guest relations

  1. S

    Picking up Disney Visa Redemption card in patk.

    Ok so I ordered my card a month and a half ago. I kept calling to check and Chase kept telling me to wait. Well we are leaving Friday and still no redemption card. I was told I could pick one up at guest relations in the park. We will be at AK the first day (going with a school trip so no...
  2. P

    I need help please

    I have waited almost 9 hours between two desperate attempts to register for dad my trip is in less than a week and when I’ve called sobbing and asking for help because it seems unreasonable to ask a guest to be on hold by their computer almost 9 hours they said they couldn’t do anything. I can...
  3. A

    MDE and ticket HELP!!!!!!!

    Hi I have an interesting and difficult question to explain.😊 My husband and I bought tickets in 2003 and they were unexpiring tickets. We have wanted to save those for a big trip when our kids are older. However my husband has gotten free tickets through his work and our plan is in March to...

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