1 crazy family+2 resorts+5 parks+1 snake+1 surprise=A Mickeystoontown report 4/3x2

That's a really scary situation with Johns job, I'm very glad that he worked it out with his boss. Its never good when someone new changes things for the worse. Sounds like good news ahead, I'm hoping so for you and your family!

Also, congratulation to Hunter on his license!

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Oh, Lisa! :hug: I hate stress and would have been crying too.
:cool1: Hunter got his DL! My youngest still has to get hers, but she doesn't really seem too interested in driving. That's ok by me, she scares the heck out of me! :scared1: Of course my two older ones did too. :lmao:
Oh My, what a emotional bunch of days!

I kinda know how John feels, I had an abusive mother who was forever calling us names and hitting us with anything she could lay her hands on, and telling us she was going to let CPS take us away.

I am glad it got straightened out between him and the boos, and I hope all the new changes will be for the good of all the employees. You have to have a good environment to do good work and enjoy your work.

Congrats to Hunter! Soon he'll be running to the store for you when you need milk!:rotfl2: That was one of the first things I did to my Sam.
We are home-going back to catch up on all I missed while I was in WDW with the boys.
All caught up and wasn't too far behind. Yay!!!
Congrats to Hunter on passing his driving exam!!! Great job! And I know what you mean about smelly folks. Working in a hospital, we get a lot of those. Not sure why people think they don't need to wash up before coming out in public. Especially during the summer. Ewww.
Yay, for Mama getting to see the whales. They are such beautiful, awesome creatures. And the photos with that blue water. So gorgeous.
So glad John was able to speak his mind and come clean with the issues with his boss. I hope all goes well and things do change now for him for the better. Rough to have to go to work every day at a place where you are miserable. And I totally understand your caregiver emotions with my DH being a diabetic. Medical insurance is a bigger worry for us than a salary. Sad that most places anymore don't care how good of a worker you are and won't bend for MD appointments and such.
Can't wait for the next update.
Trying to decide whether or not to do another TR myself. I took over 500 photos. Not sure I can tolerate photobucket that long. LOL
Wow I'm glad John has his job back. That would be a very stressful day ::yes:: The first thing I thought was oh no will they still be able to take trips to Disney with John not making a steady income ! I know Disney isnt the main concern but that is what I thought first :rotfl:
Congrats to Hunter on his license :cool1:
All caught up on your trip report!

We've never stayed at CBR, but I'd definitely love to give it a try. What's your favorite section?

Sea World looks like a blast!
Congrats to Hunter!! Wow, what a stressful afternoon. On the plus side, though -- John got some things off his chest that needed to be said. Hopefully, the work situation will get better now.
Wow, what an awful day! Glad that John was able to call the boss and finally tell him what is going on. I do hope things change for the better there.


Jill in CO

I hope so too! We have our doubts though as this has been going on for quite some time....at least a year. We shall see.

Wow, that was a toughie! It must have been in the air this week because Monday my oldest son quit his job in a similar way! That is more of a guy thing to do, I think. We females always think of all the repercussions before we make the move. I am glad he talked to the boss. After all these years I am sure the boss knows he can trust him, and I hope things work out well. My son's situation was not good working conditions, so he won't be going back, but say a little prayer that he can find another job quickly.
Your photos of the whale show were amazing! You both got some fabulous action shots. I saw the one in San Antonio and I loved the show too, but my photos were not that good!

Yeah, the guys are quick to just quit while us women put a lot of thought into something before we make a move.

I'll definitely say prayers that your son finds something soon!

I was surprised that my pictures came out as they did. I was just snapping and watching at the same time.

Good Luck to Hunter :) I just pass mine on Monday! :cool1: Just wondering do you just have to turn up at the DMV and not book a test in the US??? I had to wait 8 week til I could take mine here in UK.
Glad that the job situation kinda worked out. :thumbsup2
I've not seen the show after they changed it because of the accidence going to in October. The picture were lovely. Glad that mama enjoyed the show :)

Congratulations! Unfortunately, we just go to the DMV and sit and wait until your number is called. I think that I'd rather have the appointment system that you guys have.

Mama had a great time at the show and it was worth taking a trip offsite.

Whoa! That must have totally thrown you for a loop yesterday. I'm glad it sounds like things may get better in the end having this happen.

My best wishes to Hunter as he takes his test.

Yes m'am! I truly thought that John was kidding. I asked him several times if he was.
:banana: Congratulations to Hunter!!

Thank you!

Congrats! That's fantastic! :cool1:


Congrats, Hunter!

Thanks for the congrats!

Congrats to Hunter! I have an aunt that works at the drivers license bureau here in Mississippi, and she has great stories!! Wal-Mart is a place that always helps out my self-esteem!!!

I am glad it is working out for John! I would have been crying too if my husband called me and told me he quit his job! Can't wait for your next installment!

Thank you! I can only imagine the stories that your aunt could tell.

I was boo-hoo'ing all afternoon.

Congrats to Hunter!!

So, is he going to be on the driving rotation to WDW?


He had his permit when we went to Disney but he never got around to driving. Mamaw would have been a backseat driver and I'm pretty sure that wouldn't have gone over well. :scared:

Glad things are better all around. Can't wait for updates, they keep me in a Disney frame of mind! :goodvibes to all!

Thank you! I'm hoping to get an installment posted today.

Congratulations Hunter:cheer2::cheer2:

Thank you!
It's good to hear that mama got to cross something off her bucket list and that you all enjoyed it!

I'm so sorry to hear that about John's job. I know what you mean about just having one paycheck. I am still out of work and River's father and I are no longer together BUT he is helping a lot right now. I hope things turn around at John's work and he is happy there. The boss should let John be the supervisor! Tell him we all said so!

Yay :cool1: for Hunter getting his DL! but sorry you had to be around such stinky people:crazy2:

Mama was so happy that she saw the whale show. And, I'm happy to have experienced it with her.

Oh gosh, I didn't realize that you were still out of work. I'm so sorry to hear that! Thank goodness River's dad is helping you out. I'd love for John to be supervisor but he doesn't want the responsibility.

The stinky people at the DMV were horrible! Not only did they stink but they also talked very loudly on their cellphone even though it said to turn them off while in line.:sad2:

Yeah for Hunter passing his test!! :woohoo:

Sorry to hear about John's job, but glad things worked out.

If you wouldn't mind posting the directions, that would be awesome. I will print them and put them with my folder for next year. Maybe I won't lose them. :rolleyes1

Can't wait for more updates!


I was a nervous wreck until I heard back from John.

I have the driving directions on my computer. I'll post them in just a minute. It does a little bit more time to go the route that we do but it's more scenic than the toll road.

Congratulations Hunter!

Also, sorry for the crappy day you had yesterday. I'm glad John talked with his boss and got everything off his chest. I hope things get better for him at work from here on out.


The day was super crappy but ended on a good note!

That's a really scary situation with Johns job, I'm very glad that he worked it out with his boss. Its never good when someone new changes things for the worse. Sounds like good news ahead, I'm hoping so for you and your family!

Also, congratulation to Hunter on his license!

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I sure hope that John's work situation works out but we have our doubts. He's worked there on and off since Lacey was a baby and it's always been that way.

Thanks for the congrats!

Oh, Lisa! :hug: I hate stress and would have been crying too.
:cool1: Hunter got his DL! My youngest still has to get hers, but she doesn't really seem too interested in driving. That's ok by me, she scares the heck out of me! :scared1: Of course my two older ones did too. :lmao:

I was crying like crazy when I realized that he was not kidding.

Oh gosh! It sounds like you've got a scary driver on your hands. LOL! Fortunately for me, Hunter's done pretty good so far.

Sorry to hear about John's issues at work. Sounds like he handled it well and hopefully the boss will get on the stick and do what needs to be done so that everyone is taken care of fairly! You deserved whatever you ate at Coney Island for having a really rough day!
What a week its been for you :hug: I am sorry for the frustration with John's work and I hope that his boss will stay true to his word and the changes he makes will make your husband's work environment better. Nothing worse than putting incompetent people in charge....and its ALWAYS worse when that person has an ego to go with it :rolleyes2. Happy to hear that everything went well with Hunter at the DMV. I have to tell you that when I was reading your post about your experience with the people at the DMV it sounded a lot like my visits to our local Walmart :rotfl2:
Oh My, what a emotional bunch of days!

I kinda know how John feels, I had an abusive mother who was forever calling us names and hitting us with anything she could lay her hands on, and telling us she was going to let CPS take us away.

I am glad it got straightened out between him and the boos, and I hope all the new changes will be for the good of all the employees. You have to have a good environment to do good work and enjoy your work.

Congrats to Hunter! Soon he'll be running to the store for you when you need milk!:rotfl2: That was one of the first things I did to my Sam.

I'm so sorry that you had such a hard childhood. Although I never experienced anything like that, I know that it had to be tough on you. :grouphug:

John's parents didn't act that way with their other children...only John which makes it all the more baffling to me. Even to this day, they treat him differently. There's no denying that he's their child though 'cause he looks just like 'em.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that John speaking his mind will help out his workplace. However, I do have my doubts.

Oh Hunter has already asked if he could go grocery shopping for me. You can tell that he's wanting to hit the road. :drive:

We are home-going back to catch up on all I missed while I was in WDW with the boys.
All caught up and wasn't too far behind. Yay!!!
Congrats to Hunter on passing his driving exam!!! Great job! And I know what you mean about smelly folks. Working in a hospital, we get a lot of those. Not sure why people think they don't need to wash up before coming out in public. Especially during the summer. Ewww.
Yay, for Mama getting to see the whales. They are such beautiful, awesome creatures. And the photos with that blue water. So gorgeous.
So glad John was able to speak his mind and come clean with the issues with his boss. I hope all goes well and things do change now for him for the better. Rough to have to go to work every day at a place where you are miserable. And I totally understand your caregiver emotions with my DH being a diabetic. Medical insurance is a bigger worry for us than a salary. Sad that most places anymore don't care how good of a worker you are and won't bend for MD appointments and such.
Can't wait for the next update.
Trying to decide whether or not to do another TR myself. I took over 500 photos. Not sure I can tolerate photobucket that long. LOL

How was the trip? Awesome? Wonderful? Fantastic? Hot? Sticky? Lots of folks? Oh why don't you just start a trip report so I won't have to keep asking. :lmao: Photobucket is a royal pain in the rear end!

I ended up having to get completely out of Internet Explorer and then back in. I tried it a day or two after the fact but it did work.

That's so odd!

Wow I'm glad John has his job back. That would be a very stressful day ::yes:: The first thing I thought was oh no will they still be able to take trips to Disney with John not making a steady income ! I know Disney isnt the main concern but that is what I thought first :rotfl:
Congrats to Hunter on his license :cool1:

I had no doubt that he'd get the job back if he just got up the nerve to speak up. So far, it's going well but we'll see.

Believe me, the Disney trips were in the back of my mind.....what about our trip?!?!

All caught up on your trip report!

We've never stayed at CBR, but I'd definitely love to give it a try. What's your favorite section?

Sea World looks like a blast!

Yay for getting caught up!

Hum....I gotta pick a favorite village? Oh gosh! We've stayed in Martinique, Aruba, Jamaica and Barbados and I can honestly say that we liked them all. Barbados was a little bit of a longer walk to OPR but it was still nice and secluded.

Congrats to Hunter!! Wow, what a stressful afternoon. On the plus side, though -- John got some things off his chest that needed to be said. Hopefully, the work situation will get better now.

Thanks for the congrats!

John should have said a whole lot more but he didn't want to get too worked up and start spouting off things that would come off as being a whiner.

Sorry to hear about John's issues at work. Sounds like he handled it well and hopefully the boss will get on the stick and do what needs to be done so that everyone is taken care of fairly! You deserved whatever you ate at Coney Island for having a really rough day!

I'll be sure to pass along the congrats to Hunter!

John has never been one to speak up until he gets to the boiling point.

We had really delicious chili cheese dogs and chili cheeseburgers. They were sooooo good!

What a week its been for you :hug: I am sorry for the frustration with John's work and I hope that his boss will stay true to his word and the changes he makes will make your husband's work environment better. Nothing worse than putting incompetent people in charge....and its ALWAYS worse when that person has an ego to go with it :rolleyes2. Happy to hear that everything went well with Hunter at the DMV. I have to tell you that when I was reading your post about your experience with the people at the DMV it sounded a lot like my visits to our local Walmart :rotfl2:

It was a heckofa week and I hope not to repeat it any time soon. The boss's friend thinks he is the stuff and he's not. Being that he's a friend of the boss, it makes it harder for the employees to speak up.

The DMV was waaaaay worse than anything I've seen at Walmart. These people were just plain old gross! :crazy2:
This same type of thing happened with my husband in January, he was just starting his own company and was working for another to supplement until things took off, I understood why he decided to quit, it was a nightmare, but it does weigh heavy on the other person. Hang in there, things always tend to work out.
I don't know if it's so much she's a scary driver as I'm a worrier. Don't drive too fast, watch out for that, don't pull out yet.....:lmao: I'm sure I was the same with her sisters, in fact DSIL took DD21 out on the highway for the first time and had her drive to the next town over (about an hour by highway) and she said DD did fine. I'm sure I would have been like this :scared1: the whole time.
I make the bags in all sizes and colors and would be glad to post more info on them. Let me get my sewing room back in order and I'll post some pics.


Sorry to see you have been stressed and worried about John's job. I know how that goes.And being busy is definitely the trend for everyone right now.
So I completely understand and hope that now things will get better for your DH now that he talked to his boss. And hopefully you can relax and not worry

We have been very busy getting my son ready to go to College! :scared1: :sad: My first one to go! Im excited and nervous and very proud all at the same time!

When things are under control would still really like to see your bags. Whenever you have a chance!! Thanks!!

As I was looking through my pictures, I saw a couple of selfies that Hunter and I took and wasnt going to post the first one of the two below (I look like I have a massive waddle under my chin) until I saw that the guy behind us photobombed us and I had to post it:

**continued in next post

I love the guy behind y'all that looks like he is sleeping..............:lmao:. He must be related to Dale and John :rotfl:.
Gettin’ wild! Ooooh, he’s so gonna bust that glass!

While Mama was busy crossin’ off “see a whale in real life” from her bucket list, I was sittin’ beside her grinnin’ like a possum. Why? ‘Cause I knew something that she didn’t know! I knew something that she didn’t know! Not only had Mama seen the orcas, little did she know that she was going on a wild excursion all in one day.

We let most of the folks in the theater leave before we started our way down.

While we were waiting, I took a look at the park map and set my sights on our next destination. We climbed down the few stairs and then headed over to:

Apparently, quite a few school/youth groups had done the same thing and there was a large group in the line in front of us. The group consisted of a bunch of young boys and they were all over the place. They were climbing and jumping and knocking into one another and all the while, there chaperones were just standing there chit chatting and not doing a thing about their behavior. Now, I am the mother of a boy. I know how they can be but when they are pushing each other and making them fall into other guests, I draw the line. I gave a couple of ‘em the old evil eye and they bunched together a little more but they didn’t stop all the rowdy climbing behavior. Why oh why don’t the chaperones do their job?

Anyway, we waited in the line for the non-moving movie instead of the 3D helicopter ride and as we got into the theater, they made an announcement that the movie wasn’t showing. That’s okay, we weren’t there for the movie, we were there to see something else. Creatures of the arctic!

We made our way down the pathway and followed the signage to the base station:

We rounded the curve and there’s what I was looking for! The beluga whales in all of their glory:

I don’t remember if I had told Mama about the beluga whales being there or not but it was neat to see them there:

**Continued in next post


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