What is your opinion on the United Kingdom?

My parents were:
Your momma don't dance and your daddy don't rock n roll!

I on the other hand will be listening to my R n R until my last breathe
My dad wasn’t quite as bad but my mother never wanted to spend money on herself. She was a frugal, depression-era person and very humble. She also had a quirk of when nice things were given to her, saving them for “good” and never actually enjoying the benefit of them. She was very generous with others though.
Store bought clothing.
Mom was an excellent seamstress and needle worker (made up for her cooking abilities) so it didn’t bother most of her children.
I often wondered why she didn’t try to make money off the talent but it turns out she disliked sewing and only did it for the necessity.
I thought I was half Irish, quarter Scottish, quarter German, but it terns out I’m hardly German, with some english thrown in. My husband’s dad thought he was 100% Italian (parent grew up in Italy and spoke mostly Italian, but dna says he’s almost 100% French, DH is 4% Italian, ds 0.
I drove through it on my way to work this morning. I only barely don't live in it anymore, my house is about 1000ft into the next town.
I rarely make it over there. Maybe went through last June or so. But last July I bought my childhood home (its rented out). I should probably make more of an effort to drive by.


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