1/13-1/15: Bluezoo, Yachtsman, Tusker House, Rose & Crown Reviews


Disney Bride, Mom to Molly, Moose, and Hannah (all
Mar 9, 2002
We just returned from a long weekend trip at WDW - it was our first trip staying Beach Club concierge, and we probably wouldn't choose that particular location again, for various reasons. We did have several meals, so here go the reviews:

Our first meal was lunch on Saturday at Beaches & Cream. We didn't take pictures here, because we got what we always get here: grilled cheese, fries, and a Coke for me, and a cheeseburger for DH. Actually, on this most recent trip, he had the grilled onions & bacon added to the burger, to make it an ULTIMATE :) We always enjoy the food here. Yes, it's greasy, cafe style food, but it's GOOD greasy, cafe style food.

I like for food to be good in its category; I don't want to expect a fine dining experience & then experience mediocrity. I'd much rather have a good, greasy meal than a mediocre gourmet meal. This will be evident throughout our reviews.

On this trip, we decided to try Bluezoo, since we'd been hearing good things about it. First, the atmosphere was a bit too "funky" for me. There were lots of neat lighting effects, but I'd expected something a bit quieter & romantic, rather than a super-trendy decor.

I don't eat meat, but will eat seafood (I'm a pescatarian). Now, when you enter Bluezoo, there is a display of the "dancing fish," several whole fish, bellies slit open, held together by skewers, twirling around in a display. It is extremely off-putting. If I'm about to eat seafood, I don't want to see entire, slit-open fish twirling around before I place my order. Bleh...

Anyway, we were seated and placed our orders. I decided to order two apps, since I don't have an enormous appetite. My DH chose an appetizer and an entree.

For my first appetizer, I had the yellowfin tuna tartare, twisted cucumber salad, crispy rock shrimp, orange glaze, and scallion cream. The tuna here was great quality. It tasted very fresh, was not fishy at all, and had a good flavor. However, it was far, far too spicy for my liking. There was nothing in the description that would indicate to me that it was a super spicy food: no peppers, wasabi, etc. listed as ingredients. If I'd enjoyed fiery hot food, I would have enjoyed this dish, but I thought there should be something that warned that this particular dish was mega-spicy.

The cucumber in this dish was very nice; its crispness provided an excellent contrast to the softness of the tuna. I also enjoyed the rock shrimp. While it was a bit greasy, the grease helped to absorb some of the heat, so that the bites with shrimp were bearable.


My DH's first dish was the teppan seared jumbo sea scallops with braised beef short rib and silky cauliflower puree. He said these were cooked just perfectly, very flavorful on the outside, raw on the inside. They were served a little too cool, though, and should have been warmer. The braised beef short rib was tasty, but was so fatty and greasy that it was difficult to eat. Sometimes it tasted like eating a big gob of fat. This dish was served with a jus that tasted like the braised oxtail jus at V&A's, and he enjoyed this very much.

My next dish was another appetizer: the Vietnamese crab salad, street vendor style, with melon and mango, aromatic herbs, coconut, and green curry. This was simply awful. Crab meat has such a delicate flavor that it can easily be overwhelmed. In this case, it was paired with a melon/mango mix that tasted like nothing more nor less than a sour pickle relish. It was not designed to bring out the flavor of the crab.

The coconut milk also had a delicate flavor, but the sour relish drowned out every other ingredient. This was a dish that could have been good, but it seemed like the chef tried to throw in a bunch of trendy ingredients rather than worrying about the integrity of those ingredients and how they might pair together/accent each other. I don't like sour pickles, and this dish was too gross for me. I was a bit peeved that the most expensive item on their app menu turned out to be something so overwhelmingly disappointing.

My DH's next dish was the seared nori wrapped tuna, served with Tokyo grits, gingered greens, wasabi avocado paint, and a radish hijiki salad. The tuna was extremely rare, as he likes it, but it was odd, because it was very warm, and he'd expected tuna this rare to be cooler. There were grains of sea salt topping this dish, and they were very good: nice and crunchy, and they added a satisfying contrast to the softness of the tuna.

The tuna itself was okay, not great. The Tokyo grits were very odd. They were like polenta, very fine-grained, but they had a sweetness that tasted like honey. Again, it seemed like the chef did not give much thought to effective pairings. The honey did not work well with the tuna - it brought out a fishy taste that was very unappealing.

The gingered greens tasted like spinach, and they overwhelmed the mild tuna flavor. There was an abundance of the greens, and they made every bite taste like spinach. The more delicate flavors did not stand a chance against these greens. The salt was a nice touch; the rareness was a nice touch, but this did not come together as a dish.


We felt like this restaurant tried too hard to be funky and trendy, and, in doing so, sacrificed the good flavors of their dishes. More thought was given to originality of pairings, rather than the actual effectiveness of these pairings. We were disappointed, because we came expecting a high-quality dining experience, and instead found food that was mediocre at best. The ingredients themselves seemed to be of good quality, but they did not work together as dishes.

We were so disappointed in this place that we decided to skip dessert and head back to the concierge lounge for dessert & cordials there:

Next: Sunshine Food Fair, Yachtsman Steakhouse, Tusker House, and Rose & Crown
We went to the Sunshine Seasons Food Fair, the counter service restaurant inside the Land, on Sunday. We'd been wanting to try this place for a while, so here was our chance.

I ordered the salmon with mashed potatoes & a kalamata olive sauce. This was pretty good, but still not as good as Tusker House salmon. The kalamata olive sauce was nice - I'm not a huge fan of olives, but this wasn't overwhelmingly olive-y.

My DH had the turkey & muenster sandwich on foccacia with a chipotle mayonnaise. It was fine, nothing great or remarkable, but fine for counter service food. He did like the bread.

We also ordered the potato soup. This was creamy and good, a bit salty, but still quite good.

For dinner that night, we went to the Yachtsman Steakhouse. We do mystery shopping, so there are a few things we look for in a well-run restaurant. The staff here was not doing most of these things. We arrived, checked in, and waited almost 25 minutes to be seated. This would not be a big issue, except for the fact that the restaurant was maybe at 70% occupancy. There were many vacant tables, and the delay seemed to be caused by the host staff themselves. We watched as they, very, very slowly looked over their cards, chose a family, picked up the menus, called the family, then walked to the table. It took them on average 6 minutes per family just to seat the diners. They were moving so slowly as to almost be comatose. Unreal...

We both started off with the Seared Maine Diver Scallops with Frisee and Shiitake Mushroom Salad, tossed with warm Smoked Bacon Vinaigrette. For mine, they held the bacon vinaigrette & served tomato vinaigrette on the side.

These were a huge disappointment, only because of the poor quality of the scallops themselves. They were beautifully done: warm on the outside, seared to perfection, rare on the inside. But the scallops were gritty and, even worse, tasted strongly like ammonia. The taste was overwhelmingly pungent, in all four scallops, both of his and both of mine. My DH said that he enjoyed the bacon vinaigrette very much.

My next dish was the lobster bisque. Again, this was disappointing. It seemed they went overboard on the sherry, because it tasted too much like alcohol. Usually, bisques are creamy, with the sherry adding a slight flavor. In this case, though, the sherry was too strong, so the burning of the alcohol impaired my enjoyment of what should have been a delicious, creamy soup.

My DH's next dish was the USDA "Prime" New York Strip Steak served with Peppercorn Brandy Sauce and Potato Gratin. It was cooked to his liking: very, very rare. The outside was crisp, while the inside was soft and rare. The peppercorn sauce was very flavorful, though the flavor of the peppercorns got a bit overpowering as he continued to eat. The butter and brandy cream sauce were both very, very good and he enjoyed this dish very much. It was too much for him, though, so he wasn't able to even try the potato gratin.

For dessert, we opted for the assortment of artisan cheese. The first cheese was a Saint Andre. It was my favorite, very creamy, with a nice flavor. This was paired with an apple and raisin compote that worked amazingly well with the cheese. They complemented each other beautifully - we enjoyed this pairing very much.

Our next cheese was a Humboldt Fog Goat Cheese. This was very mild for a goat cheese, and we also enjoyed it. It was paired with raisins on the vine. I don't like raisins, so didn't eat these, but my DH tried a few.

Next was the Manchego, paired with a honeycomb. The honeycomb was a bit overpowering for the mild flavor of the Manchego, so we ate this cheese plain and saved the honeycomb for the blue cheese.

Our final cheese was the Bel Gioioso Dolce Gorganzola, paired with Amarena cherries. Again, this cheese was quite mild, especially for a blue. It didn't have that pungent, ammonia flavor that some blues have, and I enjoyed this one more than most. The cherries were awesome! They were just delicious, and the sweetness of the cherry sauce went well with this cheese.



After dinner, we again had a few desserts from the concierge lounge.

Next: Tusker House & Rose and Crown
Enjoyed reading your reviews ~ Thanx for sharing.
Sorry that you didn't like Blue Zoo. I think you are officially the 1st negative review here on the DIS! :thumbsup2 We've been several times, and we do enjoy it. Not that it doesn't have the potential to be even better. I can understand you points and I agree. The restaurant is too trendy for it's own good, and the dishes need a little refining, here and there. Overall, it is still a good dinner.

A negative review on BlueZoo - that's a first here. We absolutely love it there. You did review the only appetizer we haven't had yet (the Vietnamese crab salad) I swoon over that Tartare. I messed around with it at home until I nailed the tuna portion. As far as the atmosphere, different strokes for different folks, I guess, because DH & I find it very romantic & uber-sexy.

I really love the thoroughness of your reviews :thumbsup2 Thanks for taking the time to do them.
Indeed, a negative BlueZoo review?? But, it was well written with some good pictures as well. We have dined there at least 5 times now, and have yet to have (overall) a bad meal.
I can't disagree about the 'dancing fish' cooking area comment. When they first go on there, it is not the most appetizing sight. Once they begin to cook (after a few minutes), they do tend to look alot more appealing.
Thank you for taking the time to detail your experience. Opinions will always vary, but you did write a very nicely descriptive review, and explained why you didn't like some dishes.

Keep the reviews coming.
I ate at Blue Zoo for the first time last month, and had the tuna tartare too, and I agree with you, it was pretty spicy. I missed the "dancing fish," but I'm glad I didn't see it, I think they could do without it going by your pic. I liked the lighting and everything, but I wasn't looking for a quiet-romantic restaurant. I also had the scallop appetizer, and loved that as well - better then the tuna. I did have dessert at Blue Zoo, and that was really good, but your dessert at concierage looks just as good. :goodvibes
For our last day, we again grabbed a light breakfast in the concierge lounge. We go to Tusker House around 11:15 for lunch. This is my favorite counter service restaurant, and I am getting nervous after hearing all the rumors of its impending destruction. That salmon is top-notch counter service quality food.

My DH ordered the chicken sandwich & fries that he always gets, but he did not take a picture of it. I ordered my traditional salmon, but decided to change things up a bit by substituting fries for the rice. The salmon was much smaller than it usually is, and it only had a few tiny tomato pieces on top, instead of the usual quantity. But that's the way the counter service cookie crumbles: there's not much attention to the individual platters, so the quality & quantity can vary widely from trip to trip. I enjoyed it anyway, and the fries were a nice, greasy replacement for the rice :)

For dinner, we went to Rose & Crown, but we, again, did not take pictures. We were kind of fooded-out by this point, and I was so disgusted with the past 2 dinners that I didn't want to give much more of my money to WDW. We got a nice seat on the patio, though it was early, so we weren't there for Illuminations. I'm going to shock everyone here once again by telling you that neither of us is a big Illuminations fans. We're Wishes backers :)

Anyway, we started out with the fruit & cheese platter. This was disappointing on many levels. The fruit was nice: very fresh, and the crisp apple slices & strawberry slices were delicious. The cheeses were the reason for my disappointment, though. We are huge cheese fans, and gobbled down the Yachtsman Steakhouse platter with evident satisfaction. This platter was almost a joke. The waitress pointed at a hard, cold biscuit, and said, "This is cheddar." Um, no, it's actually a BISCUIT. Possibly a cheddar-flavored biscuit, but it was so hard and cold that it was difficult to taste anything but the mealiness of the crumbs.

The sage derby was fine, as was the 5 counties cheese. Our favorite was the Stilton. It was served warm, inside puff pastry, but there was only a little dab of cheese in the middle of the pastry triangle. We liked this cheese, so wished there had been more. We both felt like they were trying to give us lots of bread "fillers" rather than actual cheese.

We then moved on to soups for our entrees. My DH had the lamb & barley soup, which he reported was as creamy & delicious as always. I had the potato leek soup, which was also creamy and delicious. It was a tad too salty, but was still very good.

For dessert, we had the Sticky Toffee pudding. This was fine, but, honestly, I preferred the concierge desserts! They make a mean lemon icebox pie :)

At this point, we were exhausted and ready to get home to our pup, so we left WDW and drove back home.
Thankyou for your well written thoughtful reviews. I too liked Bluezoo but I can definately see what you are saying, would be very interested to read your review of beach Club on the resorts board if you choose to post one, I am considering staying there and i know you would give an honest opinion;)
I have to confess, we did BlueZoo for our Thanksgiving meal and it was VERY poor. I was afraid to post since there are so many who love it. The dancing Fish did not inpress my DDs. The scallop was "average". My DD "Shrimp balls" were way to Spicy and i love spice. It was all heat and no flavor. My DH's simply fish was close to inedible it was so FISHY and REEKED! However my sea bass was perfect. It was a very inconsistent meal.
It's interesting to me that most of the replies are about the Bluezoo review :) We just weren't fans at all. We don't care if a place has "upscale" or "gourmet" food - we just want it to be good in the category that it's striving for. I'd rather go to Beaches & Cream and get good, greasy diner food than go to Bluezoo or Yachtsman Steakhouse and get blah gourmet food. None of the Bluezoo dishes were offensive, except for the crab salad, but my DH is big into cooking, and I come from a family that works in the food service field, so we both felt that each dish could have been much better crafted.

We thought that Bluezoo was more flash than substance - we've been far more impressed by other on-property restaurants like California Grill and, to a lesser extent, Flying Fish. Yes, I could see that it was uber-trendy, but no, I don't care about that. I'd much rather see a restaurant focus on its food than its decor. As several people said, different strokes for different folks - for some people, the decor is an integral part of a dining experience. I'm just as happy in the kitchen at V&A's as in the main dining room, because I'm only there for the food. Now doesn't that sound piggy?

Oh, and I will be posting a review of the Beach Club on the Resorts Board, for anyone interested in that.

Heather W
I look forward to your reviews because they're so well written and balanced - I always come away with something to think about. The pictures are always good, too! :thumbsup2

We're supposed to try BlueZoo in May, so I especially appreciate your candor about your experience there.

Thanks for taking the time to share this with all of us. :goodvibes

BTW - I was really disappointed in the cheese plate at R&C, too. That cheddar biscuit thing was awful.
It's interesting to me that most of the replies are about the Bluezoo review :) We just weren't fans at all. We don't care if a place has "upscale" or "gourmet" food - we just want it to be good in the category that it's striving for. I'd rather go to Beaches & Cream and get good, greasy diner food than go to Bluezoo or Yachtsman Steakhouse and get blah gourmet food. None of the Bluezoo dishes were offensive, except for the crab salad, but my DH is big into cooking, and I come from a family that works in the food service field, so we both felt that each dish could have been much better crafted.

We thought that Bluezoo was more flash than substance - we've been far more impressed by other on-property restaurants like California Grill and, to a lesser extent, Flying Fish. Yes, I could see that it was uber-trendy, but no, I don't care about that. I'd much rather see a restaurant focus on its food than its decor. As several people said, different strokes for different folks - for some people, the decor is an integral part of a dining experience. I'm just as happy in the kitchen at V&A's as in the main dining room, because I'm only there for the food. Now doesn't that sound piggy?

Oh, and I will be posting a review of the Beach Club on the Resorts Board, for anyone interested in that.

Heather W

ITA that restaurant's focus should be on it's food, whatever catagory that's in. I worked in the business for years (I did my apprenticeship in a 4 Diamond Classical French Cuisine restaurant) & my focus is all about the food. A nice atmosphere is a bonus. With the exception of one meal at BlueZoo, I found it consistently well concieved, prepared, & presented..

I really appreciate your reviews, even tho we have a different opinion / experience with BlueZoo. I find the thoroughness & unbiased approach very refreshing & very useful in getting a clear picture of places we haven't tried yet.
Great review and photos! The Bluezoo food looks great but from what you've described I don't think we'd like it...DH isn't into trendy foods at all.

Your concierge lounge desserts look fab though :)
Thanks for your great reviews. I still have yet to go to Blue Zoo; I've read many reviews on here but never heard about the dancing fish. I wouldn't have liked that at all. I agree with you about Yachtsman. I thought it was not well-run. When we ate there, we had problems with the staff and seating. Also, they forgot to bring out the cake for DH's birthday (that I ordered ahead of time and YC concierge said they would take care of) and I had to track down the manager to resolve it. My surprise was ruined. I was disappointed with the restaurant. I would also like to read your review of BC.
Enjoyed your reviews! Thanks for taking the time to be specific about all the food and service. It's very interesting to read about other people's experiences.


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