Craziest VIP Experience


DIS Veteran
Jul 23, 2019
So I was thinking about this: with the Rock Hall induction in Cleveland this weekend, I was invited to a private Foo Fighters show tomorrow night. Less than 500 total tickets given out. And we get a private dinner before hand in the House of Blues Foundation Room.

With that in mind, what's the craziest most amazing VIP type experience you've ever had? Feel free to elaborate. And if it's Disney related, even better.

I'll share more later.
Eh, I can't say I've ever had any real VIP experiences per se, but I've had some experiences that are cool nonetheless:

When we were dating, a student of my husband's wanting to practice some flight maneuvers (helicopter) in the mountains in NH and asked if they could arrange a time for practice. I was invited along since I love flying. It was fun for what it was, but the best part was when he asked if we wanted to stop somewhere for VT.

In Japan I was asked to tutor a high school student in English, so his father, a sushi chef, cleared out his restaurant for the night for me, my friend and his son along with several other people to have exclusive access to whatever we wanted. I was 17 at the time and being able to freely order beer was fun, so I got plenty of beer and sushi.

The biggest one was when I went to Morocco for the first time. A military member came to help me clear customs. I didn't have to wait in line and was out really quickly.
I haven't had any noteworthy ones but my husband got a private tour of Lucasfilm and the Skywalker Ranch from someone who had employee connections and he also got to tour the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank and attend an exclusive friends and family screening of one of the Marvel movies on the studio lot prior to its theatrical release, also invited by a friend who was a Director level employee there. I was so jealous of that one.
I had a friend on Senator McCain’s staff. We had plans to hang out in DC on a Friday, but it turned into a very busy day in the Senate with several bill votes. I ended up hanging out all day with my friend AND the senator in his offices and in chambers off the Senate floor. I met a few other senators, including one from my own state. It was cool to see how the votes worked behind the scenes and how speeches were developed for the official record.
The best was a couple of years ago I had gone to WDW for a quick solo trip and an After Hours event. While I was waiting to be able to enter MK I was exploring the resorts on Bay Lake and Seven Seas Lagoon. Anyway, I was at Fort Wilderness and got on a boat to go to the lodge. Nobody was around so I got a private cruise. The Skipper, Marty, got on the PA and serenaded me the whole way, singing Brandy the entire way. When I got off the boat I told him that he made me feel like a VIP. "You are a VIP, sir," was his response. It was one of the absolute best times I've had at WDW!
I had a friend on Senator McCain’s staff. We had plans to hang out in DC on a Friday, but it turned into a very busy day in the Senate with several bill votes. I ended up hanging out all day with my friend AND the senator in his offices and in chambers off the Senate floor. I met a few other senators, including one from my own state. It was cool to see how the votes worked behind the scenes and how speeches were developed for the official record.

I used to work for a Chamber of Commerce and frequently met with our representatives and senators. I took my DD to DC for spring break when she was maybe 10 and let our senator know we'd be in town. Well, we were there on a Friday so Congress was not in session but he arranged for his aide to give us a private tour, she took us through back hallways and into rooms that are usually off limits. Then, DD got to sit at the senator's desk to have her photo taken.

But, probably the coolest "VIP" thing I got to do was attend a NYE party at the Tower of London thrown by and for the people that work and live there about 20 years ago. Got to see all kinds of behind the scenes stuff late at night, still one of my best memories.
None that were especially crazy, but I have had a few VIP experiences in my previous life before I left NY.

Got to see a Billy Joel Concert from a skybox at Madison Square Garden
Got to see a Yankee game from the "Derick Jeter" Skybox at the new Yankee Stadium. Also included a tour of the stadium...
Got to see the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Show as a guest of Cablevision
Lastly, a private tour of the Pentagon in September of 2002. Had been there several times, but got to see all the new things they did (which is now 20 years old).
My husband and son did the Yankees inside experience during Spring Training a few years ago. They got to meet a bunch of the players, former players, etc. Go down on the field for batting practice, etc. During the game, there was a VIP lounge with free food/drink. It was before Jeter retired, so my husband got to fulfill his dream of meeting Jeter.

A few years before that, my husband and I went to London for a Bon Jovi concert, and were able to have a quick meet and greet with the band and go to the sound check before the concert. Jon Bon Jovi grabbed my hands, enough said! Ha ha ha!!!!
So I was thinking about this: with the Rock Hall induction in Cleveland this weekend, I was invited to a private Foo Fighters show tomorrow night. Less than 500 total tickets given out. And we get a private dinner before hand in the House of Blues Foundation Room.

With that in mind, what's the craziest most amazing VIP type experience you've ever had? Feel free to elaborate. And if it's Disney related, even better.

I'll share more later.
I just wanted to let you know that I am the most jealous person in the world right now, of you.

I saw Foo Fighters with 17,499 other in September, in Syracuse. If you get to talk to the band, tell them that I said, "thank you for not canceling the show," for one thing. They were stuck on the runway at JFK for 4 hours and were almost at the time when they were going to cancel when the pilot got clearance to take off. They should have started at 8:30, but didn't take the stage until 9:45.

However, they owe me Monkey Wrench in person. That is the only song that they always do that they cut short that night even though they played until midnight.

I can't wait to see them again in person.

I have a friend who say Sammy Hagar perform in Las Vegas with only about 100 people present. He said it was amazing to be so close to the stage with no one trying to squash him so they could get closer.

Please have so much fun for me! I'll be wearing one of my FF t-shirts on Saturday.
Spouse and I did get to play beer pong with an underground singer we both really like. Bought the good tickets for his show, he signed a poster for us and we played games with him and the band members. Went to watch the show and turns out the concert was in an 'adult' club. Caught us by surprise but it was a great show!

Also managed good seats for Nick Cave once and he walked out into the crowd.. on the backs of the chairs. I was one of several fans holding his chest at one point to make sure he didn't fall. He ever comes back I will indeed buy the VIP package to see him again, worth every penny. I saw video of the crowds he plays to overseas and there it's thousands. Here in the states it was an itty bitty theatre with maybe 400 people.
1. Flirting with the Ambassador's son at a party under the stars, telling stories about trying to stay out of trouble with the secret service but not doing a great job of it.
2. Lunching with my friends, one of whom didn't realize that he qualified as "the band" when he asked the rest of us at the table, "Wouldn't it be cool to just hang out, like go to lunch with the band? Like (name of popular band), or (name of another popular band)?" I reminded him that I WAS at that very moment lunching with the band. He shrugged and said, "Huh. I guess you're right." (I pulled up their music on Apple Music last week.... I actually don't really care for it but don't tell him!)
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I just wanted to let you know that I am the most jealous person in the world right now, of you.

I saw Foo Fighters with 17,499 other in September, in Syracuse. If you get to talk to the band, tell them that I said, "thank you for not canceling the show," for one thing. They were stuck on the runway at JFK for 4 hours and were almost at the time when they were going to cancel when the pilot got clearance to take off. They should have started at 8:30, but didn't take the stage until 9:45.

However, they owe me Monkey Wrench in person. That is the only song that they always do that they cut short that night even though they played until midnight.

I can't wait to see them again in person.

I have a friend who say Sammy Hagar perform in Las Vegas with only about 100 people present. He said it was amazing to be so close to the stage with no one trying to squash him so they could get closer.

Please have so much fun for me! I'll be wearing one of my FF t-shirts on Saturday.

I assure you I will send the message along!
As far as Disney goes, my wife and I were able to ride in the front car of the Monorail once. It was just us and the "pilot". All we had to do was ask one of the cast members if we could. No one else did, so we had it to ourselves. (I've heard they've stopped doing that now.)

Many, many years ago, one of the vendors I dealt with had tickets to see "Showboat" in Chicago. He gave them to me, but the show was that very night. I surprised my wife when I got home and told her we were going to the theater....NOW. What was unexpected was that we wound up seated in our own private box right next to the stage.

We once went to a museum in Chicago. We had to get somewhere in the museum and weren't sure how best to get there. We found someone who worked there and asked. She said, "Here, let me take you." She took us behind the scenes and we got a VERY up close and personal look at some artifacts from NASA, including an Apollo command module. The exhibit wasn't ready yet, so we were getting a really cool preview.

The coolest thing we got to do was when we went to an evening show in Chicago to see "Wicked: The Musical". My brother and sister-in-law joined us as we had dinner with some of the cast before the show. We were able to get pictures taken and were even given autographed sample CDs of the more popular (no pun intended) songs.
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