Parents of the Class of 2019

Fun! I hope she had a great time.

Our prom is a week from tomorrow. DS wasn't planning to go, but thought he and some friends (who also aren't planning to go) might do something together. However, he just got his work schedule and he's working that night. Apparently he forgot to request off ("Wait? Prom's *next* weekend?"), and I'm sure anybody who didn't specifically request off got scheduled! I was kind of hoping he'd change his mind at the last minute and go stag, but guess it isn't happening now.
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D committed to WPI in Worcester, MA on Tuesday. We are very excited for her, it's the best fit of the schools she applied to, but it's 900 miles away! That's the only hesitation. I know as soon as she is there she won't be missing home. Most of her BFFs are going even further than she is, but in the opposite direction.

My DD will be at Clark in Worcester (1300 miles away) so I hear you! Congrats on a decision made.

We addressed and mailed our 17 whole invitations today (no one gave me a list so I just ordered the fewest possible). DH and DD griped because we ran out so quickly (I gave her father 8 for himself and his family---again, he gave me no input when ordering) but since no one had told me how many I just went with the smallest amount. I get tired of being the only one to plan ahead.

That said, I had told DD she had to pay her fees and fines ($251 worth) prior to her county sponsored trip to Orlando last week...and she didn't so she will not be attending Prom tomorrow night. There were tears but actions (and lack of) have consequences.

I am definitely ready for the end of the year...only 7 more full days of classes, then senior signing day, senior picnic, then IB/AP exams in May. Whew, we're almost there:)
DS is still waiting to see school #4 before making a decision. This will happen on Monday, and I suspect school #4 isn't going to be the one, but he has to be sure. Here's hoping he makes a decision within the week!

in other news, DS is going to the prom! I didn't think he was going, as he doesn't know a lot of girls (attends an all boys school and his work and extra curricular stuff is mostly boys). A friend set him up with his girlfriend's sister, so he's happy.
The announcements are addressed and waiting for stamps. DS registered today for an event that one of the local-ish news stations does every year for the top students of each of the area schools; he doesn't want to go but is going because he knows I think he should. He is starting to think about writing his speech for graduation, and we know what day he moves into the dorm.

He has not done anything about looking for a roommate. His school has an app that they can use to connect to others to help the search, and he downloaded the app and registered with his name but that is all he has done.
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Ok Dd heard back from the in state college I made her apply to, with merit COA is half of UDel (where she got the top scholarships before free ride). She’s going to send an email stating the reasons why she wants to attend, and what she has to offer. She still has a rigorous schedule (3 AP’s) and mostly all A’s (and will most likely have all A’s for the final), and she just found out from her track coach that she’s 8th in the class out of over 300 (they don’t tell class rank but he was nominating her for some scholarship). We are going on Friday for Saturday’s accepted students day.

Oh, and she’s meeting her boyfriend of almost 2 years right now, he’s home from college for Easter, and I think she’s breaking up with him. Right now, she really just wants to have fun with her friends, and her friend group has guys in it, and her boyfriend gets jealous, which annoys her. Poor guy has no idea this is coming.
Ok Dd heard back from the in state college I made her apply to, with merit COA is half of UDel (where she got the top scholarships before free ride). She’s going to send an email stating the reasons why she wants to attend, and what she has to offer. She still has a rigorous schedule (3 AP’s) and mostly all A’s (and will most likely have all A’s for the final), and she just found out from her track coach that she’s 8th in the class out of over 300 (they don’t tell class rank but he was nominating her for some scholarship). We are going on Friday for Saturday’s accepted students day.

Oh, and she’s meeting her boyfriend of almost 2 years right now, he’s home from college for Easter, and I think she’s breaking up with him. Right now, she really just wants to have fun with her friends, and her friend group has guys in it, and her boyfriend gets jealous, which annoys her. Poor guy has no idea this is coming.

So she is going to ask UDel for more money, is that it? Will she attend in-state if UDel doesn't match?

Awww, I feel bad for the break-ups when one has no idea. Hope that goes reasonably well...

We spent the day at the in-laws yesterday and of course Grandma wanted to know how many days of school left. DD hadn't been counting because she doesn't really want to leave school so figuring out it was only 2.5 weeks sounded a little shocking!
Phew, room selection is done and they got what they wanted. There was only one room of two available. DD was temporarily swayed by the suites looking cooler but I pointed out that the bedrooms in the suites are a lot smaller and they would get two suitemates not of their choosing. Her roommate also wanted the room of two.

So, they have a 14x19 room with their own bathroom in the corner of it, on the top floor. Should be pretty nice.
Well, our DD still hasn't made a final decision, the UMass counselors haven't gotten back to her yet with a student she can talk to. We've given her a couple of days to get it sorted, then she has to make the decision regardless!

The kids have 15 days of school left here, our AP tests are given in that time, so actually only about 10 days. The party is organized, still have to get to the stores and buy food and such.

The worst news for DD is that her road trip with friends this summer has fallen through. Apparently, even though I knew all about it, and she's been planning it with her friends at their houses and at mine, the other parents weren't kept as in the loop as I was, or decided they had more concerns and nixed it. She's out some money because they did put deposits down on campgrounds and pre-paid for a couple of hotels. One is refundable, one isn't. She's pretty pissed about it, but now has an extra 2 weeks in the summer I guess.
So she is going to ask UDel for more money, is that it? Will she attend in-state if UDel doesn't match?

Awww, I feel bad for the break-ups when one has no idea. Hope that goes reasonably well...

We spent the day at the in-laws yesterday and of course Grandma wanted to know how many days of school left. DD hadn't been counting because she doesn't really want to leave school so figuring out it was only 2.5 weeks sounded a little shocking!
Yes, there is an online appeal. I think she will go there regardless, but knows graduate school will need to be in state. She didn’t break up with him, he aired some grievances, which made her feel better. He says he doesn’t feel like he can trust her. He’s home from college in two weeks, I don’t know if she will last that long.

We still have two months until graduation !
Just did a recalculation and as of Sunday there were 3.5 weeks left, not 2.5. Makes me feel a little better. Graduation is May 19. The 15th is their last day and that is just a graduation practice and breakfast.
Our graduation is also May 19.

I know they have a senior picnic on the 15th and a breakfast/grad practice on the 17th... but I'm not sure what else. I've heard that seniors get out early, but I'm not sure when. And DS has AP exams (including ones on the 15th and 16th) that I know he'll need to sit for.
Well, our DD still hasn't made a final decision, the UMass counselors haven't gotten back to her yet with a student she can talk to. We've given her a couple of days to get it sorted, then she has to make the decision regardless!

The kids have 15 days of school left here, our AP tests are given in that time, so actually only about 10 days. The party is organized, still have to get to the stores and buy food and such.

The worst news for DD is that her road trip with friends this summer has fallen through. Apparently, even though I knew all about it, and she's been planning it with her friends at their houses and at mine, the other parents weren't kept as in the loop as I was, or decided they had more concerns and nixed it. She's out some money because they did put deposits down on campgrounds and pre-paid for a couple of hotels. One is refundable, one isn't. She's pretty pissed about it, but now has an extra 2 weeks in the summer I guess.

That’s a bummer. I took a road trip with 5 other friends after HS and it was a blast. 3 parents tried to torpedo it at the last minute, and at one point it looked like only 3 of us would go. But, ultimately we all went.
Has anyone looked into laptops or waiting for back to school sales? PC vs Mac?

I know DD would like a Mac for her theatre stuff, but she’s used to a Chromebook now for HS.
Has anyone looked into laptops or waiting for back to school sales? PC vs Mac?

I know DD would like a Mac for her theatre stuff, but she’s used to a Chromebook now for HS.

We got our son a gaming laptop a year or so ago, so I'm hoping it will be good to go for at least a couple years. I figured worst case scenario, it will be good enough for a time being and we can get him something new for Christmas one year if he needs something else.
My DS has a Macbook Air that's only 2-3 years old. I think that should start him off fine. He's submitted his housing and dining info and signed up for an orientation. DH has run the numbers to figure out how we're going to pay for it all.
He's decided when he wants his graduation party and has already been invited to one. Graduation is May 30; last day for seniors (not including grad practice) is May 22, which I think is also their senior picnic. I'm glad AP testing is before all the senior stuff for us. Next he needs to either contact his last year's summer job people or apply for the job he keeps saying he's going to apply for. And he needs to take a math test online before orientation in June. Time is going too fast!
Doorbell rang tonight, two members of the local rotary club letting Dd know she won the $1500 scholarship (for four years, so $6000). She was teaching a dance class but got home right after they arrived. Our town is small (3 miles), 27000 residents, everyone knows everyone, we had a half hour conversation about all of our connections, and our family was invited to the rotary dinner in May. We live in such a metropolitan old school town.


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