This Surprise Trip brought to you by Annual Passes! (With a little EPICness Sprinkled in)

That Florida sun is killer! Looks like a fun birthday!! Morgan sleeping on the bus reminds me of the "its my birthday I can cry if I want to" except substitute cry with nap! haha
What a great surprise for Morgan. Lesley went above and beyond with the decorations and gifts. She helped make Morgan's birthday even better. I Love you Birthday Squad shirts! We have love bugs down here too but it's been a few years since they were bad. I can still smell them, they smell horrible when you kill them. It looks like the girls really enjoyed their pool time. I think every kid would rather be in the pool even though there is so much to do in the parks. I always get ideas for good snacks from your reports. Y'all get all the good stuff.
The poor girls looked tired after their pool time! The FL sun can really drain you if you're not careful. Sorry that it dampened the nighttime birthday celebrations, but glad they still powered through. I'm sure looking back, the sunset from Splash mountain and the tasty desserts will be remembered more clearly than the tiredness.
Happy Sunday Everyone! Andy and I leave for Disney on Thursday for our adults only trip!!!I can't wait! I have to pack today and figure out food for my mom and the girls while we are gone. Otherwise, we really don't have much to do for it. Andy said he has a ton of work to do before we leave but hopefully the week will go by fast!

I am cruising through this trip report. Not taking notes makes it shorter! I am totally relying on memory and the photos we took! Yikes! But without further ado, let's get the next day started!

Day Two: May the 4th be with you!

So, when we decided to go forward with this trip, I realized that there was a Disney After Hours Event that weekend in Hollywood Studios AND that it was going to have extra Star Wars stuff with it. I floated the idea by Andy and he was ALL for it! So, today, was another packed day!

Tinkerbell Gifts
And Since it was May the 4th, I "HAD" to get us some new Star Wars gear!

Someone is tired
We all slowly woke up. We tried to not set an alarm, since we were so tired the night before. This is time stamped at 8:15. If you can't tell Morgan was still a tiny bit tired still.

The girls checked out the goodies. And Gwen was in LOVE with her new ears!
Ewok Ears!
Not sure why she is sticking her butt out like that, but.... She kept saying that the ear were ridiculously large!

We had a quick discussion about the day and decided to try and get moving. They had some special May 4th Merch that Andy wanted to try and get. So I said we needed to get moving if that was the case.

We made it to the light house just before 9:00, so that was pretty good. But a boat came and was only able to pick up 4 people.

So, Andy suggested we walk to the park. I didn't think this was such a great idea but Andy didn't want to hear it. So, we walked and walked and walked and walked....

It was already hot and the girls were already tired. It was just not a good idea to waste so much energy so early. BUT we did it.

Walking to HS

And it was faster than waiting for the next boat. I was texting with @Lesley Wake that morning. She was also headed that way and we were planning on meeting up again.

We Made it!
We made it inside the park by 9:30. So not too bad considering we woke up at 8:15!

Once we were inside, Andy split off to try and find the merch, while I was going to take the girls to maybe find something to eat and head over to our first fast passes. We were hoping Andy would make it over to us before we rode but knew we might need to use the first one with out him.

The park was SOOOOOOO Busy!!!! Everyone had come to HS because it was May 4th! YIKES!!!

Me and the girls tired to go into Starbucks, but the lines was outside the store. So, we decided not to wait. We watched the performers right outside of Starbucks for a bit. Then decided to head towards Rock n Rollercoaster.

Most of the food areas down there weren't open yet, but I knew there was that donut cart at the end of ToT, but the girls didn't want donuts... So, we waited a bit. And Andy said that he was able to grab the cup and shirt he wanted and was heading back to us. So, we waited for him to arrive.

We were able to use our Rockn'Rollercoaster Fast pass and get our ride on a limo!

Rock n' Rollercoaster
This was NOT planned.... Gwen's face cracks me up! Me and Morgan look like you are torchuring us and Andy and Gwen are just like Meh, whatever.

After our ride, we decided to head to Toy Storyland to get some breakfast! And we needed it BADLY!!!!

I have no photos of our food but my best guess is the girls got the pop tarts, and Andy and I split the Totchos! I love those things! I do remember that it was annoying to sit and eat outside with the love bugs around everywhere. They were particularly bad in this area.

Ewok Ears
I don't have pictures of our food but I did apparently have a photo shoot with Gwen and her ears while we ate...

Ewok Ear Shadow
She commented on the fact that her ears were even riduculously big in her shadow!

While we ate, I believe we ended up meeting up with @Lesley Wake & @disneyAndi14 along with @chunkymonkey and her DH. We chatted for a bit and then were able to all go and ride Slinky Dog together!

We all managed to have fast passes at the same time, with the exception of one or two others. But we were able to all go together.

Slinky Dog Instructions
I love everything about this ride. All of the details are so cute!

Slinky Ready to Ride
We were ready to ride around 10:45.

Bad Selfie
Andy's amazing selfie work...

Slinky Ride Photo
In line, we chatted with @fallonkendra about where the ride photo was....

M&G Ride Photo

I love Squeezy at the end!

After our ride together, everyone split up to do more items. We had one more fast pass this morning to use, Star Tours!

But first we needed more food! Clearly! So I made everyone stop in the new Incredibles area.

Frozone Slush
Frozone Slush
Fanta® Blue Raspberry with Whipped Cream - Replaced with Cotton Candy

We asked if we could replace the whipped cream with cotton candy. And they gladly did so!

Num Num Cookie
And we split one Num Num Cookie between all of us.

Num Num Cookie with Cotton Candy?
Gwen thought the cookie was missing something... more sugar...

We grabbed a bench and sat down to eat the cookie. We took turns using the bathroom right there as well.

Star Wars Ears
Andy also took this time to make this and post on social media....

I hadn't ordered him ears, as he doesn't wear any....

Street Performers
We watched these two for awhile and then finally headed out.

Up next... well.... more star wars stuff.... let's be real... this whole day was ALOT of Star Wars... you have been warned!
Barbecue Pork Nachos
Barbecue Pork Nachos with Shredded Cheddar Cheese, Pico de Gallo and Avocado Crema

These were suprisingly good! And hit the spot.
Yum! For a pool bar those look pretty dang good.

I of course had to get a drink since I was there!
Of course!!! Disney rule #511

tired and a little sun burnt
They both got a little sun burnt on the faces, it looks. And they were both SOOOOO tired.
Oh poor things. Pool time always sounds so relaxing to me, but the kiddos certainly don't do any semblance of that in there.

We tried to do a ride photo all pointing at the birthday girl, but the guys in front of us had other plans...
Wow, other plans indeed! I'm surprised they didn't censor the guy with his shirt up.

Ooey Gooey Toffee Bread Pudding
I told Morgan to try the Toffee Pudding as her and Andy love Bread Pudding. But Morgan was just so tired, she was just done. I felt bad for her. It was to be her birthday "cake" and she was so tired she barely approciated it.
Poor Morgan. I'm sure this was rough on her.

Happy Sunday Everyone! Andy and I leave for Disney on Thursday for our adults only trip!!!I can't wait! I have to pack today and figure out food for my mom and the girls while we are gone. Otherwise, we really don't have much to do for it. Andy said he has a ton of work to do before we leave but hopefully the week will go by fast!
Sounds good. I'll see ya then :earboy2:

Ewok Ears!
Not sure why she is sticking her butt out like that, but.... She kept saying that the ear were ridiculously large!
OMG those things are huge! They make her look so tiny.

Rock n' Rollercoaster
This was NOT planned.... Gwen's face cracks me up! Me and Morgan look like you are torchuring us and Andy and Gwen are just like Meh, whatever.
The juxtaposition of this is just hilarious!!!!

Slinky Ride Photo
In line, we chatted with @fallonkendra about where the ride photo was....
Clearly you all listened :earboy2:'

Star Wars Ears
Andy also took this time to make this and post on social media....
Looks like someone needs a Star Wars hat
Bacardi Raspberry Rum blended with flavors of Coconut, Pineapple and Raspberry Purée
I love this and have had it a few times in Disney at the pool bars.

After the ride, we decided to just go over and check in for the Dessert party. We were doing the After Dessert Party again. So, we checked in and the whole area was WAY more crowded than in February!!!
It was soooooo crowded in September and not nearly as enjoyable as other times.

Andy and I leave for Disney on Thursday for our adults only trip!!!I can't wait!
Have a great trip!!!! So jealous!

Me and the girls tired to go into Starbucks, but the lines was outside the store. So, we decided not to wait.
We had the same experience last month. It was unbelievable.
Andy and I leave for Disney on Thursday for our adults only trip!!!

How exciting!!

We made it inside the park by 9:30. So not too bad considering we woke up at 8:15!

That is impressive!

We were able to use our Rockn'Rollercoaster Fast pass and get our ride on a limo!

I'm glad Andy made it in time!

She commented on the fact that her ears were even riduculously big in her shadow!

Those are BIG ears haha, but looks like she wore them well!
Lots of fun pool time!! I've always wanted to try out SAB.

Great start and quick too! You guys were MOVIN'! Since I'm not a big SW fan, I steered clear of DHS that day, but know the big group of you had a great time! Love your photos on the rides. You guys crack me up! :)
Looks like someone needs a Star Wars hat
He had been looking for awhile now. And never likes the ones Disney makes... I don't get involved in such matters.

Sounds good. I'll see ya then :earboy2:
Come on down!!! It would be fun!

Poor Morgan. I'm sure this was rough on her.
A few days later, she looked sad, and I asked her what was wrong. And she said she was sad that she didn't try the bread pudding and really enjoy it. That she missed her chance. Oye that girl! It is half the reason I booked Liberty Tree for our February trip! Just so she can have it in all it's glory!

Yum! For a pool bar those look pretty dang good.
They were good again when we had them in August.

We had the same experience last month. It was unbelievable.
I know! Hopefully it won't be too too crowded when we do it in December. Ok, nevermind, it probably will be as it will be Black Friday! But it will be better than trying to find a spot outside that area, for sure!!!

Have a great trip!!!! So jealous!
Thanks! And Ariane will be there, but I don't think we will run into each other, as she is "working" this trip. Boo.

Gwen's ears are so cute! But she is right, they are very big!
The one downside of ordering off of etsy, sometimes it's hard to gauge how big or small something is.

That was a crowded morning! It was fun meeting up with you for the ride and a picture!
Glad we had at least a few run ins!

That is impressive!
I don't think anyone showered, we figured we would save that for our afternoon break.

Great start and quick too! You guys were MOVIN'!
We were, which was great since we were still a bit tired!

Since I'm not a big SW fan, I steered clear of DHS that day, but know the big group of you had a great time!
Probably a good idea!

Hahahahaha, I failed at that ride photo every single time...
I fail at ALOT of the ride Photos!

What a fun start to the day - well besides the walk to the park
The walk wasn't great but we survived it.
Cheese for Gwen and Sausage for Morgan. They said they like it, and it was the second time they got it, so it must have been ok.
Actually doesn't look half bad!
We rested in the room, took turns showering and eating our food. We had spent a good 2 hours at the pool which was nice. BUT the sun and the late night the night before had really taken a toll on the girls! They were beat!
It can really wipe you out! Play hard and crash harder.
I have that we got on the ride around 8:00, so we probably waited a good amount of time.
Seems reasonable though... at least this attraction takes a fair amount of time so you don't wait an hour for a 2 minute attraction.
I told Morgan to try the Toffee Pudding as her and Andy love Bread Pudding. But Morgan was just so tired, she was just done. I felt bad for her. It was to be her birthday "cake" and she was so tired she barely approciated it.
Sorry the dessert wasn't quite up to par with what you had in February.
Andy and I leave for Disney on Thursday for our adults only trip!!!I
Have fun!
We made it inside the park by 9:30. So not too bad considering we woke up at 8:15!
That's not bad. I just hope that walking after the girls were already showing some signs of dragging the night before didn't end up biting you.
I hope you're having fun on your Adult only trip.

And Since it was May the 4th, I "HAD" to get us some new Star Wars gear!

This makes perfect sense.

If you can't tell Morgan was still a tiny bit tired still.

Poor kid.

And Gwen was in LOVE with her new ears!

These are super cute and huge.

So, Andy suggested we walk to the park. I didn't think this was such a great idea but Andy didn't want to hear it. So, we walked and walked and walked and walked....

We made the walk from Trattoria al Forno to DHS once. It was pretty hot.

Me and the girls tired to go into Starbucks, but the lines was outside the store. So, we decided not to wait. We watched the performers right outside of Starbucks for a bit. Then decided to head towards Rock n Rollercoaster.

We love stopping there for breakfast. Sorry it was so crowded. The last time we stopped there the performers where inside acting up while we were in line. We loved it!

Rock n' Rollercoaster
This was NOT planned.... Gwen's face cracks me up! Me and Morgan look like you are torchuring us and Andy and Gwen are just like Meh, whatever.

So much going on in this picture!

I love everything about this ride. All of the details are so cute!

I can't wait to ride this in December.

But first we needed more food! Clearly! So I made everyone stop in the new Incredibles area.

More sugar too!


Love this! Everyone's ears are so cute. Poor Andy. DH wouldn't wear ears either. Doesn't want to participate but hates not being included. Can't win for losing.
I'm here! Really enjoying so far...I may have gone a little nuts with the multi-quote...

But the best was once we landed, someone got up to use the bathroom while we were still taxi-ing. The flight attendants were yelling at the person to sit down. She didn't listen. So, the pilot literally stopped the plane where we were and we waited for her to come out of the bathroom. They were banging on the bathroom door to get the lady out. It was bizzare. And then once she was finally done and back and her seat, we taxied some more and then had to stop again, because there was lightening in the area and the ground crew had to go inside.
Um...what?! What is wrong with some people? That's ridiculous!

Andy and the girls went out the door right by the Beach Club Counter Service and poor Lesley was hiding behind some bushes trying to not let the girls see her. Thankfully, they are all oblivious and didn't see her. I met up with lesley adn we headed to her room.

Which was on the other side of the resort from us!!! And met up with @disneyAndi14 in there room. Lesley had spent part of her rest time blowing up balloons for Morgan! She had brought with her Star Wars balloons and some other Star Wars decorations and gifts! all the way from California with her.

Caroline, Lesley and I managed to carry all the gifts and decorations in one trip all the way across the hotel to our room. And get everything decorated before Andy came back with the girls. Which he got lost on the way, and after they found everthing, assumed that he has done it on purpose!
How fun! That's so sweet and so exciting for Morgan. :) Disfriends are the best. :)

There was some sort of heated discussion between Morgan and Gwen and resulted with Morgan "locking" Gwen in the closet...
LOL this had me actually laughing out loud and showing my husband. Sisterly love indeed. Reminds me of me and my sister. Awesome. :)

We did pit stop and pick up these beauties.

Wonderland Slushy
Minute Maid® Raspberry Lemonade with Fanta® Grape and a Candy-coated Straw

It was good, and the straw made it super sweet! But I mean it's candy on a straw.
I got this on my most recent trip and thought it was awesome. My only complaint was the paper straw that like disintegrated before I was done!

The candied bacon has become a staple for Andy and Gwen. And I fear for when they get rid of it.
DANG! I knew we forgot to get something! It looks so gooooooood...

It was awsome meeting them!!! And I am so glad it worked out, as I think they are gone again. Maybe they will bring them back out if the P&F movie does well on Disney+
That's awesome! Disney birthday pixie dust. :D

But we had to head back to Magic Kingdom for a special evening for Morgan!

At 6:30, we were on a bus back to Magic Kingdom and this was Morgan...
Soooo tired
Aw, sleeeeeeeeeeeeepy Morgan!

I told Morgan to try the Toffee Pudding as her and Andy love Bread Pudding. But Morgan was just so tired, she was just done. I felt bad for her. It was to be her birthday "cake" and she was so tired she barely approciated it.
Aw, poor thing. It's hard when you don't want to waste any Disney time but your body is like "uh, still need sleep and rest, remember?!"

The park was SOOOOOOO Busy!!!! Everyone had come to HS because it was May 4th! YIKES!!!
Ok, so I'm jealous of you getting to go to HS on May the 4th, but also kind of not 'cause I'm sure it was insane!

Rock n' Rollercoaster
This was NOT planned.... Gwen's face cracks me up! Me and Morgan look like you are torchuring us and Andy and Gwen are just like Meh, whatever.
This is the best picture ever!!!! :rotfl2:

Frozone Slush
Fanta® Blue Raspberry with Whipped Cream - Replaced with Cotton Candy
And we split one Num Num Cookie between all of us.
I thought the slushie and num num cookie was surprisingly good (though I kept the whipped cream... :D)--I actually had it for lunch on two days on my last trip.

Can't wait to read more, but I hope you're having a great time on your adults only trip!
Well, at some point, we decided to squeeze in a quick trip for Morgan's birthday since we had the passes! Makes sense right?
Yup! :thumbsup2

Andy and I leave for Disney on Thursday for our adults only trip!!!I can't wait!
Yay!!! I was so late to this current TR that I didn't even realize your adults only snuck right up! I hope you're having a wonderful time :goodvibes
Enjoying your report so far! How fun to do a surprise trip for your daughter's birthday! We went twice for my oldest daughter's birthday (which is also in May). That was before my youngest was born and when she got a little older and saw pictures, she wanted to celebrate her birthday there too. The problem is that her birthday is August 1 and I'm not sure I want to be in Florida in August, LOL. We went a few years ago in October and just celebrated her birthday then. Hope you are enjoying your adults only trip!
I believe you're back from your trip now; hope you guys had fun! It got HOT down there didn't it????

o, Andy suggested we walk to the park. I didn't think this was such a great idea but Andy didn't want to hear it. So, we walked and walked and walked and walked....
I do love the walk to HS from the Boardwalk but yeah it's not quick and better to do when it's not hot.
This was NOT planned.... Gwen's face cracks me up! Me and Morgan look like you are torchuring us and Andy and Gwen are just like Meh, whatever.

😂 You look like you're crying lmao!


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