2 Castles, 2 Send out 2011 & Ring in 2012...12 Days of Christmas

Just a quick check in...I need to come back later and post #8 of my countdown and catch you up on the advent reveal...lets just say the presents this week really have the kids scratching their heads.

On my agenda today is to get the bedrooms deep cleaned...the kids anyway! I hope to by the end of the week have the entire house deep cleaned so that we come back to a clean house after our trip.

I am so ready for Tuesday to get here...the day that I am packing. Why is it that normally I am dreading backing for the 5 of us...but this it is killing me to wait until I have the house to myself. Maybe I can con Jeff into taking the kids somewhere tomorrow so I can get started after I have laundry done today!

Things are up in the air with Ab....thanks for all of your prayers and thoughts. There was a little more to the story that I just did not want to share at the time...but your prayers have helped at least for the moment. We went and talked to the other private school in town about transferring her...they would bend the rules fo us (I think becuase it would be a feather in their hat to take the top student from another school away) and transfer right now for the new semester instead of making her wait until next fall. She has friends there and everything, but I am not ready to jump that fast without thinking this completely through...plus the fact we will be gone the 1st week of the new semester. There was something I just did not like about the school :confused3...just my gutt but Jeff is so ready just to jump ship and change, but there are mean girls everywhere and how do we know the grass will stay green on the other side. I am dragging my feet. Ab has a lot of academic competitions that happen this spring that she has been preparing for and it would not be fair to her or the teachers that have helped her. We also meet with her current school right after we went to the other school. They did offer us some solid changes to how they are going to address and deal with the situation...which makes me hopeful. All in all we have decided for the moment that she will remain where she is at and we will give the current school a change to fix the situation, as best as they can...
Woo Hooo!!! Yeah us!!!:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:


I am so ready for both of us to get going on our trips? Have you packed yet? Will you be in Epcot all day on the 30th? I would love to say hi and maybe get a drink somewhere in the world with you...I know you are doing the last CP while we are doing the 6:45. My schedule for that day is to see as many storytellers as we can...nothing else...just going from country to country for that.
I am so ready for both of us to get going on our trips? Have you packed yet? Will you be in Epcot all day on the 30th? I would love to say hi and maybe get a drink somewhere in the world with you...I know you are doing the last CP while we are doing the 6:45. My schedule for that day is to see as many storytellers as we can...nothing else...just going from country to country for that.

I will pack later this week, I'm thinking Friday. I have made a super thorough packing list that I will work from so it should go pretty fast. I shipped a box with the Christmas tree and stuff yesterday. We don't park hop so we will be in Epcot all day on the 30th, with a mid-day break. I think we have decided to skip the CP due to travel with a 2 year is best if you keep moving and I think my girls would rather see the storytellers. We may try to watch a little while standing outside. Meeting up for a drink sounds lovely. glad things are working out with Ab. We haven't got to that age yet. Enjoy your day of cleaning.

I am so sorry that I have not been doing a better job of keeping you caught up of our Advent Countdown Reveal...I am posting for the last week without pictures (since this seems to be my hangup) and maybe later I will come back and add the pictures. I must say that some of the presents have really thrown the kids for a loop and are keeping them puzzled.

13 Days Til Christmas​

Advent Calendar Symbol: Our Lady of Guadalupe

Clue: What has 4 legs, but does not walk?

Location: Under Ab's bed

Gift: New Beach Towels, Water Shoes, and 3 toy ocean animals

Task: Each of you must name an ocean animal from a movie and name the movie

Connection: Discovery Cove, The Seas

12 Days Til Christmas​

Advent Calendar Symbol: St. Lucy

Clue: I can be anything. Take a look its in a ________

Location: Boy's Bookcase

Gift: Firework Bottle Poppers

Task: Tell 1 Thing that you hope to do better next year and then go outside and pop a poper

Connection: NYE

11 Days Til Christmas​

Advent Calendar Symbol: Three Kings

Clue: I come in pairs and sometimes go by many different names like kickers, keds, tennis, walking running, flats, slippers

Location: Goo's Shoebox

Gift: Dinosaurs Don't Wear Underpants book and Dinosaur scratch off craft

Task: Read the book and design your dinosaur

Connection: Jurassic Park, T-Rex Cafe, Dinoland

10 Days Til Christmas​

Advent Calendar Symbol: Christmas Story from St. Luke

Clue: Snow White's stepmother's questions would be answered here

Location: bathroom mirror

Gift: The Nativity Story Movie, Picture of Marlee Martin, & Christmas Chocolates from Germany

***The kids are having a hard time with this one...they cannot figure out how these all fit together!

Task: We tend to forget the true meaning of Christmas in all the hustle, watch the movie tonight about the reason for the season.

Connection: CP

9 Days Til Christmas​

Advent Calendar Symbol: Christmas Star

Clue: Don't think I am a liar, to find the next clue you have to look in the _____

Location: Dryer

Gift: Playdough and a bag of candy from the 60s

Task: Make something with the playdough

Connection: POP

8 Days Til Christmas​

Advent Calendar Symbol: Candy Cane

Clue: Where would you find Chip from Beauty and the Beast?

Location: Mug Cupboard

Gift: Grinch Book

Task: Read the book and enjoy Grinch Movie Night

Connection: Breakfast with the Grinch and Grinchmas

7 Days Til Christmas​

Advent Calendar Symbol: 4th Advent Candle

Clue: Just like Here Comes the Sun, Here Comes Christmas

Location: Boo's Guitar Case

Gift: Stars for the Ceiling

Task: Hang the stars on your ceiling

Connection: Mission Space, MIB, ET, Buzz Lightyear, Space Mountain, AstroOrbiter

100 Things I am Looking Forward to...

100. Checking into the Royal Pacific Resort
99. Italian Margarita and a Cheeseburger in Paradise at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville
98. Breakfast at Chef Mickey's
97. Experiencing the Osborne Lights
96. Seeing Lightning McQueen and Mater
95. Grinch and Friends Breakfast
94. Tree of Life
93. Mickey's Philharmonic
92. Christmas Trees
91. Tower of Terror
90. Dinner at T-Rex
89. Pressed Penny hunting for the boys
88. Seeing Tink Fly
87. Breakfast at the Crystal Palace
86. Toy Story Mania and its Line/Queue
85. Innoventions
84. Main Street Stroll
83. Dole Whip
82. Pirates of the Caribbean Ride
81. Jedi Training
80. Mickey Bar
79. Miyuki in Japan
78. Tom Sawyer's Island
77. Riding the Monorail
76. Tonga Toast at Kona Cafe
75. Mission Space: Orange Side
74. Strawberry Soup
73. Kidcot Stations in Epcot
72. Shopping for Mickey Ears
71. Dinner at Ohanas
70. Living with the Land
69. A Mug of Butter Beer
68. Animation Studios Drawing Class
67. Karamelle-Kuche
66. Christmas Store Ornament Shopping
65. F!
64. Honeydukes
63. Tough Being a Bug
62. Swiss Family Treehouse
61. Biergarten
60. Soarin
59. Lego Store in DTD
58. Starring Rolls Cupcakes
57. Haunted Mansion
56. Via Napoli
55. Goofy's Candy Co. in DTD
54. Gingerbread House at GF (& other resort Christmas Displays)
53. Kim Possible Missions in Epcot
52. Macy's Holiday Parade at USO
51. Boulangerie Patisserie in France
50. 50's Primetime Cafe
49. POP Century Resort
48. Exploring the Windows in Hogsmeade
47. Ridemakerz
46. Date with dh at Yachtsman
45. Illuminations
44. Dinner at 1900 Park Fare with the Step Sisters
43. Grinchmas at IOA
42. Snorkeling at Discovery Cove
41. Breadpudding
40. Expedition Everest
39. Parades
38. Ghirardelli sundae
37. Night time in the parks
36. Test Track
35. Mickey Pretzels
34. The Sword in the Stone
33. Fish & Chips
32. Feeding the Larakeets
31. Yak & Yeti
30. Discovery Island Trails
29. Sci Fi Diner
28. Spiderman
27. Rice Krispe Treat
26. Walt & Mickey Statue…Roy & Minnie Statue
25. Festival of the Lion King
24. Main Street Bakery Treats
23. Pirate Tutorial
22. Discovery Club Stops in AK
21. The Simpsons Ride
20. Breakfast at Boma
19. Boardwalk Villas
18. Finding my Picture Frame
17. Dinner at NASCAR
16. Tequila Flight
15. Searching for Hidden Mickey’s
14. Rip Rocket Roller Coaster
13. Lunch at Cinderella’s Royal Table
12. Candlelight Processional
11. Snacking Around the World
10. Drinking Around the World
9. Breakfast at Three Broomsticks
8. Club Cool
7. Forbidden Journey

8. Club Cool



We are not huge soft drink drinkers (or in Texas as everything is called a COKE)…but I can’t wait to get the kids in and pull a Beverly on them! I am just trying to figure out how to get a picture of each them without spoiling it for the other ones!

7. Forbidden Journey


I know that Goo is going to be so disappointed that he is not getting to ride the Forbidden Journey, but we have been preparing him that there are rides that he is just not big enough. I simply love this ride…totally amazing…sorry I won’t go into detail about it, because I would hate to ruin the fun for someone else…just think about all your favorite scenes or events from the first couple Harry Potter movies and somehow they are all incorporated seamlessly into this ride![/COLOR]
Glad to hear things are going better for Ab at school.

I see your ticker says 1 week!! Yay!!

Sending you a pm.
I have seen your movie nights on the movie nights thread but for some reason, never realized you had a pre-trip report. I am so glad that I found it. It is amazing. I have never read one that is so detailed and organized. You are awesome! Since I am planning on staying in bed all morning(sinus infection), I am going to try and read the whole thing from start to finish. Once again, I am amazed at all the things you do.
I have seen your movie nights on the movie nights thread but for some reason, never realized you had a pre-trip report. I am so glad that I found it. It is amazing. I have never read one that is so detailed and organized. You are awesome! Since I am planning on staying in bed all morning(sinus infection), I am going to try and read the whole thing from start to finish. Once again, I am amazed at all the things you do.

She is very amazing, imaginative and creative!
Glad to hear things are going better for Ab at school.

I see your ticker says 1 week!! Yay!!

Sending you a pm.

I am ready for that ticker to say days...:rotfl: Just thinking that this time next week reveal phase 2 should just about be complete and we will be making our way to the airport (of course it is only 15 minutes away)! Then once we land in Denver reveal final phase will be starting! WAHOO

I PMed you back!

I need to get back over to your TR...read about POR...just have not had time to comment.
I have seen your movie nights on the movie nights thread but for some reason, never realized you had a pre-trip report. I am so glad that I found it. It is amazing. I have never read one that is so detailed and organized. You are awesome! Since I am planning on staying in bed all morning(sinus infection), I am going to try and read the whole thing from start to finish. Once again, I am amazed at all the things you do.

:goodvibes:goodvibesSo glad you are coming along...:scared1: you really want to read a years worth of my obsessive planning! I have no idea how I am going to fill my time once this is done!

Thank you for your :love: about my movie nights. I just have not posted lately to that thread after the Toy Story Mania I felt mine looked really stupid. We are having Grinch night tonight...it got delayed from last night because Boo (ds#1) helps his uncle at Christmas parties where the uncle plays Santa and he is the elf...he loves doing it, but was sad about missing Grinch night!

I see you are going to the dark side too with Harry! We are a house of Harry fans! I was on a business trip the weekend it officially opened and went...amazing. My kids were so upset that I went...they are going to be:scared1: next Sunday night when they get a glimpse of Hogwarts! I know my breath was taken away the first time I saw it!

Hope you feel better!

She is very amazing, imaginative and creative!

Ahhh...you are too kind...but thinking of getting some shirts that say FORCED FAMILY FUN, MAMA SAYS
Why is it that I can never sleep on the weekends? I did use my time before getting around for mass productively...150 oreo bon bon rolled and in freezer waiting to be dipped later today!
I am doing a little stressing at the moment. They are predicting a HUGE/MAJOR Snow Storm coming in tomorrow afternoon and we are in the bullseye so to say for the amounts...12-18 inches possible. Great, that probably means one of those snow days on Tuesday, and of course I scheduled a personal day Tuesday so I could pack without the kids around....but with a snow day they will be right here with me! UGH! Now what am I going to do? I guess maybe later in the week I can have Jeff take them out shopping...?!:confused3
I'm putting Bill in charge of getting the kids out on Thursday so I can pack. We started Christmas break on Friday. I couldn't pack 8+ days early.

I am caught up. I read the links and once again, I think you do amazing movie nights. I agree that the TSM party one was incredible but you do a great job also. I hope the snow storm misses you and you will be able to pack wihout kids around.
I'm just dying for the big reveal to the kids!! You are doing a great job on your Advent countdown by the way! Very very creative ideas:thumbsup2

Oh....and I sure hope that snow stays away!
Send the snow my way please :)

Your advent reveal sounds brill! You're so close to your trip now :cool1:
100 Things I am Looking Forward to...

100. Checking into the Royal Pacific Resort
99. Italian Margarita and a Cheeseburger in Paradise at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville
98. Breakfast at Chef Mickey's
97. Experiencing the Osborne Lights
96. Seeing Lightning McQueen and Mater
95. Grinch and Friends Breakfast
94. Tree of Life
93. Mickey's Philharmonic
92. Christmas Trees
91. Tower of Terror
90. Dinner at T-Rex
89. Pressed Penny hunting for the boys
88. Seeing Tink Fly
87. Breakfast at the Crystal Palace
86. Toy Story Mania and its Line/Queue
85. Innoventions
84. Main Street Stroll
83. Dole Whip
82. Pirates of the Caribbean Ride
81. Jedi Training
80. Mickey Bar
79. Miyuki in Japan
78. Tom Sawyer's Island
77. Riding the Monorail
76. Tonga Toast at Kona Cafe
75. Mission Space: Orange Side
74. Strawberry Soup
73. Kidcot Stations in Epcot
72. Shopping for Mickey Ears
71. Dinner at Ohanas
70. Living with the Land
69. A Mug of Butter Beer
68. Animation Studios Drawing Class
67. Karamelle-Kuche
66. Christmas Store Ornament Shopping
65. F!
64. Honeydukes
63. Tough Being a Bug
62. Swiss Family Treehouse
61. Biergarten
60. Soarin
59. Lego Store in DTD
58. Starring Rolls Cupcakes
57. Haunted Mansion
56. Via Napoli
55. Goofy's Candy Co. in DTD
54. Gingerbread House at GF (& other resort Christmas Displays)
53. Kim Possible Missions in Epcot
52. Macy's Holiday Parade at USO
51. Boulangerie Patisserie in France
50. 50's Primetime Cafe
49. POP Century Resort
48. Exploring the Windows in Hogsmeade
47. Ridemakerz
46. Date with dh at Yachtsman
45. Illuminations
44. Dinner at 1900 Park Fare with the Step Sisters
43. Grinchmas at IOA
42. Snorkeling at Discovery Cove
41. Breadpudding
40. Expedition Everest
39. Parades
38. Ghirardelli sundae
37. Night time in the parks
36. Test Track
35. Mickey Pretzels
34. The Sword in the Stone
33. Fish & Chips
32. Feeding the Larakeets
31. Yak & Yeti
30. Discovery Island Trails
29. Sci Fi Diner
28. Spiderman
27. Rice Krispe Treat
26. Walt & Mickey Statue…Roy & Minnie Statue
25. Festival of the Lion King
24. Main Street Bakery Treats
23. Pirate Tutorial
22. Discovery Club Stops in AK
21. The Simpsons Ride
20. Breakfast at Boma
19. Boardwalk Villas
18. Finding my Picture Frame
17. Dinner at NASCAR
16. Tequila Flight
15. Searching for Hidden Mickey’s
14. Rip Rocket Roller Coaster
13. Lunch at Cinderella’s Royal Table
12. Candlelight Processional
11. Snacking Around the World
10. Drinking Around the World
9. Breakfast at Three Broomsticks
8. Club Cool
7. Forbidden Journey
6. Wishes Dessert Party

6. Wishes Dessert Party


These are my total favorites….


I don’t know how we are able to get this ADR at such a late notice, but we are doing the Wishes Dessert Party on January 5th! I am so excited about not having to jockey for position on main street to see Tink fly from the Castle during wishes, and Jeff is a huge dessert type of guy…not into candy and such but desserts are another story! I know there are a lot of people who don’t think the price is worth it, but to me not dealing with main street crowds is the real savings!
The dessert party looks amazing!! Not having to fight the crowds will be great! I can't wait to read about the big reveal! Less than a week!
What a lot of great things you are looking forward to. I saw the dessert party when we were there but we did not go. The desserts looked amazing though!


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