Thank you!

Thanks! We've had bad luck with our wedding, September 2020 was cancelled due to covid, and August 2021 was cancelled because our venue double-booked us when they were rescheduling everyone :furious: but who says you have to do wedding then baby, why not baby then wedding?! So our wedding it rebooked for September 2022, and we'll have a little 9 month old suit to buy!

He is absolutely AMAZING! I know you are enjoying every moment with this gift.

We have friends that had their son, then through the highest beer distributor sales won an amazing trip all over Europe. The trip was a few months before their wedding so they used that as their honeymoon, then got married. That son is 19 and they have 2 more sons. They've said the same thing, who says you need an "order" :)
Jamie and I have news…

Meet Ted!
Or Teddy :lovestruc
Wow! Congratulations, you two! Wonderful news!
Born December 15th 2021!
My youngest is a December baby too. I wonder if you will have the same experiences with him as I've had with mine (re: birthday/Christmas.)
We are obsessed with him, and I can't wait to take him on his first Disney trip!
I had gotten all ready to go in my Back To The Future t-shirt and E.T. sweater,
Perfect. I've ridden both those rides. While I suppose Simpsons is more enduring than BTTF (in some people's minds), I wish they'd kept the original.
As we were going through the turnstiles with our annual passes, a team member told us about the complimentary badges and magnets that you can get from the annual passholder lounge!

We also didn’t know that there was a lounge :laughing:
Okay, so it's not just me. As soon as I read that, I thought "What AP lounge?!?!?!?"
Betty Boop, Popeye and Olive Oil!

Wow. Betting no one under 20 has a clue who they are.
We found the annual passholder lounge, which is in this building with the red drapes, next door to the pharmacy!
Now I know. :)
The line said 30 minutes, but after the video (HELLO. I’M STEVEN SPIELBERG.) it was a walk-on!
ET didn’t say goodbye to us again, how rude.
I swear he never does!
He's actually a bit racist towards Brits in general.
(And you're thinking "Being British isn't my race, it's my Nationality!", but to an alien...)
Heh. After being rudely ignored, you choose to wear it on your butt. Very smart.
We ended up in cars that were opposite each other, which made it funny when you go through the scanner and see that everyone in the opposite car is a BUG :rotfl:
Jamie reckons he hit us a bunch of time :laughing:

I still beat his score though!
Sure. While he was concentrating on spinning you, you were busy racking up the points!
The man sat next to me looked at my score and said,
“Were you even playing the same game as us?!”
We were chatting about this while we ate, saying that it’s poor form to hold tables because it slows the whooole pace of the restaurant down…
However we would probably do it ourselves :laughing:
(Don’t hate me.)
Oh, no. Totally get it.
Me walking around: "I can't believe all these people saving tables when they don't even have any food. Who do they think they are? Oh! Look! There's an empty table. Go grab it while I get the food."
This surprises no one.
This too surprises no one.
Then it was time for ANOTHER go at Men In Black :rotfl:
We’re a very competitive couple.
Teddy is in for an interesting childhood. :laughing:
For some reason I didn’t take any photo evidence of this ride through, which is annoying because I scored 413,000!!!
I rarely break 400k so this was one of my best scores ever I think.
After the ride we headed to the front of the park to meet Rob and Fran!

I didn't realize Fran was so tall.
Fran had been telling us that her 18 month old nephew now has a dreaded naughty step…
Um... what does that even mean?
Nevermind! Google to the rescue. I'd never heard that expression before.
That reminds me! I was watching a movie the other day (I think it was The Dig with Carey Mulligan and Ralph Fiennes) and at one point, someone says or asks "Are you poorly?" I immediately thought of you!
Fran wanted to buy Hermione’s time turner, but she thinks she bought an evil one by accident :rotfl:
It’s ok though because she’s a secret Slytherin.
She’s told me this before, AND I caught her wearing Slytherin pyjamas this trip!
Ah. No harm done, then. Or... harm done. Depending on your point of view.
And on the way we saw this very very good boy!!!
There’s also a jolt when you’re near the top, which is obviously just the ride system locking you into place on the track or something, but it seriously made my heart stop :rotfl:
That's just the car almost falling off the track. Nothing to be concerned about.
One of the security guards saw my Back To The Future t-shirt and decided to grill me about the movie :rolleyes2
He was like “HERE’S A QUESTION FOR YOU, when Marty McFly goes back in time and goes to the café, what does he order?”
It felt like when teenagers wear Rolling Stones t-shirts and their parents are like “NAME ON ROLLING STONES SONG.”
Fortunately for me it’s one of my favourite films, so I just said “Pepsi Free!” and he did a little bow down to me, and allowed me into the park :laughing:
:laughing: Good for you!
I had a similar thing happen to me once when I went to a Bubba Gump restaurant. While I was waiting for my food, my waiter asked if I wanted to play a trivia game. I said "Sure" and he asked me 13 questions. Got them all right, too. :)
Oh, Hymie and his faces. :laughing:
Then we used a fastpass for The Seas With Nemo and Friends, which had approximately zero people in line :laughing:
So you were both first and last in line.
We were looking for the sea turtles in the aquarium but we couldn’t find them, same as last year…have they gone somewhere?!
They seem to be either swimming at the very top, which is out of sight of the viewing areas for the most part, or sleeping on the bottom, in corners, which is also out of sight. You might catch one transiting from one place to the other.
One of the manatees was being so cute, tucking his little flippers into his chest and doing barrel rolls :lovestruc
Spice Road Table!
We thought it sounded like someone flipped through a dictionary and threw three random words together :laughing:
I had the lamb sliders which were delicious!
They had had olives and tzatziki on them, and came with a side of hummus fries.
Not an olive fan, but... "Lamb sliders, no olives" sounds like a winner.
We got home and played dominoes
A game I have never played.
Congratulations! He’s perfect. And who cares about “the right order” to do things. It’s a pandemic. Time is meaningless. 🤣

My three year old is a New Years Eve baby and my 1 year old was born January 7, so we go Christmas—>birthday—>birthday and it’s absolute overload and excess and amazing. With your little guy just before Christmas it’ll be the same extra special celebration vibe every year.
Congratulations! He's gorgeous :)
Congratulations on precious baby Teddy, he is a cute little bundle of joy!
Congratulations on baby Teddy! He's adorable! Have you already planned his first trip?:love:
He is absolutely AMAZING! I know you are enjoying every moment with this gift.

We have friends that had their son, then through the highest beer distributor sales won an amazing trip all over Europe. The trip was a few months before their wedding so they used that as their honeymoon, then got married. That son is 19 and they have 2 more sons. They've said the same thing, who says you need an "order" :)
Oh my goodness… Teddy is gorgeous. Congratulations!!😊
He is adorable!!!! Congratulations!

Thank you everyone!! Here he is looking a bit older now at 6 weeks! :love: Ahh he's so precious I love him so much, even when he screams and screams and screams:rotfl:


Congratulations! He’s perfect. And who cares about “the right order” to do things. It’s a pandemic. Time is meaningless. 🤣

My three year old is a New Years Eve baby and my 1 year old was born January 7, so we go Christmas—>birthday—>birthday and it’s absolute overload and excess and amazing. With your little guy just before Christmas it’ll be the same extra special celebration vibe every year.

That's exactly what I thought, with the wedding being pushed back 2 years, I'm not getting any younger! So who cares about the right order, when the end result will be the same in just a few months time :goodvibes

Gosh that sounds like a busy time, but so special! We will be similar, Ted is December 15th, then Christmas, then Jamie's birthday is January 2nd! Our poor poor bank accounts :rotfl:
Wow! Congratulations, you two! Wonderful news!

Thanks so much! Updated picture posted above, if you care at all :laughing: this goes against my oath to not overshare pictures of him with everyone, but this is my trip report so I'll do what I want! :rotfl:

My youngest is a December baby too. I wonder if you will have the same experiences with him as I've had with mine (re: birthday/Christmas.)

Uh oh, what experience is that? Jamie is January 2nd, which is probably the worst date of the whole year to have a birthday, everyone is poor from Christmas, and no one wants to go out and celebrate because it was just new years. Poor guy! I always try to make it special. And same will go for Ted :lovestruc

Perfect. I've ridden both those rides. While I suppose Simpsons is more enduring than BTTF (in some people's minds), I wish they'd kept the original.

I have home videos of the original BTTF but I don't really remember it! I love the movies. We just went to see Back To The Future: The Musical on the West End in London for my birthday, it was fantastic!

Okay, so it's not just me. As soon as I read that, I thought "What AP lounge?!?!?!?"

Right! It's like a secret club!

Oh, no. Totally get it.
Me walking around: "I can't believe all these people saving tables when they don't even have any food. Who do they think they are? Oh! Look! There's an empty table. Go grab it while I get the food."

What else are you supposed to do when everyone else is doing it?!

Teddy is in for an interesting childhood. :laughing:

I wonder if Jamie will ever let the poor kid win at anything?! :laughing:

That reminds me! I was watching a movie the other day (I think it was The Dig with Carey Mulligan and Ralph Fiennes) and at one point, someone says or asks "Are you poorly?" I immediately thought of you!

Haha! So funny! I never knew that was something unique to Brits until I met you! :laughing:

:laughing: Good for you!
I had a similar thing happen to me once when I went to a Bubba Gump restaurant. While I was waiting for my food, my waiter asked if I wanted to play a trivia game. I said "Sure" and he asked me 13 questions. Got them all right, too. :)

What did they ask you? Was it all Forrest Gump trivia?! I would love that, what a great film :goodvibes I watched it a few months ago and couldn't stop speaking in a southern accent all night :lmao:

They seem to be either swimming at the very top, which is out of sight of the viewing areas for the most part, or sleeping on the bottom, in corners, which is also out of sight. You might catch one transiting from one place to the other.

Great tip thanks! Next time I'll look up and down rather than just straight on :laughing:
Day 9
Thursday 20th February 2020

Part 1 – Our first time at Galaxy's Edge!

Good morning!
Today was Rob and Fran’s last full day!

We had a very slow morning.
One thing we did do was take a group photo in the cheesy t-shirts we got!


Fran and I are on a netball team, so here we are playing with Minnie!


The t-shirts were a bit on the small side, especially the Jamie’s, Rob’s and Ian’s!
They changed out of theirs, but me, Fran and Lin wore ours to the parks!

At around 12:30pm we headed to Hollywood Studios – for the first time this trip!
For me and Jamie at least, the others had been before we arrived.



It was mine and Jamie’s first seeing Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge!





Rob played this card matching game designed for children and loads of people were watching, the pressure to not look foolish was on!





We went into a store that sold Jedi robes and full outfits, and as entered Jamie just happened to notice aloud that he hadn’t worn a belt on his jeans today.
A couple of seconds later, a cast member in full Star Wars character walked over to us super stoically and handed him this ridiculous big fat Jedi belt :rotfl:

Galaxy’s Edge photo spam, with a bonus pup!




What is that lady looking at…?! :lmao:









We went into the First Order store, and as we were admiring the full Stormtrooper outfit that was on display, a CM approached Lin and completely deadpan said,

“You would look absolutely dazzling in that.”


We realised that we were being groomed for the First Order so we hurried on out of there :laughing:
I was loving these interactions, they were so funny.





We soon headed out of Galaxy’s Edge, it was so detailed and well-themed, I loved it!
We didn’t do the attractions today, however Jamie and I had fastpasses for Smuggler’s Run tomorrow afternoon!
Rise of the Resistance was still doing a boarding pass system at this time, where the only way to ride was to go to Hollywood Studios at the crack of dawn.
This was not Rob and Fran’s Disney touring style AT ALL, but Jamie and I were really keen for it, so it was a good job we were staying a few extra days after they’d gone!

On the way out of Galaxy’s Edge we spotted these droids.


Jamie wanted a picture with this one, and I told him to copy its stance...



Continued in next post!

Day 9
Thursday 20th February 2020

Part 2 – Hollywood fun and the last supper

All of the lines were super long today, so as soon as our fastpass window for Tower of Terror opened up (about 1:15pm), we headed straight there!

I did stop off at a bathroom in Toy Story Land though – remember those tight t-shirts I mentioned earlier?
They did not go well with the heat today, I could feel my shirt sticking to my skin with sweat!
Us British folk are not used to Florida heat, even in February!
Luckily I’d packed a spare t-shirt today in anticipation of this exact situation, so I promptly changed into it :laughing:




Tower Time!
One of my favourites!


Unfortunately Fran sat this one out, you might remember she hates to plummet.
I really hope one day she bites the bullet, it’s so fun, and such a fun storyline and theme!








In the library room while we were watching the preshow film, a group of people tried to bust their way through the door like absolute psychos :confused3
We were stood at the back by that door so it gave us a fright!
The bellhop cast member stared at them in character and said sternly,
“It’s not your turn.”
She turned to us and huffed,
“Goodness gracious,”
Then sauntered off :rotfl:




So glad I finally got to do this ride, on day 9 of our trip!

Anyone else find this Jack Skellington merch weird?
Why does it say BONE DADDY?! :scared:


Next we decided to brave the VERY long line for Toy Story Mania!
This called for Fran getting a pretzel, and I got some popcorn for the wait!



To pass the time in line we played ‘animals beginning with P’ and ‘foods beginning with P’ and it all got very intense… I fear our voices may have been raised a bit obnoxiously at one point.
I mean, we had to be able to hear each other over THIS GUY singing Hot Potato.


Arrhh this ride was annoying, I was beating Jamie the entire time up until the very last round where you have to go super fast :sad2:


We exited the ride at 5:10pm and decided to head back home.
It was too busy to do anything really!
Even the less popular rides had lines you wouldn’t bother with.
Ugh, oh well.
Bye Hollywood Studios, see you tomorrow!


We arrived back at the house at around 6ish, for our last night together!
Tomorrow Rob and Fran were flying home, Lin and Ian were sorting the house in preparation for their daughter Sarah and Granddaughter Evie to fly out, and Jamie and I were checking into the Grand Floridian for 5 nights!
I was sad that our friends were leaving, but SO stoked to be moving to the Grand!
Eeek I love staying in Disney hotels so much!

Lin and Ian popped to Walmart to get some food stuffs for the curry they were making for us tonight!
Bless them, they were making two separate curries; one mild one for Lin and I, and one SUPER HOT one for the boys.
Fran just had some salmon and stuff we had left from our Walmart trip.
It was a fab last supper!


Later on we poured some drinks and set up a games table outside because it was such a nice warm night.
But about 30 seconds later a huge gust if wind blew through and everything went flying everywhere, GAH it was absolute chaos :laughing:
So we relocated back inside :rotfl:

We played a Sherlock board game called 221b Baker Street that the six of us have played together back home before, it’s really fun!
Lots of riddles and detective work.
We played girls vs boy; the boys won the first round and the girls won the second.
We all took it incredibly seriously, me Lin and Fran kept running off and locking ourselves in the garage to discuss the riddles :laughing:

Then we all played table football, and the boys had a game of table tennis. They’re all really good somehow, particularly Ian, he had Jamie leaping around all over the place!
Like, when do they practice?!
Never, is the answer.
So I don’t know how they’re so good, but they are!

And that concludes our final night at Lin and Ian’s house at the Encore Reunion Resort in Kissimmee!
Part 2 of our trip begins tomorrow!


Sounds like a fabulous day - so many fun happenings. Nice the men were sports about the matching shirts. My men won't go for it. Nice you were able to stay with friends but then follow it up with 5 nights at the GF! Anxious to read about Part 2!
First I am just going to say it again... That baby of yours is ADORABLE! Keep posting pics of him with this trip report!

We went into a store that sold Jedi robes and full outfits, and as entered Jamie just happened to notice aloud that he hadn’t worn a belt on his jeans today.
A couple of seconds later, a cast member in full Star Wars character walked over to us super stoically and handed him this ridiculous big fat Jedi belt :rotfl:

What is that lady looking at…?! :lmao:

I mean he is big but that seems a bit in approriate for Disney world.

Jamie wanted a picture with this one, and I told him to copy its stance...

Love it.

Unfortunately Fran sat this one out, you might remember she hates to plummet.
I really hope one day she bites the bullet, it’s so fun, and such a fun storyline and theme!
I said that too about Tower of Terror but I don't feel like it is a true plummet, it's more of a bounce.

In the library room while we were watching the preshow film, a group of people tried to bust their way through the door like absolute psychos :confused3
We were stood at the back by that door so it gave us a fright!
The bellhop cast member stared at them in character and said sternly,
“It’s not your turn.”
She turned to us and huffed,
“Goodness gracious,”
Then sauntered off :rotfl:
Stories like this, really make me wonder about people... Why would you do that? oye.

nd Jamie and I were checking into the Grand Floridian for 5 nights!
I see he inherited his good looks from his mom...

and nothing from Hymie, thank goodness.

(Just kidding Jamie!
I actually see a great deal of Jamie in him.)
Thanks so much! Updated picture posted above, if you care at all :laughing:
I do!
this goes against my oath to not overshare pictures of him with everyone, but this is my trip report so I'll do what I want! :rotfl:
:laughing: Yer darn tootin'!
Uh oh, what experience is that?
She would complain that everyone was excited about Christmas coming up and not her birthday. She also didn't like Christmas decorations up, because we should decorate for her birthday first.
Jamie is January 2nd, which is probably the worst date of the whole year to have a birthday, everyone is poor from Christmas, and no one wants to go out and celebrate because it was just new years. Poor guy!
I always try to make it special. And same will go for Ted :lovestruc
I'm sure you will. :)
We just went to see Back To The Future: The Musical on the West End in London for my birthday, it was fantastic!
Cool! I didn't even know there was a musical.
What else are you supposed to do when everyone else is doing it?!
I wonder if Jamie will ever let the poor kid win at anything?! :laughing:
some day you'll be saying "Teddy, let your father win once, will you?"
What did they ask you? Was it all Forrest Gump trivia?! I would love that, what a great film :goodvibes I watched it a few months ago and couldn't stop speaking in a southern accent all night :lmao:
It was all Gump trivia.
Like what kind of soda did he drink (Dr Pepper) and how many bottles of Dr. Pepper did he drink? (15)
Who were the Presidents he met. (Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon)
Can't remember the rest, but there were a bunch.
Great tip thanks! Next time I'll look up and down rather than just straight on :laughing:
Today was Rob and Fran’s last full day!
There should never be last days.
They should make this a rule.
You look like you're playing, but why is Fran bopping Minnie on the nose?
It was mine and Jamie’s first seeing Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge!
How did you react when you exited the tunnel??
Rob played this card matching game designed for children and loads of people were watching, the pressure to not look foolish was on!
:laughing: How did he do?
We went into a store that sold Jedi robes and full outfits, and as entered Jamie just happened to notice aloud that he hadn’t worn a belt on his jeans today.
A couple of seconds later, a cast member in full Star Wars character walked over to us super stoically and handed him this ridiculous big fat Jedi belt :rotfl:
oooohhhh... cool!
What is that lady looking at…?! :lmao:
That is the proper expression when one unexpectedly meets a Wookie out and about.

(Please note I exercised great restraint and took the high road.)
We went into the First Order store, and as we were admiring the full Stormtrooper outfit that was on display, a CM approached Lin and completely deadpan said,

“You would look absolutely dazzling in that.”

Ask to try it on!
We realised that we were being groomed for the First Order so we hurried on out of there :laughing:
On the way out of Galaxy’s Edge we spotted these droids.
Were those the droids you were looking for?
Jamie wanted a picture with this one, and I told him to copy its stance...
Spot on. ::yes::
I could feel my shirt sticking to my skin with sweat!
Ew... Do not love that feeling.
Us British folk are not used to Florida heat, even in February!
Nor us Canadians.
Luckily I’d packed a spare t-shirt today in anticipation of this exact situation, so I promptly changed into it :laughing:
You packed a spare shirt... and anticipated that???

Unfortunately Fran sat this one out, you might remember she hates to plummet.
I really hope one day she bites the bullet, it’s so fun, and such a fun storyline and theme!
Hope she tries it too some day. Figure out a fun pose for all of you and maybe that will encourage her.
In the library room while we were watching the preshow film, a group of people tried to bust their way through the door like absolute psychos :confused3
The bellhop cast member stared at them in character and said sternly,
“It’s not your turn.”
:laughing: Nicely handled.
Jamie's face! :rotfl:
Why does it say BONE DADDY?! :scared:
Merely a suggestion.

Whoops! So much for the high road.
To pass the time in line we played ‘animals beginning with P’ and ‘foods beginning with P’ and it all got very intense… I fear our voices may have been raised a bit obnoxiously at one point.
I'm thinking "animals" did not take overly long... hmm... nor food.
Arrhh this ride was annoying, I was beating Jamie the entire time up until the very last round where you have to go super fast :sad2:
:laughing: But if you'd won, it would not have been annoying?
We arrived back at the house at around 6ish, for our last night together!
Lin and Ian popped to Walmart to get some food stuffs for the curry they were making for us tonight!
I keep hearing about British curry. <sigh> Maybe some day.
We played a Sherlock board game called 221b Baker Street that the six of us have played together back home before, it’s really fun!
Lots of riddles and detective work.
Sounds fun. :)
We all took it incredibly seriously, me Lin and Fran kept running off and locking ourselves in the garage to discuss the riddles :laughing:
KATIE!!! Popping in to say hi and congrats on your BEAUTIFUL little boy!!! :)

Molly! :hug: Thank you, we're obsessed with him :love:

Sounds like a fabulous day - so many fun happenings. Nice the men were sports about the matching shirts. My men won't go for it. Nice you were able to stay with friends but then follow it up with 5 nights at the GF! Anxious to read about Part 2!

Haha the guys loved the shirts in a 'laugh at how corny we are' way! They didn't wear them out though, the shirts ran very small so they were not comfortable in the Florida heat!

It was so nice being able to look forward to the Grand Floridian stay, what a treat! It's nice to just spend some quality time with Jamie in Disney too, like the good old days :lovestruc

Can't wait to hear about your GF stay!

Eek I can't wait to post about it! Coming soon..!

First I am just going to say it again... That baby of yours is ADORABLE! Keep posting pics of him with this trip report!

Oh if you insist!! (Just kidding I show anyone who will look :laughing: ) Here's a couple more! :lovestruc:love:




I said that too about Tower of Terror but I don't feel like it is a true plummet, it's more of a bounce.

I think I could definitely sell it with "a bounce" :rotfl:maybe the biggest bounce of your life, but still a bounce nonetheless :lmao:
Hello from another Katie! I'm a longtime lurker who thinks you and Jamie would be SO much fun to travel with. Teddy is absolutely adorable!! Some days I really miss the baby days (my youngest is 9).

Just chiming in on the Tower of Terror discussion... on our 2011 trip, when my daughter was not quite 5, my sister convinced her to go on it by describing it as "just an elevator ride." I'd never ridden it, but even I knew that couldn't be true. I wish I had the ride photo, because it was absolutely hysterical. Thankfully my daughter has forgiven us. She hasn't forgotten, but she's forgiven!


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