The Widow and the Spinster: The Search for Adventure, Enlightenment, and the Quest for Forbidden food - Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, and New TR Link! 5/23

Oh yes, we do that every morning... :rolleyes1
I knew it!!!
Yes! I thought I was crazy when you asked me that, but then Allyson did too. It might not be common in Canada, but here's a bit about it.
Huh. Never heard of that. Then again, I make scratch waffles, not mix. Although I haven’t done that either in a long time.
No, I'm not familiar, and that's India where cows are sacred. They eat them all the time in Egypt.
D’oh! <face palm>.
Laughing Cow! Glad they threw in some Disney for you two!
I’m not the only one who made the connection. :)
I think they feel liable for their passengers and don't want them to go wandering off without guides.
Thought it might be that.
Yeah, there was A LOT of walking involved here.
How’d you hold up with all the walking?
Yeah, she was lucky I was nice and only gave her stink eye.
Note to self. Don’t tick off Alison on a bad day.
The other mummies we saw were very similar in size. I think it was just people were smaller then
Thanks. Was wondering.
Wow nice shot! It doesn't even look like people are there!
I think because it was a time exposure shot, the people were moving so the camera probably blocked them out.
As in they were all on one ship, and you on another, or did you have to stop a few ships?
Yes, I believe they were all on the same ship. They were only two different parties.
One of the reasons I really like you hehe 🍸🍾🍷👌priorities straight
No judging on the consumption from you
Hey and we only drank one bottle of wine between two of us not a lot at all!
Like dude, we are drinking this whole bottle and we want air!
I don't think they understood a lot of the finer points of wine.
Awww a "Fran" section! 💓
Again Egypt coming in hot with the bread selection!
Yeah, they really gave us a nice selection, but it was lost on us, we usually had one slice if that.
Assuming it was sweet?
I don't know. I don't think either of us ate it.
That does NOT look like yummy yummy tenderloin!
No, and it was tough.
Well I guess they tried 🤷‍♀️ would be a bit odd.
They did a lot of "trying"
So just like not sweet or ?
Yes, just sweet and cakey.
Laughing Cow! Glad they threw in some Disney for you two!
I thought it was funny!
I don't mind chicken if they have some seasoning, but beef are generally dry and bland IMO
They were generally bland. I stopped trying them because they had almost no sign of spices.
Kinda like my coffee and D's coffee :laughing::laughing:
I don't think I ever got to taste yours.
Yum! Inlaw's had a Turkish tea/coffee set and BIL used to bring home the coffee and make it for us, hair on chest indeed!!
Different sort of traffic than you are used to!
Yeah, just slightly.
Thank goodness, that's a long way!
Yeah, and there was enough walking involved with the length of the tombs and our next stop.
I've noticed this before as well...
Not trying to group people, but......
Was it kinda moving?
Oh yeah, it moved. Not really fast, but we didn't stand in one place for too long. More like the lightning lanes at Disney and not the Standby lines.
party on the boats indeed!
that girl needs some cheeseburgers...
Nice, I'm glad there was a decent person to balance off the not so niceness
Yeah, I bet she's got him hen pecked at home.
That Jill! Clever gal!
Ummm there was loads! I'm glad you paid the extra fee too!

Yeah, we didn't necessarily value his opinion as much after that.
Huh. Never heard of that. Then again, I make scratch waffles, not mix. Although I haven’t done that either in a long time.

You can also make them from scratch. I sent this recipe to Allyson when she texted me questioning the concept of malted waffles.

D’oh! <face palm>.
I’m not the only one who made the connection. :)

I didn't realize that those cheese squares (triangles) were Laughing Cow. :laughing:

How’d you hold up with all the walking?

I was dying! :lmao: Haven't you caught all the references about me hping to bed by 8PM? And how I'm asleep before my head hits the pillow? :laughing:

Note to self. Don’t tick off Alison on a bad day.

No. Not me. I'm the nice one. :flower3: Don't do it to someone who is not as nice as me.
You can also make them from scratch. I sent this recipe to Allyson when she texted me questioning the concept of malted waffles.
Thanks for the recipe, but...

There is no way in H E C K, I'm paying $30 for some powdered milk!!!


I'll check the store, next time I go, but... :scared:
I was dying! :lmao: Haven't you caught all the references about me hping to bed by 8PM? And how I'm asleep before my head hits the pillow? :laughing:
I just attributed that to regular touring exhaustion... But... okay!
No. Not me. I'm the nice one. :flower3: Don't do it to someone who is not as nice as me.
Sound advice that I shall attempt to heed.

Except for that guy on the highway the other day...
Thanks for the recipe, but...

There is no way in H E C K, I'm paying $30 for some powdered milk!!!


I'll check the store, next time I go, but... :scared:

That's insane! I checked my Amazon and I could get a 40oz container for less than $15US. I could get 3 containers that size for $28.99US.

I wonder if there is a Canadian company that makes it fir less money. :confused3

I just attributed that to regular touring exhaustion... But... okay!

I kept saying to Jill. "I'm wiped out every day and I walked for 20 minutes plus or a mile 5 days a week. Can you imagine if I hadn't walked any?"

Sound advice that I shall attempt to heed.

Except for that guy on the highway the other day...

We had just visited King Tut's tomb and stopped at the concession stand where we bought some cold water, a coke, and waited for the rest of the group. Here's where things started to go a bit more off the rails. Evidently while we were visiting the tombs on our own, the little girl in our newly formed party had been in a different kind of chamber. The Aussies decided to walk back to the Entrance/exit location instead of taking the golf cart, and George, the friend, rode on the cart with us and the guide. George was chaperoning the little boy while Mom and Dad were tending to the little girl. Once we unloaded from the cart, we stepped into the shade. Soon Mom, Dad and the ailing girl were on another cart shortly thereafter.

As we headed in the van to our next destination, I believe this is the home where Howard Carter lived when they were clearing King Tut’s Tomb.


Then we stopped at some kind of factory where they made alabaster sculptures. Jill took this picture to see if Jenny wanted us to buy this for her. She didn’t.


I didn’t end up getting anything, but Jill purchased this little pot.


We got back into the van and headed over to Hatchepsut's Temple. We had to pass through yet another Bazaar to get to the ticket counter. This model was in the lobby.


We passed through the bag check and the metal detectors and boarded another golf cart.


The cart took us quite a ways, and we were thankful not to walk that far. Jill took the front seat next to the driver and almost immediately he gave her the wheel of the cart. He took her cellphone and started taking pictures of her driving the cart.


And here’s our crew…..


When he took back the wheel, she knew he would want baksheesh for that little stunt and she got out a 10 pound note and gave it to him. Evidently he thought that little stunt deserved 100 pounds, but she was like, "No." I'm not exactly sure how she resolved it, but he did take us all the way to the drop off point and Jill escaped the cart unscathed so :confused3

She said she's never sitting in the front seat of a golf cart in Egypt again. Luckily she didn't have to make that choice again.

I don’t know whose tomb this is, perhaps the builder of the Temple, it was off to the right side and wasn’t something you could go visit. But our guide pointed it out and both Jill and I took pictures of it.


The sun was blazing hot by this time, even though it was only around 10AM, there was basically no shade. We still had a ways to walk before we actually got to the Temple.


Well, better get going….


A little over halfway there….


We made it to the second platform, and there was absolutely no shade whatsoever. Fayed talked about the temple. He said some things about which gods were depicted on the walls. I believe that on the right side Anubis and Ra were both depicted (I found pictures of them coming up). And the left side of the temple was dedicated to Hathor.


It was super blazing hot, We had already walked up the first set of steps to the second level. The guide said that the only reason to go to the third level was to get a better view of the Valley. Jill and I decided that we had a perfectly good view from this level and didn't need to climb any more steps.


To make matters worse the little five year old had left her little Nile Crocodile on the ship. She was not pleased and made sure EVERYONE at the temple knew it while Fayed was trying to tell us about the temple. Now I really did feel for the little girl. It's tough being five, being out in the hot sun, with a bunch of people you don't know, listening to an old man speaking a foreign language about stuff you don't give a rats *** about. Plus, you don't have your new favorite Nile Crocodile. That's enough to put any five-year old over the edge. But again, why we signed up for private guides.

Mom took the girl away from the group so that we could hear the tour guide talk about the features of the Temple.

Here is the part of the Temple dedicated to Horus, Anubis and Ra.





Jill wanted to head back to the van, but I wanted to see the part of the temple dedicated to Hathor. I think she waited at this statue while I took a look-see.


OK, been there, done that, seen it, got the postcard, I’m good. Let’s go back to the Air Conditioned Van.


Then we went back down the steps and took a golf cart back to the entrance to the bazaar. I’m not sure if I have shown a picture of what the bazaars in the Luxor area looked like, but this is the entrance (as we were leaving).


We waited for a bit at the end of the bazaar, but it turns out that Fayed was sitting in the air-conditioned van and not waiting at the end of the market where he told us to meet him. Luckily one of the Aussies went on a look around and found him. The aussie lady said she would wait at the end to let the Croatian crew know where the rest of us were.

Soon they were all back in the van. The little girl had now been placated with a stuffed camel. Similar to the ones Jill had bought the morning before at the Luxor Hilton.

On the way back to the boat we stopped at one more set of statues. I snapped these shots of the Ramnessium on the way to the other statues.





Jill and I hopped out of the van, took a few quick pics and were back before anyone else.


And here we are crossing the Nile back to the East Bank. I think our ship is one of those docked here, not sure which one.


We got dropped off first, as our ship was closest to the bridge back from the West Bank. While we were touring, the guide had given Jill the tickets for both the Temples we would be viewing the next day. Fayed would be meeting the other folks the next day and their boat had a slightly different schedule than ours so our tours would not overlap. Instead we would have a different guide for the day who would meet us at 9AM the next morning.
I'm interested to hear if you end up complaining about your lack of private guides after the tour!
I had something similar happen once and the tour company didn't care at all. They seem to have a different definition of "private" than us.
We made it to the second platform, and there was absolutely no shade whatsoever. Fayed talked about the temple. He said some things about which gods were depicted on the walls. I believe that on the right side Anubis and Ra were both depicted (I found pictures of them coming up). And the left side of the temple was dedicated to Hathor.
I haven't commented on your trip yet but I have been reading and following along. You certainly have made a lot of memories here.
This part of your tour reminds me so much of the TV Show Stargate SG-1 as all of these gods have been portrayed in the show so I have heard of them all.
Many many many years ago a tour of Tutankhamun came to Toronto and my friend and I visited the exhibition. Very interesting stuff.
That's insane! I checked my Amazon and I could get a 40oz container for less than $15US. I could get 3 containers that size for $28.99US.

I wonder if there is a Canadian company that makes it fir less money. :confused3
I haven't checked yet. I would think that it it's available, it would be (much) less? But...
I kept saying to Jill. "I'm wiped out every day and I walked for 20 minutes plus or a mile 5 days a week. Can you imagine if I hadn't walked any?"
Good thing you did!
Here's where things started to go a bit more off the rails. Evidently while we were visiting the tombs on our own, the little girl in our newly formed party had been in a different kind of chamber. The Aussies decided to walk back to the Entrance/exit location instead of taking the golf cart, and George, the friend, rode on the cart with us and the guide. George was chaperoning the little boy while Mom and Dad were tending to the little girl. Once we unloaded from the cart, we stepped into the shade. Soon Mom, Dad and the ailing girl were on another cart shortly thereafter.
Not sure what went off the rails? Or are you talking about how she was upset later and this was a precursor?
I believe this is the home where Howard Carter lived when they were clearing King Tut’s Tomb.
Jill took this picture to see if Jenny wanted us to buy this for her. She didn’t.
You'd think that'd make her happy to have that.


but Jill purchased this little pot.
You can't take pot over the border though, even if it's legal in the State you're in.
Jill took the front seat next to the driver and almost immediately he gave her the wheel of the cart. He took her cellphone and started taking pictures of her driving the cart.
:laughing: Great picture of Jill, though!
When he took back the wheel, she knew he would want baksheesh for that little stunt and she got out a 10 pound note and gave it to him. Evidently he thought that little stunt deserved 100 pounds, but she was like, "No." I'm not exactly sure how she resolved it, but he did take us all the way to the drop off point and Jill escaped the cart unscathed so :confused3
Did he actually ask for more? Or just look disgruntled.
I don’t know whose tomb this is
A dead person's.

You're welcome.
The sun was blazing hot by this time, even though it was only around 10AM, there was basically no shade.
Jill and I decided that we had a perfectly good view from this level and didn't need to climb any more steps.
Yeah... there's some sand...
To make matters worse the little five year old had left her little Nile Crocodile on the ship. She was not pleased and made sure EVERYONE at the temple knew it while Fayed was trying to tell us about the temple.
Oh dear.
Being a parent, I get it, but... private tour, you say?
But again, why we signed up for private guides.
OK, been there, done that, seen it, got the postcard, I’m good. Let’s go back to the Air Conditioned Van.
Your enthusiasm is incredible!

I’m not sure if I have shown a picture of what the bazaars in the Luxor area looked like, but this is the entrance (as we were leaving).
I think that looks interesting. I guess after a while, they all blend together (and I presume all the sell similar... stuff). And yet... I'd explore one... and after I'd sated my curiosity (and been disappointed, I'm sure), I'd be good.
We waited for a bit at the end of the bazaar, but it turns out that Fayed was sitting in the air-conditioned van and not waiting at the end of the market where he told us to meet him.
Maybe you haven't been tipping enough for him to wait in the sun...
The little girl had now been placated with a stuffed camel.
When in doubt... toys.

Heck, that works for me (and most men) too. Just the toys are a bit more expensive.
Instead we would have a different guide for the day who would meet us at 9AM the next morning.
Hopefully in private...
I'm interested to hear if you end up complaining about your lack of private guides after the tour!

I know that we did mention it, but there wasn't anything to be done about it.

I had something similar happen once and the tour company didn't care at all. They seem to have a different definition of "private" than us.

We had our private guide for the entire time in Jordan, and in Cairo, Ahmed was all ours. I'm not sure that I would have wanted Fayed devoting himself to just the two of us.
I haven't commented on your trip yet but I have been reading and following along. You certainly have made a lot of memories here.
We sure did!
This part of your tour reminds me so much of the TV Show Stargate SG-1 as all of these gods have been portrayed in the show so I have heard of them all.
I watched that show. I don't remember the gods being portrayed, but I certainly remember the Stargate.
Many many many years ago a tour of Tutankhamun came to Toronto and my friend and I visited the exhibition. Very interesting stuff.
That was probably the exhibit when I was a young girl and tickets were super hard to come by. I was furious that my mom wasn't taking me to see it, but evidently she had to jump through a lot of hoops just to get two for her and my Dad.
Our driver was speeding his way to our destination when we heard a call from the back of the van. "Does anyone have a plastic bag?" Evidently the five year old girl was having a situation. One was procured from the front of the car and passed back. "Can the driver slow down a little bit? I think that's what's making her ill." Now I don't want to downplay this little girl's sickness. I'm sure it was real and it was bad. But this is exactly why we booked Private tours and not a group.
Little did I know but this experience prepped me for something later in the trip....foreshadowing!
Fayed took us to a shaded area and explained some things about the tombs, and the wall paintings/carvings. He mentioned that the sun god RA was present at the opening of the tombs which seemed to be the case in the two we visited. And some other stuff I promptly forgot. Did I mention that it was already blazing hot?

harrison ford GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre

Then Jill got a brilliant idea! She gave the attendant some baksheesh, I think it was only 10LE (about 30 cents USD) and he took some pictures with her phone. This is my picture of him taking the pictures for her.

Best use of baksheesh of the trip! Tut's mummy is too fragile to move so they had to leave him in the tomb. The guard was making bank taking pics for people....good work if you can get it!
Look at the excitement on Jill’s face after having viewed King Tut’s mummy!

Lifelong dream and on Halloween! Notice my Bacon shirt...I was trying to summon pork products! :)
Once we finished with King Tut, we were fine with that. We really didn't need to see the one last tomb that was included in our admission. Had it just been the two of us, we might have done it, or maybe not. We had seen what Jill really came here to see, and I was happy as well.

Our guide had told us the day before that there really wasn't much to see inside the tomb, but we both felt differently. We were really glad to have paid the extra fee and got to see the tomb and the mummy. After all he was the only mummy of whom we were able to take pictures!
He was really trying to talk us out of it but I thought it was a highlight of the trip especially after seeing the treasures from the tomb. It gave a lot of context to the tomb discovery and the mystery behind Tut's death and rather "plain" tomb compared to other pharaohs.
Then we stopped at some kind of factory where they made alabaster sculptures. Jill took this picture to see if Jenny wanted us to buy this for her. She didn’t.

I think his leg broke off and they reattached it in the wrong place. :rolleyes1
When he took back the wheel, she knew he would want baksheesh for that little stunt and she got out a 10 pound note and gave it to him. Evidently he thought that little stunt deserved 100 pounds, but she was like, "No." I'm not exactly sure how she resolved it, but he did take us all the way to the drop off point and Jill escaped the cart unscathed so :confused3
It was a total shakedown but I held firm. I was not happy.
To make matters worse the little five year old had left her little Nile Crocodile on the ship. She was not pleased and made sure EVERYONE at the temple knew it while Fayed was trying to tell us about the temple. Now I really did feel for the little girl. It's tough being five, being out in the hot sun, with a bunch of people you don't know, listening to an old man speaking a foreign language about stuff you don't give a rats *** about. Plus, you don't have your new favorite Nile Crocodile. That's enough to put any five-year old over the edge. But again, why we signed up for private guides.
Yeah, she was not happy at all. I didn't blame her but I had signed up for a no kids experience.
We got dropped off first, as our ship was closest to the bridge back from the West Bank. While we were touring, the guide had given Jill the tickets for both the Temples we would be viewing the next day. Fayed would be meeting the other folks the next day and their boat had a slightly different schedule than ours so our tours would not overlap. Instead we would have a different guide for the day who would meet us at 9AM the next morning.
Oh Fayed the next day.

Jill in CO
Little did I know but this experience prepped me for something later in the trip....foreshadowing!
Tut's mummy is too fragile to move so they had to leave him in the tomb.
Huh! I wondered.
Notice my Bacon shirt...I was trying to summon pork products! :)
:laughing: I did not notice!
I think his leg broke off and they reattached it in the wrong place. :rolleyes1
So that’s what that is! Silly me. I thought it was a tripod.
I haven't checked yet. I would think that it it's available, it would be (much) less? But...
Well, let me know when you do! And this was from our hotel stay this weekend. Make it yourself waffles. I took this picture just for you and Allyson.


Good thing you did!
Not sure what went off the rails? Or are you talking about how she was upset later and this was a precursor?
Well every since she puked in the bathroom, she was unhappy and let the rest of us know.
You can't take pot over the border though, even if it's legal in the State you're in.
They didn't catch her!
:laughing: Great picture of Jill, though!
Did he actually ask for more? Or just look disgruntled.
I believe he told her that he wanted 100 LE.
A dead person's.

You're welcome.
Yeah... there's some sand...
And agriculture
Oh dear.
Being a parent, I get it, but... private tour, you say?
Well, even if we HAD been on a private tour, we still would have heard her. She was screaming loud enough that everyone at the entire Historical site could hear her LOUD AND CLEAR.
Your enthusiasm is incredible!

So was the heat! 🥵
I think that looks interesting. I guess after a while, they all blend together (and I presume all the sell similar... stuff). And yet... I'd explore one... and after I'd sated my curiosity (and been disappointed, I'm sure), I'd be good.
Yes, you would explore one, and when the guy hounded you all the way back to your vehicle trying to get you to buy the thing that you expressed the tiniest amount of interest in, you would ignore the others.
Maybe you haven't been tipping enough for him to wait in the sun...
It was understood that guides that span multiple days get tipped at the end of their service.
When in doubt... toys.

Heck, that works for me (and most men) too. Just the toys are a bit more expensive.
Yeah, I'm just not sure you would have found anything to satisfy that at the bazaar where it was all cheap T-shirts, guide books, and other trinkets that were produced in sweat shops.
Hopefully in private...

Well we do luck out on the next day, but that's still quite a few updates away.
Little did I know but this experience prepped me for something later in the trip....foreshadowing!
I was going to say "whaaaat" :confused3 And then I was like, "Oh. Yeah." :rolleyes1
Best use of baksheesh of the trip! Tut's mummy is too fragile to move so they had to leave him in the tomb. The guard was making bank taking pics for people....good work if you can get it!
I bet he was making out like a bandit!
Lifelong dream and on Halloween! Notice my Bacon shirt...I was trying to summon pork products! :)
He was really trying to talk us out of it but I thought it was a highlight of the trip especially after seeing the treasures from the tomb. It gave a lot of context to the tomb discovery and the mystery behind Tut's death and rather "plain" tomb compared to other pharaohs.
I was so glad we did this. It was one of the highlights. I can't believe that he tried to talk us out of it. Really lame.
I think his leg broke off and they reattached it in the wrong place. :rolleyes1
It was a total shakedown but I held firm. I was not happy.
Good for you!
Yeah, she was not happy at all. I didn't blame her but I had signed up for a no kids experience.
Exactly. Had she not been in our van, we would have just been complaining about "that kid at the monument" not "that kid on our tour".
Oh Fayed the next day.
It was around 11AM when they dropped us off. The boat was scheduled to set sail for Edfu via Esna. We would begin sailing around 11:30 and continue until we reached the locks just north of Esna. Once we passed through the locks, we would dock overnight in Esna.

Lunch was at 1:30PM so we had some time to kill. We went back to the room to find these blanket animals.


The internet was really spotty and I was able to do a little work on the trip report and post an update, but I wasn't able to actually upload any photos or anything. Once we starting sailing the internet kept getting worse and worse.

Before going down to lunch we had talked about how sore our feet were and that we wouldn't mind taking advantage of the spa on board. The prices weren't too bad ($100US for a full body 1 hour massage). Before we went to lunch and we ended up scheduling massages for each of us. I would go at 2:30PM and Jill would be at 5PM. We wanted to make sure we were able to be up on the top deck when we went through the locks and we hoped that these times wouldn't conflict.

Lunch seems to be the best meal around here. As I was proofing this post, I realized that they posted the wrong menu for today when I took my picture. They posted the menu for Thursday instead of Tuesday, so I have no copy of the menu to show you. 😭

The clear soups are one of the best things that they have to offer. Today was a vermicelli soup. Since we didn't have any more touring today, I decided to have a glass of wine with lunch. I had completely missed where it said on the beverage menu that you could order wine by the glass until now.


When I finished my soup, the server came by to take the plate and said "Bon Apetit." And I thought, in my best Inigo Montoya voice "You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It means."

The dining room was at river level, we got underway during lunch. A little later than expected.


I also had some salad, a baked potato, a little turkey, some lasagna, and a bit of beef Stroganoff over rice. I also tried a couple of deserts that weren't bad. We got a few more "Bon Apetits" as our plates were removed.



Then I headed into my massage. While I was in my massage, Jill took these pictures out our window.









She did a great job and really soothed my aching feet. After the massage was over I checked with the reception desk as to what time they expected to reach the locks. He said 6:30, so that would give Jill time after her massage to get up top and see it.

Jill was in the room when I got back. We heard voices outside and went to the window. These guys had basically attached themselves to our ship. We called them pirates for lack of a better word, but actually they were trying to sell stuff to the people on board.






This is familiar scenery that we saw out our window for the few days when were on the cruise. The lush valley near the river, and the desert mountains beyond.




We sat around until 4:30, when they started serving afternoon tea up on the top deck.


Did I mention that these ships were not at all environmentally friendly? If we do a return trip to Egypt, I’m not sure how onboard I will be with taking another cruise if this pollution issue has not been adressed.


Jill had tea and cookies, but I noticed that there were wine glasses, so I chose a glass of white wine. The cookies were decent, but the flies were a nuisance. I won't miss those at home.



I took some pictures of the sunset before heading back to the room. Jill headed off to her massage.







After that I went back to the room. I looked out to see that there were more “pirates”. :laughing:


I was working on resizing pictures for the TR (about the only thing I could do without the internet) when I felt the ship's engines come to a full stop. Something was happening. I went up to the top deck and I could see that we were in view of the locks, but there were at least three or more ships ahead of us. It was just about 6PM and Jill should be finishing up her massage. I went down three flights and caught her as she was coming up from the lowest deck where the spa and dining room were located.

Up Next: Lock Like an Egyptian
Well, let me know when you do! And this was from our hotel stay this weekend. Make it yourself waffles. I took this picture just for you and Allyson
I’ve never seen that. Then again, I never do hotel waffles.
Well ever since she puked in the bathroom, she was unhappy and let the rest of us know.
They didn't catch her!
Clever Jill!
I believe he told her that he wanted 100 LE.
And agriculture
Well, even if we HAD been on a private tour, we still would have heard her. She was screaming loud enough that everyone at the entire Historical site could hear her LOUD AND CLEAR.
Yes, you would explore one, and when the guy hounded you all the way back to your vehicle trying to get you to buy the thing that you expressed the tiniest amount of interest in, you would ignore the others.
Good point.
I discouraged her from wearing controversial shirts. If you notice all my shirts are completely plain. Devoid of any patterns or slogans. :laughing:
Probably the safest path
The boat was scheduled to set sail for Edfu via Esna.
Places I’ve never heard of.

I like that. :)
We went back to the room to find these blanket animals.
Those are great!
We wanted to make sure we were able to be up on the top deck when we went through the locks
I would too.
I had completely missed where it said on the beverage menu that you could order wine by the glass until now.
I’m sure you made up for your oversight. ;)
When I finished my soup, the server came by to take the plate and said "Bon Apetit."
There it is!

Good thing you didn’t make that a drinking game.
And I thought, in my best Inigo Montoya voice "You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It means."
We got a few more "Bon Apetits" as our plates were removed.
Jill took these pictures out our window.
Did they say if the river was high? It looks like it.
She did a great job and really soothed my aching feet.
Good. Was worried that the service might not have been good.
they were trying to sell stuff to the people on board.
But of course.
That’s interesting. Did they simply wait their turn and pull themselves up to the ship by rope when the previous one was done?
This is familiar scenery that we saw out our window for the few days when were on the cruise. The lush valley near the river, and the desert mountains beyond.
So out of the norm for what I’m used to.
Did I mention that these ships were not at all environmentally friendly? If we do a return trip to Egypt, I’m not sure how onboard I will be with taking another cruise if this pollution issue has not been adressed.
Lots of exhaust. Gas powered? Or coal???
Errr 😯😹
Evidently he thought that little stunt deserved 100 pounds
to drive his **** around?!
We made it to the second platform, and there was absolutely no shade whatsoever
looks like no one brings umbrellas for shade there hey?
Now I really did feel for the little girl. It's tough being five, being out in the hot sun, with a bunch of people you don't know, listening to an old man speaking a foreign language about stuff you don't give a rats *** about. Plus, you don't have your new favorite Nile Crocodile. That's enough to put any five-year old over the edge.
Totally, I'm sure M would be the same way
And here we are crossing the Nile back to the East Bank. I think our ship is one of those docked here, not sure which one.

Look at them stacked there!
Looks smoggy also, did you notice the smog?
Little did I know but this experience prepped me for something later in the trip....foreshadowing!
Well, let me know when you do! And this was from our hotel stay this weekend. Make it yourself waffles. I took this picture just for you and Allyson.

ok now I want to stay in a hotel with the waffle batter things so I can see if they say "malted" here and I've never noticed!

And I thought, in my best Inigo Montoya voice "You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It means."
:laughing: totally!

if this pollution issue has not been adressed.

yikes! I noticed it in the other picture, but wow this really shows it!

were the breads dry? they look like they could be
cute set ups!

did you hit the hot tubs? I don't think I've missed you in them
I looked out to see that there were more “pirates”. :laughing:

So did you see anyone buying anything?


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