VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

I found out what it is. I am home with Covid. DH and I caught it on DCL cruise. Tested + on Tuesday, came home from cruise on Monday. DH same as me.
Bobbi I hope you both feel better soon!
No worries
You just asked a question, I embellished upon it and added way more than my 2 cents worth😂
You just gave us a dimes worth lol
You folks are too kind
I appreciate your words and being understanding of the passion
No matter, I will still try to curb my passion from getting out of hand. The last thing I want to do is give fuel to the fire to allow this thread to turn into just another thread of negativity.

On a sad but happy at the same time note, I got an email yesterday from Legacy.com about Stanley Moore, AKA our beloved Ranger Stan who holds a high place among the groupies. He passed away in 2011, exactly 11 years ago July 26. Many of our Groupies posted notes 11 years ago on the site. Hopefully the link below will open up correctly to share his obituary along with many kind words spoken about him. A few names you may recognize along with CMs who worked with him. I sure miss him but my thoughts turn fondly to the good times and conversations I had with him
Ranger Stan
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You folks are too kind
I appreciate your words and being understanding of the passion
No matter, I will still try to curb my passion from getting out of hand. The last thing I want to do is give fuel to the fire to allow this thread to turn into just in other thread of negativity.

On a sad but happy at the same time note, I got an email yesterday from Legacy.com about Stanley Moore, AKA our beloved Ranger Stan who holds a high place among the groupies. He passed away in 2011, exactly 11 years ago July 26. Many of our Groupies posted notes 11 years ago on the site. Hopefully the link below will open up correctly to share his obituary along with many kind words spoken about him. A few names you may recognize along with CMs who worked with him. I sure miss him but my thoughts turn fondly to the good times and conversations I had with him
Ranger Stan
Wow I can't believe it has been 11 years. I feel I got to know him from just hearing everyone's stories about him on here. I wish I had known him better. Rest in Peace Ranger Stan. We still miss you and think about you.
Watching a live stream and boy the Emporium is nuts with people buying the new Magic Band Plus. People are walking around with quite a few in their hands. I'm feeling left out lol. It will be a long time till I can use a magic band again. Going to Disneyland again in February but they sadly don't use them. Wish they did.
:grouphug: DLI, thank you! I have so much love for this group. As I have said often, I feel so blessed to be a part of it
This is such a great group. I have been in this group for 15 years now. Wow. I have had times where I have been gone for a bit but I have always been welcomed back and treated as if I was never gone. There are people who haven't been on for a while but are still missed because they were such a big part of this group. Hopefully one day they will come back. When and if they do everyone will be so happy to see them. When we say this is the friendliest thread on the dis we aren't lying. Glad to have you guys to talk to about Disney but also for support when I have needed it. You guys are always there with moose and pixie dust. You guys are amazing and I'm thankful for you!!!!
This is such a great group. I have been in this group for 15 years now. Wow. I have had times where I have been gone for a bit but I have always been welcomed back and treated as if I was never gone. There are people who haven't been on for a while but are still missed because they were such a big part of this group. Hopefully one day they will come back. When and if they do everyone will be so happy to see them. When we say this is the friendliest thread on the dis we aren't lying. Glad to have you guys to talk to about Disney but also for support when I have needed it. You guys are always there with moose and pixie dust. You guys are amazing and I'm thankful for you!!!!
I hear you. I miss Caskbill, not sure if he was a part of the groupies. he's the one who built our DVC points management software long before Disney ever created one and just gave it to everyone for free, often updating it.
I often wonder how Eliza and her boys are. (I think I have her name right, but not seeing it in the tags.)
I hear you. I miss Caskbill, not sure if he was a part of the groupies. he's the one who built our DVC points management software long before Disney ever created one and just gave it to everyone for free, often updating it.
I often wonder how Eliza and her boys are. (I think I have her name right, but not seeing it in the tags.)
I think about Eliza too and hope she is doing well. I also think about Muushka. She was such a big part of the groupies. I hope she is doing well. Does anyone keep in touch with Eliza or Muushka?
I think about Eliza too and hope she is doing well. I also think about Muushka. She was such a big part of the groupies. I hope she is doing well. Does anyone keep in touch with Eliza or Muushka?

Muushka doesn't live too far from me. We used to have mini meets every so often. She posted on here seems like in the recent past, though she doesn't visit often.
Eliza, its been awhile. We had a meet with her a few years back, when we met sleepy and Luv for the 1st time as well. I do miss seeing so many "regulars" but its always good to recharge with new folks too.
I plan on sticking around until y'all wise up and give me the boot :rotfl2:

This thing took a life on its own, and I feel fortunate to have been one of its passengers along the voyage
Muushka doesn't live too far from me. We used to have mini meets every so often. She posted on here seems like in the recent past, though she doesn't visit often.
Eliza, its been awhile. We had a meet with her a few years back, when we met sleepy and Luv for the 1st time as well. I do miss seeing so many "regulars" but its always good to recharge with new folks too.
I plan on sticking around until y'all wise up and give me the boot :rotfl2:

This thing took a life on its own, and I feel fortunate to have been one of its passengers along the voyage
Nobody would ever give you the boot lol
I know I’m missing WDW and DVC something awful
T and I went to the Hallmark store today and I flipped out as soon as I saw a display with just Haunted Mansion stuff(getting ready for Halloween)like a little kid
Then I saw a Star Wars display with Christmas ornaments that worked together to create music and dialogue. Like a kid in a candy store was I
The lady at the counter got a hoot out of me
Very unexpected from me as I don’t get that Uber excited anymore about such matters but I felt like I felt the 1st time I saw the castle
I know I’m missing WDW and DVC something awful
T and I went to the Hallmark store today and I flipped out as soon as I saw a display with just Haunted Mansion stuff(getting ready for Halloween)like a little kid
Then I saw a Star Wars display with Christmas ornaments that worked together to create music and dialogue. Like a kid in a candy store was I
The lady at the counter got a hoot out of me
Very unexpected from me as I don’t get that Uber excited anymore about such matters but I felt like I felt the 1st time I saw the castle
Ok sounds like I need to make a visit to a Hallmark store now lol. Now that we don't have our Disney stores anymore we need to get a fix somehow.


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