Jungle Cruise Getting a Makeover

If you ride this without knowing a lick of English it's an awful attraction. What makes this ride is the skipper delivery, 100%. Talking to my friends who are skippers they are beyond excited that their storyline is expanded onto the animatronics

This is true. I often see a lot of blank looks on faces when I ride and it's because they are not getting it. When I rode the Tokyo version of JC I did not understand the narration, but the entire thing was beautiful with lots of newer effects. It was fun either way, though I just told the jokes in my head. I was probably the strange, giggling American! :)
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Say goodbye to Trader Sam.

I do hope they keep him, but just alter his appearance and context. In the news thread I posted how the Disneyland version and the MK version are quite different, with the DL version being less of a charicature. He could still use some work, but he's a bit better. They can improve the character but keep him - I hope they do anyway.
Why do people get so bent out of shape about this? If Disney wants to refurb the ride, why does anyone care why they're doing it? It just seems strange that people don't seem to care if the ride is revamped, but they don't want it done because it bothers someone else.

Like, "Cool! They're redoing Jungle Cruise! Wait.... it's because someone else finds it offensive?? NO!!!!"

If you don't want them changing JC because you have nostalgia for it, I'd say, sorry, this isn't Coney Island. It's a 50-year-old ride in the most popular theme park on the planet and it's old and janky. If you don't want them changing JC because it's politically dated, I'd ask why it bothers you to adapt to something being offensive to someone else.

Also, no one is erasing history. But some history belongs in history books and not galavanted as nostalgia. Refurbing Splash Mountain doesn't erase Jim Crow South from the history books. It just stops treating it like it was a big celebration.
I'm all for refreshing things but keeping with the original spirit of the ride. If they can do that with JC then I will be thrilled and I could see why the skippers would be thrilled to have new material and animatronics to deal with.

However, I am not for pandering to those that because they are offended we have to remove everything. Splash mountain has NOTHING to do with slavery. The movie that is based off of did but I would never even know about the movie if it wasn't for people bringing it up and I would guarentee that 95% of Disney park goers wouldn't either. So no the ride isn't treating racism or slavery like it was a celebration.

I agree slavery was bad and I would probably be part of the underground railroad and on the North's side of the civil war. I fundamentally believe that we should all be free to purse life, liberty & happiness. With all that being said erasing these things from our culture does nothing but pander to the people who are offended. Why not use the opportunity to learn about slavery & racism & xenophobia and whatever else so that we don't repeat the mistakes of our ancestors.
The scenes in Jungle Cruise are definitely dated. So excited to see how the storytelling and the updated scenes will bring this ride into the 21st century while maintaining its charm, which, let's be honest, is really provided by a brilliant skipper.
Another ridiculous action from a company over political correctness. I don't think anyone that rides the Jungle Cruise is sitting there thinking that all indigenous people are savages or that this is an actual depiction of anything. SMH... Sigh... I'm just so done with this nonsense...

From some of the more ignorant comments I've heard from guests while on the Jungle Cruise attraction at MK (comments that cannot be posted here on the DIS) some people actually do think that way.

That is fine. Like I stated its just my opinion. It sounds like others love the idea. I find it fake and I don't agree with erasing our history. At least for right now in the US we are still free to express differing ideas. :flower1:

"Differing ideas" - is that like fake news, or opinions on racism, etc? Depicting a race of people inappropriately would fall under which?

Thank you for that. I was thinking the exact same thing. It's a 50 year old ride at an amusement park for crying out loud. If someone is in someway offended by the ride, I'm sorry about that, but maybe they should simply not ride it.

At the same time I'm happy to hear about the renovations. I don't think I could take another lap around that tired old ride! :)

50 year old rides at a theme park can be inappropriate now, just like they were inappropriate then, but no one spoke up. Only 55 years ago we were in the thick of some important civil rights movements.

Maybe I'm just a little trigger happy but if they are truly just doing a re-fresh then that is great. If this is about political correctness then I feel it's ridiculous. I'm willing to admit that maybe I took the announcement the wrong way. :confused3 8-)

Why not use appropriate instead of politically correct, and then it won't be a trigger?

I'm all for refreshing things but keeping with the original spirit of the ride. If they can do that with JC then I will be thrilled and I could see why the skippers would be thrilled to have new material and animatronics to deal with.

However, I am not for pandering to those that because they are offended we have to remove everything. Splash mountain has NOTHING to do with slavery. The movie that is based off of did but I would never even know about the movie if it wasn't for people bringing it up and I would guarentee that 95% of Disney park goers wouldn't either. So no the ride isn't treating racism or slavery like it was a celebration.

I agree slavery was bad and I would probably be part of the underground railroad and on the North's side of the civil war. I fundamentally believe that we should all be free to purse life, liberty & happiness. With all that being said erasing these things from our culture does nothing but pander to the people who are offended. Why not use the opportunity to learn about slavery & racism & xenophobia and whatever else so that we don't repeat the mistakes of our ancestors.

Sure, let's make a ride celebrating an inaccurate portrayal of slavery? How in the world can you make Splash Mountain into what you've posted above? I'm in my 50's and I know about Song of the South, and its original song "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah". Don't count us old people out, and please don't claim ignorance as bliss.

Disney couldn't even include slavery in the American Adventure, for crying out loud. It was about the white family with the two brothers fighting on opposite sides.
They just grabbed free advertising for the summer movie.. I love the way they said oh yeah there may be easter eggs for the summer movie.
It will probably never happen
Really don’t understand people throwing up their arms about this. I love Jungle Cruise for the corny puns and animatronics - the portions depicting natives in an outdated way had always been super cringe worthy (and they weren’t even part of the original ride when it opened!). I’m sure Disney will keep the essence of the ride intact with the skipper, the jokes, and the animal animatronics. I would absolutely be aghast if my culture and background was depicted in a cartoonish caricature from decades ago when I’m in a theme park to have an enjoyable time.

If you’re complaining that you don’t understand why this is being changed because YOU don’t find it offensive, consider having some empathy and that this isn’t about you. Who even uses Jungle Cruise as a history lesson??
I'm all for refreshing things but keeping with the original spirit of the ride. If they can do that with JC then I will be thrilled and I could see why the skippers would be thrilled to have new material and animatronics to deal with.

However, I am not for pandering to those that because they are offended we have to remove everything. Splash mountain has NOTHING to do with slavery. The movie that is based off of did but I would never even know about the movie if it wasn't for people bringing it up and I would guarentee that 95% of Disney park goers wouldn't either. So no the ride isn't treating racism or slavery like it was a celebration.

I agree slavery was bad and I would probably be part of the underground railroad and on the North's side of the civil war. I fundamentally believe that we should all be free to purse life, liberty & happiness. With all that being said erasing these things from our culture does nothing but pander to the people who are offended. Why not use the opportunity to learn about slavery & racism & xenophobia and whatever else so that we don't repeat the mistakes of our ancestors.

making a commitment to do better is not pandering
I'm all for refreshing things but keeping with the original spirit of the ride. If they can do that with JC then I will be thrilled and I could see why the skippers would be thrilled to have new material and animatronics to deal with.

However, I am not for pandering to those that because they are offended we have to remove everything. Splash mountain has NOTHING to do with slavery. The movie that is based off of did but I would never even know about the movie if it wasn't for people bringing it up and I would guarentee that 95% of Disney park goers wouldn't either. So no the ride isn't treating racism or slavery like it was a celebration.

I agree slavery was bad and I would probably be part of the underground railroad and on the North's side of the civil war. I fundamentally believe that we should all be free to purse life, liberty & happiness. With all that being said erasing these things from our culture does nothing but pander to the people who are offended. Why not use the opportunity to learn about slavery & racism & xenophobia and whatever else so that we don't repeat the mistakes of our ancestors.

Song of the South glorifies post Antebellum South and paints African Americans as jolly subordinates. It's not pandering to fix an old mistake that halts nostalgic celebration of a shameful part of our past.

And I have to laugh at your suggestion that we use a children's ride as an avenue to educate young people about slavery, racism and xenophobia. How does that work? While you're sitting with your kids and they're smiling and laughing, are you going to say, "Now, now, Junior. Let's not enjoy ourselves too much. Those animatronics teach an important lesson about the glorification of racial stereotyping!" You can't have Disney ride that's fun and shines a light on the dark side of racism. That's like something out of a Simpsons episode.
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That is fine. Like I stated its just my opinion. It sounds like others love the idea. I find it fake and I don't agree with erasing our history. At least for right now in the US we are still free to express differing ideas. :flower1:
Erasing your history? Come from a long line of cannibals do you? Shrunken head traders perhaps? 🙄
First time since joining the Boards that I've really hesitated to join in a thread. I've read the posts here and sad that so many are condescending to those who have concerns about the proposed changes. The Boards have always been inclusive. Many of us have been flamed for a not so popular opinion. But first time I've seen this level of heat.

I'm concerned with the changes. But I also recognize the real positives. Pros being any $ spent on the attraction means it will continue so that's good. And the pics of the proposed changes I have seen look like they dovetail well into the story line. As opposed to the POC Red Head revamp which was jarring and superficial. But the news release concerns me. Suggests that there may not be a boat skipper but that we follow the 'skipper's story' through the ride. Those real human skippers make the attraction. Those are people who need to work and draw pay. I may be overreacting as haven't read any online source stating no more skippers. But the language is concerning. The other elephant in the room is Trader Sam and also the ambush party. What changes will happen there? Will those revisions be as true to the JC narrative? If not, why not just be honest and announce that the ride will be 'new' and 'upgraded'? Perhaps they will just be disappeared. I understand that society evolves. I understand that everyone needs to see themselves reflected - to at least some degree - in the entertainment they watch. But if we spray paint everything PC beige we 1) forget and cheapen the advancements we have all worked hard to achieve and 2) make every classic ride boring as heck. We need visual cues - conversation starters - of what life was like for women and minorities decades ago. And also cues of what life is like right now for women and minorities. These are important sparks for education and discussions with our kids and families. Shame that we are erasing these moments and opportunities.

It also sounds like there really is a Disney inclusiveness department that has audited all the classic rides in DL and WDW. When so many CMs have lost their jobs, and Epcot centre is a crater, is this really how Disney wants to spend their money? Why not earmark the funds now allocated for this overlay truly for the CMs first and make those first dismissed because of COVID the first to be hired or at least given a fair work offer. Then maybe improve the boats in both POC and Jungle Cruise. Everyone would benefit from better boats that don't soak guests. Talk about truly inclusive. Guessing this department was given the green light pre-COVID but during the pandemic there has been no re-assessment and it has marched ahead. The more honest discussion would be whether revisioning classic attractions at both DL and WDW is truly the priority when CMs are hurting.


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