Survivor 41

I worked for a CBS station when Survivor went on the air. Big bosses made us mention in the newscasts the next day who got "voted off" the island. Favorite to get voted off with the station staff, Jeff Probst. Can't believe that show is still on.
- I don't care for Brad because every time I see him, I think of basketball Hall of Famer Bill Walton. Same exact facial features.

- You guys (see what I did there?) hit the nail on the head with the "guys" issue. If JP and the producers had wanted to do it genuinely, he could have just subtly stopped doing it, or replaced "guys" with "survivors", and not drawn any attention to it. Then, during the reunion show, mention it then. But it was patronizing virtue-signaling, and it nearly caused me to stop watching.

- I do like hearing/seeing a bit more of players' back stories. But every minute spent on those is a minute not being spent on current game play. I don't feel like I know a single thing about that blue tribe. I realize that's partially a result of how things have played out, but would be nice to see something from their camp, because surely the dynamics are playing out there, too.

- One thing I still love about "Survivor" over "Big Brother"....close votes. I don't think "BB" had a single close vote this entire season. Every eviction is anticlimactic. But I love it when Jeff says "one vote left".

- Pretty pleased with the cast so far. Ricard got off to a rough start with me (over the "guys" issue), but he grew on me this episode. Wish Sarah had been kept around a bit longer. Evvie is super-smart, but I worry she's overplaying her hand just a little. Xander gives me major Erik vibes from years back...hope he doesn't suffer the same fate.
I totally agree about Evvie overplaying. She wants a girls' alliance and destroys her teams chances of winning anything by her choice, but then makes an alliance with Deshawn on the private walk. I can't wait to see that backfire on her. I don't like her now. I did before, but that was just too stupid for words.

Xander is naive. It'll hurt him, but if he lasts long enough in this game, they might put him on a roster for all-stars, when he'll have a better chance.
As to the "Come on in, guys!" faux controversy--Jeff could have easily changed it and not made a big deal out of it. "Come on in, gang!" would have worked, or "Come on in, everyone!" , something like that. I was annoyed that one person said he thought it might be offensive, after he pondered it, so they changed. You're always going to find someone, somewhere, who's offended by anything.

Yup -- just start saying "Come on in, folks", "Come on in, yall". He could have followed it up after the first time with a "time to update that" or whatever...and then move on.

- Pretty pleased with the cast so far. Ricard got off to a rough start with me (over the "guys" issue), but he grew on me this episode.

The thing that was also stupid about Ricard's comment and then Jeff saying he was going to change it up, was that it was a man whose opinion was featured. I realize he's married to a trans man, but still. Perhaps other people spoke up initially when Evvie did and was edited out, but it just struck me so weird that they'd feature Evvie and keep it, feature Ricard and drop it (and I don't even care one way or another honestly!). Also stupid that Probst said he wanted to change it but after the initial question didn't? What? -- if you want to change it to "get in here you bozos" then do it. Who cares what the cast thinks.
Also, I'll get way out in front of this, but I've felt this way for years....there doesn't need to be a final three. There never did. Final two, period.
I liked it better when there was just a final two honestly, I feel like I enjoyed the jury questioning more that way, there was only 2 to focus on and 2 to compare how they played the game. It didn't solve the "take the weaker to the end" strategy but still.
Jumping into this thread as a huge Survivor fan! I started watching from day 1, season 1 and have watched all seasons...most of them multiple times! :o

I'm a little on the fence about this season. On one hand, I am SO excited for new Survivor but I am getting quite tired with all the twists they keep putting into the game. I *really* wish they would do an old school, back to basics season where there are no hidden idols, no advantages, no extra votes or steal a vote!

As for the whole "come on in guys" issue...while I can see them wanting to retire that phrase, I don't think they needed to make a big issue of it. If they wanted to point out that they were no longer going to be using it, a simple comment by Jeff would have been sufficient. "So, I've been saying come on in guys for 40 seasons and I think it is time to retire that phrase for one that is more inclusive to everyone." There really was no need to do anything more than that, it gets the message across without making a big fuss.

For big fans of the show, in addition to RHAP, you should check out The Survivor Historians podcast! The first episode is a bit rough but after that they do a deep dive on every season, they just finished off their episodes on Nicaragua and I can't wait for them to post another one! (their last was in May, so when you get through all 66 episodes they have done so far, you will have to be patient and wait for them to post more!) One of the guys who does the SH podcast is Mario Lanza of Funny 115 fame.
I wish everyone would give Jeff a break already- he's trying. He doesn't always go about it the right way, but he's trying.
I also was not super pleased with the dropping of 'come on in guys' line. More the way it happened. Cause when he 1st posed the question everyone agreed that it was fine. Then the next day the squirrely guy spoke up and said he wasn't okay with it. So Peachy immediately said he'd drop the line as that's what he wanted all along. I am tired of all the woke stuff so I was excited when it seamed they were just going to play Survivor this season and not delve into social issues. You OG Survivor. But, then my hopes were dashed. And also irked that they didn't take a vote. Just one guy saying he wasn't okay with it and that's all it took. When Evvie (I think is who it was) said she was fine with it, Peachy asked everyone else if they all agreed. He did not give that same chance when the dude spoke up the next day. Also want to say....old guy trying to look 20 is NOT a good look, Peachy. Though the dimples do still melt me.

As for the game. Dumb move to vote off random guy this week. Should have either stuck to guns with voting out Xander (who holds a ton of power) or gone ahead and gotten out the weakest link (Tiffany). Not way in left field guy who was not a threat nor a weak link. Dumb! But I do think her spilling beans to other tribe guy on that trek...I think that was smart. Now that tribe can look for and find idol and get closer to activating (in cased Evvie still has Xander on her side). Plus she will have a ready made alliance with merge or swap.
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I like Xander and hope he sticks around, reminds me of the same type somewhat of Malcolm or Joe.

Next week will get to hear Naseer's story, to see who on his tribe thinks he's useful or a threat.
I wish everyone would give Jeff a break already- he's trying. He doesn't always go about it the right way, but he's trying.
I actually don't mind Jeff at all. I read that he had been coming up with a way to do Survivor during the pandemic for over a year with this idea. He ran it past Mike White who asked him "well yeah but is it fun" (paraphrasing you get the idea) and Jeff just scrapped his whole plan. That takes a lot IMO to do something like that after all that time spent. It's also probably why you saw him make sure to say "we just want to have fun" (or similar type wording).

But it is IMO fair game to critique the way it was done for the come on in guys thing. That might have worked say 5 or 6 years ago maybe even longer but these days people want to feel honesty, integrity, genuineness in decisions made to better the environment and have less patience for when it doesn't. And that happens to a lot of things like the name change to Lady A got a lot of heat so did other decisions, people don't want you doing something just to do it they want you to actually believe in what you're doing and how you come across will change that perception.

**This is assuming you're talking about the come on in guys part.
Guys (SWIDT?), let's talk about the "beware" idol. I though that was creative how he worked in the "butterfly" comment once, can't wait to see how he works that into the covo a 2nd or 5th time, especially when the next player finds the second "beware" idol. This could get pretty amusing. I'm guessing they'll just drop the pretense after a while (or he'll get voted out and it won't matter).
I'm not completely understanding this idol and how it can work, if it has to be played before a merge. It'll be a really boring idol find and a disadvantage to Xander if the others don't find it and he's at risk to go if they stick to the alliance. Unless there are more hidden immunity idols out there that aren't under this beware one and he find it and can save himself.
Jumping in. I love Survivor. I agree with most of you on Brad. He just gives off a weird vibe to me. Like someone said, maybe it is his eyes. Right now, I do like Xander. Not sure why but Maybe it's his energy. I do think the last tribal sent the wrong person home. I was afraid it was going to happen but was hopeful it wouldn't. he the tall lanky guy who hid in the bushes? The girl he told, who I think she went and told the guys he spied on...if I were her I would have pulled a Boston Rob and glommed onto Brad as a cray cray target shield like Rob did with Philip.

And I just read a pre season interview the cast article. Where they asked each cast member which past cast they think they will play like. And Tiffany...get this....Tiffany said she would play competitively like Ozzy. :rotfl:
And I just read a pre season interview the cast article. Where they asked each cast member which past cast they think they will play like. And Tiffany...get this....Tiffany said she would play competitively like Ozzy. :rotfl:
One has to dream big I suppose! But not going to happen, she doesn't have it physically. Ozzy was one of the best physical challengers, and I'd say mental challengers, too.
Ozzy has always been my fave. He should have won. He came close the first time. The second… “vote me out because I have the best chance of battling back in to the game” was a crazy, yet brilliant move. Arguably one of the best in Survivor, as it was such a huge risk.
I'll go back and say Ozzy to me on the mental game was more so mental stamina, but not as much as he needed on the wit and outsmart. He was one of my favorite players, too. I know Brad isn't a favorite, but I don't want him to go yet just to see what crazy stunts he might bring, make it interesting just for a little while.


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