1:01:48. So, not a PR, but a good finish.

They didn't have any good food at the finish. Just super green bananas and pigs in a blanket (way too fancy for a race!). I started to feel a bit light headed, drank four Gatorades, then had my BP and PulseOx checked at the med tent, just to be sure. Turned out I just needed more food.

Best part of the race - $5 Dunkin gift cards in the runners bags!
Worst part of the race - standing in the cold waiting for my ride while my teeth shattered.

Onto the next race!


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